These three sisters stuck to each other, and that saved their lives!

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What follows is an insight into how Let´s Adopt! works… it´s but a fraction of our work behind the scenes…

I received an urgent email.. three dogs had been dumped in an abandoned factory. Two small dogs accompanied by a larger dog, a young mastiff. They had been seen for days in that location, always together. They undoubtedly were dumped by the same person.

This was the image I saw…

Poor dogs!!! They were adorable, the two little ones were obviously family and they were protected by the bigger one. Out there they wouldn´t last for long.

We went pick them up and immediately we took them to the vet for a check up.

The first thing we did was give them names. We called the two tiny ones Skylar and Dorita, their BIG sister was called Roxanne.

The three of them were incredibly attached, and Roxanne looked over them like a mother would care for her babies.

Other than lots of fleas, some bruises and very hungry Dorita and Roxanne were were in good condition. Unfortunately Skylar was clearly very sick.

Skylar was heavily pregnant and had developed an infection, pyometra.. unless we operated her urgently she would die an awful death.

There was no time to launch a fund raiser. We would have to operate her immediately and go into debt… and we did. It was a two hour operation, Skylar was very lucky… she made it and her sister Roxanne didn´t leave her alone for a second.

Dorita was lucky, she found a great home in Germany and a few days later she was on board a plane to Dusseldorf to a beautiful home that would offer her the wonderful life she had been denied till then.

Skylar stayed at the clinic recovering under the watchful eyes of her BIG sister, Roxanne and a few days later both of them were moved to the city´s best Hotel for Dogs, where they had been waiting for a family.

Initially we wanted Skylar and Roxanne to be rehomed together but we soon realised this would be impossible. It´s extremely difficult to find a good home, it´s MUCH much harder to find a home for two dogs at the same time. They would have to be separated.

Skylar has been adopted and she is due to fly to her new home this weekend. Roxanne is still waiting for the perfect home. She is absolutely amazing, the most loving a caring big dog we´ve met. Just a puppy but mature beyond her years…

Skylar is due to fly this weekend to Germany, to her wonderful home. We saved her life when she was about to die, we´ve taken care of her and her sisters, and we sent Dorita home. It´s time for beautiful Skylar to join her family.

This is a beautiful story, but it´s not a happy ending yet.

This is the story of three beautiful dogs that little by little are finding their place in the world. We have taken care of all of this until now using our emergency reserves.

Please help us send Skylar home… her flight is due this weekend and we don´t have the funds allocated for her journey…

Please, if you can, help… look at her, she is amazing, help us SEND SKYLAR HOME!


Many thanks!!


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22 comments on “These three sisters stuck to each other, and that saved their lives!Add yours →

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  1. Rebekah R Long says:

    What a shame they had to be separated …but a lovely story , thank you for all the work you do X

  2. ewa oscarsdotter says:

    THANK YOU for helping them!!!!!! It´s a very touching and beautiful story…. <3

  3. Mandy Hardbattle says:

    So pleased Skylar & Dorita have found a home with your help…really hope Roxanne does too very soon.. She looks gorgeous, and sooooo my kinda dog x

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      The flight volunteer will take three animals… All in all ticket plus expenses is going to be around close to a thousand dollars. Any small donation helps

  4. Donated and thank you for all your work.

  5. ok, envío pequeño donativo.

  6. Elizabeth says:

    I have to say I’m distressed that you separated these three girls. I know it can be difficult to find a home for three dogs, but I know of at least one family here in the United States who would’ve taken them in. I wish you had tried harder. I worry especially for Roxanne as I think she’s going to go into a deep depression when she no longer has her sisters. She may think that something horrible happened to the other two and she may never pull out of the depression. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen, but I am disappointed that you didn’t take any time at all to try to find a home for them together.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Elizabeth, bee there, done that. Last time we had a couple that were bound together it took us over a year to find them a home. The difference in that case is that they were old dogs. We had to.
      Roxanne and skyler are puppies and very social … They will remember hit just a few days.
      Luckily puppies don’t have depressions, they live the moment.
      Dint worry, they will be ok. Please out me in touch with the family that coukd adopt Roxanne. My email is

  7. Vickie Hollar says:

    Thank you for all your wonderful help Viktor. I am tapped out this month. I contributed to Mr. White when you sent me an email and with little income coming in, I just don’t have any more. I sure hope Skylar makes it home.

  8. Diane Davis says:

    Hello, Has Roxanne found a home yet ? What does one have to do to adopt her ?
    I love your web site, some of the animals have been near death. Then with your loving hands plus of course all your helpers, they have the will to live again.
    Thank you for all the hard work you do . X 🙂 X

  9. Nancy Robison says:

    what happened to her puppies?

  10. Nelda Percival says:

    Your group is what rescue is about!

    Thank You!

  11. Dianna Bickett says:

    You didn’t tell us… what happened to Skylar’s puppies? Did any of them survive the surgery mom went through?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      She had piometra they were all dead inside, she was aborting naturally

  12. Theresa Dufore says:

    Viktor, I love you to death and SO respect the work that you do to save so many. HOWEVER….. dogs DO get depressed and some even die from it.. 🙁

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Of course, but not when they are healthy 8 month old puppies with a full live ahead of them..

  13. Just had a vets bill myself for one of our old horses, so cant help this time. Will share the story and hopefully Skylar will be flying soon.

  14. It is always great to hear that these poor neglected souls can have a second chance at life and be loved.

  15. Beautiful rescue. What a shame they had to be separated. Thank you once again for all you are doing x

  16. I’m with you Elizabeth….I know a family could have been found for all 3. It just so depresses me when I hear of animals being separated, when clearly, they should stay together. Sure, it would take longer to find a home to take in 3, but it would be done.