. Денят, в който всичко се променило, започнал както обикновено за…
Category: Mission (page 9)
Scotty – 3 days with a gunshot wound to the chest
. The day everything changed started just like any other day…
Meli wird ihr Augenlicht verlieren! Bitte helft uns, sie vor der Dunkelheit zu beschuetzen!
Als wir Meli das erste Mal sahen, sass sie unbeweglich und zusammengekruemmt…
Мели бавно ослепява, помогнете да спрем тъмнината!
Когато зърнахме Мели за първи път, неподвижно сгушена на асфалта на столична…
Meli is losing her eyes, please help keep darkness away!
When we first saw Meli, unmoving and hunkered down on the very edge…
EMERGENCY!!! Lamborie – twice lucky, third time dead?
. Meet Lamborie — owner surrender and gas chamber survivor. ‘Owner…
Pippin – dying in the ditch of human cruelty
. Pippin tried to become invisible, curling up in a tight ball…
Kiera — Monster or Kitten?
. Kiera was rescued in provincial Indonesia and we don’t know what happened…
Martin Went Blind so His Owners Abandoned Him on the Streets
. Martin was once a loved pet, handsome, healthy, luxurious fur a point…
Anjela, and 2 Things You Didn’t Know About Animal Rescue
. 1. Every day we get asked for help. Animal rescue groups receive…