A second chance for Goldie the cat

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God only knows how long Goldie tried to survive on the streets.
Once a home cat people saw him wondering around, trying to find something to eat, becoming weaker and weaker. Cat rescuers tried to find him but noone managed to catch him, until a couple of days ago he was found laying on the middle of the road, with the face on the floor. He had given up.
The rescuers immediately brought him home and tried to warm him up but they felt they were losing him.

Early in the morning I drove over 200 kms to go pick him up and take him to our vet, determined to give him a fighting chance at survival, like we did with the incredible Gulumser in the past or as our Iranian friends did with Nafas, affected by a similar condition.

As long as there is life, there is hope…

We rushed Goldie to our clinic, and glad it wasn’t too late. We are in the process of performing all the necessary tests, including blood pannels, Xrays and preparing him for a biopsy next week that will help us determine the true nature of his lesions. For now, his blood levels look terrible…

There is a chance Goldie is suffering from a form of cancer, but it could also be a very aggressive fungal infection. At this stage we just don’t know. Whatever it is, we will do our best to treat him and make sure he gets to enjoy the warmth of a home again.

At this stage, it’s unclear to us how much his full treatment will be, or even if it will work at all. In any case, we won’t spare any effort in offering Goldie a second chance in life.


Update January 10

We are not gods…

This was Goldie this evening. For over a week we have worked on his more pressing problems, his dehydration, anemia, we cleaned and controlled the infection on his face.. for over a week Goldie has experienced love and care like he probably didn’t experience before.

For over a week we carried on all necessary tests, we found out conclusive evidence that his injury wasn’t due to cancer but to a fast spreading / aggressive fungus. Those were good news that filled us with hope.

Sadly at the same time came the bad ones. Goldie is positive for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), an incurable disease for which there is no known cure and that has extremely bad prognosis. Β As the Xrays show his abdomen is full of fluid

To rule out any possible doubt we also proceeded to perform an ecography:

As heartbreaking as this is this is a point where there is nothing we can do. Liquid is building in his stomach, and its just a question of days before the situation is unsustainable for him.

A weekend of love for Goldie…

I’m truly very sorry…. with the help of modern science we can fight mostly everything… but not everything. FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis is one of those things… )

So tomorrow Goldie the cat will come to my home, spend the weekend in the company of my family that will give the love his former owners denied to him when they abandoned him and on Monday he will be put to sleep… because in this case, just in this case, when everything possible has been done, it will be the right thing to do, the humane thing to do. Not before we had a concrete diagnosis. Not before he was given a chance to heal. Not before we found out that his biggest problem were not the lesions on his face but FIP… Now… Now is the right time.

I’m very sorry…



Update January 13

Soaking up on the rays of winter sun.

Goldie has temporarily taken up residence in the best room in the house. Sleeps right next to a heater and the cat tower whilst soaking up on the weak winter sun rays..

He’s in total peace…. and hell stay here for a while longer, experiencing what he was denied of.. he needed this.


Update January 28

Goldie is still with us…

Goldie spent a great first weekend with us… Β who knows when was the last time he managed to have a good night sleep, suddenly with us he could relax without having to worry about hiding or about finding food whilst going through the horrible pain in his face.

So suddenly, he found himself in a comfortable and friendly environment, and decided that it was not his time to go … not yet.

Goldie is still with us… spends his days lounging in the Cat Tower soaking on the sun and listening to music. He has no pain or discomfort of any kind, actually, I would probably think that he’s feeling the best he’s felt in a very long time…


And so, Goldie remains alive, his life is not a full one as we are keeping him separated from other members of the family, but he is great friends with Vania, and with Ali, the Cocker, whom I suspect is secretly in love with him, because that’s what he does.. he loves πŸ™‚


UPDATE 21 of March

Today, three months after we rescued him and he was diagnosed with FIP, Goldie has left us.

During three months Goldie lived in my home. He had to be kept away from my cats but nothing stopped him from building a strong bond with some of my dogs.

For three months Goldie lived like if every day was his last… to the full.

Rest in Peace Goldie… Rest in Peace..

