We are going to tell this story backwards so please read carefully as we have included a special present for you right at the end.
Adam was rescued by our Let’s Adopt! Indonesia volunteer team and is currently in a veterinary clinic severely anemic, fighting a bacterial infection, his body ravaged by scabies, and with one unusable hind leg. The vet team caring for Adam suspects dysplasia or dislocation of the hip joint, left untreated for far too long and now requiring femoral head ostectomy — a surgical procedure performed when pain can not be alleviated in any other way.
Adam is too weak and unstable even for a non-invasive straightforward procedure such as an Xray, so surgery cannot be scheduled at this time, and will have to wait.
Adam is a little dog, only slightly larger than a cat.
You would think caring for such a small pup could not possibly be hard, but you would be wrong. Adam’s owner ignored the signs of his loyal dog deteriorating, missed all the symptoms of the multitude of health issues starting to plague him, and when it got to the point when Adam needed urgent veterinary help — he was simply abandoned.
Our Indonesian volunteer team received a plea for help which told the story of a tiny, skinny, stray dog tucked away in the back yard of a school, and slowly giving up on life.
When they arrived at the school they were rendered speechless by what they found.
And here is the best, most uplifting, inspirational moment of our story which we kept for last.
The true heroes of our story, these incredible little kids had found Adam dumped in their school yard, had sheltered him away from danger, and — unsure of whether they could gain support from an adult — had secretly cared for him on their own. They brought food and a warm blanket, visited daily, cared for and loved the tiny, stray, sick dog, and even bought him a lovely collar with their pocket money.
A few days later a parent realized what the extra food her daughter had been squirreling away was being used for, and alerted our volunteers. When they got to the school and held Adam in their arms, tears filled their eyes as he was terrified, trembling, light as a feather — but looking up with hope and trying to wag his tail.
Adam is currently under 24-hr observation and every day is a battle but a good one. Please donate for his medical expenses as we fight for his future, then let’s find him the most amazing home together.
Please join us in showing these beautiful kids that what they did matters. Help us save and rehome Adam.
Donate with debit/credit card or Paypal, USD:
Donate with debit/credit card or Paypal, EUR:
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UPDATE | September 13, 2018
The vets have decided that surgery must happen ASAP.
On Tuesday we told you about Adam, rescued by our Let’s Adopt! Indonesia volunteer team, and currently in a veterinary clinic with anemia, bacterial infection, scabies, and one bad hind leg.
The vet team caring for Adam suspected a long ignored dysplasia or dislocation of the hip joint, and Adam’s pain was being controlled for a while so the leg could be observed and its state evaluated. It has now been confirmed that femoral head ostectomy — a surgical procedure used when pain can not be alleviated in any other way — must be performed as soon as possible.
Adam’s damaged leg in its current state cannot function, and he does not use it but just drags it behind. This is why we have agreed with the vet team’s recommendation and the surgery has been scheduled.

Today you can help us give Adam a different future.

Please help Adam get the surgery he needs to walk again, and let’s give him a different future.
Donate with debit/credit card or Paypal, USD: