Mugsy, the cat that fights alligators is very sick, please help

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“I have wrestled with an alligator.
I done tussled with a whale.
I done handcuffed lightning,
thrown thunder in jail.
That’s bad!
Muhammad Ali

Meet Mugsy, one of the most famous cats in the world.
About a year and a half ago Mugsy went from stray cat to internet god status when he was filmed by a tourist attacking and defeating a couple of alligators.
The feline version of Muhammad Ali took youtube by storm and ended up on Discovery Channel.
Mugsy is fearless, Mugsy is brave, Mugsy bitch-slaps alligators… and any cat that does that, deserves our respect.

Some have gone as far as saying Mugsy is immortal…

Unfortunately, and as if to prove everyone wrong, Mugsy has fallen sick, very sick. It all started with an abscess on his neck, evident weakness and difficulty walking. Doctors cannot figure out what the problem is and have suggested an MRI to detect a possible tumor in his skull.

Mugsy doesn’t understand what the fuss is all about, he just wants to go back to the swamp to terrorize those alligators but his owners are terribly worried.

This is our chance to help this incredible cat, that, like boxing legend Muhammad Ali, wrestles with alligators, every single day. To help him, I have set up this Chipin that is directly linked to Mugsy’s owner’s paypal. All donations will go directly to him to cover his medical treatment.

Do you love Mugsy? Would you like to continue his carefree life as the King of the Swamp? If so, please help him and put him on the way to recovery.

Please donate to Mugsy’s Chipin TODAY.
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