Help us save Luna, slammed against a wall… broken.

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A case of domestic abuse. An alcoholic abuser releases his rage on the family kitten by slamming her against the wall.
For the last 24 hours Luna has been in the Intensive Care Unit. It remains grave.
A bit of good news: the two girls and the mother have left and moved to their grandparent’s home.
They walk among us, the brutes, the subhumans living under a mask of civility when not so deep down they are nothing but beasts. Wrong. Not beasts… animals live under the code of nature. Men of this kind follow no code except the immediate fulfillment of their most basic desires.

Here is a young kitty, Luna, laying at our clinic with multiple fractures and internal injuries very similar to the ones typically caused by a car crash but just that this time it wasn’t a car, but an absolutely brutal man, a 50 something year old, alcoholic, father of two young teenagers that, after an argument with his daughters decided to hurt where it would hurt more by killing their baby cat, Luna.

I cannot repeat what the girls told me. I could barely understand it. Theirs was an explanation filled with tears and given mostly with gestures, gestures describing a big man, grabbing Luna from her neck and repeatedly slamming her against the concrete wall. Time and time again until she stopped moving willingly and began shaking.

And that was the condition in which Luna has arrived to us. Wrapped inside a towel, shaking in a uncontrollable state of shock, gasping for air. Barely alive. It has been horrible. I’ve seen a lot, but I’m not ready for cases like these. This gets to me.

Baby Luna wasn’t expecting anything like this to happen. She was happily sleeping on top of those baby dolls before her world crashed and she started slamming the walls.

We have multiple fractures and possible internal injuries we are not yet able to evaluate.

Luna is right now being stabilized, receiving IV fluids and slowly recovering from shock. She will be operated from her injuries as soon as her condition allows.

Luna will not go back home. In tears, the two girls have given her to us. They know they can’t bring her back home ever again. They know their father will kill her.

Update October 8

Luna was calm through the night but she has been experiencing a very complicated day so far. As you can see in the X-ray, her left lung (left area covered in white) is soaked in blood and the liquid is spreading. This order prescription xanax online puts a lot of pressure on her and stops her from being able to breath normally. This is why she is having such breathing difficulty.

We are about to start draining, we hope to be able to stop the bleeding!

Update October 10

It’s been a 36 hour battle against death. 

Luna was chocking in her own blood, internal bleeding was putting pressure in her lungs and heart, for a moment it looked like she wouldn’t make it. 

We drained the blood, we managed to stop the hemorrhage, and finally, yesterday evening, it became obvious that the crisis was under control. Her breathing became normal and paused, she relaxed and for the first time since she came to us her eyes started shinning, bright like a blue sun.

We have won a battle against death, but the war is not over…  we are going to wait a couple of days until the situation is totally under control and then we’ll be tackling the fractures in her hip and sacrum. It won’t be easy, but this is an extraordinary kitty with a lot of good people behind…. She knows you are reading this, and she knows she will never be abused again.

Update October 15

It took a three hour surgery to fix someone that would barely qualify as less than human being did to her. The impacts against the wall ravaged her body, the delicate actions of a surgeon brought her back to life.

So here she is… Luna!!!


Update 30 October

Look who is here!!! LUNA has just come to the clinic to have a follow up check and she is doing amazing!! She’s nearly completely recovered and her character.. amazing, as brave and lovely as she ever was… have a look!


Thank you for helping us bringing Luna back to life. Please Donate to her rehabilitation and treatment, it was going to be tricky to fix, but we promised you we would do our absolute best to save her. 

Many many thanks!


IMPORTANT UPDATE: I have just spent one hour with the two girls and their mother. I can’t obviously go into much detail but they left home this morning and moved to her parent’s home… it was the last straw. She is separating and will eventually start divorce proceedings. 

P.S. We will be updating this blog in coming days with pictures of the surgery and Luna’s evolution, that we hope will be a positive one..

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301 comments on “Help us save Luna, slammed against a wall… broken.Add yours →

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  1. Thank you for saving her! Muchas gracias! Aqui en Francia estamos tambien tratando de ayudar, tenemos muchos casos de maltrato pero sin embargo les mandaremos algo para Luna!
    Congratulations and many thanks from our french group!

  2. I donated, not much, but what I could afford. What I want to know is why is this monster walking free? Why has no one arrested his sorry ass and taken his children away? He’s dangerous, if he doesn’t have an innocent kitten to abuse, he WILL abuse his daughters. If not today, then in a month or a year. This kind of pond scum does not change for the better. They escalate and they make excuses for the escalation, until someone dies – this time it was a cat, next time … ?

    I am not one to engage in violence, but this is a case where a baseball bat, properly wielded, could balance the affair.

  3. I love luna she is absolutely beautiful. I hope the surgery and recovery is a successful one.!:.(

  4. This man needs to be arrested. But first, someone needs to slam him against a concrete wall until HIS bones are broken and HE can no longer move.

  5. And what is going to happen to the bastard who did this? Who’s he going to bash into cement walls next……..his children?

  6. Anonymous says:

    this is so bad ..why do people do this all they have to do is find the babys a good home…and not this ….this is tearing me up so bad that im crying ..this is really sad..please help this baby and safter her life please

  7. I’m crying right now. What brutality!! Poor Luna. Yes I’ve donated and if she makes it I’m going to think seriously about adopting her if you ‘ll let me! No shouting here only gentleness and love. Praying that u make it! Thanks Victor xx

  8. My heart is broken when I see this. How can a ‘human being’ do something like this?
    I get sick when I see the pictures of all the fractures, you must be a miracle worker, and you are I know.
    Can you report this to the police ?

  9. I agree with Karelle. Studies have shown that animal abusers are also wife/child abusers. He should not be walking free, get those girls away from him! I also think those girls should steel his credit cards and make HIM pay for the rehab for this beautiful baby! I’m just sick looking at these pics cuz it looks like she probably has some brain damage from the sounds of it. Animals should not have to be subjected to humans like these. It actually makes me question my faith, cuz why would God allow these poor animals to go through these ordeals!?!?!?!? Why are these evil people allowed to roam this earth? I could go on and on…..

  10. Ewa Skarin says:

    OHH my god..:O Poor littlel angel Luna may god be with you,I’ll pray for you And i hope those monsters are put to justice It’s makes me sooo freaking mad when animals are abused like this..Please god take care of the abusers.And Help Luna back to life.
    I’m sorry I cant donate any money but you are in safe and capable hands if anyone can help, it’s Viktor he must be sent by the god himself.

  11. toni harrison-kahn says:

    I have made a small donation…I so wish it could be more….poor Luna, please God she recovers with no after effects….
    wishing you all well, and a big thank you for the wonderful work you do…

  12. Anonymous says:

    Why this sadic is not arrest ? I hope that Luna won’t return in this house. I am really angry and so sad, it’s incredible !

  13. Dear little baby, I sent you a gift and I also wish you all the luck in the world. Keep fighting xxxx

  14. Prayers are with this beautiful blue eyed baby Siamese, Luna…

  15. Sylvie Auger says:

    I hope this sick guy will be arrest for crualty. And I wish that Luna will not return in this house. I am so angry… it’s absolutely incredible !

  16. Caroline Lalonge says:

    Good luck little precious….

  17. maggie duffy says:


  18. Where is she? I want to give her a loving home with my 2 kitties. I lost my bank card today but as soon as I get a new one, I will donate. X

  19. Michelle Schuman says:

    Are there no cruelty laws to protect these poor animals from this?? That mother fucker need a bullet in his head! Not Luna but the sick fuck who did this to her. My heart breaks for Luna..i don’t have much but will donate for her too. Please push for stricter laws on animal cruelty and thank you so much for being there I know if you cannot save her that at least she will be treated for pain and loved..oh Viktor. Words cannot describe the rage it incites in me to know there are people out there that can do this to a defenseless creature. Thanks for all you do!

  20. Where is Luna located? I’m interested in possibly adopting or fostering her if she makes it. She looks a lot like my baby girl Sacha and looks to be about the same age.
    This brings me to tears and I would love to offer her a loving home when/if she is ready for one!

  21. Kim Hosken says:

    I will keep Luna in prayers I hope she makes a full recovery and fines a lovely home sending her lv and hugs Kim


    1. Valeria, mail in donations can be sent to Let’s Adopt Global Inc., 56 Everett Street, Southbridge, MA 01550. Please put Luna’s name on the memo line. Thank you!

  23. How can we be so cruel with an animal that ask nothing than be loved.
    I will never understand that !!!!
    I hope that this little kitty will survive and that she will go the love she merit.
    Thank you to take care on her. Waiting on news soon
    Kiss to Luna.

  24. Katie Rafter says:

    My cousin is very interested in the kitten Luna. She would like to adopt and pay for some of the expenses. How does she get in contact with someone who can help?

