Como la mayoria de nuestros rescates el rescate de Ginny ocurrio de…
Author: The Let's Adopt! Global Team (page 18)
Let's Adopt! Global is a different kind of animal rescue. One that believes that animals have no nationalities and that there are truly no limits to what one can achieve when working as a community on behalf of an animal in need.
HELP US SAVE GINNY!!!. Be her second chance…
Like most of our rescues it happened all of a sudden. It…
Ayudanos a salvar la vida de CARPI
Lo vi en mi primera visita al refugio hace unos meses. En…
Carpi, an old cocker in need of an urgent operation and a home
I saw him on my first visit to the refuge three months…
Scott, 4 kilos de abandono
Scott fue encontrado andando por la carretera en una urbanizacion a las…
Encontremos una casa para Veva
Veva lleva las marcas de una vida en cautividad vivida bajo el…
El increible rescate de Benji
Una carta desde Grecia Hace tan solo unos días que recibí una…
The Greek Rescue of the Incredible Benji
A letter from Greece It happened a few weeks ago. I received…
Salvemos a Vilma, atropellada y abandonada con una terrible fractura
Hay cosas que no entiendo. Llevo gran parte de mi vida rescatando…
Saving Vilma, a boxer ran over by a car and abandoned to be killed
I have been rescuing dogs for most of my life and no…