WENDY loved her family for 10 years… this is what she got in return

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Her name is Wendy, and after spending her whole life giving her love, her life to someone, she was tied to a Lamppost in an industrial area and left there to be collected by the garbage truck.

10 years of waiting patiently for her owners to return from work. 10 years of being a part of their family. Who knows.. maybe she even helped her raise their kids. The truth is, we will never know.

But what we know is that after a decade being the wonderful dog she is, she was neglected to a extreme, those people allowed her to be eaten alive by mange and Leishmania and to reach the point where she just collapsed.

And then… they dumped her.


She was laying immobile on the floor when she was collected by animal control and taken to a local shelter… and that was when we met her.

Wendy is now in one of the city´s best clinics getting the best treatment modern medecine can afford.  She being treated for Mange, Leishmania and a terrible Anemia that nearly killed her.

Update 20 May…

It´s been a week since we rescued Wendy and she remains hospitalized on treatment for all her conditions.. 

Her mood is improving 😉


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UPDATE 28 of October…

The recovery was long and complicated, but everything worked out wonderfully…

Here.. let me show you a video of the NEW WENDY!!!


Wendy Help us continue rescue.. It´s impossible for us to do what we do without the support of our community. Look at her eyes… just look at her eyes, and imagine what would have happened to her hand´t we rescued her.. So, if you can, PLEASE DONATE TO OUR RESCUE FUND.. HELP US SAVE OTHER ANIMALS LIKE WENDY.. 


Many thanks! 


As of the 27 of September 2014 Let´s Adopt! Global is a 501(c) (3) rescue with EIN: 45-3204451. All donations are tax deductible.

P.S. Please follow up our rescue updates updates on our page: Let´s Adopt! Global

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37 comments on “WENDY loved her family for 10 years… this is what she got in returnAdd yours →

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  1. Louise Moody says:

    We used to have an old dog that looked very much like Wendy. He died of old, at home, like every dog should.
    He filled my years with the kind of love I have never felt since.
    I´m now 72 and not a day passes that I don´t think of Toby, my friend.
    It´s in his memory that I am donating to Wendy today.
    What an incredible thing you are doing. Thank you Viktor! Thank you LAG!

  2. Shelley Ball says:

    Donated a small amount, from one old girl to another! God Bless and Good Luck, Wendy. I wish you could be my doggy, but sadly that can never be. xx

  3. Tamara Wiseman says:

    What will be her prognosis? I live in the USA. I have 2 rescue dogs. I am a nurse.

  4. How can somebody doing such a thing??? 🙁

  5. Tina Goacher says:

    You do such a wonderful job all of you. If it was’nt for you where would the animals you treat be only wish i could help sorry . xxxx

  6. i hope Wendy gets well soon!!!

  7. She looks like Carpi! Poor thing, I don’t know how people can be so cruel and neglectful. 🙁

  8. Wendy looks like she still has a lot of love to give and i have no doubt you guys will find a way for her to recieve the love she deserves. What a beautiful dog. Donated.

  9. Marsha Sumal says:

    Why are you not able to find the vicious person who did this? Where is this dog geographically? Don’t they have laws? Can you post picture on FB in that area. Owned for 10 years, someone must know her. Post a reward through PD. Some Vet somewhere must have seen her. Fax photos. I would never just let this go. People that get away with this continue their behaviour. CONSEQUENCES! PROSECUTION! JAIL! FINES!

  10. Oh I wish I had room for Wendy… I already have three rescued dogs and one rescue cat. They are all I can manage right now. I just won’t take them in unless I can give them the care they need and deserve. I hope someone feels like this and Can take Wendy. She needs love, I can tell by just looking at her. You do so much good work, I am sending a little bit to you to help Wendy. I donate every month but I’ll send this extra just for her. Thank you! Thanks for all you do.

  11. rafael villafane says:

    i sure hope you can find Wendy a home. In the meantime i hope my donation helps some. Thank you for the work you do.

