Today Kont was adopted by an extraordinary person. We solved this case using our own private network.
But now.. have a look at this pictures and let me ask you a question.
Would you have considered fostering or adopting this dog?
She lost her leg in a traffic accident. She will never be able to run again, certainly will never be pretty in the eyes of so many of you.
The question is… would you have moved a finger to help this dog in any way? Would you have provided temporary accommodation for her whilst a final family was found? Would you have helped with her medical treatment if we had asked for it?
It is very simple… if the answer is YES, you are a real animal lover… a kind gentle soul who probably feels very alone out there. I wish you good dreams and a long happy life.
If the answer was NO then.. well.. you are no animal lover, just a poser.
Decide who you are.
Contact us. We have plenty of cases who need your help.
I hope someday to be able to give dogs like him a foster/furever home here in New Hampshire. I have two gorgeous rescues now; and I see nothing ugly about Kont.
yes without a doubt. I wanted to adopt one of my foster dogs in our rescue in TN who is completely blind and with one eye removed,a wonderful lady ended up as his mom due to my boyfriend not wanting a third (permanent). dog (it is his house).We had him with us for several weeks and love him, anyone that would not love a dog as Kont is a phony
Yes! And I know some people who have adopted dogs like Kont, even though they are not published in Let’s Adopt. So there are more of us out there than we can think of but yet, there are too many animals needing our help.
Yes, definitely! But, what do you do when all the dogs and cats you helped ended staying with you and you cannot find any families to adopt them. At the end, I have 5 dogs, 3 cats and 17 tortoises all rescued from someplace living with me. Plus I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and I work full time. I keep on following your site and my heart goes out to all those beautiful animals and I want to help but I’m stuck financially and emotionally. To be able to provide the best care to the animals I have at home (vet + food etc) I have watch out for my budget. And plus as you can understand I’ve got three male dogs that don’t want to get along, so need to keep them seperate as well. My heart just goes out when you call out for foster homes. If I could be certain that it is just going to be for couple of weeks and then a family will be found I would apply for it but just the thought that I might end up with a 6th is just not something I can do anymore. I admire your work and support you with all my heart.
Whenever I buy a lottery ticket or play lotto, I pray to win so that I can buy a house with a garden, and give dogs like Kont a forever home. Beauty is not somewhere out there, Viktor, it is, as the poet said, ‘in the eye of the beholder’ and in your heart. In my eyes, and in my heart, and I’m sure in the eyes and heart of every single genuine animal lover, all life, all dogs, all cats are beautiful. And, strangely enough, all people… :)))
Absolutely, yes! I would, most assuredly rescue a handicapped animal, or adopt one myself! These poor animals and certain breeds like the pit bull dogs and pit mixes are the ones that don’t stand much of a chance and need our help! I will help unfortunate animals no matter what. At this moment I have a one-eyed, older male cat that was beat up pretty bad, and I suspect had been hit by a car…I had my vet neuter him, administer appropriate antibiotics, and he is now living indoors with me until I get him a good indoor home. “Kitty One-Eye” may look really rough, but I love him and he is such a happy boy to be warm and indoors!
Congratulations to this beautiful dog on his adoption! By the way, having 3 legs certainly does NOT mean that he can’t run. I’ve had 3-legged dogs in my classes that can run and even love going over some of the agility equipment. There was a farm dog in America that lost TWO legs in an accident, and was still able to run… and jump up into the back of a pickup truck. Here’s another one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOcLfrGp3-c. Good luck to Kont and his new owner on their wonderful new life together!
nous avons adopté il y a maintenant 3 semaines un petit chien qui a des soucis de santé…apres plus d’une semaine de soins,le veto doit se resoudre a operer le “loulou”demain!!nous sommes plutot inquiets!!!j’espere que tout va bien se passer!!!ses soucis de santé sont au niveau de la patte avant!!!!mais notre devoir et de a soigner!!et certains devraient penser a faire la meme chose!!
I have and will continue to bring animals like Kont into my home and find them furever homes where they will be loved. I don’t see a dog or any animal who is physically disfigured as ugly it is their souls that I see, and in my mind they are perfect. The loving nature of a good dog or cat is all I see. Whether their limbs are intact or they are pretty enough does not come into it. Even the dog with three legs has a right to be loved and cared for, probably more so than the pretty one, because people do not see past their disfigurement. Those of us that do see past the physical know that some of the best pets are the ones we save from cruelty.
I think Kont is beautiful as well!
We wouldn’t disrespect a disabled person would we? Then we shouldn’t disrespect a dog.
well, as a disabled person, plenty of people disrespect us too, but i appreciate what sibel means!
i am especially interested in helping those the world doesn’t find `beautiful’ according to the usual standards, be they two or four legged! kont, and her adopters and rescuers are incredibly beautiful to me! excellent work!