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79 comments on “A second chance for Goldie the catAdd yours →

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  1. Sharon Simpson says:

    How utterly heartbreaking for all of you πŸ™ But thank you so much for giving Goldie a chance – and at least he will know love before he leaves us. I went through something similar a few years ago – a stray tom with horrific neck injuries appeared in the neighbourhood and I spent weeks building up the trust until I could get him to come indoors. He spent a couple of nights in front of a warm fire with plenty of love and good food on tap, then I took him to the vets to get his neck sorted out.. Sadly it turned out that he was riddled with FIV and he had to be put to sleep. It broke our hearts – he was the sweetest little fella – but we took comfort in the fact that at least he knew love and kindness in his last days. I’ll be thinking of you all over the weekend.

  2. You can drain the liquid and he can live with the desease controled for many years!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      No.. not really… accumulation of liquid is just a symptom. FIP is an incurable terminal disease. It’s wet form progresses incredibly fast.

  3. I’m so sorry Goldie….Thank you for taking care of him Viktor and giving him the love he so deserved… but never got. I know you will make this weekend very special for him.

  4. OMG….I cannot believe this,I’m not one for Cats but this is unbelievable.

  5. suzanne Hale says:

    Thank you Dr Viktor for loving this baby.

  6. please try an drain him if he is not in pain he is so gorgeous

  7. I’m sending love to beautiful, sweet Goldie.
    Thankyou for all you’re doing for him.

  8. This is so beautiful, what you’re doing Viktor. I can’t help but cry at all of your touching stories. I hope to join you in your lifelong quest one day. One day after I’m done with my studies, I will devote my time to save animals, just like you. You touched my heart every time I read a different story, thank you for doing what you do for the animals.

    P.S Is Goldie gone now? :l

  9. Jane Pipkin says:

    I lost a cat to FIP. He was only about a year old. I had kept him going that long by feeding him steak. The day I decided it was time to let him go and help him pass on, the vet was inside preparing the shot, and Ricky was sitting on my lap outside in the garden on a beautiful June day. He passed peacefully in my arms before the vet got back. We have a special bond with them and they with us.

  10. Jane Pipkin says:

    At least she knew love in her last days! That is important.

  11. You are truly a saint for what you have given this poor innocent creature! Thank you for your kindness!!!

  12. Thank you for your love and compassion. We are sometimes tempted to want to do all we can, medically, to keep these beautiful creatures with us. But sometimes it is a selfish choice. What you did is spare this beautiful cat from what is certainly more pain and suffering. I think you did the right thing. As animal companions, we have all had to make that difficult decision at one time. But there really is no decision when you know that the animal’s health and quality of life will continue to decline and pain will increase. Thank you for all you did for beautiful Goldie.

  13. The play of the light looks like Heaven’s rays of sun shining on him. God bless you for showing him love and compassion. Be at peace, little one. May God welcome you to your beautiful forever home with all the angels and innocents.

  14. Sabrina Iorio says:

    After reading Goldie’s prognossis, I cried like a baby. I felt so angry and so sad for this innocent being that had been suffering for so so long. I command you for your amazing work, courage and determination in trying to save all of these beautiful souls. Im so happy and relieved Goldie was able to spend a couple of days of pure bliss with you and that he was in the comfort of a real home. If im not mistaken his euthanization date was today, but since Goldie is ‘ok’ for now, do you plan on keeping him a couple of days longer?
    Im a volunteer at a local animal shelter in Montreal, and I try to do the best I can. Sometimes im just so angry at the world because animals are often treated like ‘useless’ objects; objects that don’t feel, objects that don’t matter. Your work and organization inspirers me and shows that animals lovers are spread out all around the world! It’s a beautiful thing.
    Thank you

  15. πŸ™ a very sad and heart breaking decision . . . . . πŸ™

  16. Rizia Ortolani says:

    ……. hi Viktor,…. so sorry, news from Goldie? <3

  17. My condolences for you Mr. Larkhill. You made the best decision and I pray your conscience is clear and your heart not heavy. Goldie was happy spending his last days with you and now he is at the Rainbow Bridge.

