The Greek Rescue of the Incredible Benji

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A letter from Greece

It happened a few weeks ago. I received an email from Greece telling me about a dog that for months had been seen wandering the fields in the Peloponnese.
The greek animal lovers had named him BENJI.
Noone knew what Benji’s story was, but what they knew was that one of his legs was twisted beyond recognition and held close to his chest, and that he could barely move. Benji had survived for the longest time due to his amazing character, kindness and calm. Unable to run or escape, Benji had learn to negotiate through life by staring at it, by being kind, by being helpless, but being scared but not showing fear.
That alone granted him everyone’s sympathy and he was left alone.
I looked at the pictures and I couldn’t figure out the kind of problem Benji had on his legs. Benji had been taken to the local vet, he couldn’t figure out what the problem was either.

This was no normal fracture, there was more to it.

We HAD to do something about it.

An early flight

Saturday. Six in the morning, I’m heading to Greece.
The plan.. fly into Athens, meet our Greek friends and Benji. Spend the night in someone’s sofa and fly back on the first flight.
Exhausting. It is worthy. We are saving Benji’s life.

For once, everything goes according to plan. I meet Benji. He’s fascinating. His penetrating gaze tells you a story of centuries.

Back home. The reality of animal abuse.

We have never seen a set of injuries like Benji’s.

One of his legs is twisted in such a way that it’s hard to even recognize the bones under such a mangled mess. The other leg is badly broken and the bone didn’t heal, which means that, for months’ possibly much longer, Benji has had to move as a tripod and stepping onto a badly broken leg. Little wonder he could do little more than crawling…

We are going to fix this. We are going to fix this.


First we are going to operate Benji’s front leg to build enough stability for him to walk and move properly, and then we are going to undertake the complex process of rebuilding Benji’s twisted and mangled leg.

Benji needs your help today. The first part of his rescue has taken place already… we went to Greece and brought him to safety. Now it’s time for science and medical skill to fix the terrible injuries and abuse committed to him. Its time for Benji’s legs to be fixed. It’s time for Benji to walk again free.

The Animal Lover Community is an incredibly powerful and generous one. Very few would be able to undertake alone the complexities and expense of saving an animal in Benji’s condition.. but TOGETHER WE CAN!

April 5.. the BIG day…

Images from the operation room…

Installing the plates…

The final result

UPDATE April 9

Benji arrived to us with an impossible set of fractures… little by little we are seeing that impossible is nothing.

10 April: Benji’s FIRST haircut!!! and he LOVES IT!!!

Update April 28

Over the last two weeks Benji has been recovering and gaining strength little by little. He has still some way to go but look at this picture, I think it gives you a pretty good indication of how he feels nowadays right?

UPDATE August 27 

It has been a great summer for Benji. During this time, he had the chance to live in a great foster family, getting over his fears and joining a pack, becoming part of something. Life has gone from a daily struggle to the closest thing to happiness he has ever known.

Benji is happy… sadly, we must operate Benji again.. 

After his last operation in which we straightened his leg we gave him some time to recover. At first it was difficult, but as weeks passed and the leg healed it became easier and easier for him. However, the joint was never functional. The first step was taken, liberate the articulation from the tight grip of the deformed tendons, now it is time for that leg to be fixed in place, so that it can finally become fonctional. 

The operation, called arthrodesis, is the same one we performed for Carpi, with great results. In Benji’s case we have an added complication, possible vascular problems due to the terrible condition of the leg, but at this stage it’s the only option to follow.

We are aiming to operate Benji’s this coming Friday. Due to the condition of the leg it won’t be an easy operation, or even a straight forward one. …


UPDATE 11 September 2014… 

A million things have happened in Benji´s life since I wrote my last post… Benji was adopted in Germany but barely a few hours after arriving there the family decided that he wasn´t the right fit for them, so I personally flew back to get him back to us. 

And since then, he has lived at his foster home. Thriving. Being Benji….

We don´t know if Benji will ever find his dream family, but one thing we know… for as long as he is with us, he will be safe, and Happy… 



Here he is…  Benji… :-)… should you feel he is your long lost soulmate and want to offer your home and safety to him please write to me:

After this long Journey Benji didn´t recover the use of his leg, but he found a new life… please, if you can, HELP US CONTINUE RESCUING RESCUING ANIMALS LIKE BENJI.. PLEASE DONATE  and SHARING his story over your social networks….


