Pablito apenas tiene 8 años y corre desesperadamente tratando de parar la…
Author: The Let's Adopt! Global Team (page 21)
Let's Adopt! Global is a different kind of animal rescue. One that believes that animals have no nationalities and that there are truly no limits to what one can achieve when working as a community on behalf of an animal in need.
NINA, un gatito con las tres piernas destrozadas por arrastre
Ha ocurrido en Valencia… Nina cruzo el umbral de la clinica en…
NINA, a kitty dragged under a car with three legs distroyed
Nina entered the clinic in the arms of her “owner” that brought…
La segunda oportunidad de “SUERTE” !
“Suerte”, asi la llamaron las chicas que la rescataron cuando estaba a…
An incredible Ibizan Hound gets a second chance in life
“Suerte” is Spanish for luck, and that’s the name that was given…
Salvemos a KOLA, una gatita indefensa con TODO roto
” Mantengo que cuanto mas indefensa se encuentra una criatura, mas derecho…
KOLA, probably the most helpless kitty in the world
“I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it…
Saving Gala, a brutalized spanish galgo with two open fractures
Dear friends, The beautiful dog you see laying on the floor with…
Saving Alex, found on the highway with a hole in the head
We have named him Alex… because we believe every animal must have…
Saving Lady Jane and her babies
I wasn’t there to witness it, but those that were tell me…