Monkey: Why the animals need a hero

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I called a vet’s clinic in Lebanon today.
I said “good morning, how are you?”
The lady who helps answered: ” Not good, Monkey is sick. ”

Sevine Fakhoury Zahran

We live in a rapidly changing world where Heros are in crisis. The traditional forms of heroism, feats of physical strength and ability to overcome obstacles, taking risks on the service of a noble cause or idea have been replaced by a heroism associated to the number of Youtube views, or popularity defined by popularity’s sake, without any real meaning or substance behind.

This is why the reaction of peoples around the world to MONKEY’s sickness is so striking and invites us to reflection. This is where Monkey’s importance as a symbol lies. It’s not because of what he is, all we are talking about here is a tiny stray kitty picked up from the garbage. He’s important because of the way he makes all of us feel about ourselves, because of what he represents. It is an absolute wonder that an apparently insignificant being can connect with so many people of so many nationalities and backgrounds and mean something very deep to each and everyone of them. That is, in itself, a universal of message of HOPE.

But there is something else… it’s human nature to both crave and elevate a hero whilst at  the same time to try to negate him. It’s quite apparent, once you start thinking about it, that every human hero carries with him both adoring fans as well as determined detractors. It is said that someone willing to act heroically fundamentally challenges our notions of ourselves, at times, shattering them. Thus, heroes are, in a way, dangerous to our social order. It’s in our DNA to search for an alternative explanation that fits our own cynical view of the world. “See, I told you so, no one could be that good.”


You will give the people an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time they will join you in the sun. In time you will help them accomplish wonders.
Jor-El. Man Of Steel

And here is where you can find the secret to Monkey’s universal appeal. He’s more than just a human. Monkey is not affected by our cynical views of the world, or by our own moral choices, by our likes or dislikes. Monkey is beyond reproach, immune to attacks or criticisms, there can be no doubt about the actions and views of kitty, because he is, by nature and in essence, pure.

Only a fool would criticize or attack a little kitty. Only someone capable of the highest cruelty, would try to hurt him in any way.

Monkey is very sick at the moment, and I’m going to use this post, to provide daily updates about his condition. I would also want to let you know that the best way to help him, as well as the many animals that he represents, is to contribute to his book project: I AM MONKEY!. Each and every cent raised by this photo book, it’s already being used to pay for Let’s Adopt! rescue operations. If you agree with what I wrote, and you wish to support Monkey’s heroic journey, please Chipin on Monkey’s Book… It’s important.


DAY 1.

He has fallen prey of a VIRAL infection affecting his upper respiratory system. We are fighting to stop infection from spreading to his lungs. The X-rays tell us to be cautious.
MONKEY wants me to tell you that he loves you, now, and forever, and that once he is well again, he will continue fighting for those that have no chance.
For now, to support him and the work of Let’s Adopt!, please consider ordering a copy of his book, I AM MONKEY!!!.. All proceeds are being put to use to finance LAG rescues. This kitty, MONKEY, is saving lives… please support him… he needs it today more than ever.

DAY 2.

This was his condition yesterday night. He spent the day at the clinic but came home to spend the night. It got worst. The VIRUS is progressing…
Right now he is is in an Oxygen chamber and being treated with the best modern medicine can offer, including Feline Interferon Omega, a most powerful Immune Booster.
MONKEY thanks YOU for all your messages of support, love and care… Sadly, there are some out there that rejoice at the thought of seeing our beautiful kitty suffering and in mortal danger, but to those I say, MONKEY WILL RISE!!!
Below.. one of such comments so that you get to see the kind of detritus we are having to deal with:
“Jessica Ames: So now he’s sick? Could this be a set up for his sudden death and then you’re gonna blame it on someone else because you don’t know how to care for your own animals?”

Garbage, really… garbage.

I AM MONKEY!!! (Sneeeze!.. Sneeze!!!)
I WANT MY FRIENDS TO HEAL ME (see the difference you asshole?)
I’m writing from the clinic. They are taking very good care of me here. This morning my very blond and handsome vet (he’s just the opposite of Viktor, really), made me bleed to do some tests. It wasn’t painful but I was scared of that long thing that stings like a bee.
When he came back he was smiling. He said I don’t have FIV (Cat Aids!!!) and I don’t have FeLV (Leukemia) so I said MEOW!!!!!!
He sent my blood to the laboratory to figure out WHAT KIND OF VIRUS I have.
Thank you to all of you that are rooting for me and sending me good wishes. And to those that want to kill me, GO TO HELL.

Day 3

He’s not doing too good, but NOT TOO BAD either, he’s just very uncomfortable. We have him on IV we have built him a little “apartment” in the Oxygen Box.
He’s on the most powerful inmune / energy boosters including Feline Interferon Omega as well as pure raw meat that he is eating like a lion.
We just gave him some drops of Synulox to fight off infection and HE HAS STARTED MAKING BUBBLES… poor thing, he hates it!.
Anyway, Monkey wanted me to tell you that HE IS FIGHTING!!!!!!!