Many thanks!


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108 comments on “The Greek Rescue of the Incredible BenjiAdd yours →

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  1. Mariam Darwish says:

    You are such a wonderful person Victor. Wish you all the best.

  2. Jill Hammer says:

    I am grateful for all you do for these animals.

  3. Emma Daugherty says:

    Awww poor little Benji. So happy he is now being cared for and his injuries treated. I’m sure there’ll be a happy, successful outcome for him. Thanks Viktor x

  4. Jim Frageman says:

    Benji love ya get well stay safe.

  5. I hope you can do a miracle for Benji as well. He will be in my prayers. God Bless you all.

  6. Laurie Rose says:

    You are amazing! Thank you for all that you do for the lost and injured in this world. May God Bless all that you do.

  7. please please is there anybody out there that can help the lovely benji. xxxx#

  8. jean thornley says:

    thank you so much for saving this special dog


  10. Aurelie Vanderhoek says:

    Thank you for taking him in…where is he now ?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      He’s in Spain with us now.. 🙂

  11. So sad to see such a sweet baby suffering! I made a small donation – I wish it could be more but I hope it helps. I have 4 sweet rescued doggies of my own and can’t imagine what it would be like if this were one of them. I wish health, happiness and a loving forever home for Benji. What a brave and wonderful boy he is.

  12. Melissa Bohanon says:

    Benji is beyond Beautiful! What a loving soul! I think when you were trying to get him out of the car, he was thinking, it is so warm and I have so much loving in the car, I am afraid if they make me get out it will be over!~ When I saw the picture of his bent leg the first time, I was thinking Radial Hypoplasia. My cat Roo has both her front legs all twisted from birth. But she does not know she is any different. she chases her “New” Older brother around the house, and up and down Furniture! Thank You for loving Benji!!

  13. Alta M Bardsley says:

    I donated $20.00 and wish I could do more but I am on a very fixed income and have many medical expenses for myself.
    Please give updates on how Benji does.
    God Bless you for what you do to help the animals!!!!
    Big hugs,

  14. Jay Moore says:

    I do hope you will be able to help Benji, so sad that he has had to try to survive in such pain. I will donate later this week when I have funds.

  15. Gracias por ayudar a este perrito y a tantos otros. Saludos de Miami 😉

  16. This poor baby. I know you will be successful in helping Benji. God bless you, Viktor, and your team.

  17. sonia winfield says:

    keep up the good work you do, and wishing Benji all the best for a bright future

  18. Gloria flores says:

    estoy anonadada!!!!!! que haya tanta maldad ,para estos inocentes animalitos; que al igual que nosotros somos creacion de Dios, en realidad son seres del Averno los que le hicieron esto al igual a otros animalitos ya sean de cualquier especie; creo que la justicia divina se encargara de estos desgraciados.

  19. Kevin Inkster says:

    Poor wee soul, get better soon Benji. Victor your an angel to these helpless creatures, amazing work, keep it up. Donated.

  20. Andrea Tucker says:

    Oh Benji what a gorgeous lil fella you are! Good Luck sweet man! You are safe now and will always be Loved!! x x

  21. Pobrecito…hay que ayudarle entre todos y conseguir que vuelva a caminar y una familia que le de todo el cariño que se merece. mi donacion va en camino.

  22. goldie catania says:

    How terrible this is. It is amazing how All these animals suffer. i I pray this little dog dog gets the help he needs. My heart goes out to all animals. It really hurts me

  23. Do you think he got stuck in a machine gear or something? I’ve seen a mangled (dummy) human limb to represent what happens when a worker got caught in a machine (yes strange history lesson).

    Anyway my thoughts and prayers are with you and Benji.

