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This is the story of a dog, Tom, who literally, came back from death at the very last minute and taught us all a wonderful lesson.
This is the story of a reverse journey, from Death to Life.
His treatment was extremely complicated, arduous. His blood levels were underground, his entire body was fighting infection. He presented facial paralysis, Leishmania. He presented all kinds of neurological symptoms including an extreme sensitivity to pain.
Usually dog´s pain threshold is much higher than humans… in his case it was the opposite. He ached all over.
Tom had been submitted to such level of neglect that his body had started to eat itself.
At first we thought it would be impossible to save him…
He proved us wrong.

For weeks, months, we looked for the perfect family for him but noone stepped forward. But we never lost hope. Here was a dog that had survived an unspeakable torture, we knew somewhere out there there would be the perfect family for him.

An email from Norway.

And then, in early spring, this family appeared in the form of a lovely email from Norway.
Norway, a paradise in the cold, for humans and animals alike. Tom would be living in an incredibly setting. Surrounded by lovely fields, pristine forests and lakes. We couldn´t believe Tom´s luck until we saw the pictures….
Tom won the Lottery!…  this video is his story…

Tom showed us he wanted to live, and we gave it all for him. A few good people working together to give a good ending to a most unforgettable story.

If you were moved by Tom´s story, SHARE this blog, Donate and help us continue our work. Our rescue effort never stop, and we can only do this with your help.

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89 comments on “TOM´S FINAL JOURNEYAdd yours →

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  1. Lina Garcia says:

    So glad you made it beautiful Tom!
    What a strong and beautiful dog you are. An example to others, dogs and human alike.
    Sending a bit to help you get that ticket home.
    Go Tom GO GO GO!

  2. Donated some to help Tom get home. I am so happy is getting a new family and can’t wait to see him in his new home. Thank you to all who took part in saving this sweet boy! God bless you, and God bless Tom. I love you, Tom! Xoxoxoxo

  3. Yay!!
    Finally, Tom got the home he deserves!
    Made a small donation for his final journey, may he live with his new family happily ever after!

  4. congrats Tom on finding your new family & best wishes. It was a long hard road for you, & now you will get the life that you so deserve, be happy lil boy

  5. It’s another miracle! Thank you St Francis Patron of the animals! God Bless Tom and the new family, paradise. Made a small donation.

  6. Martje Bryce says:

    Just a bit to help Tom go home! Thanks so much for all that you do!!!

  7. Ahahaha beautiful Tom , i remember seing the first photo of you…looking almost dead

  8. Ahahaha beautiful Tom , i remember seing the first photo of you…looking almost dead

  9. I love you Tom!!
    Thanks for never giving up and may your new family love you and cherish your journey forever!!
    Thanks LAG for all the great work you do for Tom and the hundreds others!!

  10. Love Tom’s tie…he’s really going all out for his new family…GOD BLESS everyone who helped bring him back and finding him his furever home…

  11. Victor he looks great! I am so happy for him and his new family. I am sending a small amount as funds are really tight right now. Good work team. TY

  12. William huard says:

    Has this family in Norway been vetted properly? This dog is in the states and there is no one that would take him?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hi William … Tom was in Spain… He’s is now flying to Norway. Wait, there will be an update on Monday..

  13. Can’t tell from the message, is he still alive? I equate paradise with the end

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Please read the post.. He’s flying to Norway.
      To us paradise means life… So much to enjoy while here 🙂

  14. Kim Worthington says:

    ACE ACE ACE. Go Tom. Bounce and wag and play with that beautiful smile on your face. Live long darling xxx

  15. Oh this is wonderful news! Tom deserves the best and it seems this is a wish come true for him. He is a fine looking dog and is strong and I’m sure he will be loyal to his new family. Thank you for all you do, and thanks for posting this update.
    Keep up the good work.

  16. Heck, I would have taken him! Glad to see Tom is going to a good home. Donation from me as well. I expect to get an update on his incredible home as promised.

  17. Anonymous says:

    What if the picture is not real after all he has gone through what if he is hurt again please please make sure. I rescue cats and I know how people lie. I want to help but I would like to know that you are sure that these people are going to take good care of him.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      We are totally sure… Come back in Monday for an update, you will understand ..