  18. Anna Crochet says:

    Dear Viktor-Please give an update on little Goldie-I have been praying for her and have held her close to my heart over these past few days in lieu of her most recent prognosis-I have tried to donate and have been unable to do so-Please give direction as to the most effective way to donate to your causes-which are our causes!! I have not tried Paypal at this point but will if this would be a more effective form of payment! Thanks To You and your staff-I am a heartfelt follower!! Sincerely, Anna Crochet, RN~ Dallas, Texas

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Dear Anna… please check the latest update πŸ™‚
      Goldie is still with us..

  19. Bless you, Bless Goldie ~

  20. Anonymous says:

    There’s a doctor in San Diego who’s had some success with FIP cats. Two people I know are getting treatments for their cats from her. Do you know of this. Ellen Webster

  21. Hopefully Goldie had a great, relaxing weekend of love, but I’m pretty sure he did, since he was in good hands with you.
    I hope his crossing to the rainbowbridge went peaceful, and that more happiness without pain awaits him on the other side.

  22. Some news please Viktor , had you try clay ? Could you drain the liquid out ?

  23. This is not right. Just have mercy and pleaseput this poor animal out of her misery. She has to be in excruciating pain. She should have been put to sleep as soon as she was found in this condition. It is not helping her to live like this. How would you like to be in such pain and someone just tries to keep you hanging on. Give her peace. Let her be put to sleep.

  24. Janine Henschel says:

    IS HE SUFFERING??? WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LET HIM DIE IN PEACE AT YOUR HOME ? or how can he eat with his mouth like that ? looks like it healed alittle bit, can’t believe that you can’t DRAIN THE FLUID IN HIS stomach ?? or do something else for him ? so sad but its good that he can live in peace in his last days GOD BLESS YOU !

  25. Debbie Burnley says:

    Good night, God bless sweet Goldie. Life has been so terribly cruel to you but know this – you were loved, even for a short time by those who knew you at the clinic, by Viktor who looked after over your final peaceful weekend, and by those of us who have followed your story. I know that where you are now your will be complete again and free from illness and pain. God bless you sweetheart.

  26. Alice Gross says:

    I think of Goldie every day. Has she gone over the Rainbowbridge?

  27. Nelda Percival says:

    That is so heart breaking. But he knows he is loved.. Thank you for the weekend.
    I’m sitting here bawling my eye out..

  28. V. Al hazineh says:

    What a Beautiful incredible soul Goldie has….God help her. And what a Beautiful Human being you are for helping all these Wonderful creatures. God Bless you!

  29. Linda Somers says:

    I am so sad that Goldie will be gone. You tried everything Viktor, and I just want to say thank you. You gave him something he never had. I sit here crying, not just for Goldie, but for the injustice so many animals have suffered. I am so glad you are doing what you are doing. You are one of the kindest people I know. Thank you again Viktor, for being you.

  30. πŸ™ this broke my heart i am a major cat lover i bring in strays keep them for a week until i see lost cat fliers if i dnt see any i bring them to a no kill shelter but goldie poor kitty i really want to say some mean stuff to his old ppl who had him i got two cats of my own i will never throw them out to be strays my thoughts go out to u n goldie u gave him love n showed him love thank u viktor. seeing him happy made me happy n sad watching the vids brought tears to my eyes

  31. I am so glad to read that Goldie is still with us. πŸ˜€ Sometimes all it takes is a better quality of life to turn things around for someone. Thanks again for all you do. Strokes and cuddles for little Goldie.

  32. Does this mean that his FIP is or has a chance of improving?

  33. what you people do is amazing and priceless. x

  34. YAY! So happy Goldie’s hanging in there! Thanks for taking her in with you and helping her thrive. You are the greatest!