  24. Done! Just donated! 🙂

  25. I can never figure out what goes through the abuser’s mine while they are harming the animal…..hearing the animal screaming in such pain…….The animal it’s beyond words what they are thinking…..Viktor, I know Benji is in great hands and he will walk like any other dog on earth. God bless you and you team Thank you Barbara P

  26. szissy vonundzu says:

    donated – i hope, i could help at least a little bit to support your incredible work! all the love and best for BENJI!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks Szissy… thank you

  27. Thank you for caring so much for all the animals in need of human help!

  28. Myrna Klein says:

    Thankyou Victor for being a real saviour of this lovely little dog…He deserves all the love and care he can get…..This gorgeous dog is lucky to be safe now…..Is he with you? – As you know, I am with 3 Animal Groups Victor, and you ARE on my ‘Friends’ list now for a long time…..I am in Western Australia….Would love to know how little Benji is progressing…..It’s so very heart-warming when I read of a good ending….Keep up the good work….xx

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Benji is being operated today.. check out the blog… updates there.. :-0

  29. Stephanie says:

    I cannot believe you made Benji walk (TWICE!!!!!!) knowing that he has an atrophied leg and a broken leg!!!!! You practically dragged him!!!! What the hell is wrong with you?!?!?!?!?! You need to help this poor dog, not torture him!!!!!!! I was going to donate until I saw that video, but screw that. That’s animal abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      He has been walking like this for months Stephanie… well… wait.. I’m going to make him walk again, but this time will be very different.
      Keep your money please…

  30. michelle saskas says:

    my heart goes out to you benji you dont deserve to suffer at all!!!!! your gorgeous inside and out . wish all people were like the ones helping you and we would have much less undeserved animal suffering.feel better and find your loving forever home!!!!!

  31. Altan Uymaz says:

    Turkey, I’m following you. I appreciate your assistance and good deeds for our animal friends. You are very good people. Thank you all.

  32. MaryEllen says:

    Omg!!! this poor baby i would love to just hug and pet him and give him the Love he so deserves…<3

  33. Andrea Johnson says:

    How is the operation coming along? Is he awake yet? (I’m in Los Angeles, so it’s 10:30am here.)

  34. Trudy Breland says:

    Thank you for helping this sweet angel on earth who had an awful life so far.

  35. Ana Chavez says:

    BLESSINGS BENJI. So many animals have been saved by LAG and Viktor. You are in good hands. Prayers and love

  36. Faith Everett says:

    Amazing. May God Bless You for all you have done and for all you do. Prayers for Benji.


  38. I think some people, Stephanie, need to realize that Viktor is NOT abusing this dog. Viktor and his crew are angels that help disregarded abused animals. Benji has been trying to “walk” for God knows how long this way. People need to see this inorder to grasp the severity of the injuries. Shame on you Staphanie! This is an organization that helps the worst of the worst. I am angered by your ignorant comment and lack of intelligence. Keep up the good work Viktor!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thank you Amy… thank you

  39. Where is Benjis blog???As always Viktor you and your staff are amazing. What the —— is wrong with that Stephanie. Does she need to take a happy pill or what???That dogs been walking around like that for months and ignored by obviously many people. Then you come to this poor babys aid and she yelling about it. This is crazy. Keep up the good work. God Bless

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thanks Jeannie…

  40. marge Scott says:

    You show pics of Benji.then next show him running on the beach!!.Is this the same dog.?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      We’ll definitely try!!! 🙂

  41. , May life bless you Victor for the good you do.

  42. Thank you for the update!!! So glad to see he is on his way to recovery! Thank you Victor and everyone else who helped this pup!

  43. Thank you Viktor! Donating once again to help Benji & others… You are all awesome people!

  44. Betty Schoppe says:

    God Bless you all.

  45. Rocío J.R. says:

    Hola! Qué tal está Benji?
    Lamento mucho no haber podido aportar más (son tiempos duros) y mi madre ya me ha dicho que me olvide de traer más perros a casa, así que, tampoco voy a poder hacer mucho más… Pero de verdad, de verdad, os doy la enhorabuena por todo lo que hacéis.
    Espero que se recupere pronto este precioso animal, y que pronto puedas enseñarnos fotos o vídeos de su mejoría.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Muchisimas gracias Rocio… gracias.. ahora voy a subir un nuevo video..

  46. Kathrin Ludwig says:

    Dear Viktor and the whole team of Let´s adopt. You are amazing. Thank god and everything that is good in the world for people like you. I receive a lot of cruel fate storys. I cannot donate to all of them but to those who touch my heart and make me cry I donate of course. Benji touched my heart so much and every little step you go with him makes me so happy. Thank you so much for helping Benji and of course all the other good souls. For we have lost our little girl (Flocke) a few weeks ago I would like to offer a place in our little family for Benji. I know it is very fast to think about a new animal friend but I fell connected to Benji in a way. We will see:-) If it is his and my way we will go it together. Otherwise I wish him a very very good rest of his life. I hope he will find a lovely family that takes good care and treats him like a family member. Maybe we are his new family:-) All the best to all of you.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Kathrin… could you please send me an email on telling me everything about you, Flocke and your family. .. email me please.

  47. Thank you! Thank you! I love you and Benji! I will donate what I can to keep your kindness keep giving.
    Why didn’t a doctor in Greece help?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hi Jennifer..
      Because doctors in Greece don’t have the kind of skill necessary to handle this procedure. Over there amputation would have been the only option…
      Heck, they didn’t even realize his other leg was ALSO broken..

  48. Jude Hunt says:

    Benji is such a sweetie, he must have great courage to have survived so long before you came along Viktor which between you, Benji and everyone else there i know it will be a great success.
    I would also like to say i understand walking Benji before begining everything with treatment as is part of assessment and yes Benji has managed between walking best he could and crawling when possibly to tired.
    Best of luck, will be a joy to see Benji all walking better and running too soon enough 🙂

  49. Very curious! Does this baby have an adopter yet?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hi Jen… not yet.. working on it

  50. Bernadette says:

    Hi Viktor – does Benji have a home now? Love Bernie x

  51. I just LOVE the picture where Benji is being held by one of the carers and his fur is being blown out of his eyes. It is just such a beautiful picture X

  52. Viktor you are awesome! Come to that so is Benji, I am definitely in love and wish I was in a position to bring him to the UK. I would love to give him a home. Thank you to you and all your team for the wonderful work that you do. xox

  53. sue palmer says:

    Your the Best people in the world and i have only but admiration for you all for what you do for these help[less animals…

  54. Marge Janiak says:

    Viktor and company….I just wanted to say that you for all what you do to help our furry friends that have been so crudely abused and hurt. You are angels here on earth!!! I can’t even begin to think of what hell Benji was living through before your group came along. I truly believe that God is showing all of us through you that angels really do exist. Give Benji a kiss & a hug from me. God bless all of you!

  55. what agreat thing the human heart .the ability to see the need of animals that cant ask for help bless all that helped benji they are people with big good hearts

  56. Violet Rodriguez says:

    Thank you for sharing the video for Benji’s haircut! 🙂

  57. Kathrin Ludwig says:

    Hi Viktor, have you received my message on your Email adress?
    Happy to hear from you

  58. Kathrin Ludwig says:

    Hi guys, how is lovely Benji doing these days? Many many greetings.

  59. he is just sooo nice. Did he already find a new home?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      No.. no home yet..

  60. I donated to this little guy. =) I can’t wait until I have a house and can adopt a menagerie of pets. I just have a kitty at the moment.

  61. que hermoso esta Victor.. dios te bendiga

  62. Thank you Let’s Adopt Global for all you do for these helpless, insured animals. You truly are amazing!!!

  63. love seeing how Benji has transformed from an unloved lost soul to a full and happy dog. God bless Benji,you and your team. Thank you Barbara P


  65. Bobbi Jacques says:

    God bless this boy Benji! He has a wonderful angel taking care of him and he looks so happy and I know he knows he has been saved! He is enjoying life to the fullest which I believe in my heart he has never known love and decent human touch! Have a wonderful life!

  66. He will be such a happy little guy when this is all over!!!! Thank you for all you do for all the furry little creatures Viktor

  67. You are all amazing people!

  68. Lorna lake says:

    This is absolutely stupedously wonderful! No-one but Viktor and Let’s Adopt! Global, would even attempt a rescue such as Benji’s and to further attempt to fix Benji’s complex fractures … every other rescue, even if anyone had tried (which they didn’t!) would have well-meaningly amputated or euthanized. That’s why you guys are THE BEST IN THE WORLD! I continue to be so proud to be a tiny cog in your wheels. And I resent hugely that anyone is taking your time with malignant gossip. I LOVE YOU GUYS! L x

  69. Bridget Savage says:

    Well done to all of you for helping Benji, what a wonderful little dog he is xxx

  70. sandra aexton says:

    i cry every time i read these stories , i have donated but only small amount as i too rescue dogs but on a much smaller scale,thank god for people like you .

