Would you kill Bugs Bunny?

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It’s a common sight along the world’s highways…

Little creatures that minutes earlier were frantically trying to reach the other side of the highway, splattered like a blot of red ink in the asphalt, mangled fur, flesh and bones becoming one with the road.

The brutality of the impacts usually ends their life in an instant. It’s extremely rare that any of them survives, and when they do they usually perish of exhaustion and exposure pressed against the median wall.

It’s really a miracle that a bunny survives such an impact, and it’s even rarer that someone stops the car and crosses the highway to check if the poor animal is still alive. It’s Wildlife after all…

And so, here we have a miracle. Her name is Bunny. BUGS BUNNY!!!

Bugs Bunny was hit by a car in a busy highway… From the road we rushed her to our vet and checked her condition. The results? Her leg is completely shattered. It’s a total disaster. There are shards everywhere. The leg is, however, salvageable using a technique called MIPO (Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis). We have used this technique with great success in the past, never on a rabbit though.

We then tried to contact several local and nation-wide Wildlife rescues. Each one of them, without exception, told us the same… it’s not logical to operate a wild rabbit. It’s too expensive and there are too many out there to save them all. Let the law of nature follow it’s course and euthanize Bugs Bunny.

WHAT? WHAT????? What nonsense is this? Since when is active euthanasia allowing nature to follow it’s course? since when is the life of an injured wild animal less valuable that the one of bunny born in captivity?

There is no genetic difference between one bunny and the other, I dare saying that the difference between Bugs Bunny here and Phoebe, our friends rescued bunny, is that Phoebe was born in a breeder’s farm, while our Little Hero Bugs was born out in the field and spent the first few months of her life hopping in the fields with her mummy before she was killed by a hunter.

Is the life of a dog born on the streets less valuable than the life of a dog born to a breeder?

Does a feral cat born in a colony is less deserving of our help than a Siamese born to a backyard breeder? If so… why?

This is no Lion or crocodile.. we are talking about Bugs Bunny here.

I think, and I hope you are going to agree with me, that it is going to be better for Bugs Bunny if for once we ignore the experts and we do what we do best. That is, putting at her disposal the latest advances in veterinary medicine, fix her leg, and afterwards, once she is totally recovered, help her find her own place in the world.

Look at her.. is her life worth saving? If your answer is yes, please help us go ahead with the surgery and save her life. Bunnies like her sell in the supermarket at $5 / kg. That’s the market price for a bunny.. but for us.. this bunny is something else.. this bunny is a priceless life worth saving.

Her surgery can’t be delayed for long…



Update October 18

It was a frantic day. Bugs Bunny had to be rushed to the operation table, internal bleeding in the affected area had turned into necrosis. It had become a matter of life and death.


This is, in images and video, the story of the reconstruction of Bugs leg. An operation that we have never seen performed on a wild rabbit but that it was essential to save her life.



Finally…. the image we’ve all been waiting for!..

Bugs Bunny this morning!!!


Update 28 October

Bugsy is doing amazingly well, her mood is great, there is no sign of pain, she has adapted to her new home and bonded with her new family..


Her leg didn’t heal as expected. The necrotic area expanded and fell off, we have applied daily cures, tissue was regenerating but the ciatic nerve has been affected.

It has been a very painful decision but we are going to amputate her leg to save her life.  We tried, we did all we could to save the leg. It didn’t work. The priority is to save her life now..


October 31

Dear friends, it is with a heavy heart that I must announce Bug’s Bunny’s passing.

We gave her every possible chance, a shot at life, and she was doing very well. Her overall condition was excellent, unfortunately the leg had vascularity problems and was totally necrotic. It had to go.

We operated Bugs, she did very well all throughout but in the end, as we were closing her little heart stopped beating. All our efforts to resuscitate her were in vain.  She left us.

I would like to think wherever she is she is looking down at us with her Bunny’s smile and thanks us for standing by her right till the end. I would also love to tell her that her friend LUNA came to the clinic today and that she is doing well… I know.. I know she would love that.

Good bye Bugsy…  you’ll be forever remembered down here.




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26 comments on “Would you kill Bugs Bunny?Add yours →

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  1. Donna Wilson says:

    I would try my best to help this bunny. I know that bunny breaths like me, has eyes like me , heart like me. Feelings like me This bunny is no different than me. I abosolutely would help this little girl

  2. Thank you for saving her, she is so sweet and calm. Very good girl, she deserves to live in a nice home, she was lucky 😉

  3. Stop killing these cute bunny

  4. Claire Wilson says:

    What a sweetie! My father raised rabbits for show when I was growing up.. I know first hand what intelligent and loving personalities they have. You could see on the video how much your stroking and petting soothed her – she instinctively knew she was safe and she could trust you. Victor, your impassioned plea on Bugs Bunny’s behalf moved me and I hope more from this community will join in to help her. I am on a fixed income but I am donating what I can. Wish it could be more and I will try to send more later.