  25. I feel sorry for these girls and there beloved pet… I would love to meet him face to face and show him what its like to be left not able to walk and gasping for air….. Iam not a violent person but ppl like this need to know its not ok to abuse poor animals i hope that someone takes action and he gets what he deserves jail time.

  26. I am sick to my stomach reading about this. This poor innocent baby and the daughters who witnessed it. I hope she makes it.

  27. I also would like to know if this man has been arrested, and if not, why not? Your hospital should certainly see that the police are notified. I will donate although I am on a fixed income, can’t afford much. Thanks for caring about poor Luna.

  28. HIJO DE LA GRAN PUTA!!!! Me hierve la sangre! Hago donacion, espero que mejore bien pronto. Mis mas mejores caricias para ti gatita.

  29. maria luisa moreira says:

    Da impotencia saber que un bastardo se a atrevido a lastimar a un angelito que no le iso daño a nadie. Ese escremento de la raza humana no se puede comparar con una bestia pues esta visto que nuestros animalitos tienen mejore sentimientos que los so cool human. I feel so mad bc he deserve to b punish in the worse way, but i know wee can’t do anything to this stupid baster. i hope this baby overcome this brutal attack and if she survive make shore she go to a different family this baby deserve so much better, and to this girls they have to stay away from this sorry ass bastard so they can have a new star in life away from any violent

  30. Rebekah Jackson says:

    how much are you trying to raise?

  31. Nicole Busch says:

    Please tell me the man is behind bars.

  32. I pray to god that the father is in jail. Why would you do something to an innocent cat or any animal? What did it do to you that was so wrong There is nothing in the world that this poor little animal could ever do to you that would deserve the treatment you gave it. I hope your daughters will never forgive you & that they will never want anything to do with you. Animal abusers become people abusers. I wish someone would do to him what he did to this poor kitty. He would deserve every bit of it. His day will come. He will answer to GOD for this abuse. God help this poor kitty. I feel so sorry for his daughters having to see this happen. If that was my father I would have so much hate for him that I couldn’t help but wish him dead.

  33. What an awful tale.
    I also feel concern for the children. They are already psychologically damaged from being raised by such a sick man.
    Is there a child protection agency that can be contacted regarding this.
    Animals and children… equal in their defenselessness against abusers like him.
    Prayers for beautiful Luna.

  34. ok- so lets save the cat- but what about the man…. where is this? file charges, arrest him and lock him up FOR GOOD.

  35. I have everything crossed for you baby girl and one thing is certain.. If anyone can make you well again it’s Viktor and the team! :'(

  36. Nancy Belycia says:

    This is sooooooo sad and so hurtful that I am crying my eyes out. This poor poor baby never knew what happened. My God what is wrong with people today. Please take care of her and help her. Thank you and please let me know how Luna is doing. I would love to adopt her. Just let me know. Just for the record, if there is Justice in this world, I would love to have his ass slammed against a wall and beaten with a baseball bat. What goes around comes around. He is a scum bag of a person to do this to a poor innocent animal.

  37. May I ask what clinic is helping this sweet cat? Such a terrible thing, kudos to her saviors. I would like to donate, if I can have a little more information please. Thank you very much.

  38. I think someone should frankly do to the father what he did to the cat…. you know he’s doing the same thing to those children.

  39. David Starr says:

    I donated 10 dollars. If that man is charged by the police for animal cruelty I will donate another 20.

  40. Please do what is right. That poor baby is suffering. She has to many injuries both visible and not. Her abuser needs to be slammed against that concrete wall but she don’t deserve to suffer. Look at her eyes. She is mentally not understanding what happened to her and why but physically she is suffering. Please let her go to rainbow bridge and be free spirit again. That would be the humane thing to do. I love animals more than anything but I know when enough is enough. Thank you for taking her to safety. Focus on what can be done to the man who done this terrible thing.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      We are going to focus in Saving Lunas life ….

  41. Erica Houck says:

    How horrifying ! The pain felt by the cat and the kids.. Omg!!! Please hang on dear Luna!!!

  42. Karelle you are right 🙁 SBD should stop this monster, poor daughters AND POOOOR POOOOR SWEET KITTY LUNA 🙁 My prayers are with her <3

  43. Beryl Sanders says:

    I just left a message on Face Book so please feel free to check out my statements. I cried so hard when I first read Luna’s story and next came anger against the bastard that did his best to kill a little baby kitten that has a strong will to live. It breaks my heart to think of the intense pain and anguish this darling little kitty is enduring….it so makes me feel like a vigilante and put a well aimed bullet between this bastards eyes, I pray that Viktor, his caregivers and Miracle Doctors will be able to put beautiful little Luna back together again…Love you so much my dear little friend….TYou are in my thoughts and prayers and I really hope that you do well Honey. xoxo

  44. Tim Dawson says:

    I cannot believe this, it is HORRIBLE!! What worthless humans can do to Living, Breathing, Loving creatures is beyond me? I dont “get it”. I will donate soon. IF she recovers I would be GLAD to adopt her and give her a Very loving home!!

    Please keep us informed on her Please


  45. I hope that these girls can get into a shelter A.S.A.P. and I hope that this “MAN” has been arrested and charged with animal cruelty/abuse something where he’s going to spend JAIL time….

    My heart goes out to this little Luna and hopes and prayers for her recovery… May she come through okay or what ever is in God’s will for her. She was a good girl, but the jerk who did this to her, does NOT deserve any freedom as far as I’m concerned. Please keep us posted on her status.

  46. Holly Eve Genovese says:

    Reading this makes me want to vomit. The horror this poor creature felt. And I cannot even imagine what these girls live with day in and day out. I am praying for Luna, thanking God these young girls were able to bring her to you and that you were there to help ease Luna’s suffering and give some assurance to the girls.
    I also pray that this monster, for that is the only name for creatures such as he is, gets his just reward. Will you be able to seek legal prosecution for Luna? I am also concerned for other creatures, human and animal, that are still in the home.

  47. This is horrendous! It truly breaks my heart. I wish I could come there scoop.her up and love her! If anyone ever hurt my cats like that I would be enraged. I love my babies as if they truly are my babies! As asked above I too would like to know why there is no justice being served for luna?

  48. esperanza marin says:

    🙁 this cat is dead… 🙁
    poor baby 🙁

    1. Esperanza Marin – this cat is very much alive now. Checkout her update. We were very worried there but she’s strong and is a fighter.

  49. Elizabeth Hamilton says:

    Has anyone called the police on this monster?

  50. that poor baby! and those poor girls. i hope that thing they call dad goes to where it belongs. jail

  51. I am typing this with tears in my eyes Baby Luna is so innocent n soo beautiful she didn’t deserve this . Praying for her recovery ,I hope the scum bag that did this goes to jail forever those girls don’t need a dad like that either they would be better off with out him. Please keep us posted of Baby Luna condition. Dear GOD please help this baby recover and find a good home for her.

  52. Maria Leo says:

    Kill him. Kill him Kill him. He is worthless

  53. Maria Leo says:

    I have 8 cats, all of them were homeless, and I feed another one that comes here every day at 5 in the morning, and again in the evening…We feed him too! We keep food and fresh water, and shelter for the poor animals without home or help. My husband made wood houses with blankets for them!!!My husband works for a rescue of wild animals…

  54. Barbara Strickland says:

    I donated. Where did this happen? In the states?

  55. diane hershelman says:

    I am very interested in in adopting her when she is feeling better

  56. I would be more willing to donate directly to the vet that has her

  57. the sad part of all of this is these girls have probably spent their whole lifes watching the abuse their father inflicts on them their mother and their pets im sorry this happened to this beautiful baby and pray that whatever child welfare agency is in their area steps up locks this scum up (inmates love child abusers) and these n girls can live without the fear of their mother animals or themselves ever going through this again

  58. Cyndi Thompson says:

    What is happening to the monster that did this to her?? Has he been reported to the police? Thank you for taking this baby, I pray to God she makes it and recovers from this abuse!! My gosh, I am so sad to see this little one like this!!

  59. Pam Fitzpatrick says:

    I am convinced there is a special place in HELL for this sick person and others like him. He will stand before God one day. He will be accountable for what he’s done.

  60. V L G ISHIKAWA says:

    How about we go pay him a visit?If nobody does he will continue to do this!Sometimes in life we need to take the law in our own hands..People like him need to learn a lesson!The police will do nothing to this EVIL!!He will KILL,next time he will hurt the daughters or a neighbour!He need to be locked up!!

