1. How Animals Didn’t Go Home Because of Viktor Larkhill
A handful of animals were adopted just before Ivan Jimenez’, aka Viktor Larkhill’s resignation from Let’s Adopt Global. The Let’s Adopt team attempted to contact the adopting families but were stonewalled by Viktor, who had other plans for the animals.
The following screenshots are from his inner circle and demonstrate how Viktor Larkhill single-handedly sentenced those already adopted animals to extra months in boarding, so he could take the credit for transporting them home when his new rescue was registered. At the same time he intentionally set up Let’s Adopt to look like the villain.
Image 1
Viktor giving instructions to his team
to tell the adopting families not to respond to us.
The animals were to wait in boarding until his new rescue was registered, so he could transport them himself.

Image 2
Viktor explaining his priorities
which he says are not the adopted animals going home,
but “rebuilding the fund [payments coming in]
and donor base [list of people who donate regularly]”.

Image 3 & 4
Linda Edwards, a key member of Viktor’s network,
confirming that the animals in Spain cannot be moved by Let’s Adopt because they are microchipped in Ivan’s name.

Image 5
Another supporter of Viktor’s new rescue is worried that a board member of Let’s Adopt will attempt to move animals out of boarding; Ivan confirms that is not possible.

2. How Viktor Larkhill Lied to Become a Hero
After stonewalling the Let’s Adopt team, Viktor Larkhill took his time registering a new rescue in Holland.
Image 6
Viktor registers Let’s Adopt International,
using the name of a charity he resigned from.

He was now able to proceeded with organizing transport for the animals (who by then had spent unnecessary months in boarding), and soon went public with a blatant lie.
Image 7
Viktor lies that we had cut contact with the adopters
when in fact he prevented it from ever happening.He then lies that Let’s Adopt is to blame for
the animals remaining in boarding for months.Viktor celebrates himself as a hero-rescuer,
inconveniencing his busy life to finally take home the animals who were “not his priority” and who “were fine” to sit in boarding for over three months.

Image 8
Viktor graciously accepts applause for his love of animals,
which to him come first, but can sit in pensions
while he”rebuilds the fund and donor base”.(He doesn’t say that last bit to admirers)

If you have heard that Let’s Adopt! Global has abandoned animals and is not paying vendors, please follow this link: Open Letter Regarding Suspended Payments
Please follow these links for more information
Ivan Jimenez, aka Viktor Larkhill – Q&A (running updates)
Ivan Jimenez, aka Viktor Larkhill – Removal announcement
Ivan Jimenez, aka Viktor Larkhill – Unethical fundraising
Ivan Jimenez, aka Viktor Larkhill – How Viktor Larkhill kept animals stranded for months
Ivan Jimenez, aka Viktor Larkhill – Misappropriating donor funds (pending)
Ivan Jimenez, aka Viktor Larkhill – Hoarding in Spain (pending)
Ivan Jimenez, aka Viktor Larkhill – Harassment (pending)
I didn’t know that he did this.
I was trusting that man!
Too good that I didn’t donate to this scammer,though.
However,did he at least take care of injured animals,or did he just show off so people would donate to him?
Please answer.
I know all of this to be true now. I once said I would donate and Viktor messaged me privately straight away and explained why the money was needed so badly. I had a message off a lady I didn’t k ow telling me to be careful because it was a scam. I didn’t send payment.
I recently decided that after seeing some of the horror abuse that is claimed that some of the animals have been subjected to, I wanted to rehome a kitten, funded entirely by myself though not giving a penny to Viktor but instead wanting to pay directly but surprise surprise, I haven’t got one message back, not a single comment on the many posts I’ve asked on, not one email back. I have a perfectly good home here for a previously abused animal, I have specialised in the needs of these animals and the severe cases are well within my abilities to help, love and care for yet I have now been denied the chance to take on a special kitty due to the selfishness that is surrounding all of this. It’s all about the money, not the animals. I’m really not happy that my emotions have been played on and I really hope that this Viktor or Ivan is stopped. It’s such a cruel way to scam for money.
i really don’t blame him for doing what he does. there are far worse organizations such as the World Animal Awareness Society on YouTube that steals Humane society videos (including Larkhills) and asks for money in their names when all they do is steal videos. when they ask for money, they usually say something like “save an animal”– which they do not do.
sometimes red tape gets in the way of animal rescue. his actions are not egotistical. if he says it is necessary for fund raising, i can see that. i still think he is pretty cool and i think you need to bend a few rules for him. boarding is way better than suffering on a Spanish street or being hit by a vehicle, isn’t it. he feeds them and vets them and cleans them, so a short wait is what he needs for donations to help more animals…so be it.
Dear sir madam,
I’m contacting you and hopping to find a solution!
It’s regarding a organisation that is posting graphic videos on YouTube!
His name is victor larkhill, pls search him up!
He constantly put horrific injured dogs, pretending hero, there is no evidence that the dogs are saved…same patterns repeating all the time, extreme head burns and one leg sliced from inside, there is no parasites or skin infections. and don’t show how he got the dogs or anything… he says that the dogs had fight with other dogs( does not look like it) he gets millions from donations… I’m not the only one that think this about victor larkhill… he also lied about the dog that was his( the same dog that was in another video burned)and recently I wrote to him to why all the cases dogs are burned! He posted a video trying to cover up… still you can see his wife holding a different dog…he needs to be investigated plus he picked a friends dog
After Some of YouTubers emailed him and what you see him knowing a dogs name, knowing the people and I don’t know where is he based but you can search him up
Many thanks