Every once in a while someone approaches us and puts amazing talent…
Author: The Let's Adopt! Global Team (page 46)
Let's Adopt! Global is a different kind of animal rescue. One that believes that animals have no nationalities and that there are truly no limits to what one can achieve when working as a community on behalf of an animal in need.
Let’s Adopt Persona’ları: Küçük Şeyler
Ne diyebilirim ki…İşte böyle küçük şeyler bizi farklı bir topluluk yapan. Eğer…
Let’s Adopt! Personas: The Little things
What can I say…. Is the little things like these are what…
20 Dogs rescued
These are the stories of 20 Turkish dogs, rescued by our friends…
Bir Bonus
Mat Tiyatro‘daki arkadaşlarımız 26 Mart Cuma günü sahneye koyacakları bir oyun için…
A cultural bonus
Our friends at Mat Tiyatro have kindly offered us 40 tickets to…
Coco’nun şansı!
Sevgili Arkada?lar, Ço?unuz Coco‘yu hat?rlars?n?z… Yol kenar?nda felçli bir halde bulunmu?tu. Omurgas?nda…
Coco’s luck
Dear Friends, Most of you remember Coco… She was found paralyzed by…
Beni Evime Uçurun
Alex İzmir’de doğdu. Hayatının ilk haftalarını annesiyle, muhtemelen bir evin arka bahçesinde…
Fly me Home
Alex was born in Izmir, Turkey. His first weeks were spent with…