Turkey’s Animal Justice: The Tipping point.

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“The tipping point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.” Malcolm Gladwell

Turkey is a country of paradoxes. At the crossroads of Europe and Asia it has the region most dynamic economy, a secular state protected by the constitution.

Turkey also has one of the world’s most progressive Animal Welfare Laws. The entire country has adhered to the No-Kill principle thus it will never allow the holocaust for animals taking place in many countries in the Western Hemisphere.

Turkey will never be a massive gas chamber for dogs, no matter how much David “Buns” Mathews of PETA would like it to be (I’ll get to the PETA issue on tomorrow’s post).

But Turkey has its fair share of problems, and most of them stem from the fact that the Animal Protection LAw has no teeth, that the penalties for animal abuse, animal torture, animal rape, and all crimes commited against animals are embarrassingly low.

In Turkey you can organize not only the killing and torture of ONE animal, but a complete poisoning campaign that kills thousands of dogs and cats and traumatizes entire neighborhoods and NOTHING will happen to you. Furthermore, municipalities around the nation, realizing that fact, actively engage in massive killing campaigns, usually by poisioning in the streets, others by collecting the animals and dropping them in deserted locations to die of hunger and thirst.

And then you have atrocities comitted by private individuals, and those, go beyond anything that I can possibly put on words here.

Turkey is a country filled to the brim with animal lovers and animal rescuers. Some of the world’s most active animal rescuers live here, thousands and thousands of people care and provide for street animals and do so with admirable commitment and zeal.

It is time for the turkish legislator to ensure justice for animals.

Real Justice, real sanctions, real detrimental penalties that make people think twice before performing a cesarian operation for a dog on the streets and leaving the mother and the pups to die.

I believe Turkey has reached, or its about to reach, the tipping point. As Malcom Gladwell puts it “that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire”.

I believe the campaign started by Tuna Arman, a turkish animal lover and comedian has come at precisely the right moment, in a country that is clamoring for justice.

For the first time, thanks to social media, we have the tools to make their voices heard.

The animals are desperatedly in need and the people are ready for it.

Animal Justice.

Please join Tuna Arman and the entire Turkish Society in our demands for Animal Justice HERE.


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7 comments on “Turkey’s Animal Justice: The Tipping point.Add yours →

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  1. sabine nowack says:

    And I personally look forward now to the post of tomorrow .
    I ” love ” PETA grrrrr

  2. Jean Hehn-Bradley says:

    Peta has a watch dog….the watch dog says Peta kills more animals than it saves.

    Congratulations on your massive protest!

  3. Marzena Janiak says:

    Stop killing and torturing of innocent cats and dogs. Turkey – the world is watching you!