URGENT!!!… Gala needs a second chance

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I will never forget the images on the computer screen… 
Thrown in the soil in an Andalusian field laid Gala, a spanish galgo, with two legs torn by broken fractures.
There is no knowing how many days she had been in this position but considering her overall condition and state and infection of the bones it must have been quite a few days. The truth is, well never know.

Gala was rushed to the best clinic in Sevilla and the treatment began immediately. She had to be operated in a hurry, we couldn’t risk further deterioration of the injuries.

It was a long operation, metal plates were installed in both fractured legs. Right at that point we could see the recovery of the injuries would be quite complicated. We suspected that back leg was going to give us trouble.

And so it did…

An extremely strong bacteria has affected the bone, that regardless of all treatment and cures remains infected and is not healing properly.

Everything has been tried in Sevilla… somehow the clinic there couldn’t get the treatment right.

There is no point waiting a single more day… the bone presents a non-union that will never heal on it’s own. And so, we are presented with a choice..

1. Amputate Gala’s leg: This would be a horrible outcome for a dog that has fought so much. It would also represents an admission of defeat, throwing the towel. Gala would be handicapped for life.


2. Travel with Gala across the country, from Sevilla to Valencia, operate her again, take out the metal plates that were installed them, cut a section of the bone, install new plates and treat the super-bug that is affecting the bone eliminating infection completely. At that point we would inject a stem cell compound to foster bone growth.

It’s extremely unusual to go to such lengths but we know this could work… not only that, this is Gala’s only chance…

Gala’s life is again in our hands, and we are forced to start again from scratch, undertaking again an operation in an area that presents great complications.

Galgos are among the world’s most abused dog breeds. In the Spanish south they are not considered dogs by their owners, they are tools to be exploited and discarded in the cruelest of ways… what happened to Gala is just one example. We see many, we usually get there too late.

Update August 8

Gala is now in Valencia. And now look at this… upon arrival she met her friend Tula (they had met in Sevilla), and this is what happened!!!

What a character that Tula…  whoah!!!

Update August 12

Gala’s operation took place on Friday.

It was a tricky one.. the bone was infected and we had to cut a section of it, 1.5 cms, revive the borders and install new and reinforced plates to keep the leg stable while it heals…

Here is the Xray that shows in detail what has been done..

We will now wait for a week or so to see how it involves, and then we will proceed to inoculate the stem cell treatment that will greatly increase the bone production rate. 

In the meantime… Gala smiles again… 🙂

August 13…

Gala’s recovery is nothing short of spectacular… here she is with Chispita, her caretaker and foster family and Mavi, our vet..

UPDATE August 28

Gala (and Tula) are doing GREAT… Gala’s bone is healing nicely, she is perfectly integrated in her foster family. Life is good… For the first time in her short life everything is beautiful…



Update October 2

No comment.


Gala’s operation was a matter of urgency… Please, if you can, help us fix Gala’s leg… she has gone through so much… this beautiful shy and affectionate princess has stolen the hearts of everyone that has met her. Let’s complete what we started. Please help us make beautiful Gala run again…

Let’s do it… together.. Please donate toward’s Gala’s surgery…


Many thanks!



As you know (and you can read in this blog below), Gala has gone through multiple operations on her legs to fix the ravages done by her previous owner. We found her on the fields. Both legs presented open fractures and needed urgent surgeries.

The first operation didn´t work out as expected, the bones didn´t heal properly, there were non-union. We had to operate again…

The second operation worked out perfectly, that was in no small part due to groundbreaking use of stem cell treatment helped Gala regenerate her bone and last month we took out the plate we installed to give the leg the necessary stability to heal.

Then, yesterday night.. CRACK!… the bone has fractured AGAIN… this time from a different place, slightly above the old fracture line. It happened when Gala was coming down from the sofa. A normal gesture…

Unfortunately the bone is not a strong as it should be, and the different operations have left it in a fragile state.