  61. I just donated, as much as I could. Please keep us updated on Luna’s progress!

  62. Can you please give direct vet info so I can donate for Luna’s recovery. Thanks!

  63. Is this monster goi g to be charged and prosecuted?????????

  64. Beverley Covert says:

    I agree with Karelle, and the Baseball bat therapy would be appropriate in my books. Individuals like this are highly selfish and suffer from a sense of inadaquacy. Sadly, everything else suffers from the actions of these bullies. I will send what I can for this angel.She is in good hands now.

  65. jayne eates says:

    I like to know if,I can set up a direct debit, so I can donate monthly


    1. Yes, Jayne Eates, you can set up a recurring payment through PayPal and whichever payment method you prefer. Click the DOnate Link at the top of the blog and that takes you to the options along with info on how donations are used. Thanks!

  66. the man is one sick Beast to hurt a helpless kitten;he makes me sick and I pray he gets much punishment;he will have to stand before God one day

  67. This is so very Heartbreaking! This baby so did not deserve this! I will have her in my prayers daily!!! Sending many loving and healing thoughts and prayers to Beautiful Luna! Get Well Soon Baby Girl!!!! You still have a long life to live with people who will love you and not hurt you!!! Much love, hugs and kisses to you!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! <3

  68. Suha Sagban says:

    Viktor, god bless you. We pray that everything ill be taken care of. Donated as much as I can for now. You will be in our thoughts Princess Luna. You are so beautiful kitty cat :).

  69. Charge the mf he deserves to go away! I know it wilk never happen but that’s what he deserves

  70. I am so angry to see this. I’ll do anything to help this baby kitty. My office is right across the street from Angels; I’m at Family Service of Roanoke Valley. Please, please keep me updated about the progress of this baby; I’m praying for her to recover. I’m willing to donate money towards the cost of her surgery, and I pray the day will come that I can walk across the street and stroke her, and holdI her, and show her how much the world loves sweet cats. I work in an office full of pet lovers and mental health counselors. Please tell me what we can do to help prevent this from ever happening again!!! Praying for this sweet kitty and for the children in the family. My God!

  71. Just donated for Luna’s recovery. Please help her

  72. Donated for Luna….

  73. Catharine says:

    I am vetoing for this poor soul. Thank you for helping. I can’t donate but I am spreading the word. God bless this little kitty.

  74. bernadette hernandez says:

    you more at fault you NEED STRICKTER LAWS GO TO YOUR senetor push to change the law

  75. I will pray for this baby as I do for all of them. People who abuse animals like that are a waste of skin & our air, fur babies don’t deserve this all they want is love & deserve to be loved as their love is unconditional

  76. bernadette hernandez says:

    it just breaks my heart how theses poor defenseless animals continue to get and be abused i would love to find that jerk you have to have a address were this baby went do your job people
    if you have an adopters address and you dont do nothing your just as guilty

  77. Christine Zois says:

    Where did this happen please?
    Prayers that she will eventually pull through, we know she is in the best of hands under your care.
    Bless you,
    Christine Whiskers

  78. Charlene Thatcher says:

    I bet he will not be punished for a thing,how horrible! Praying for her recovery

  79. Maureen McCullough says:

    This is atrocity is simply beyond my comprehension. I will not say publicly what I hope happens to the people who did this. As said in Gladiator – “What we do in life echoes in eternity.” Donated what I could.

  80. I’m heartbroken, cryin & praying. Has this ogre been arrested? I just can’t understand how EVIL “ppl” (I use the term loosly)can b. I sooo hope she’ll b ok. I want her 2 knw that there’s A LOT of good ppl in the world. U said that the daughters surrendered the kitty in2 y’all. Luna couldn’t ever go anywhere near that SOB. He shud b charged 2 the fullest extent of the law &have his kids taken away. This makes me sooo angry! I knw that Luna was & still is terrified. if I were @ ur hosp, id lay w/her. I’ve slept in the floor many a nite. Love u Luna. Knw that they’re good ppl in the world. I’ll share this story. Its sooo sad, but mayb more donations can gotten if more ppl c this hideous case of cruelty

  81. Deborah Thompson says:

    I’m sitting here in tears! Please report this monster so he can be arrested and his daughters can be removed from the home.

    I used to work in the foster care system in Arkansas! Even though I was a secretary, I learned that animal abusers become child abusers! This monster, in my eyes, is both! I’ll be praying for all involved!

  82. I also donated. I am willing to give more, possibly cover all of her medical costs. How do I do that? I am so sad and I am praying for this baby girl. says:

    Please let me know how I can cover her costs.

  83. Please do your best to save this little angel, and keep us posted on how she is doing. Donated…bawling…

    and I have to agree with Karelle. Someone who would do this to an innocent animal is less than half a step away from doing it to his kids. Get that monster off the streets!

  84. There are moments like these when I feel the need to take a baseball bat to their father’s head. Abusers like this man need to be slowly tortured to death to get a good feel of what they are dishing out to others. If there was a hell this guy would definitely get a front seat.

  85. tammy anglemyer says:

    makes me cry poor Luna . the monster that done this should be in jail

  86. Michelle Marcel says:

    Someone must have information on who did this. I’d like to find him and slam him through the wall a few times!!

  87. Who’s to say he hasn’t abused his children already? He certainly wasn’t afraid to brutally beat a defenseless kitten in front of them. They know if they bring it back he will kill it and are afraid. He should be in jail and the children rescued as much as the precious kitten. Praying for them aol.

  88. Christine Jones says:

    I absolutely agree with Karelle. The girls will be next!
    The cat’s injuries are horrifying! Where is she? I’d love to adopt her once you save her life and make her feel safe again. I have a Siamese and a Tabby who would welcome this poor dear kitty who did nothing to deserve her pain. I’m all for the baseball bat treatment for the scum who did this to her. Please save her and keep us updated.
    Thank you for your kindness.

  89. Has anyone decided to adopt her?

  90. I donated what I was able to and am sharing… I agree with Karelle. This man needs to be watched carefully because he IS a danger to society! PERIOD! Praying for baby LUNA. Poor innocent baby. Kisses to her!

  91. Hope the lil one pulls through and lives a long life of joy and happiness. May the person who did this suffer a horrible alcoholic related death.
    Donated something for you guys, you rock

  92. Villa From San Francisco says:

    I hope Luna came into your loving hands in time! I am so fearful for her — I hope she is lucky to recover and thrive.

  93. WHere are you located and where is luna

  94. Anonymous says:


  95. Donovan Chin says:

    Why isn’t the perpetrator named?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Because if we did we would be immediately slapped with a lawsuit.

  96. Barbara Griffin says:

    OMG…How can anybody do this to any animal, This POOR sweet baby. I hope & pray that you pull through this horrific act…Prayers to you….I hope that these SO called humans get what they deserve………GOOD LUCK “LUNA”.

  97. Cynthia Eardley says:

    He needs to be charged with animal abuse and go to jail

  98. Kathy Hartnell says:

    WTF is wrong with these people in this world with nothing better to do then to harm a small innocent kitten,now lying half dead not knowing why,The SOB who did this should be slapped and banged against a freaking wall and left to die the rotten creap.Viktor please do another miracle save this little LUNA she is so beautiful and precious.Find the bastards that did this to her.Jail is like a summer camp to easy more justice should be done for animal abusers.

  99. sarah pratley says:

    Just donated. I hope this poor little soul can be saved. I also hope, that one day, her attacker will get the same treatment given to him that he inflicted on her.

  100. OMG!!!
    I’m livid right now and sharing this with others! As a Siamese Rescue in WA. state I’ve seen a lot in my years of rescue but nothing like this! This poor baby girl is fighting to live and has brought tears to my eyes. If she pulls through she has a wonderful life with me in my home as I would adopt her. She would get the best of medical care for the rest of her life. NEVER worry about someone abusing her EVER! Sending lots of prayers and thoughts to her!
    I know I posted this on facebook but I want it known to all!!!

  101. Paul Ross says:

    just donated $20.00 im on a fixed income but this kitty needs all the help she needs im a cat and dog lover this just has me in tears so sad for the poor baby

  102. I cannot write on here what id like to say an do to that heartless bastard who done that to that poor defenceless little kitten :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'( im not in a pisition to donate at this precise time :'( but beleave me i will soon 😀 an it is my heartfelt intention to donate generously if ever i come into any monies especially if i win the lotto…fingers crossed…good luck to u all an im prayin that u will save. poor Luna an she goes to a loving forever home 😀 and i beleive that those two sisters would of gave her if it wasnt for that EVIL BASTARD that those poir girls have for a so called father!!!! They made a great sacrifice to save poor Luna an i bet that it was heart breakin for them to do…well done girls…at least u kniw that ur sacrifice will not b in vain if Luna survives…donation to follow prayers for you all an for u total dedication <3<3<3<3<3 regards mrs B knight

  103. Kathleen Martin says:

    The authorities have to be called in on this matter. That man is an animal abuser and it is most likely that he is turning on his daughters as well.