Well spoken Viktor…as always 🙂 Giving a home to a rescue,,whether able or disabled is the most rewarding thing any person can do. I have only ever given homes to Rescues, they need us so much more than any pedigree pup or adult dog. You only have to look into the eyes of a dog waiting for a new home, to see the sorrow, the need for love and someone to care for them for the rest of their lives. Your rewards are so great, nothing beats it for me!!!! No Viktor, any animal is beautiful in its own right, no matter what its disability.
I am so happy for Kont, may he live the rest of his life surrounded with more love than he could ever have imagined, and a huge thankyou to whoever gave him the chance of happiness. God bless you xx
Let`s adopt;
1. yaptiginiz is sadece hayvanlara olan sevgiden dolayimi yoksa yeni is yerinizin temelinimi attiniz ?
2. su anda belki para almiyorsunuz yaptiginiz isten, belkide kendi kesenizden harciyorsunuz. Yani her yeni kurulan is yerinde oldugu gibi yatirim mi yapiyorsunuz.
3. sizin icin calisan arkadaslariniza ileri günlerde aylik baglamayi vaad ettinizmi?
Eger bunlara cevabiniz hayirsa, Türkiyedeki ormana atilan sokak hayvanlarina ellerinden geldigi kadar bakip besleyen, hasta hayvanlari tedavi ettiren hayvan severlere camur atmayiniz.
I am so elated to hear that Kont has found a wonderful new home. A dog is a dog, whether is has four or three legs!!!!. It has a heart, a soul, and above all a need to be loved and cared for by a real animal lover. How can anyone turn away from such a deserving case for love!! I couldn’t. Many, many heartfelt thanks to his new owner, who is truly as special as Kont. I hope they have many happy years together from now on.
Another LETS ADOPT Triumph!!! FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!
İ recently had a dog with not three legs but two front legs that were one shorter than the other and the longer one was half of a normal leg and he lived hapily until the age of 10. And could he run when he wanted to of course! animals don’t cry over deformaties and being crippled. we use to call him the kangaroo dog! He was such a character and everone who met him was inspired by him and his friendliness!
I am so pleased Kont has found his fur-ever home, i had a cat once quite a few years ago that had its leg aputatied and didnt make him less lovable or capable, these animals only bring more joy into ones life and it takes a special person to accept ones handicaps as a gift, how could you not open your heart and world to this?
Many Blessings Kont and family!
Onu sahiplenen özel insan,umarım ömrünüz boyunca verdiğiniz sevginin kat be katı sizinle olur.Ne hüzünlü bakışları Kont’un,ama bence çok tatlı,onun sevgisi ,minneti çok daha derin olacaktır.Böyle öyküleri duyunca,ifadem yetersiz kalıyor,sanki içinmden bir şeyler taşıyor.Anladığınıza inanıyorum ben.Sağolun,iyi ki varsınız,ne diyeyim.
I’m really, really happy for you, sweet Kont
Leg or no leg sure I would adopt (foster) him. It does not make him less that does not make him less a dog and less loveable. I wish him all the best. Joan Denmark.
My first cat had to have his tail partly removed because he was caught in a trap (no need to ask me why I can’t stand hunters anymore!). I once took in a cat from a rescue centre who had cerebellar hypoplasia, I loved him to bits and was sick for months when he died..
My sister fostered a one-eyed kitty nobody wanted to adopt, so she ended up keeping her. Last summer, I wached a guy throw a dog on the train in Paris.. I can’t say that dog was good-looking (although the man was even ugliest!!) .. I took him in and my parents and sis’ who live in the countryside now take care of him, making sure he’s never alone.
So leg or no leg wouldn’t have made a difference to me of my family: Loving Kont would have been loved back. I’m proud to say we’re real animal lovers. And that I can’t wait to move out of my Parisian flat to a house in the countryside, to be able to add dogs to our household of cats :-)! My partner who never had animals before he moved in with me, was touched enough by my babies to understand that a “home” is only complete with sad pets who’ve become happy.
I wish all of the associations who take care of poor animal souls out there a very long life.
IMHO, Kont is a good-looking friend – no matter how many legs he has.
To answer the questions:
1. Would you have moved a finger to help this dog in any way?
2. Would you have provided temporary accommodation for her whilst a final family was found?
3. Would you have helped with her medical treatment if we had asked for it?
I have had a very simple answer to all: it’s YES.
My husband and I have rescued a tripod as well. We were fostering him but in the end we adopt him ourselves. He was treated in the animal hospital for 3 weeks and donations from our friends really help us a lot!