A few months ago Gala had found a home in the UK but we decided to wait until we sent her anywhere… we knew the months following the operation would be critical and an accident could happen. And it did!!!

This is the condition of Gala´s leg… We need to operate AGAIN in the hope that this time everything will go right, and that with total and absolute rest Gala will be able to walk again…

We have no other chance but to continue to support her… after all this hard work, she deserves it more than anyone we know…


Update 11 September

Gala… today…

Many people told us she should be euthanize to spare her suffering… tell that to her now!





There are many rescue groups in the world… but there is only one organisation under which protection where Gala could have survived and thrived. That is Let´s Adopt Global.

Our work never ends, behind every public case there are many others that need our help. Help us continue rescuing animals like Gala… PLEASE DONATE SO THAT WE CAN CONTINUE OUR LIFESAVING MISSION… 



Many thanks!


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81 comments on “URGENT!!!… Gala needs a second chanceAdd yours →

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  1. Margaret Barnard says:

    How anyone can treat a dog this way I cannot comprehend, they are pure evil. She is the most beautiful girl, and I have also fallen in love with her. I have made a donation, I’m afraid it’s not much but can perhaps donate a bit more next week.

    Please give her a hug and kiss from me, sending my prayers for a good recovery. x x x x x

    ps: please keep us updated on her progress

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks Margaret… thank you.. well definitely keep you posted.

  2. left too long a message for you in Paypal, but please love on yourselves for me and pet my lil friend Gala!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thank you Carol… thank you..

  3. claire jones says:

    The sweetie, it’s awful the way these lovely dogs are abused once they are no longer useful. This isn’t a lot of money but I hope every little helps. X
    Ps I’ll have to send the donation through my phone as the paypal link isn’t working on kindle fire.

  4. There is a rescue story at the link where they had an infection that they couldn’t get rid of. There are some details of the infection and treatment in Freckles update 05/02/2013. They implanted beads of antibiotics into his wound and also used hyperbaric chamber treatments. Perhaps Gala might be a candidate for this type of treatment.


    After all she has been through, it would be heartbreaking for her to lose her leg.

  5. Deb Slaton says:

    Donated a bit. Poor baby. Makes me absolutely sick to see her abuse.

  6. got :((((( so sad 🙁 I’m crying 🙁

  7. W Bradley says:

    The Spanish really have no respect for animals. Remind me never to go there and spend tourist money in such a barbaric country.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Some spaniards… I’m spanish myself and I tell you I respect them a lot. Each and everyone of my friends have animals that have great lives, and so do their friends.. and the friends of their friends.
      Generalizations are never good.

  8. Another lovely dog that you have saved! I am praying for all of you along with all the other beautiful dogs you have rescued. I wish you were not so far away, but I do try to donate every single week to help one of the beautiful animals you rescue. THANK YOU ALL for NEVER giving up, for taking dogs that would otherwise be put down and giving them a second chance, if only there were more people in the world like you and the others you work with Viktor, you are all Earth Angels!! I hope one day there are more wonderful people who love, admire and see the true worth of animals. I will keep you all in my prayers. God bless you all

  9. The poor darling. I’d love to donate more than I just have, but will add more if possible in the near future.
    I commend and congratulate you and your team for the impressive humanitarian work you do to compensate for the misery that other people have inflicted on these innocent creatures.
    I look forward to seeing her fully recovered :o)
    Regards from Australia.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      What is an ocean if not a multitude of drops?
      Much love

  10. Claire Wilson says:

    Just donated for Gala. I was so sad to hear of the persistent infection. I have been following her story with great interest in all your posts. I am praying that this treatment will be successful. One look at her face and I could immediately feel that she is one spectacular dog – her indomitable spirit is reaching out to touch me even though I am in California. I wish I could send more but I am on a fixed income. Thank you for what you are doing. I have great admiration for you Viktor and the work you, your staff and your doctors do in the name of giving the animals a shot at the wonderful life they deserve. To know that these animals who have somehow survived so much tragedy and neglect are now being treated with immense love and respect warms my heart. The network you have built to accomplish this highest of all goals is astounding. You are all my heroes.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Dear Claire,
      Many thanks for always being there and helping our animals when needed.
      Gala is now in Valencia with us and she’s going to be operated tomorrow.. Please keep an eye on the page during the weekend/next week.. there will be lots of her.. 🙂

