I AM MONKEY!!!! The Book

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What you have just seen is the first video I ever took of Monkey, and at the time I had no idea that that little thing wriggling in my hands was going to become such an important part of my life.

I am Viktor Larkhill, the Founder and President of Let’s Adopt Global, the international animal rescue group, and the feline in my hands is Monkey, one of the most sensational cats I have ever met. MONKEY is pure magic.

On the surface, Monkey was just another tiny mixed breed feral kitty. The kind of kitties that so unjustly end up dead in Kill-Shelters all across the world. But from the moment I rescued him it was clear that Monkey was different. His reactions, his moves, his personality had nothing to do with those of any other cat I had met so far. Monkey for instance, has no fear. Whilst any other cat, faced with the choice of fight or flight will run away as fast as possible, Monkey will stand his ground. Even if this means squaring off against a totally confused and disoriented great dane100 times his size.

Whilst the majority of cats dislike water intensely, Monkey never misses an opportunity to go into the shower or even better, take a dip in the pool to everyone’s astonishment. The variety of expressions, the pride of his stance, and the contrast between his physical fragility and the strength of his character have turned Monkey into a household name for tens of thousands of people.

“I Am Monkey”, is a photographic journey through Monkey’s life. A story told by himself, in his own uniquely endearing style.

Join Monkey and myself in this wonderful project today. Monkey is donating each and every penny raised through this Chipin will be used to fund Let’s Adopt Rescue Operations. This is no ordinary book, this is chance to help us tell the incredible story of a kitty that invisible to the world would have died starved and unknown, but that helped by a new technology became a role model and inspiration for an entire community.

As the little furry devil himself would say:

I Am Monkey !!!
There are no ordinary cats
But I’m truly special…
Join me in this adventure today!!

What are you waiting for? Please read the Perks below, Choose how much you want to help this project get off the ground and help Monkey tell his story to the world today!


Chipin $4 or more

The digital preview edition of I Am Monkey, available to you first, before any other versions are delivered to anyone, anywhere. We’ll send you a link to the entire book on a specially formatted website, available to read online only for four days, and then it’s gone.

Chipin $10 or more

Monkey himself will send you a copy of his E-Book, in a variety of formats, directly to your inbox.

Chipin $20 or more

A copy of the E-Book, sent by Monkey himself (really, no kidding) plus a HD wallpaper/screen saver specially designed for you.

Chipin $40 or more

A copy of the E-book, plus 3 HD Wallpapers/screen savers selected from Monkey’s most incredible pictures included in the book.

Chipin $75 or more

A copy of the E-book, plus 5 HD Wallpapers/screen savers with Monkey’s most outstanding pictures PLUS a copy of my first e-book, Let’s Adopt!: The Journeys.
Let’s Adopt: The Journey is a personal account of the history of the best animal rescue group in the world, Let’s Adopt! including amazing pictures by some of the most talented photographers in the Let’s Adopt! community.

Chipin $300 or more

SPONSOR LEVEL: All of the above plus a 250 word blurb, written by you, subject to Viktor’s approval, to be appended to the end of the e-book edition of I Am Monkey

Chipin $500 or more


Viktor and Monkey will organize a teleconference with you. As you know, Monkey is one of the busiest cats in the world, but you will get to talk to him for an hour, time during which you will also be able to discuss with Viktor any animal welfare issues that may affect you. Viktor and Monkey will be delighted to provide you guidance on the issue and help you resolve it whenever possible.

So… are you ready? Have you chosen? Please support this incredible project TODAY!!!

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