  104. This gets to me too. A little donation done, , hoping for the best! I know how these kind of people think, , trying to control and rule over these kids by taking smth that they care about most.. what a life

  105. PLease, pursue the matter legally. This man either needs rehabilitation or removal. Give the family the time to remove themselves and anyone else from this man. Do not make Luna suffering for nothing – her suffering brought this situation and this man to the attention of the authorities – potentially. I donated what I could.

  106. I read your email about Luna and started crying, every time I think of her I cry. This has caused such depression, I have had a horrible headache since!

    I understand what you have told us about Spain, there will be no punishment for this man. He won’t go to jail, he will continue to make others suffer until some quirk of justice will remove him from the face of the earth! I pray that day comes soon.

    Luna is hurt, she is broken, but she wants to live, if she did not she would close her eyes and stop breathing. Fixing her, if possible is the answer, not putting her to sleep. Give her a chance, allow her to make the choice.

    Thank you Viktor with out you and your staff so many would never have had a chance.

    PLease fix her, cats are my heart and my heart is broken.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Please Nelda, I beg you, pick yourself up right now.
      This is not something to be depressed about. Be happy that it looks like we caught her on time. Those two young girls didn’t hesitate, they rushed to the vet and searched for us!!!
      We are going to save this baby…

  107. What about prosecuting this monster?

  108. Kenneth Welch says:

    There are laws that are in place to help this beautiful cat ….call the police and file a report….if he did this to the cat what does he do to the girls ……….i will donate in a bit but this piece of crap needs to be put away…

  109. I hope action is being taken against the monster that did this..if he is left to go unaccountable, then he will do it again.

  110. larry spizzirri says:

    So horrible and sad. No creature deserves this. I will be glad to help

  111. Omg this poor littlle angels, no words can express what she went true, this guy needs to be slam in the face too but harder! Monster!

  112. wow what a great father you are , your kids will never forget this what a cowardly thing to do . this is disgusting . get help you piece of shit … this poor cat is suffering and has no idea why you- have- ruined your life with your daughters way to go . animal abuse is not -accepted by most people good luck best go -have another drink LOSER! ! !!!!

  113. Maritza Sahlin says:

    Kill that man! Men like him shall be killed but first the man to be killed slowly because he shall knows how the kill slowly and hurts to be slamming to the concrete wall with a machine as grab him on the neck and slamming several times.
    I thinking of the teenagers and I think they was very brave to give theirs little darling to you and they understand they not can take little Luna home anymore. They have a great heart to he.

    Best regards
    Maritza in Sweden

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      We can’t kill anybody Maritza… 🙁

  114. Lacey Payne says:

    Just donated. Who could do this to a poor baby? Look at those eyes…she is purely innocent and did not deserve any of this! I’m still crying. I hope that someone does everything done to her and worse to her attacker. Sending a link to this page to everyone I know.

  115. Petra Loske says:

    Thank God the 2 girls were so brave, despite what they had to experience, and gave Luna to you… Poor kitty girl, this is so incredibly wrong. This man is a danger. To animals – and probably to his daughters, too… He is obviously not afraid to hurt or kill.
    I so, so hope Luna will make it and recover from the trauma she had to endure. AND I do hope these 2 teenie girls will be granted a better life – they very obviously LOVE animals and they should have every chance to live with some again. In a SAFE place… Fingers crossed for them all <3

  116. anna smiech says:

    Why isnt the wanker been named . So sad to hear this has happened to a sweet little kitty let me deal with the wanker i know a few big blokes that love dealing with people like this why hasnt the guy been charged and he is suppose to be 50 yr old that needs to bloody grow up he should know better hope they catch the arsehole and lock him up i hate reading and seeing things like this so bloody upsetting AND SO CRUEL 🙁

  117. Anonymous says:

    This man needs to be prosecuted for ANIMAL CRUELTY….and put in PRISON.

  118. Next time he will do that to his family if he gets away with this. He is a sick drunk

  119. LuAnn Sprague says:

    thats a sick humman to do that to a poor innecent kitty ty for saving luna

  120. Me Myself and I says:

    Someone beat this guy and cripple him breaking his hands so he can NEVER do this again. I do not care, if this were my Dad, I can’t tell u what I’d do. Thank God my Father wouldn’t have ever hurt a fly.

  121. E. Hutcherson says:

    Where did this happen? Can this man not be punished for this abuse….mental abuse of his children, attempted murder for this prescious baby! This man needs to be put away!

  122. Volpina bianca e nikka says:

    A little donation for Luna…please, save her <3 <3

  123. Val Dorman says:

    Donation made. Praying Luna recovers from her injuries and finds a loving home x
    Also hoping that justice prevails here 🙁

  124. Gaye Nelson says:

    Animals have always been in the crossfire of men and they take their anger on the weak and innocent. I pray Luna heals and finds a loving home with gentle, loving people.

  125. star star says:

    Please save her…..

  126. Viktor, God bless you for all you do. I can’t donate this time and it breaks my heart, but I know you’ll pull a miracle like you always do. Thank you for being someone who restores some humanity to our world and to the defenseless… my prayers and good vibes to precious Luna!

  127. Angela Osborne says:

    I will be praying for Luna, whatever is best for her!! I hate to think that she is suffering. The kind of BEAST (that is all I could come up with that you could put of FB) that should be put In prison & put out in population! In prison they have a code of ethic’s as well & I think they would be more than happy to help us with the kind of justice that needs to be done, like slamming him against a brick wall again, and again, and again until he quits moving!!

  128. Thank you Viktor for helping this wee girl. I just sent my donation and truly hope you can get her through treatment and recovery and eventually to a forever loving home.

  129. Please tell us where (City, State or Country) Luna is located in, and the date this happened? Is it October 2013?

  130. OMG! Is anyone going to save the girls too? I hope they are safe from him. I hope and pray Luna pulls through and has a good life.

    I am also fearful for the girls. It took a lot for them to save their beloved cat, gawd knows what they will endure when they get home.

    This is just horrible. I hope the girls at least get comfort from seeing the updates about their cat.

    This is just a horrible tragedy all around.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      I have good news.. the girls and the mother have left home…
      and with that, we can breath a bit..

  131. Viktor,I know that Luna is in the best hands my heart and prayers are for this little girl and for the 2 girls who brought to you and for giving her up to find a better loving home. God bless Luna, you Viktor and your medical team

  132. please let us know about Luna-this is horrible.

  133. Praying for Luna kitty – so horribly wrong to take out your rage on a defenseless animal! Thank you to EVERYONE who is pulling for lil Lu… We CAN make a difference!

  134. This is so touching me… tears in my eyes. Please do your best like always Viktor, donation will be made from Germany!

  135. man, fucking awesome you saved her. but if this guy isnt going to jail or be reported it is all IN VAIN, because he will reoccurr and will repeat the offense until he is STOPPED. Lawsuit from saying the name of a criminal? since when?…very weird.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Yes.. there are laws that says that people are innocent until proven guilty. Can’t name someone as a criminal without a trial. It’s like this in every country. Besides, honestly, I don’t know his name. Those girls called him Papa…

  136. This poor baby has me in tears. Donated and praying ceaselessly. I am so glad to hear the family is separating from this monster. And I have confidence that you can do what is needed to save her.

  137. thx for the update and glad to hear the mom is getting her 2 kids out of the fathers reach.
    praying for this sweet kitty to make it.

  138. Prayers for this Precious Angel. My heart is pained knowing that she took horrible abuse. Please let us know how she is doing!!! Thank you for caring for her. God Bless you and this Precious Luna.

  139. maria delidimitri says:

    We only can hope for her now that your efforts will be enough. Thank you for being there everytime a poor soul is in need of love and help. You give us courage to continue our respectively small efforts in our homelands, and hopefully we give you strength to continue yours by our donations and positive thoughts. Together we stand, divided we fall.
    Love to all,
    Maria Stargazer

  140. Iv been praying for her all day and sending healing thoughts for this special little girl <3

  141. A Caring Heart says:

    This is a sad event and it happens more than it ever should. People and organizations like Victor and animal rescues are their guardian angels. In some countries treating animals like this is not illegal, and I do understand why Victor has not named the person that did this to Luna. If he did and was sued by the gentleman than he would have to spend so much money on lawsuits and lawyers, money that could be used on these defenseless animals that are treated in cruel and in-humane ways. This said I do hope that god gives this man what he deserves and those poor girls that gave up probably the only thing that ever loved them unconditionally find a safe place. Victor you are the bomb and I think you are gods gift to these animals. I have no money to give at this time, I live on a tight income but will send as soon as I can. I pray that Luna has the courage to fight and survive this horrendous event, and am sharing on my fb page.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks for your kind words… thank you for being here for us and our animals.