  11. Jean Stewart, Scotland says:

    Viktor, you’re amazing. If anyone can save beautiful Gala’s legs, it’s you and your team. Thank you for giving her a chance. She’s so, so thin. It breaks my heart that anyone would treat and discard a dog this way. They don’t ask for much and give so much in return. I’ve sent a small donation and will pray she will make a good recovery. Thank you for being there.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks Jean… follow the page, you are going to see some amazing things.. 🙂

  12. Bernice Hillier says:

    The pain in Galas eyes says it all .I trust that you will bring happiness to her eyes next time I see a update.God love her & the work that you do and the staff at the hospital.

  13. Such a poor brave dog. I donated some money from Holland to Gala! Hang on Gala!

  14. What a picture of Tula and Gala together (much needed laugh). If they were friends before it would be nice to see them stay together when they get a new family.Can’t give anything but lots of hugs and kisses which can you give for me please. Thank you and God bless to you and your team . Barbara P

  15. I read the comments. You cannot blame an entire country for a few bad apples. I am hispanic, and I love animals more than people even, and my relatives from Puerto Rico are also huge animal lovers. Prayers to Gala that she gets better!

  16. Hola! Queria saber si Gala ya tenia adoptante o acogida? Muchas gracias por todo lo q haceis por los animales!!!

  17. I’m speechless! People who are capable of doing this to an animal are capable of doing much worse! They should have the same done to them!!!

  18. hello, this dog chico has the same infection. He is taking RIfadyne antibiotics. Maybe this will help her too?

  19. Hola! Primero de todo muchisimas gracias por la labor que haceis, es impresionante! Soy de Madrid y me gustaria saber como esta Gala y si ya tiene acogida o adopcion.
    Muchas gracias!!!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hola Sonia, estoy a punto de subir una foto en la que veras como se encuentra ella ahora mismo 🙂
      mandame un email a viktor@myletsadopt.com de momento tiene acogida pero necesita una casa final. Mandame un mail y hablamos. Un saludo

  20. Lotta Roti says:

    OMG, this is heartbreaking. I donated for Tula and can’t afford right now again, but I will once I can… this is work of God. There is also another point to Gaia’s treatment – a complicated operation like that increases knowledge and experience, and will make progress in helping another animals.

    You do good work, God’s work. There are cruel people in all nations, often the case is that the more cruel the country is for people the more there is also cruelty to animals. There is a lot of interest in animal rights and good people in Spain.

  21. I just can not understand how humans in general can be so heartless. Animals are my passion. I knew what I was to become when I got oler when I was 7 yrs old. I graduated vet.assist school and now I am completely against animals abuise of any kind. It breaks my heart to see a poor baby being drugged down the street and I can’t legally do anything about it.If the police doesn’t see it they say it’s hear say. I see this goergious specimum of a dog Gala and I break down into an ocean of tears. How can people do this I ask my self. I completely believe that how an animal is being abuised than so shall thier owners. If the baby is being beaten then so shall the humans. If the baby was tied up and drugged so shall the humans. If the baby was tied up outside with no shelter from the weather and starved then so shall the human. I have NO tolerance for animal abuise.Viktor Prayers are going out to you and everybody who works with you that helps to save these babys. I know it is a hard and heart breaking job. This world really needs more people like you and my self. Right now I am not eveen really able to take care of my self for I am staying in a shelter. But if I had it I would give up my happiness just tsee Gala survive and get through this ok. I am in tears as I type. This is just so heart breaking. I pray that God sends a way to you so you may be able to save Gala.