  18. Jason Johnson says:

    Just donated for Tom’s trip home. I hope he has a wonderful life!

    Jason J.

  19. Alexander Damyanovich says:

    This is SO UTTERLY FANTASTIC!!!! I remember the very first photo of poor Tom the Podenco, how he was truly at Death’s Door – and I was so glad to watch his progress as Viktor proved and posted back to life!! So he has found a loving family in Norway – I’m so happy for him: may he indeed live happily “ever after”!!! God Bless him and ALL OF YOU for your diligent care and love for him and so many, many other dogs and cats!!!!

  20. I pray you are right and Tom does go to a much deserved heaven in Norway and it stays that way forever for him. I don’t know how you do it, how you can let them go after all they’ve been through. I understand that you can’t keep them all but in your place, I’d be a total wreck of worry. Prayers for Tom and sharing.

  21. Well done Viktor and Tom. says:

    Hope you have found your forever home Tom.

  22. Kate Cassidy says:

    What a wonderful end to such a sad story. Thank you for saving Tom’s life. You are such wonderful people. I wish Tom all the very best in the world ..God bless you all and of course beautiful Tom xx

  23. Tom gives us a beautiful lesson of life and courage. Thanks to all those who looked after him and believed in him. Thanks to those who adopted him and long happy life to Tom.

  24. Zara Benton says:

    I cried tears of sorrow when I saw his first video and the pain he was in it broke my heart :'( Today I am crying tears of joy for Tom, for you at LAG and for his new family in Norway 🙂

    Live a good life, a long life Tom and be happy ~ that’s all we could ever wish for for you. I would have loved to have had you too but my 3 terriers will not allow another to come. One day I will help one I promise…….

  25. Alison Hill says:

    God bless Tom and his new family – I am so happy for him xxxxx

  26. Faye Edmonds says:

    So moving!! A true happy ever after, amazing…

  27. Sheena Romahn says:

    Enjoy your paradise Tom, you deserve it and thank you Viktor, the vets and the carers without whom he just would not have made it home!!!! 🙂

  28. Anonymous says:

    This is Beautiful for Precious Tom!! You really have found Heaven!! X x

  29. Theresa Dufore says:

    Viktor, thank you SO much for the update on Tom! You truly saved his life and made it possible for him to live out his life in a beautiful place. It truly IS paradise!! Much love to you for everything you do for ALL the animals! <3

  30. This made me cried

  31. a fantastic story ! thanks for helping Tom until he got cured and found his family

  32. well done all the team 🙂

  33. Bravo to Viktor and his team of Angels. Another miracle to add to your list!!

  34. God love his heart and … the loving hearts of his new family. 😀

  35. wenen van geluk bij het zien van deze video.
    Dit is wat ze allemaal verdienen, liefde en respect want je krijgt het in tienvoud terug… vees succes Tom xx

  36. Lourdes Millan says:

    Gracias por todo lo que le hacen a estos preciosos animales y tantos que salvan, Thanks to you all for all you do for all these beautiful animals that don’t have much hope till they come to you and a perfect example is Tom, looking at this video I was crying because I was so happy to hear that Tom got a new loving home after all that he had gone through and u can tell by the video that is having a great time with his new owner and he also has another dog buddy, 🙂

  37. Heather Hillman says:

    So happy for sweet Tom!!! I am crying over my morning coffee! Thank you for doing all that you do! God Bless Tom and his new family!

  38. Well done Viktor. What a fantastic ending. You and your team are the best!

  39. Tears of gratitude for the incredible efforts you made for Tom. He truly is in paradise and a loving home where he will never be starved or be abused again. I wish that for all the dogs in Spain who are tortured and killed yearly. A horrible situation! Thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart Viktor!

  40. WOW! I wanna go live there! So happy for him! He’s beautiful……

  41. Liz from Montreal says:

    You can practically hear Tom’s heart sing! How lovely. Thank you Viktor

  42. Lisa Atamian says:

    Happy tears for Tom – Blessings to all to make it happen! What a strong boy!

  43. That is truly wonderful! This dog’s life was changed completely by the love and caring of a wonderful team! LAG & it’s supporters!! I am so happy for TOM <3 I hope he lives a long, happy life.