  142. Thank you for all that you have done. I hope Luna lives and has a pain free life after she heals.

    A divorce is a good start but If I was that wife and those daughters I would send him to jail.

  143. Annabelle Raines says:

    Dear Viktor and family;
    I am in tears as I read this horrible beating that Luna has suffered. Wishing there was something I could do to this evil man to show him the fear he has instilled in these wonderful creatures; Luna and her friends. I had something like this happen to me as a girl and can fully relate to the pain these girls are going through. I am so happy mom has made the right choice. They are not safe in that house. You have fixed Charlie for me, I have no doubt you will fix Luna too. I have no grounded religion, but I do have a higher power and I will be addressing this issue in it’s fullest. Money later this week. Love to Luna and all of you.

  144. Donated:) here’s hoping that this lovely kitten will have a good outcome.

  145. Thank goodness you all managed to convince the mother and daughters to leave… praying and sharing for sweet innocent Luna to have a full recovery and learn to trust again. 🙁

  146. My heart goes out to this beautiful baby girl, those girls and their mother. Sending my love to all of them.

  147. AT LEAST someting! Bastard should to live alone, between concrete walls!
    My prayers are with YOU LUNA xxx

  148. Is the bastard in jail????!!

  149. Clare Earl says:

    Viktor I have made a donation. So wish it could be more but I know each and every donation counts and builds up. This beautiful baby is in the best of hands and if anyone will make her better it will be you.
    I really cannot blame anyone here for being so angry as I am too. I also understand the laws work very differently in each country and if bull fighting is accepted in spain then i’m sure they will not give a shit about animal abuse as that is what they are doing. Hopefully this disgusting piece of scum will get his place in hell and hopefully karma will come knocking on his door very soon. So glad the wife and kids have left, just a shame they didn’t do it sooner which could have spared that poor baby Luna. I have every faith that you will do your best Viktor. Please give Luna love from every one of us and let her know that her life is worth saving. Thank you for the updates xxx

  150. I am so so sorry I couldn’t give more – it’s just the wrong moment for me .

    I am keeping the image of this little cat with me and am wishing her good healing from the powers that be . I’m praying you can save her .
    You say Victor you hate people and I have so much sympathy for that feeling , every time I see mistreatment of living things by brutes I feel that too, even towards those who squash spiders ………
    One thing the 2 children and their Mother have left and I hope he cannot find them . All Love to brave little Luna xxxxxxxxxx

  151. Barbara Roos says:

    I hope little Luna will hold on. I just donate some hope it helps her -♥♥

  152. Thank you for saving Luna and getting her the care she needs to recover. Im glad mom and 2 daughters left that drunken sicko and start to move on safely. I hope Luna is returned to the girls when she is well. They did the right thing by turning this poor kitten over for help and they deserve to get this cat back when she is well and they will have a new life and well cat who deserves their love and devotion

  153. Robin Kerns says:

    This one really gets to me. How could anyone hurt this poor baby? I could not stop crying when I read this. I donated what I could and I continue to pray for her. Thank you so much for working to save her. Poor Luna must be in so much pain and wondering what she did to deserve this. She doesn’t deserve this at all, and I pray that you will be able to save her.

  154. Anelise Hoffman says:

    I donated what I could. This makes me so sick. So so sick.

  155. April Ritchie says:

    Whoever did this needs to have the same done to them. I’ve donated 40USD, wish it could be a lot more . Please post regular updates, I’m praying for everyone involved in this distressing case. Luna, you cannot even begin to understand how you’ve united so many caring people. Rest easy my sweet, sweet girl and get better soon

  156. sandy williams says:

    I cannot send today but i can when my monthly check next month. luna is in my prayers

  157. I’m so thankful you are working hard to save Luna and even more happy to see the update that the family said “enough!” This story made me so sad and I hope it ends well for little Luna! Those little girls will need some serious counseling however!

  158. Poor baby. I’m praying for you Luna

  159. Vivian Brien says:

    Donated. How will we know how she is doing.

  160. Bless you Luna, you did not deserve this by that drunken alcoholic lunatic and his rage!!!!! It’s too bad that I can’t exact revenge on him in the vicious, hatred, twisted, violent manner that he inflicted upon beautiful Luna!!!! You belong in hell burning for eternity!!!! You have shriveled raisins for testicles !! I hope to God you face a lengthy jail sentence!! You don ‘t belong amongst society!

  161. I have had Siamese most of my life there one of the best breed of cats to have devoted to there owners. This drunk should be have to same treatment he gave to this cat. The worst scenario is that if he does that to an animal what will he do to the children when his rage gets completely out of hand. If you know this guy tell me, ill sort it with pleasure.

  162. Charmaine Morgan says:

    Am crying as I read this, sending prayers for this angel. May karma get the bastard who did this. Would love to adopt this little angel. Have 10 cats and they are my life.

  163. Cindy Girgenti says:

    My heart is broken over what has happened to sweet, innocent Luna. I have donated, and she is in my thoughts. Please give her many kisses and hugs from me as I wish I could hold her and let her know how much she means to us. Please keep us updated and know many prayers are being sent for her to recover completely. <3 xoxo

  164. Zsuzsannafor says:

    God bless Luna!!!! And God bless you, amazing people who can save so many animals!!! This case is so horrible. This man should be punished!!! How can he walk free??
    I hope Luna can still have a happy life. Poor baby.
    Is so revoltant, so sad!!!
    Thank you Viktor!!! God bless you!

  165. Is any charges going to be against this monster?

  166. Sent some $$…will send more when paid at end of week.

    Thank you for efforts to save furbaby Luna…im praying she makes full recovery

  167. How much is needed fo baby Luna??

  168. Christine Newnham says:

    I have seen some horrific animal cruelty cases in my life but nothing can describe my pure hatred for the man that did this! I am so so afraid and angry that it’s hard to see past the tears.
    I don’t understand how these people live in the same world as we do. They are absolute heartless monsters! Why is nobody punishing them the way they should! It’s not fair!! It’s not fair for this poor kitten or the other million animals that die at the hands of cold hearted murderers. That’s what they are you know..sick.
    Please save this baby and make the time she has left wonderful and let her never fear again.
    Thankyou for your wonderful work

  169. Mariah Havens says:

    Any update?

  170. I am happy to hear that the mother & her girls are away from this pig, I hope to God he will be prosecuted for this atrocious behavior. I am a huge anima; advocate & every time I read about an animal being abused , neglected or murdered it makes my blood boil, I wish I could be there when karma kicks him in the ass…donated what I could <3 St. Francis, I pray that you take Luna in your arms & keep her safe, help her heal & find a truly loving home, she is beautiful & deserves so much better :'(

  171. Lori Thompson says:

    Donated $50, wish I could do more – money is a bit tight. Will the kitten go back to the girls since the mother has separated from the father or do they want to find a new home for Luna?

  172. Leslie Buckland says:

    I have thought of nothing else. While I was in the grocery store this evening, the song I heard playing was “Blue Eyes” by Elton John. It made me think of Luna. I am praying that she pulls through. And I pray that Karma deals a nasty hand to the monster who caused her such pain and trauma.

  173. Molly Krech says:

    What Karelle described with the bat is called an “Attitude Adjustment”. I have to agree. Someone said the next step was child abuse, but this IS CHILD ABUSE. Those two girls will suffer from this for the rest of their lives. The problem now is if something is not done the SOB may still come after them. My prayers are with little Luna and also with the mother and girls. I’m unemployed and have no money to spare but will try to keep this post going daily.

  174. Pam Fitzpatrick says:

    Will updates be on this blog? Where sre you located and how do we donate??? Wish this precious kitten the best….Incredibly heartbreaking that @#@## did this to this precious kitten 🙁

  175. Come on Victor u can save her. That Sob needs to be arrested and slammed against the wall to and just left there ….

  176. Viktor,
    I have been following your blog for some time now and I totally commend you for your love of animals. Needless to say I am with you on all counts… Tears rolled down my face when I saw the post about Luna. My God !

    Having grown up with lots of dogs, cats, gerbils, etc…my heart goes out to this lovely and beautiful kitten. My first kitten was a siamese, and she lived a long and happy life to the age of 18.

    I am also so glad to hear that that bastard (excuse my language) has been left by his wife and kids. The next would be them to be abused ! Trust me…my ex mutilated 2 of our cats…that’s when I left with my two boys.

    Viktor, my kids are older now, live on their own and I have remarried, very happily. We have 2 rescue cats (18 and 6), a rescue dog (2) and two other dogs also two years old.

    If you need a home for Luna, we would welcome her with open and loving hearts.