  12. claire little says:

    The owner needs to be treat the same & left same as they left there dog they should be ashamed banned form having pets permanently

  13. Joanne Hague says:

    It is very upsetting when you see this happen when an animal has given their heart and soul to a family only to be mistreated and shoved aside. Since they are older they have a regal calmness which is why my last four adoptions were seniors. They may not have as many years ahead however it is better to love and lost than never to have loved at all.

  14. I had a dog once. He was a sausage dog :). I loved him so much. I had him from an animal shelter. He was the best dog I ever have and gave me so much joy and happiness. His previous keepers gave him away because they have had a child. He was gentle and carrying so I never understood their decision. He was 4 years old when I took him.He fathered 4 puppies. 2 males and two females. He died at the age of 18 surrounded by my family. He died loved. Some people are cruel and don’t appreciate pet’s love at all. No animal is a toy you can discard when you don’t want to play anymore. Every animal is living creature, unique and deserving for love and care. But when I read some stories here I doubt some people should be called intelligent or even called human. They deserve to be tied up to the tree and left there without food and water. Big gratitude to you Victor for rescuing this poor dog as always.

  15. Viktor,
    I’m speechless, who does this? Why do so many think that these animals are just disposable?
    It breaks my heart, and this behavior is pervasive, it’s everywhere, what can we do to start reversing this very disturbing trend??
    She is a beautiful dog, the same age as our boy, Mitchell!
    How is darling Lady?? How soon do you think she would be ready to adopt?? We would like to talk with you about her, maybe Wendy too!
    Thanks, and as always, Bless you and your team for all the love and care you give to these sweet animals!!!

  16. i will NEVER understand how cruel humans can be to a defenseless animal. specially one who loved with all they had, even would after all this. God bless all of you at Let’s Adopt Global <3


    It is so unfortunate that people do this to their family members. A pet must also see a doctor just like a child and if you know that you will not be able to this DO NOT GET A PET! Wendy you did not deserve this treatment however you are now in good hands and you will find a loving home fir the rest of your life to enjoy. I am at limit with 3 dogs and a cat……all rescued. Get better soon you are a beautiful pooch. As for the previous owners they will get what is due to them.

  18. Christina C says:

    Her eyes are sad. But she will be well very soon. Thank you so much angels.

  19. Poor lass Wendy, a small amount to go with others for your care. Hopefully you will find her forever home soon

  20. Marsha Sumal, I know you are concerned about *Wendy*, we all are and yes what her former owners did is repulsive and inhumane. But, to ask Lets Adopt Global to seek out the former owners is useless & a waste of their time. Instead you should be happy LAG found her in time, and now Wendy is with the best Vet and staff. LAG’s time is spent rescuing animals in need, like Wendy & ensuring they get the best Medical care. If you have the time, you should post a reward, and ensure you pay the amount. Also, LAG is not letting anything go. They are doing what we love and respect of them, They saved her from certain death. Please donate to her medical care if you truly believe Wendy is deserving of your monies. You also should start a campaign in Wendy’s name, have your followers spread the word, Fax photos, do what ever it takes to help all animals in need so people do not get away with this behavior. If you are confused with my words, please know your words confused me too. Just be happy for Wendy and donate to her care. ty

  21. I have the most wonderful dog. He is 14 1/2 years old and has traveled with me and is my best friend. He picks me up when I am down. I don’t know what I would do without him. I rescued him at 3 mos. old because he was left to die because he was sick. SO sad. I will never never regret saving this precious little being. How could someone be so cruel as to do this to her. You can see that she needs love and I know because she is in your hands Victor and your team she will be fine. She has many years still in front of her. I agree with the comment about senior dogs. My next dog will be a senior dog because they are the most unwanted dogs but also need lots of love. TY Victor for all you do. Please keep us all posted. I donated a small amount as that is all I can do at this time. Give her a big HUG.

