UPDATE September 15 It’s a new dawn for Punk. The old broken…
Author: The Let's Adopt! Global Team (page 25)
Let's Adopt! Global is a different kind of animal rescue. One that believes that animals have no nationalities and that there are truly no limits to what one can achieve when working as a community on behalf of an animal in need.
Monkey: Why the animals need a hero
I called a vet’s clinic in Lebanon today. I said “good morning,…
I AM MONKEY!!!! The Book
What you have just seen is the first video I ever took…
Mugsy, the cat that fights alligators is very sick, please help
“I have wrestled with an alligator. I done tussled with a whale.…
Andre, a Pekingese broken in the desert
This is an amazing story, and we are going to need your…
Saving Kitty Monica
An early morning call. Right under the exit of the airconditioning machine…
Betty: Hunted, shot twice, left paralyzed
Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to…
Saving Kimbo from a horror in India
UPDATE AUGUST 2 Kimbo was operated. The procedure was been long…
Shuuja’s American Journey
This is an emergency call to all animal lovers. What you are…
Help us stop Arnie from going blind
UPDATE JULY 20 The operation was a total success… The stitches healed…