There is something very special about MONKEY. We got him out of his resting place to take some new X-rays to watch his lungs. EVERYONE stops when they see him. I have never seen such a strong reaction from people to a kitty. He has three doctors and as many nurses at his constant service. If there was ever a VIP patient, that’s Monkey here today.
He still not well at all, he is extremely tired, yesterday we didn’t sleep anything and today with all these meds and tests I know he hasn’t rested either.

Day 3

I AM MONKEY!!! and I’m fighting like the little tiger I am!!!
See me now? They are cleaning my eyes and putting cream and drops, if they don’t I will go blind.
I feel very sorry for the kitties in the world that don’t have a family and as many friends as I do…
But I must be positive now. I must fight.
Thank you for all your support and for helping Let’s Adopt! rescue other kitties like me…
I LOVE YOU … Meoooow….

Just arrived from the clinic.
MONKEY continues his fight. Fever is under control but he’s tired and he is having a lot of trouble breathing. As I stood up to leave he started meowing and extending his little leg through the bars of the cage. It broke my heart to leave him there.
This evening I don’t want to publish a picture of him as he looks right now, but as he was, and will forever be, to me.
Good night.

Day 4:

MONKEY: Viktor, what the hell is happening to me? I want to go home. Take me home.
Viktor: You are very ill Monkey, we are all trying to help you. I will bring you home with me soon.
MONKEY: Do you think BATMAN could help me?
Viktor: I don’t know Monkey… I don’t know…. Please try to relax and sleep…..



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17 comments on “Monkey: Why the animals need a heroAdd yours →

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  1. You can do it, Monkey baby. You are a great fighter and you will rise above this! Sending light and love… and kisses and cuddles… and hope and support. xxoo <3<3<3

    And fuck those idiots. Don't let their stupidity and ignorance make you doubt your will and strength to survive. And tell Viktor he is amazing.

  2. catherine howell says:

    Monkey, my best and most positive thoughts and prayers are with you, Dear Kitty!

    catherine xxoo

  3. Mutlu Jones says:

    Hi Viktor,
    just noticed that Monkey is sick, I am so sorry to hear that 🙁 In my culture we call it a “nazar”, if something is beautiful and meaningful as Monkey as it is, usually gets this kind of luck. Because some evil minded people can’t handle the good in this world. It is their evil eye. Maybe sounds silly to you but I believe in it. You know who they are…They won’t win.
    I just donated $10 toward Monkey’s chipin. I am praying for Monkey to get better soon. I love Monkey. He deserves all the good things in life.
    Good protect you and the Monkey.
    Bless you…
    Take Care

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Dear Mutlu,
      Many thanks… Nazar indeed I hope…
      LA Global opens to Canada again today… 🙂
      Love you guys… hope all is well..

  4. Jodie York says:


  5. Ginette Dominique says:

    Poor Little Monkey, sweet thing you get passed this illness, everyone has you in their prayers, God Bless those helping you with the fight.

  6. Get well soon Monkey.

    I’m so sorry to hear you are sick. I’m rooting for you!

  7. Get better monkey the forgotten kitty’s of the world NEED YOU to stand up for them an let the humans in this hateful human world know that stray an forgotten kitty’s need love an a safe place to live an not to be hated an for the humans that care you are there HERO I am one of the humans that care an monkey you are my hero I found a street kitten to weeks ago that looks like you an I named him MONKEY so my friend get better the world NEEDS YOU I need you an the kitty’s of the world needs YOU. =^..^=

  8. How is he today? I really want to hear good news.

    Stay strong and soldier on both of you!

  9. freedom angel says:

    hang on little monkey!
    You’re an angel, a beautiful star that will light up and all will be well!
    do not give up and keep on fighting, your owner is with you.
    I pray for you little monkey, because you’re a gift from god.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Just got this…
      Passing it directly on to Monkey himself.. 🙂

  10. Gil-Ann Wilder says:


  11. Keep fighting little Monkey and never give up I know you will be better soon

  12. Hello Victor

    How is Monkey doing? great I hope PLEASE PLEASE keep us updated on monkey. He is the voice for all of the forgotten cats an kittens all around this hateful non-caring human world an for me he is the power that keeps me going when I find a sick or abandon cat or kitten I have made part of my welding shop a home for the forgotten cats an kitten where I live I call it Paw Town Cats have bend doing this for over ten years an thanks to monkey an Let’s adopt I do not feel along in the fight to save street kitty’s or Moggies (in the UK that is a slang word for mutt cats) I love my Moggies. Victor I would like to send you a picture of my monkey if it is OK with you email me if it is OK Peace be with you an thank you for caring for all of the Moggies around the world. =^..^=

  13. What is the update regarding Monkey? Is he better or was he not able to beat the infection?

    1. Yes! Monkey recovered quite well and is ruling the roost now. He is apparently top dog/cat/ and head of household. LOL! Thanks for asking about him.