  35. Debbie Burnley says:

    I knew Goldie was so ill he would be put to sleep and when the day came was upset all day wondering whether Goldie had gone. I didn’t ask because I did not want to raise the whole sad subject.again. Imagine my delight today when the message came through that Goldie was still alive! For the first time this year my heart was lifted instead of being broken by the many sad animal stories I hear. I don’t know how long Goldie will be with us and I know you will be monitoring his condition daily, I am just happy he is still with us and know he will be well cared for with you Viktor. With love <3 πŸ™‚

  36. shannon Martel says:

    I am so happy to hear that Goldie is still here with you. I know you are giving him the best of care and lots and lots of loving. In the picture he looks happy. He has a soul of a champion and a survivor. He will not go before his time and he will let you know when it’s his time. He really is a fighter and fighting for his life now so he needs all your love and help to heal. He may have many more months or years left, only Gods knows when he will be called home, but you are there to give him the best of loving and care for the rest of his days(months or years) that is left to him. God Bless you for all you do for these animals.

  37. astoria froggy says:

    I am so glad Goldie is still with you ! He looks really better. Did the liquid in his stomach decrease or at least not increase ?
    If he keeps on improving will it be possible to do something for his face ?

  38. Some cats with FIP can live for a very long time with good nutrition, vet care and plenty of TLC (Tender Loving Care) so don’t give up hope with Goldie yet. His face is terribly disfigured but so was Gulumser’s. Cats will always let you know when it’s time for them to go to Rainbow Bridge. I am hoping Goldie will be around for a long time yet, that the sores on his poor face heal so they don’t cause him pain and that he experiences the love he was denied for so long. Please give this brave little cat a cuddle from me xxx

  39. I am so so happy that Goldie has the chance to relax and find a bit himself. My impression is that some deseases run faster the badest their situation of life is. Perhaps Goldie has a golden winter or a golden spring or a golden…… How long it will ever take. I am truly amazed how love and freedom could change some ways… πŸ™‚

  40. Linda Somers says:

    That is wonderful news!

  41. Monica V Lucas says:

    But Goldie knew love and gentleness at last. Blessings on you, and on Goldie’s dear little heart. Thank you for your efforts, good people. Sleep sweetly, sweetheart – you are loved more than you know.

  42. Gina Lombardi says:

    how sweet, that is so wonderful that you are taking care of him and making him happy! I’m sure he appreciates your efforts. Thanks so much for the positive update. It’s very uplifting. πŸ™‚

  43. Barrie Jaeger says:

    Thank you for the story of Goldie. And I know that with you, he will have the best quality of life and love, short of heaven. Thank you for trusting Goldie’s choices. He obviously is enjoying life, probably for the first time. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are heavenly angels working with you behind the scenes, helping you help those most in need. God bless you and your work.

  44. Is Goldie still with you x

  45. Robin Stassin says:

    I am so glad you took Goldie to your home to live out his days. FIP is such a terrible disease. All you can do is keep they happy and comfortable. Goldie looks very happy. Thank you so much for giving him love, and ALL YOU DO. I wish the rest of the world cared as much as you do.

  46. Desiree prinsloo says:

    Please keep me updated. Pleassssse

  47. Thank you Viktor for caring so much about these animals. If the rest of the world could have even half of the compassion that you do the world would be a much better place…. I am hoping that Goldie is still enjoying life with you. Goldie is in my thoughts and prayers and even though modern medicine cannot fix him I know that God can. He can heal him and let him stay here and enjoy his new life for awhile or He can heal him by bringing him home to heaven, either way Goldie wins. And I am so glad that He is allowing Goldie this time to find out that not all people are awful and that even rotten and evil diseases can be made easier to deal with when you are loved and cared for…. God bless you and Goldie…

  48. Tiene Pif o no tiene Pif?

  49. Como esta Goldie?

  50. Hi Victor, I’m wondering how is Goldie doing now. Please update us.
    Thank you

  51. Rizia Ortolani says:

    Please, give good news of Goldie, he is in my heart…. <3

  52. How is Goldie doing is he still alive? Haven’t seen any updates on him. Please let us know. Thank you Viktor.

  53. Wendy Frei says:

    I am so sorry Viktor….he now knows what love is……..