    Prayers are being said for the princess who did not deserve this…

    Lynn & Francois

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Lynn… Pls let us see how her condition evolves.
      I will be in touch..

  177. Martha Rice says:

    I am on a very limited income or I would help her get well. In the end I would take her and love her, if you can’t find a loving home. I have a Siamese just like her. Her name is Boo Boo and I love her. Cat nappers and Mitch have helped me and I would be glad to help out as much as I can.

  178. The lousy SOB that tried to kill this precious little kitty has no regard to life, whether it is a kitten or a human. He will continue to hurt and destroy until he is stopped. Please, wherever this took place…people please band together and force justice to be done, for Luna and her family. I hope he rots in H….it is really to good a place for him.

  179. Annelies Craig says:

    Angels of healing, wrap your loving wings around Luna at this most vulnerable time and give her your undivided love and healing. Luna, precious girl, you hang in there and know that there is a whole community out there that are praying for you. To the man that did this…..feel so sorry for you as retribution will come your way eventually.

  180. Ana Chavez says:

    Heartbreaking, that monster has probably beaten his wife and the girls as well. I pray for the whole family as this abuse is very traumatic. And watching a loved animal abused by a sick drunk will always be in the forefront of their psyches. It is eternally damaging. Thank you Viktor for saving the life of sweet Luna as well as being present for the family. They need a lot of prayers and counseling to heal from this episode. And I know the man is damned to hell forever for this and all abuse he has caused his “Loved Ones” to suffer. Prayers and love sent to Luna, the family and everyone at LAG.

  181. cathy ramos says:

    that mf needs to have the same thing done to him. an abuser acts out that way to punish his victim. he was not mad at the kitty he was mad at the wife. sob needs to be locked up.

  182. I’ve donated 10 dollars 🙁 ,,I wish I could send her more ,, please let her get well 🙁

  183. Hi Viktor
    If you ever going to speak to the mother again, please tell her, if you not already done so. If she ever needs to go back into the house where he is or even he wants to speak with her in private. To NEVER EVER be on her own with him, to have at least two other adults best even if they were female and male. And also never let the girls to be alone with him, those people cant be trusted what so ever. They are ticking time bombs.
    Now Luna needs to pull through, i so hope everything works out for her and you guys.

  184. Wow, is this waste of oxygen abuser going to be facing animal cruelty charges?! He deserves to go to jail and needs to be reported… I hope poor little Luna will make it and have an amazing, long and healthy life, full of love and safety like she deserves.

  185. What a sick son of a bitch. This is one of the most horrible cases of abuse I have ever seen.Rot in hell you prick, even hell isn’t good enough. I have donated to help you little one! . Baby Luna, you have many caring people out here that are supporting and praying for you to get well precious one! Kitty kisses and head bumps!

  186. put this cat to sleep. end its pain. Men suck.

  187. Niya Stefanova says:

    Good for the mother to think of her children and herself and getting out of there. It’s amazing that the children have such good sence of what’s right and wrong with a menthaly ill father.
    I think and send good thgouths to Luna every second of the day and I know she’s a fighter and is going to make it. The world needs Luna to make it!!

    Sending all my love! ♡♡♡♡

  188. Doris Lamprecht says:

    This Monster turned on a helpless little KITTEN, WHAT WILL HE ATTAC THE NEXT TIME ????????????????????

  189. Where did this take place? I ask because we’ve worked very hard to establish anti-cruelty laws (and keep them, over the concerns of big-ag) to deal with people like this, where I live. I understand not publishing people’s names, but is this a case which can be prosecuted in the US or not? (Donated and prayed, also!)

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Happened in Valencia, Spain… Crap laws here

  190. Desiree prinsloo says:

    This is horrible and no animal in this world deserves this. For the girls and mother I feel so sorry but there is a always a way out, but whatever choice you make stick to it no matter what. Luna you are in the best possible hands and there is a world out there who will pray for your recovery, just don’t give up yet.

  191. chantal holt says:

    Please keep me posted. Hope this man will be charged with animal cruelty. So pleased the family is safe, may God comfort them and give them peace while they go through such a traumatic event. May God help Luna as well. God’s will be done!

  192. Anna Georghallides says:

    Hi Viktor, we need more people like you out there. Please e-mail me as I would like to help if I can xx

  193. Littlered C. says:

    Ce petit être ne serait-il pas mieux au ciel compte tenu des violences qu ‘il a subit et des séquelles occasionnées? Ne vaudrait-il pas mieux abréger ses souffrances d’ autant plus qu’ il a des difficultés à respirer? Pourra-t-il un jour oublié son calvaire?

  194. sending all the love & healing in the world little luna, bless viktor for his good work in doing his best for her,
    get well soon special little girl
    my heart breaks for your pain.

  195. Have donated what I can afford. Will pray for you little Luna. Also for your abuser to be punished. God bless little one.

  196. iris mann says:

    Please save this baby. Consider my loving home for her if she lives. I cant sleep thinking of her and the pain she has gone though. You are beautiful people for doing what you do. I do not know you viktor but I love you and what you do for helpless innocent creatures.

  197. Kerry See says:

    Luna will be in my thoughts and prayers daily. I ask her angels daily to fill her with their healing light so she may enjoy the life she so deserves.

  198. Susan Pike says:

    I just have 2 questions where did this happen is what city and state?
    what is the man’s name who could do something like this to that poor kitten.
    I pray Luna makes it! I also pray to find out the answers to my questions!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      It happened in Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

  199. Kerry See says:

    Donation made. I would love to considered when she is ready for adoption. I am in NY but I am sure we can figure something out.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks Kerry …

  200. Catherine says:

    thank goodness shes a little better and the family is safe – he will get what he deserves and you are right Viktor, you need to focus on Luna and let the creep incriminate himself – because he will now that his family is no longer with him. anger is a natural feeling in this circumstance – it takes great self control and courage to focus on what we can do rather than pursue something that distracts us from the job of rescue. that “man” does not deserve out energy – the kitty does

  201. toni harrison-kahn says:

    With the help of the girls, surely you can report the guy the the authorities for animal cruelty, even without the help of the girls….I should think the cat is proof positive….

    The guy really does need to be reported and helped perhaps…otherwise who knows what he could be capable of in an alcoholic state, but then perhaps like all cowards he only picks on the defenceless …..

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      The girls are not going to report heir father. Mother and girls have left home and will start anew

  202. Carol Allaire says:

    I believe everyone who has replied is telling it just the way it is..This man has no compassion for what he does, and now is the time that we do what he has done to Kitty Luna..She does not deserve to have been treated this way.She is as human as can be, and she has minded her own business, so why are we messing with her life..I don’t believe in Euthanaiza, that is the last resort…We need to give her a second chance at life, because there are sweet people out there who can make her life fulfilled..We will all pray for everyone in charge of her care, and yes give the family a run-down of how she is doing..The doctor in charge of her care, I know he will do everything he can to change Kitty Luna’s life for the best..I know there are some who have said they will adopt her, and I believe they can give her a life of Love & Affection, so let’s think of the bright side of all of this, and wish Kitty Luna a safe and the best in recovery..”SHE DOES NOT DESERVE THIS” NO ANIMAL DOES..Take the man down and punish him for what he has done, and keep him in jail till he dies. If this happens again, he will have killed and will do it again..Yes I have cried real hard, cause I don’t understand why people do this to any animal..If you see Kitty Luna, you will give her Kisses and give her the Best gestures of Love you can..Hopefully when they give us the outcome, it will be a good outcome, and we will know Kitty Luna will be safe once again..I LOVE YOU LUNA WITH ALL MY HEART..You are the sweetest kitty in the world..I have a few cats myself, so I know what Love & Affection is all about, for that’s what my cat’s do for me..Love and God Bless to all ..This is for you Luna xxooxxoo

  203. Amanda Judd says:

    Please tell me this bastard has been reported to the authorities for this crime!

  204. Right now outrage at the father, but this makes me very sad, because he’s just carrying out a pattern of abuse that he received from his parents, that they received from their parents. He may be more a tortured soul that does monstrous things than a true monster. It does not excuse his actions, but perhaps it might explain them, and make us think “there but for the grace of fortune/the ability to get help/a support system go I.” Abuse is a horrible cycle that affects all living things in its wake, and I know this from personal experience. This is why I support mental healthcare and animal welfare causes.

  205. Wesley Horton says:

    I certainly detest what has happened here, and the fellow responsible should be, well, shot. BUT

    WHY is there NO information relating to where this happened, or who is taking care of the animal? No information on the offender?

    In spite of what Vicktor Larkhill states above, regarding innocent until proven guilty, that does not preclude the listing of a person who has been charged with a crime. Abuse of this level certainly raises to that level.

    What clinic? What city? what agency??