  44. What a perfectly wonderful place for a very sweet, deserving, and precious Tom. Good Work LAG and Viktor!

  45. Very glad for Tom and his family. It’s wonderful. Happy ang long life to Tom and his family.
    Thank you Viktor and your staff for this.

  46. John Rowan says:

    The video of Tom getting to go home brought tears to my eyes…so beautiful…thank you for rescuing him, Viktor, and for giving him a life in Paradise…where he can run free…

  47. Ted Kirby says:

    Victor, you are truly an angel to these amazing animals that have been through so much torment and agony. For many you are that shining light in their lives. Keep doing what you are doing! I absolutely admire you so so much! I will continue to help when I can.

    Ted from Phoenix, Arizona

  48. Awwww Go Tom. Brilliant news! Fab work to all in involved at Let’s Adopt Global! ♥

  49. Ron Wayne says:

    God bless you Victor and the special family that gave him a well deserved loving home. All of you are my heroes!

  50. animal lover says:

    this is the kind of ending i love to watch. i am so happy to see all animals having a happy ending. thanks to all your work Victor – you are a great person. 🙂

  51. What an amazing outcome. You all are saints. I love Tom’s new home. It is Paradise and he looks so happy and is able to run free there. I don’t think his life could have turned out any better! (I was so afraid you had meant he went to the Rainbow Bridge.) Thank you for this wonderful update.

  52. Kate Cassidy says:

    Thank you so much for saving Tom Unbelievable story. Have a great life TOM xxx

  53. A beautiful story about a wonderful dog
    Thank you for teaching us endurance perseverance and love
    Kindness and Mercy for all animals.

  54. Naomi Bergner says:

    It’s so nice there is a balance in the world. After all the mean, cruel people we see hurt animals, there come the wonderful ones who take care of them and give them great homes. Thanks for sharing this video!

  55. Christina C. says:

    Today my tears are for joy! Bless the angels who took Tom to this beautiful place he now calls home. You are all such beautiful people. All the best!

  56. Thank you for sharing. Such an uplifting video. So happy for Tom and his new human companions.

  57. Maire Hurme says:

    The new Mom, environment, the pond, the new pal – all of it makes him look so happy. 🙂 He is wagging his tail and running over the fields and forest paths as if he had done it always before. He surely won a lottery price and his humans will be repaid by Tom’s affection and gratitude!

  58. Congratulations dear angel Tom. May you enjoy your life in paradise. You deserve nothing but the all the best things in life. Enjoy your new amazing family!

  59. HI is living with a Rdigeback. There could not hapen anything better 😉

  60. Claire McNaughton says:

    Thanks, Tom’s story is uplifting.

  61. Anonymous says:

    It will always be a Miracle when we have such a Good and Dedicated Veternarian like Dr. Viktor Larkhill..I see it all the time, and it sure does amaze me just how People like him really care..Tom was a Miracle from God, because he was given a Second Chance, and God does do Beautiful things for all of us if we are just given a chance. I do respectively want to say to Dr. Viktor, “YOU HAVE DONE IT AGAIN”.You have helped Tom, and I know he is most grateful to you..Never did you think twice about Tom..You told him he would see Paradise, and He did, Thanks to you..I just wish we had more people who thought as you do..I see many a Beautiful Dog on the Internet, and all I see is they are going to be destroyed, which does not make my day..I feel for that dog as well as all others, and I know Second Chances are there for us to recover with..Let’s take care of the Living, and I do wish Tom and his New Owner a Peaceful and Happy time together..Thank You again Dr. Viktor, for all you do for the Animals..

  62. Rudolf Schimpf says:

    Thanks Viktor, outstanding job! I am so glad to see Tom in the video ….

  63. Beryl E. Sanders says:

    As I sit here in the comfort of my home, tears are streaming down my face because I am so very happy that Tom has recovered so well and is sucha healthy and beautiful dog in his new Forever Home. This is a wonderful story and it makes my heart melt to know you Viktor and your wonderful associates for helping so many desperate animals in need of your help and the wonderful and beautiful life they have ahead of them in their new Forever Home. Thank you all so very much ….

