Lisa, a golden lady Dobermann

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Lisa is a 9 year old Dobermann with a beautiful heart.

She was raised in a great home, surrounded by other dogs, full of love.

Then, at some point her owner had to give her away for personal reasons, and he gave her to a friend’s “farm”. He was convinced she would be happy there.

Whenever you hear the word “farm” in Turkey just run away!!!

The farm turned out to be a breeder.

In that horrible place she was locked in a small kennel sharing it with an aggressive dog who injured her terribly. She was forced to mate but she would miscarry every time.

Her entire body was covered in injuries, her face had callous spots as she had to sleep on concrete.

She lived in hell. The kind of hell that most Doberman owners give to their dogs.

She is now living with our friends, spending time sun tanning and playing with her new friends. She now has a shining fur and she is happy, living in harmony with a pack. She has all the freedom she needs, sleeps on her soft bed whenever she wants and she loves to have a sunbath in the afternoons. When she is called her she comes running even from hundreds of meters away. She is one senior, educated, loyal dog.

She gets along well with all dogs and kids… Always wants to be beside you, likes to sleep on her cushion when she is indoors and if it is on your side she can stay there for hours. When you are not around she will most probably curl up near the heater 🙂

She just doesn’t like cats 😉

LISA is searching for a loving family.

Let’s Adopt! usual conditions for adoption apply. Also, as usual, we will make NO EXCEPTIONS.

1. Family MUST have an existing animal.
2. Animal MUST live inside the home, not on the garden.
3. Animal MUST be fed raw.


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21 comments on “Lisa, a golden lady DobermannAdd yours →

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  1. This is a beautiful girl but i am so angry at the remark……
    How dare you generalise like that, i have a beautiful male dobie who is spoilt silly by me and my family, i am a member of a dobermann forum and everybody on the site loves thier dogs and they are well looked after, well fed and happy.
    Why would you generalise about owners of a certain breed?
    I suggest you maybe get your facts straight before you start spouting rubbish.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Tina, unfortunately you are an exception.

      You should be happy about that.


  2. Rene' Riddick says:

    She’s BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Where is she now??

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      In Istanbul….

  3. Somehow her story does not ring right. Loved she was …?? gotten rid of for personal reasons ??? Did they keep the others ?? There is usually no excuse for having a dog that long and then giving her up…Hoping she gets a good new home. Her face looks sad

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Pat… the owner went bust.. completely bust.

      The others were also given away…

  4. I’m SO mad I could *SPIT* at the part of the write up that some moron stated:

    “She lived in hell. The kind of hell that most Doberman owners give to their dogs.”

    Really? REALLY??? R-E-A-L-L-Y?????
    Who in the world can make such an assumption?? *MOST* Doberman owners? Really? Who is this person to truly “know” something like this? You know what they say when people “assume”….and that comment certainly DID make an ass out of him/her!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Rhonda.. congratulations. You are an exception.
      Here in Turkey Dobermann’s live in Hell. It’s a fact.

    2. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Ladies shouldn’t go around spitting..

  5. Tony Spangler says:

    “Most Doberman owners?”
    You just proved by that statement that you have no idea what you talking about.
    Might be a good idea to do research before you post things that are complete lies.

  6. “She lived in hell. The kind of hell that most Doberman owners give to their dogs.”

    All us animal lovers preach non-stop about ending BSL….”judge the deed, not the breed”…..when did we start JUDGING THE OWNERS OF THE BREEDS??? What a hypocritical a**hole!!!! Un-FREEKIN-real!! Whoever wrote this has a lot…..a LOT… learn……

  7. ella es hermosa bien por rescatarla ¿porque los dueños cuando regalan a sus mascotas queridas no se preocupan a quien se las daran? lastima que este tan lejos yo estoy en San Diego california quisiera saber ¿porque para adoptar tienen que vivir dentro de la casa ? yo tengo una boxer hermosa y la tengo en mi patio y esta bien alimentada y cuidada no necesariamente tienen que estar dentro de tu casa para que vivan bien con amor es mi punto de vista personal

  8. Tina is NOT an exception. How can you make such a broad generalization? Here in the US Dobermans are a loyal and loving family companion. They are family members. Your statement is just so out of whack, it’s difficult to even respond.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Well.. here in Turkey is the norm. Sorry.

  9. Tony Spangler says:

    The two pix you posted do not encompass “most Doberman owners”. Dont assume all poeple who own Dobermans on the planet are abusive. Know your facts before you go around spouting crap when you have no clue what your talking about.
    Since you seem to know for a fact the “most Doberman owners” are abusive. id like you to show us the proof you have of this. Statistics, graphs, charts? Where did you come by this supposed fact of yours? In your post you dont say this is how it is in Turkey. You say “most”. Choose your words better. Do NOT lump every human on the planet into you delusional ranting.

  10. I do not understand why people got so defensive and angry over here, so completely off the subject. The goal here is to find a right home and loving owners for Lisa. Lets not start preaching how good we are if there are so many bad dog owners out there. We all know that. Lets not forget what good Victor is doing to reduce the problem, lets support him and help him.

  11. it is just ridiculous people judging you-Viktor! don’t you know he lives in Turkey and it is all about Turkish owners!!! Unfortunately!!

  12. simonetta says:

    Sorry, in my opinion, this is a needless controversy. There’ll be no winner.
    I don’t think the problem is if we are or not good or bad owners.
    I think Victor knows well what it’s talking about.
    Over there there are too much 4-legged babies to help. .He’s doing, and we?
    I love this sweet sad eyes. Hope she will find her forever home soon 🙂

  13. I just hope that Lisa will find a new home….