  206. it is simple, he commited a crime, it isnt a fact of being proven guilty, the proof is the broken animal you rescued. It is the law in MANY countries too, animal abuse is a crime and perpetrators should prosecuted, fined and jailed in accordance with the law. It isnt difficult. The most shocking part of all of this is theres no mention of any police report. It is widely known and scientifically accepted that serial killers start with animals. anyways. take care.

  207. Linda Richey says:

    Thank you for being there for Luna and so many others, I will send a healing message to Luna she will Know. I sent a donation Love Linda

  208. Elizabeth Lopes says:

    Where do we donate to? And is there any updates on Luna? Can’t stop crying..:'(

  209. Cyndy Carpentieri says:

    Thank you for all the updates, Viktor. I am so happy that the girls and their mother have left this monster. I would so love to adopt Luna after she recovers…Siamese are the sweetest kitties.

  210. Pam Fitzpatrick says:

    How is the kitten???

  211. Jennifer Kelly says:

    The ‘man’ who did this is a very vile and sick disgrace for a human being. He should be locked up for life and given nothing to keep him alive, he should be depraved of all air, food and water and left in a jail cell to rot. If Luna doesn’t make it (although I really hope she does) then he should be imprisoned for murder. Anyone who takes their aggression out on a poor defenceless kitten deserves to have all rights, including the one to live, taken away from them. Please think of Luna and hope that she pulls through and gets a new loving family where she will be safe.

  212. Do you have a facebook account where we can follow Luna and her progress?

  213. WHERE is Luna at? I would love to help her. Some human beings are worthless..

  214. Lora Elstad says:

    Thank u Viktor. I know Luna is in good hands. You’ve had cases people thought were hopeless before and so many times the patient made it, sometimes not. But you always try. I know the laws are not as harsh in some places and madmen like this go free often, even after harming humans sometimes. This thing parading around with a man’s face has not been charged and will not be for animal abuse only, so you cannot divulge his identity, even if you DID know it, which you do not, because he is convicted of nothing. Even here in the U.S., after a woman has a restraining order legally filed, insane men have found and harmed their victims, despite the law. When they are caught, it is too late at that point. No such thing as 24 hr surveillance on monsters like this. Not enough manpower and resources. Because of this, I think it would be wise if Luna never went back with the family, even though they moved to the grandparents. This man knows just where that is and could show up there and do worse. I pray for the safety of the mother and 2 girls, even after leaving. But, as for Luna, I know you will do all that there is to do and, if she pulls through, you will make sure she finds a safe, loving home.

  215. If you can’t stop the bleeding asap, then the right thing needs to be done and take this poor sweet baby out of her misery….do not let her suffer and give her a proper end to her life. This is sickening….

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Her bleeding has been stopped. She will live.

  216. Wow, that guy must be really tough to beat up a cat. Would love to watch that guy get stomped by an angry mob.

  217. Please get well soon. I donated for this precious baby

  218. Katherine says:

    May God bless those taking care of that sweet kitten. May He watch over Mom and her girls. And may all that has been broken be healed. Sending loving thoughts & prayers.

  219. I cannot comprehend how someone could do something like to this to a kitten! Image what he could do to a human who has pissed him off. This heartless monster needs to be beaten, and thrown in prison where he may endure some ass beatings in there as well. Why does the law not protect animals the way they should???? I hope someone stalks and beats his ass with a bat in retaliation. I’m not a mean spirited person, but when I hear of how people kill animals, children and any innocent person, I become so enraged….

  220. terrie daniel says:

    did luna make it thru? what is her status? would someone please let us know how she is doing? thanks.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      She made it Terrie.. I’m at the clinic, about to publish some pictures 🙂

  221. Well, I’m disappointed that the monster will not be paying for his crimes, but I’m glad the mother and girls are safe, and so relieved to hear that Luna is doing well. Keep up all the great work you do! (And ignore those that don’t understand the good you’re doing!)

  222. Annie Hall says:

    Poor little Luna, I will be praying that she will live. and find a wonderful home and put all this behind her. What a strong will that she has to hold on like this. What a darling baby. A lot of people are praying for her. I am disgusted at this man doing this to her.

  223. I am glad the mother and girls are taking steps to turn their life around too. Luna, and her family, will be in my prayers.

  224. Diana Soufi says:

    I hate people abusing animals more than people abusing other people…I used to own a Siamese cat like that that died almost a year ago from old age and I can imagine how u can be cruel to these creatures… I haven’t checked to see where did this happen. If the cat pulls through and is in Cyprus and you need a permanent and safe home for her Id like to adopt her. in any case good luck Luna 🙂 ill be praying for ya 🙂

  225. Raelize (South Africa) says:

    Thank you for saving Luna, If you need a home for Luna I will love to have her. You are angels for doing this good deed and saving little Luna xx I know she is a survivor and she will again be a happy carefree kitty 🙂

  226. I am a 43 year old man and I had a lump in my throat when I read this story. You guys do a fantastic job helping sick animals, I am glad that I signed up to the monthly payments to you. I will be keeping tabs on how Luna gets on

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thank you Rob. I hope we’ll never let you down..

  227. I’m so happy she feels better. She’s on the right way. YAY!

  228. Carol Allaire says:

    Viktor, I am so proud of you and your staff for taking good care of Kitty Luna..I see that she has come out of the woods a little, she is perking up and is almost ready for her fixing of her Fractured Hip & Sacrum..My son Matt has donated $10.00 for her operation..I know it’s not much but, we are in financial bind and can’t give anymore..I hope to see in further emails that she is recovering just fine..She is a sweet kitty cat, and I know you will do everything possible for her..Thank You for everything, and I know Kitty Luna is happy that you are taking care of her..Kitty Luna take care and I hope to see you and your progress is coming along just fine..I am glad that your owners have moved into Grandmas house and you are safe from the man that did this to you..” LOTS OF LOVE AND AFFECTION TO YOU” XOXOXOXO

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      CAROL!!!! the amount is not important… it’s the combined effort of many that produces the incredible results we are seeing here..
      Please give Matt a hug from me. Glad to have both of you here.

  229. Maxine (UK) says:

    Donated a small amount to help – wish it could be more. So glad this beautiful little girl has come through.
    I hope the cruel bastard who did this to her gets his just deserts one day.

  230. Viktor I would like to adopt Luna. Is it possible? I am living in Italy and I have two rescue cats that are very friendly.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hi Gina, please email me on … for now her treatment continues, let’s see how everything goes.

  231. April Ritchie says:

    Money’s now tight but I’ll endeavour to find more to donate a small amount each day. I know in the grand theme of things 100 USD doesn’t go far in such a complicated and vet/nursing intensive case but I hope every little helps. So pleased at the news that Luna has improved, but she still faces an uphill struggle. I sincerely hope the monster who did this is prosecuted and is severally dealt with

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      April… thank you for your help.. it’s significant and we thank you for it..
      Honestly, thank you.

  232. michelle lavaro says:

    I would love to adopt luna when she is ready im in ny

  233. Kerry See says:

    I am so incredibly happy and relieved Luna is on the road to recovery. Thank God and all the angels in heaven and on earth! Thank you for all you do!

  234. Absolutely gorgeous <3

  235. I have been following Luna’s recovery since this happened, Now that she is doing better I can finally post what i feel. There is only one solution to this problem, That is take a baseball bat to this SOB’s Head or nothing that a bullet between the eyes wont cure, Actually a bullet is to good for him, It’s to final. We all know that nothing will be done to this A Hole and that He will still walk this earth as if nothing happened (and more than likely abuse again), Well it did and he needs to pay the price for hurting this baby, He needs to suffer as poor Luna has and is. He needs to feel the same pain Luna is feeling as she fights for life. The only way to Stop these abusers is make the Punishment fit the Crime, Do to Animal abusers what they do to the animals, This is the only way to stop them. Our Laws will not do anything because they never follow through or they get the lightest punishment possible, These People need to be Tortured as they Torture innocent Animals. Animals have feelings As humans do, and if they will sentence a Person to Death or life in prison for killing a person, then They do the same to people that abuse animals because they are only one step away. My thoughts and Prayers are with you Luna, Continue to fight sweet baby, you have so many that love you.

  236. Viktor im so happy we still have good people like you I wish the whole world would be the same..

    Tell me Viktor how is LUNA doing? Dios te bendiga

  237. Marcela McCracken says:

    Where is she located? She is beautiful! Sent her a donation, I hope it helps!

  238. April Ritchie says:

    Viktor, please post an update. We’re hoping that Luna continues to make a good recovery

  239. Charmaine Morgan says:

    Hi Victor

    Glad Luna is improving. I would love to adopt her when she is well. I am in South Africa.

