Sahip Ç?kal?m!’?n dünkü mesaj? WordPress’in en çok okunan mesajlar? aras?ndayd? dün. WordPress’te 5.213.006 blog var. Dün, 28 Ekim günü, okuyucu s?ralamas?nda 79. s?radayd?k!
Bu ne demek? Aç?k ve net olarak demek ki B?Z TÜRK?YE’N?N EN ÇOK OKUNAN BLOG’UYUZ!
Bunu nas?l becerdik? Sadece ve sadece “gerçek” olarak. Uydurmayarak. Do?runun yan?nda yer alarak. Politik oyunlar oynamayarak. Ve, çok önemli bir nokta: yard?m ederek. Okuyuculara yard?m ederek, topluma yard?m ederek, her ?eyden önemlisi, kurtard???m?z hayvanlara yard?m ederek…
Bizi bu noktaya getirdi?iniz için te?ekkürler. Çok te?ekkürler.
?imdi, bu herhalde payla??lmas? gereken bir haber. Lütfen mümkün olan her yerde payla??n!
Viktor Larkhill
Let’s Adopt! post of yesterday was one of the most generic xanax companies read posts on WordPress. There are 5.213.006 blogs on WordPress. Yesterday, 28 of October, we ranked 79 in terms of number of readers worldwide!
What does this mean? It just means that WE ARE THE MOST WIDELY READ BLOG IN TURKEY.
How did we do it? Quite simply by being real. By not faking it. By standing for the truth, by not playing political games and, very importantly, by being helpful. Helpful to the readers, helpful to the community and above all, helpful to the animals we save…
Thank you all for helping us get to this point.
Now, I think this is news that need sharing. So share them anyway you can.
Viktor Larkhill
Saniye saniye takip ettik!!! Büyük bir basari ve hepimize ait!! Let’s Adopt! ROCKS!
Hep beraber daha çok şeyler başaracagiz ! Congratulations !
Bravo! Congratulations to all helped this become a reality…especially in Turkey!
gurur duydum !
Dedicated to VL: YOU made the impossible, possible…. “Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)”…