  64. Shawna Ramazzotti says:

    I’m so glad to see that he got a second chance at life he deserve it as does every dog or cat or other animals in this world. Good luck Tom on your next chapter in life.

  65. ewa oscarsdotter says:

    GOOD LUCK IN NORWAY, TOM !!!! I am in tears after seeing the video when you are HOME !!!! <3

  66. Nancy Neimeth says:

    So happy for Tom, I am actually in tears. May he be always safe and happy, loved and cherished in his wonderful new home! Bless you for saving this precious boy, and Bless his new family for finally giving him the paradise of a home he has always deserved!

  67. Angela Sklyar says:

    Hello Viktor and everyone who helps those animals. I hope you will see my reply. What can i say about this i was just speechless watching with my eye full of tears. There is no enough words to express, there is no enough tears for all those abused animals. I get amazed every day from how much people don’t care and i get AMAZED every day how much people like you and your team can do . The stories like that should be posted everywhere so people can see , learn, follow, help, understand. Thank you so so much!!! I am going to share it on FB and i am going to go on your page and invite people YOU GUYS JUST SO AMAZING I JUST CAN’T BELIEVE IT

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks Ángela…. Of course I saw your note.
      Thank you… All of this process can only happen because of everyone’s efforts combined into a single point.
      Miracles happen that way…

  68. Wendy WINTERSGILL says:

    Thankyou to Toms new family ….compassion and love .

  69. Viktor,
    I want to adopt one of your miracles…
    was supposed to be Tula….

    did Hutch have a brother…??
    I would love a Podenco

    pls keep me posted and thanks again
    for the work you and your team do!!

    Thanks and Many Blessings…

    Pat in NY

  70. Aline Donze says:

    I am so happy for Tom! I have followed his story from the beginning, didn’t think he would make it, and now look at him! Thank you Let’s Adopt Global for saving these wonderful animals and the people that help you do it! Tom is now such a happy dog!

  71. tears so happy for him!! bless you n the wonderful people who are now his family!! bless you tom i pray you have a very happy life now! thank you too Viktor for giving him a new life filled with love now! you are one in a million! Linda

  72. Carol Neto says:

    So happy for Tom ! Poor creature has endured so much suffering and now probably for the first time in his life he feels strong , alive and not hungry or scared ! Thank you to all of you and to the people who have offered Tom this super new life ! Always fight the good fight Tom X

  73. What a video, what a place to live. So very well done to all.

  74. Jean Hehn-Bradley says:

    Congratulations Tom, good job Viktor!

  75. Janine Wright says:

    I can’t stop crying with Happiness .Thank you for what you do for all animals in need but, for me, Tom is extra special patient ,an extraordinary example of will power to survive.He has gone to live in paradise and that’s where Tom should be. Thanks for the video Viktor xx

  76. Angela Sarcone says:

    Absolutely Wonderful Viktor!!! I’m sure paradise awaits you and your unstoppable love and dedication to these animals! Bless you and them all!

  77. Beautiful dog. Beautiful place – and it looks like he has a constant canine companion, as well as a caring owner. Well done!

  78. lorraine sakli says:

    What a beautiful and happy forever for Tom. Thanks, Viktor, for all the
    hard work and your caring heart in saving these forlorn animals. You, and the animals you save, are courageous lovers of life. Bless you all. I will support your work proudly. Thank you.

  79. alexandra mason says:

    all the work let’s adopt does is the reward Tom had..bless you all for giving these poor souls who went through hell a last good memory of their lives on Earth,far from the cruelty of some humans..very moving story..RIP angels hope we will see you soon when our time comes…animals are pure souls and real love is in their eyes,they are amazing creatures.

  80. alexandra mason says:

    but for Tom a new life is on and he will live it for a long long time!:)

  81. rachel appleyard says:

    So pleased for Tom and also for Viktor who does such amazing work.

  82. RANIA KANELLOU says:

    What a wonderful ending for Tom!! I am happy i helped even a little.
    Have a great life Tom!

  83. Absolutely fantastic! Bravo Viktor and Brava Tom’s adoptive mum. Thank you for such a special gift of life x

  84. Jason George says:

    Hurray for TOM and LET’S ADOPT GLOBAL!

    You guys take my breath away.