Tita, a broken kitty for Halloween

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Tonight is Halloween, the Night of the Horror Stories, trick or treating and skeleton costumes.
It’s spooky, it’s fun, it’s ridiculous, but that’s ok.
A night of horror that is not supposed to be so, let’s have as much fun as possible… but before we do and we go splash on a silly Witch Hat, or a massive Jack-O-Lantern let me tell you a story of a cat that will spend tonight wondering where did all go wrong.
Her name is Tita, and until a few a days ago, she had a pampered life as the beautiful Blue Eyed ragdoll of a family that promised her undying love and attention.
She must have had a happy life until the car crash.ย 
She wasn’t taken to the vet immediately, the owner was busy and let a few days pass in case it was just a small hit, by the time Tita arrived to the clinic and X-Rays were taken, the fracture was obvious and cruel.

Tita needs an urgent operation to rebuild that fractured leg, and it has to be quick before the bone sets wrongly on its own or it gets infected and develops gangrene.

Tita laid there, on the examination table looking at her beloved owner when the man said the following words: “I’m sorry Tita…” and addressing himself to the vet asked him to put her to sleep as he did not intended to pay for her operation”. He paid a hundred bucks for the killing and he left.. It was too much for just a cat, plus they had another one. Tita’s brother, he said…ย 

After saying this he jumped on his BMW and drove away, leaving Tita following him with her blue eyes through the clinic’s window and me with my clenched jaw and my frustration for what I had just witnessed.

Needless to say the killing did not take place. As we did with Pooh last month I told the vet not to even think about it, Let’s Adopt would take care of this baby.

A few days have passed, antibiotics have reduced infection and swelling, we must operate as soon as possible.

This is Tita, she’s an amazing cat that today sits with a broken leg waiting for her operation to happen.

Forget about the dammed witches and pumpkin burning heads and let’s do something today that celebrates LIFE not DEATH…

Please, if you can, help us save Tita today. Look at the fracture, we don’t have much time.. ย Please help us make this happen…


P.S. As usual, I will be providing updates on Tita’s condition, and of course, the moment she has recovered from her ordeal she will need a final home. Would you like to adopt Tita after her treatment is over please write to me on viktor@myletsadopt.com


Update November 7

Tita’s operation has been a success!!!!

The implants have rebuild her leg and will help her regrow the bone correctly….

and just 24 hours after the operation here she is… chilling at home, annoyed about the collar but hey, who cares? it’s going to be just for a few days.. ๐Ÿ™‚

UPDATE March 22…

Tita, looking at me from her vantage position in the bathroom.

Tita has been adopted in Madrid, she’s just waiting to travel home…

Tita was treated and rehabilitated thanks to the amazing support of our incredible community to the Simba Fund. Please, should you wish to support our work so that we can continue saving animals like Tita, please contribute to our working Fund today…


Many thanks!…



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21 comments on “Tita, a broken kitty for HalloweenAdd yours →

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  1. Bruce Jensen says:

    Praying for this hurt baby ๐Ÿ™

  2. Catherine says:

    I hope Tita’s going to be okay… Hang in there, strong kitty… You can make it through!!!

  3. I would feel blessed to have this little girl in my home. She’s so amazing. I will never understand how people can just “throw” away sweet, helpless babies like this.

  4. Stephanie says:

    Bless your heart for saving her, however I can’t help to think about her brother and how sad he will be with out his playmate. I wish you could have taken her brother too, obviously he isn’t a good pet owner ๐Ÿ™ don’t you have organizations that help owners that can’t afford vet care?

  5. This does make me wonder what kinda car you’re driving yourself home in..
    I do hope the money gets raised for the poor cats operation.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Me? What kind of car I drive?
      A Toyota Corolla, one of the doors doesn’t open but don’t tell anyone ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Charmaine Morgan says:

    What a beautiful cat, I am so glad you saved her.

  7. Really, no exaggeration, the guy was driving a beemer? How much could surgery like this cost? If he hadn’t waited to get it fixed…ugh…how frustratingly ignorant some people are.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Yep… not a joke… when I saw the car I just wished someone would scratch the doors with a key ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Lauraine Venter says:

    I really can’t understand some people !!! My two kitties had a minor fight and one damaged a bit of the other one’s third eyelid at 22h00 in the night, I almost crapped myself and went straight to wake up a vet (LOL it ended up not being that serious at all) but if you wanna have pets and they get injured or are sick you TAKE THEM TO THE VET !!! Do you as a Human wait a wait days !!! NO YOU DON’T

  9. Jane Pipkin says:

    So special! I chipped in. Thanks for all you do, Viktor! Hello, Tita, You are beautiful. Sorry about the cone. What’s important is your leg is fixed now and will heal correctly! Many blessings.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      The cone is gone now ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Maree Caplin says:

    I wish I could afford more Viktor but I guess every bit helps.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      IT does, and it did.. thank you Maree… xxx

  11. Hi Tita, make a donation. All the best for your beautiful legs

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks Elke… thank you…

  12. Andrea Chatman says:

    I just gave to ChipIn, mind you it wasn’t a lot, I usually try to give what I can. I hope that others don’t turn away from giving to help Tita, regardless of the fact that she has been helped. She’s such a beauty!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thanks Andrea… going to take new pics of our girl this morning.. she looks amazing!

  13. Dorraine Labelle says:

    Hi I am so grateful that there is people like you out there that is willing to help these animals, I am not here to defend this man that was too busy to take his cat in to the vet and I am not here to say that the surgery should have been done and paid by this man and to know that he has a bmw. I just want to say that we don’t always know why some people have to put there animals down because maybe he does drive a bmw but that don’t mean he has money, we should just give people the benefit of dought before getting upset. I have two children, seven cats and two dogs I have taking in and had them spay and neutered . I am a cleaning lady I don’t have much money but I make sure that everyone has what they need. I drive a nice car and own a house and if one of my animals was to have a accident and I could not afford it (I would try my best ) I would have no other choice as most vets don’t take payment plans. I’m sorry to say that it is sad but sometimes people have no choice I hope I did not offend anyone because I love all gods creatures and I would work my bum off to help everyone and everything so please lets not judge to fast


  15. Joรซlle, from Brussels says:

    Amazing recovery! Long live Tita, may she be more – and truly – loved in her future home, than she was at Mr BMW’s… >:O – Also fully agree with Stephanie’s words, such a shame her brother couldn’t be adopted as well… and gone away from that heartless family ๐Ÿ™ . Thanks Viktor and all the team to once again have saved this beautiful baby!