  5. Carol Allaire says:

    Viktor, I see you have such COMPASSION FOR LIFE, and I feel the same way as you, that LIFE is nothing to not take for GRANTED,,,Matter of fact, I would do for an ANIMAL, before I would do for a HUMAN. ANIMALS take great HAPPINESS to praise you, and LOVE Us that is so much BETTER, than what us Humans do for them. I am so glad on your decision for taking care of BUGGSY, that I sit here and cry for how you think, and it is what I would do..If I could care for a Pigeon that I found with a BAD WING, how could I not care for your helping BUGGSY ?? You just listen to your conscience and I know you will THINK RIGHT..
    I saw her video, and I could see how BEAUTIFUL she looked..She wasn’t scared of you petting her at all, so she knows you will help her, and that’s what you will do. All animals have the right to live especially if they are still alive after being hit by a car..They have the willingness to keep on fighting, so God says to help them..I said I DON’T BELIEVE IN EUTHANAZIA, and I will NEVER EVER Believe in that..If God takes them to him, HE IS THE ONE TO END THIER LIVES, NOT US.. I am so proud of You and your staff for making BUGGSY’S life worth fighting for, and God will BLESS YOU IN THE END..Afterall they are his creatures that he created, and only his, so don’t mess with MOTHER NATURE..BUGGSY will come out of this, and will live a whole and complete life, THANKS TO YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE..I am so proud of YOU..GOD BLESS YOU !!!!

  6. Donated….. Of course she is worth saving!!! She is a sentient being. Her life has worth! I know you will be able to fix her broken leg and find her a wonderful, loving forever home! Thank YOU LAG team!

  7. Please let me know hoe Bugs is doing. I donated what I could. Hope all goes well for Bugs. 🙂

  8. Elpida Chrysostomou says:

    In Cyprus you dont get to see them runned by cars on highways cause hunters kill them its the national sport a great hunter will kill bunnies and then pose with the dead bunny so all his friends can see his special hunting skills. After they cook the bunny with onions a special recipe very popular around the island. Good luck to Bugs Bunny and thank you for saving her. You did the right thing Victor we cant save them all but we can try save as much as we can. Speedy recovery for Bugs Bunny all the way from Cyprus.

  9. Viktor, Praying for Bugsy. Could see she was scared at first then when you started to pet her she became comfortable with you.Thank you for saving her and helping her. Not many people have the touch or care for animals like you and your team God bless you and your team

  10. Jean Stewart, Scotland says:

    Could only make a small donation but had to give something, to show that I support you’re ethics and that every animal deserves a chance. So glad she found her way to you…..she couldn’t be in better hands. Thank you for helping her.

  11. I hope you can save Bugs Bunny but if you do, she may not be able to return to the wild as she may, with all the human contact, become domesticated. She’s such a pretty little thing I’m sure rabbit lovers would give her a good home. Fingers crossed that this little one makes it, especially as I read there are now complications.

  12. Nancy Knuth says:

    Viktor, You are such a special person! Keep up the good work!!

  13. Bridget savage says:

    Oh she is such a sweet bunny I hope she recovers well after the amputation. But such a shame she can’t be released back into the wild after this latest update xxx

  14. Shari McLaughlin says:

    It never ceases to amaze me the quality of care, love and affection you give every single animal. Your respect, and high regard for every creature is awesome and wonderful. Thank you for all you do!!

  15. eres bello viktor, dios te bendiga

  16. Joëlle, from Brussels says:

    RIP dear Bugsy… so sad… :'( Viktor you and the vets tried everything you could, thanks for that, that little princess at least knew she was loved and cared for… I read that bunnies have such a fragile heart… this one was no exception…She’ll be in my prayers as will so many others…

  17. Jean Stewart, Scotland says:

    So sorry to hear about Bugs today……you did everything you could to save her and at least she knew love and kindness at the end. God bless her. x

  18. Carol Allaire says:

    Viktor, I am very saddened that Bugs Bunny had to leave us..I know she is in good hand in heaven with God..I know all who took care of Bugs had done the best for her, but God called her home..May she find Peace and Happiness in her new home in Heaven, and Thank You for everything you have done..xxoo

  19. I am so sorry to hear of her passing, but at least she was under anesthesia and I am sure felt no pain, She got to ex perience love the last of her life and se e that there were kind and loving human s, not all had to be feared. It is amazing that she mad says:

    I am so sorry to hear of her passing, but at least she was under anesthesia and I am sure felt no pain, She got to ex perience love the last of her life and se e that there were kind and loving human s, not all had to be feared. It is amazing that she made it this far. For the few who said this was too much and to put her to sleep, they were wrong. God gave her life and God decided when it was t ime for Bugsy to join him . Viktor you did all you could and I thank you for that. Continue to love and save the animals that others have abused, broken or forgotten, There is a beautiful Rabbit with Wings smiling down on you today, wiggling it’s little nose and sending bunny kisses saying thank you for showing me human warm love.RIP Bugsy.

  20. I’m sorry to hear about Bugs Bunny. Thank you for giving her a chance. x

  21. I am so sorry Viktor! Please know that she is hopping with All the rest that are pain free now in heaven. RIP Bugs, you will be missed and remembered always.

  22. Why don’t you put him into cryonics so she can be resurrected in another time in 2023

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Funny boy… ha ha ha

  23. BugsLover says:

    Aww 🙁 so sorry about the passing but thanks for spreading the message that you feel every life is worth saving.

    bugs must have been grateful to have a kind family such as yours take her in :3