  71. Janine Henschel says:


  72. Janine Henschel says:

    IS HE HIGH ON PAIN MEDS LOL !!! anyway keep us updated and I am praying that his leg will be ok and he looks so HAPPY, like he is SMILING ! on the table, ha good JOB GUYS bravo !! thank you for helping him !


  74. Petra Clayborn says:

    u the best it feel good that peoble out there care . and yes Benji looks good god bless u.

  75. Great work. Tears in my eyes because of sadness and because of happiness. I will donate to keep up the good work you Viktor? and all the others are doing!!

  76. Villa in San Francisco says:

    Viktor, it is so uplifting to see you interacting with the ones who are so happy to be with loving people. Thank you for your challenging, beautiful, frightening, proud, nurturing, serious work. Please express my good wishes to your colleagues and loved ones.

  77. Donated; keep up the fantastic job.

  78. good luck little Benji. you will soon be running around with all your new pals. you are looking great.xx

  79. i cannot donate? it is not working?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Dear Eva
      thank you for your help… the donation button is working normally…
      many many thanks… the surgery is tomorrow … fingers crossed!

  80. Norma Jones says:

    Have donated, was going to cinema but decided Benji needs it more, he is so like our rescue Banjo. We have 2 x rescues, 2x Pugs, & 5x rescue/ stray cats. Would love more but financially not possible.

  81. Christine says:

    Hi Viktor,

    Just donated what I could right now for Benji. I hope it helps somewhat. Thank you for helping this sweet pup. I hope all goes well with the surgery.

  82. Jean Stewart, Scotland says:

    What a beautiful, trusting little soul Benji is. How anyone could harm him is beyond me. Just donated toward this latest operation. I wish you every success and hope this gives Benji some more movement, to be able to run and play like every animal deserves to do. Thank you for helping him. x

  83. yvonne olsen says:

    Viktor i cant donate 🙁 i have a pay-pal account, but need to get a new, cause i have another card now, how does i get a new account? it keeps telling me that i forgot my password?

  84. LINDA DAMMIER says:

    Sweet Benji i pray my sm.donation helps,praying for you to make a full recovery n praying you get a safe,loving,happy 4ever home,God bless you sweet lil dog.

  85. Viktor; you are such a wonderful person, doing so many wonderful things for the mistreated and unloved pets/animals. I read your post everytime I see them and they make me cry. First because these poor animals have been so mistreated and second because they have had the fortune of having a good person like you and your staff, help them and give them better lives, so these are tears of happiness for them. I wish I could donate and will try to save some for another time. I live on a fixed income which usually just gets me and my dog, Sweet Pea by each month. She was an abused dog that I saved. Anyway I share everyone of your posts and I have a lot of friends, so hopefully some of them have donated. Take care and thanks for being the person you are, you make this world a better place.

  86. Louise Upton says:

    THANK YOU Viktor for being the loving, caring angel that you are and may you be eternally blessed!!! <3 BENJI <3 darling you have come so far and have an amazing heart. I'm sending all the loving, healing and protective energy that I have straight to you. With the love and care that you are finally receiving, I just know that you will have a wonderful life filled with so much love. You deserve only the very best life from now on!

  87. Alida Du Preez says:

    I salute everybody who helped BENJI…May God bless you all and help him to heal completely!!!

  88. Nancy Keak says:

    My prayers are with you & your doctors Benj get well fast you were meant to be found & you will find your forever home & there is someone out there that needs you♥♡♥♡♥♡

  89. Konstantina says:

    I can’t wait to see Benji walking and running like a normal dog. He deserves it. Viktor, you are one of the most wonderful people on this planet!!

  90. Elizabeth says:

    How do we go about adopting one of your rescued animals? I am in the USA, I read your requirements and can understand why you have them. Benji is a beautiful boy!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hi Elizabeth
      Please email me on a personal letter telling me everything there is to know about you and your animals. We will take it from there.. 🙂
      Write to me please..


  91. Have there been any further updates on Benji and his last operation. I believe this last update was back in April 2013 and it is now the end of October. Could you share with us the outcome of his latest operation(s.)

    Thank you Viktor!

  92. Marion Crist says:

    thank you Viktor for caring so much about the animals it’s great to know there are people like you and your team in this world God bless you all xxxxx