  54. Kathleen Lechner says:

    Dear Viktor y Familia, I am so glad-y relieved- Goldie found a Loving Home on Earth before He went to His Heavenly Home. “Sleep well,Sweet Prince”. ~Imzadi

  55. Carol Neto says:

    Thank you Viktor , this actually was a wonderful but short life for Goldie, I am sure you must have been as happy as Goldie over these past three months . Always in awe of what you do and achieve , just so touched that this poor little suffering creature finally received the peace and contentment that he had never known, you are a very good man !

  56. Thank you so much for being humans and remind me of my humanity… Bye, Goldie. You taught us a lot…

  57. God has a special place in Heaven for Goldie (and you too Viktor). What a true testimony of human compassion. May we all learn from this. God bless you both!

  58. Desiree prinsloo says:

    Brave cat. Sad to hear but the time comes we need to let go, is always days filled with teasrs. Tears of jou because you gave him a change and tears of sadness because we need to let him go.
    Thank you so much Dr

  59. Hi Viktor, This is so sad, but heartwarming too to know that Goldie experienced so much love and passed over the bridge knowing that he was loved and cared for. Thank you for your kindness and compassion. x

  60. run free goldie.
    i’m so happy that u have had this short time at victors home. that u have had this wonderfull lifetime, loved an be loved… i’m so sad that this time was so short…

  61. thank u all for helping goldie. u r all wounderful, caring people n you’ll b in my prayers always. god bless u n may the good lord keep u well for the other ones that r still out there! luv u all!

  62. RIP little angel Goldie, it’s so sad. Thank you Viktor.

  63. I’m sorry Goldie was not able to live a longer happy life but SO thankful that he did get to experience happiness, love, care and contentment. All bc of you Viktor. Thank you for making this little cat’s last days the most comfortable, warm and safe days of his life. He will rest in peace now and we know he knew love – the most important thing of all.

  64. Tim Dawson says:

    πŸ™ poor little thing, RIP

  65. Goodbye beautiful cat . So glad u had warmth and love at the end. No more pain for you

  66. RIP Sweet Goldie. I am glad in your last three months you Received and were able to Give your sweet love back. Thank you Viktor for taking Goldie to your home and allowing her to live like the little Queen that she was.

  67. Q tristeza.. dios mio cuidalo mucho .. graicas Victor por todo loq ue tu haces

  68. michele fiore says:

    god bless you for loving him, probobly for the first time. such a sad story. unfortunatley Goldie was lucky, so many out there sufferng it breaks my heart in 2. keep up yur work you are gods angels. thank you so very much. RIP Goldie, sweet angel

  69. Patricia Gonçalves says:

    Thank you very much for taking him to your home to have the best days of his life… thank you very much!! Bye bye sweet Goldie… we will remember you.

  70. Pamela Garlisch says:

    You gave him what he needed most, love and I’m sure he will be forever grateful. RIP little Goldie, run and play over the Rainbow Bridge!

  71. Andrea Weisberger says:

    Thank you for giving Goldie the care and love he never got. I had a beloved cat who got the wet form of FIP — even with draining fluid it was a mere week from diagnosis to death. RIP Goldie.

  72. Rest in Peace, little guy πŸ™

  73. Brenda Kunce says:

    Viktor Thank you for showing Goldie the Love he deserved at the last few months of his life you are truly an angel……RIP Goldie you will never be forgotten baby boy……..With much Love and sadness:( You are in God’s Loving arms now…..RIP Goldie:(

  74. Ida Martin says:

    Im sorry about Goldie he seem like he was a very loving cat he just needed someone 2 love him and that’s what u did u showed him u loved and cared bout him but ty 4 doing that I very much love cats and other animals 2..RIP Goldie We all love u πŸ™‚

  75. Rizia Ortolani says:

    Three months….. of love, time to rest in peace, little Goldie.
    You are always in my thought and prayers, love to you <3
    Rest in Peace lovely cat <3

  76. andrew marsh says:

    So very sorry for your loss. Standing with you in your grief and pain. But what brilliant guys you are! You gave him peace comfort warmth affection love you gave him everything! You deserve a medal!!