  240. Any charges being filed against that abominable man for the animal abuse?

  241. Thank you for the wonderful work you do. I am glad the girls and their mother have left the situation. I know you will do all you can for Luna.

  242. Carol Allaire says:

    Victor, WE are so glad that you acknowleged our feelings to helping Kitty Luna.. My son Matt and I have said “YOUR VERY WELCOME” for our hopes to do everything necessary to helping her.. We are very hopeful for her recovery, so we will read your messages and comments on her case every day. We are saying our prayers that God will send his LOVE & POWER TO HEAL HER , AND ONCE AGAIN TO BE THE KITTY SHE WANTS TO BE..IN THE NAME OF JESUS “THANK YOU AMEN” As you know how We Love Animals, it doesn’t always have to be our animals only..Wecare for them all..Monday when she goes for her operation,We hope God will guide your hands to do the best you can, and Kitty Luna will mend to her fullest.. On closing “THANK YOU VIKTOR & YOUR STAFF FOR YOUR HELP IN MAKING KITTY LUNA WELL AGAIN .XOXO

  243. Alba Tirado says:

    Luna, que te mejores! Get better soon!

  244. donna ackley says:

    I hope they punish this man . if he didn’t have poor kitty he would have done something to the family . we must STOP these people . AGREE

  245. Sweet, sweet little Luna, I am saying prayers for you throughout the day. May God hold you in His Hands and give you the healing that you deserve. Your story tore at my heart. I pray for healing for you and justice for the one who did this. You now have a place in my heart forever, even though I am far away. I love you, little one.

  246. Carol Allaire says:

    I see that Kitty Luna is coming along very well..If it weren’t for you, where would she be..I know Kitty Luna will be back to her old self again
    , and THANK YOU for helping her do that..I know you will keep us informed on her recovery..Kitty Luna, we all LOVE YOU. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  247. Luna is my Princess of a Gem she is a fighter. As I’ve indicated you have captured our hearts at TAZZYS Siamese Rescue in WA. state, U.S.A. Your in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. I want to thank all of those that have been involved in this sensitive procedure. Bless you all!!! Still sending lots of love to you , Luna! Thanks and bless you as well for the update Viktor! <3

    1. That is wonderful Terri and Tazzy’s Siamese Rescue!! Thank you!! Luna did very well in surgery. We have the most amazing surgeon!

  248. Alexandera Yetman says:

    I am sure you have plenty of offers for adoption for Luna, but I felt compelled to let you know that I would gladly adopt her. Please keep me updated on her progress. I pray for her, and for those little girls that must be so traumatized by this. I will be donating, and have posted her story, so that my friends and family can also join in supporting her. Thank you for saving her!

  249. I gave what little I could! Give Luna careful, tender hug for me! Poor baby doesn’t deserve all this pain but at least she has you on her side! I look at my sweet baby kitties and just wonder how anyone can hurt these sweet innocent animals. I’m going to go hug Mama, Buddy, and Zazzles now…<3

  250. Beautiful come back <3

  251. Thank you Viktor for everything you do. xx. Mussa

  252. Julie bird says:

    Well done guys you do an amazing job with these abused animals
    But there again I had every faith in you to make her better an to fix her up
    Now get the bastard that done that an lock him up fine or

  253. Thank you and your crew for doing your best with saving Luna she’s absolutely beautiful

  254. Marykate McDonald says:

    The father of these children should never be given the opportunity to see his children again. He also should not be allowed to be in any household with pets agasin

  255. April Ritchie says:

    I was moved to tears at the wonderful YouTube video at the end of your blog. On a day when many friends mourned the loss of a sweet cat called Tiffany who died aged 18 last night, there was something very uplifting about Luna’s recovery. I am sure that you have had many requests to adopt Luna, we would have her in a heartbeat but live far away in Scotland. I am sure there is a special forever family out there to give her the best life she so deserves.

  256. Anonymous says:

    She’s beautiful, Viktor! Thank you for
    Being her Angel!

  257. Rachel Dunn says:

    Thank god Luna has made it through! Her incredibly talented veterinarians and her guardian angel really made a miracle happen! She is absolutely gorgeous. It is amazing how she is still so loving after her horrific ordeal, she is truly the epitome of innocence and trust. I hope that the callous, repulsive excuse for a human being gets what he deserves. I believe that what goes around comes around, so if he is not held accountable for his actions on earth, I imagine that hell has a special spot waiting just for him! I live in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) and would be thrilled to give her a loving forever home if she has not yet found one.

  258. Lynne Shadle says:

    So sad that I can’t afford to donate but I follow the stories daily from Lets Adopt. If I could afford to donate anywhere it would be to Lets Adopt. Bless all of you for the wonderful work you do for these hurt babies. I see by Luna’s last video you posted she is a total love bug. How could anyone do that to her.

  259. To see Luna headbutting Viktor after all she’s been through is wonderful. It is so true that animals know who is good and kind to them. I hope Luna goes to a loving family and lives a very long, happy and healthy life. She deserves it. As for the cowardly, drunken cretin who abused her, I hope with all my heart that you NEVER get a single days peace and you learn the meaning of suffering. To the girls and their mother. I left an abusive marriage some years ago. Take one day at a time. You will eventually realise that you are worth so much better than abuse. In a relationship there is never any excuse for violence and remember too that these people will often tell you they’ve changed, they won’t do it again but they do. Stay strong and don’t listen to them – don’t ever go back.

  260. Way to go!!!!! Viktor and team are angels on earth!!!! Thank you for all the animals you guys save! We are their voice! Humans that ccause pain are souless creatures

  261. I’m going to be the Devil’s advocate here but this mother knew this guy was an alcohlic abuser yet she stayed and put her cat and children in jeopardy time after time after time. If it was just her then fine, she is too scared to leave but when you have animals and children you either grow a backbone fast or at least get your kids and animals out. The children should be taken away from her until she can turn her life around and prove she won’t go crawling back to this jerk which is a real possibility. Replce the cat with a dog and the alcohol for drugs and you have the case of my cousin. Even after the guy was charged she still wanted to go back to him along with the kids. This woman is just as much at fault for the abuse to this cat and the on-going trauma to her children as he is since she allowed it to continue and chances are she would have continued to do so. It took her children to do something about it and that probably was what made her have to leave since now it was all brought out in the open. What if the children didn’t take the cat away and nothing was found out. Yep, she would probably still be there with the kids. She did nothing for this cat nor her kids and most likely would not have until one of the kids was taken to the hospital and the Police got involved. If no charges have been laid against this guy why has she not done so?? There has to be some sort of Police record about his prior abuses so laying charges should not be an issue. I know it can be traumatic and she may have become a major victim but when it comes to having it affect others lives then take responsibility for the welfare of your children or let someone else do it. She has traumatized her children and the cat for life and they will never, ever have a normal life due to her lack of courage. If this was your cat and your children would you have stayed this long? Would you stay and allow this abuser to do what he did or would you have taken a frying pan to his head at night or gone to the Police or at least gotten your kids and pets out? No matter how terrified you are your instinct and love would push you to make sure they were safe even if it meant putting your life on the line. Who here would not put their own safety and life on the line for their loved ones?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Cathy, thanks for giving me your views, but if everytime a woman took the decision to part ways with her abusive husband society took away her children can you imagine what would happen? Take them and what? put them in a neverending system of orphanages and foster homes? Why? The woman and her children now live in a lovely home with her parents.
      The devil doesn’t need an advocate in this case, trust me.

  262. Renee L. Ten Eyck says:

    with so much abuse and pain and trauma to animals every day (I follow many causes and groups), I have to live for the good news-the happy endings, the success stories. Thank you for caring for this beautiful girl!
    Renee in Colorado, USA

  263. Lee Priday says:

    Hi Victor and Team, thankyou so much for rescuing Luna and helping her – she looks so good, so soon after her operation, its amazing!

  264. No mention is made of the abusive father being arrested. Why not? For the future safety of he girls and his wife, there needs to be documentation. It will be easier for her to get everything in a divorce if he is jailed. He doesn’t deserve leniency. He needs treatment and rage management. He never needs to be allowed near another pet. This is emotional abuse of his children also. Best wishes for Luna, the girls and the wife.

  265. Thank you for saving her, I’m honored I could donate to help your kind efforts to save this beautiful creature.
    Make sure she finds a good home with someone who loves cats as much as you and I do.


  266. Vivian Brien says:

    So happy to see Luna in the video. I will donate again today to her recovery. Thank you for caring. She is just a beautiful girl and I know alot of people would like to adopt her. I would but I have 4 cats now but I would consider.

  267. Debs Baker says:

    Viktor, I can’t find your group on Facebook and wondered where it has gone, I wanted to find out about Luna x

  268. Pat Goldberg says:

    Just so glad to see the amazing recovery of beautiful Luna