  22. Deborah McCaffrey says:

    Donated – thank God for you Viktor, you’re the best. It’s so sad to see this beautiful dog in this condition. I have 2 dogs and I would do anything for them. They’re my babies.

  23. Thank God for Angels like you ! I cannot imagine how cruel so-called humans can be ! I pray she finds a loving home. I am in the States and have 4 dogs already, so I can’t take in anymore here. God bless her !

  24. Elizabeth says:

    You are right about Wendy’s eyes. I don’t always have money to send you but I absolutely always have a heart of love and thanks to send you! I wish I could just hold each of you who Reach Out to help these animals and hold you tight and never let go. It scares me to think about what all these animals would do if you weren’t there.

    I wish I lived near you so I could help you and all those wonderful beautiful animals. I want to help the same way here, but no one seems to want my help.

  25. stephanie says:

    this is ashame, wendy deserves a good home , the very best, someone out there knows this dog and i really wish they would grow a heart and come forward about the people who did this to wendy. this baby needs some justice, if u would come forward about a human u should also come forward about as cruel as this is. how can people be so cruel, that baby was loyal to u, please God give someone out there the guts and heart to come forward and turn these people in,. have a heart for Wendy. God is with her and she be treated with respect and love. Whom ever u are that did this u will have to answer for this when u meet ur maker. and i hope u go straight to HELL which is too good for u. My prayers and love to Wendy. God bless u baby girl.

  26. Elizabeth, keep trying , someone will need your help, just knowing you are willing to help is a blessing. Someone, somewhere will find you.

  27. Wendy has my name …..it comes from he story Peterpan ….so wendy must have loving years ahead of her ….please keep us all posted on her progress ….thankyou for loving wendy
    Proverbs 12:10 10 The righteous one takes care of his domestic animals.

  28. Kim Worthington says:

    Alanna – I thought that too. She looks like Carpi’s sister. Carpi is sitting on my sofa now – snoring!. Wendy will have that too because of LAG and because there is a heart that will open for her and take her into her home for the rest of her life. All I want to know is who will it be? Please use the money I send for Wendy xxx

  29. I just can’t figure out how people have a animal for that long & just dump it like its trash. Just over 6 years ago my husband found a rust Bengal living in our garage, for 2-3 days he fed & took care of him, putting an old army blanket out for him to stay warm, then they were calling for some really cold nasty weather & my husband kept going to the kitchen window to see if he saw him, I told him to get the cat & put him in the basement since we had 3 other cats at the time. Had no idea how they would get along, he had a bite absest on his head, so I took him to the vets for meds. He is and has been a very loving lil boy & is still with us & that would not ever change. We are so attached to all of our cats that you would have to kill me to get them away from me, we love them all so very much & can’t understand how anyone could just dump animals off like they do. I really admire you Viktor & your staff for all you do to help these babies, the world is a bit better with people like you in it <3

  30. Wendy you are such a wonderful dog. I really hope when your time comes, you will through it in the arms of ppl who love u. Amen

  31. Will donate tonight.

  32. Kevin Inkster says:

    As always keep up the amazing work you do for these poor animals

  33. marion crist says:

    she is an beautiful dog bless her i would love to have her but i have cats and my land lord wouldnt allow it as i am only allowed so many cats and dogs 🙁 one day i would love to give an loving forever home to one of the cats or dogs they are beautiful animals i wont always have an land lord then i can 🙂 love the work you and your team do viktor you rescue and save animlas and give them an second chance x

  34. Jacqueline Robinson says:

    Has this sweet beautiful baby found a forever home yet??

  35. Pat Francis says:

    Does Wendy have a forever home yet? If not she can have one with me if someone would help me get her to NJ. I’m a retired nurse with one small adopted dog and a cat with a large house. She would be loved, and safe here

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Yes Pat.. she found a forever home… In any case, could you kindly drop me an email on viktor@myletsadopt.com and let´s see if we can find you another best friend forever?

  36. Viktor,

    She is just beautiful! You and your team are angels. This is such a happy ending! TY for saving her.