  22. chris harrison says:

    donated a small amount ,good to see she seems ok now ,thanks to viktor and your team , regards chris UK

  23. Ulrika Schofield says:

    I have been following Gala’s story since she was found – I love and admire this girl! Linda Edwards has kept me informed with lots of photos, messages and emails.
    I so wish I could adopt her but, sadly, I have a very nasty little terrier here who makes it impossible for me to introduce another dog to the family. Joe is quite elderly and, nature being what it is, one day I will have the opportunity to adopt again – but I will probably be too late to bring Gala home to us.
    Whatever happens, I am so grateful to you for taking this brave little girl under your wing. I so hope and wish that she will soon be hole again. I understand that she might have a forever home waiting for her in France when she is ready for adoption – I will be very sad for myself when that day comes but so happy for Gala. I wish her well and hope that her new parents will send me the occasional update on how she is doing.
    Victor, we did speak on FB briefly a few months ago, let me just say that I am very grateful for what you did for Gala, thank you so much.
    We don’t know each other, I have never met Gala but she made herself at home in my heart and I am still hoping, against all odds, that I might be in with a chance to bring her home to us.

  24. Daniele Halle says:

    I am part Spanish and used to be proud of it, I said used to….

  25. Alison Hill says:

    I pray to God that this beautiful, graceful, elegant girl heals well and keeps her leg. I would love to have her but I have three big, extremely boisterous Irish greyhounds and I don’t think her leg would stand up to them!! I wish her all the luck in the world and a wonderful, loving forever home xxx

  26. Viktor,

    So many times I have wanted to donate but I just don’t do Pay Pal.
    Is there another way?

    Judy Lang

  27. God Bless you for all you do for these precious, innocent lives! I believe the lives of all these animals are just as important (and even more important in a LOT of cases) as the lives of humans. I’m so glad you go against the negativity and save so many lives.

  28. Maria Leo says:

    Que rabia me da ser pobre y no poder ayudar, quisiera de Corazon tener a esa perra, es bella, valiente, se parece a lo que yo he vivido, que pena me da no tener la oportunidad! Ella merece alguien que la tenga bien, sin sobresaltos economicos…Yo tengo 8 rescataditos gatos, todos amados, pero es tan dificil proveerles…Porque no tenemos manera de trabajar major en USA…Si no fuera asi, Gala seria mia, yo misma la iria a buscar!!!

  29. Why are there so many vile human beings on this earth. I do not understand how anyone with blood coursing through their veins can inflict such torture on another living creature and feel nothing for their suffering. Human beings are beyond disgusting, I am ashamed to be associated with such monsters.

    Thank you for all you and your team do. Gala deserves only good things

  30. Your team are definite miracle workers. I am constantly amazed at the wonders that come from them. A team is only as good as their leader so I pray for your continued success with our furry friends.God bless all of you and your work.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many many thanks Sandy… thank you

  31. I just love what you have done for her. She is so sweet. Also the other dogs and cats that you have helped that looked like hopeless cases.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thanks Ron..

  32. does she still need a home? I have 4 but would consider another as I can certainly afford it and I think she is a beauty.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hola Jaime,
      She doesn’t have a home yet… drop me a mail on viktor@myletsadopt.com telling me all about your and your animals…
      Hope it works

  33. W Bradley

    That is a general statement you made about the Spanish and animals. This is an issue EVERYWHERE!! Anyplace, Earth. I don’t know what country you are in but if it is the US it is just as bad. There is abuse and neglect in every country on this planet. Love and compassion heals the world and the good people outdo the bad everytime!! God bless Viktor Larkhill and his staff.. xoxoxoxoxoxoxso

  34. thank you viktor again great job. she looks happy now. and thank for helping all these animals in need, you are a great person and we need much more like you. may god bless you until the end

  35. go go go Galaaaaa…

  36. What a stunningly beautiful girl. I’m so glad you were able to help her.

    I have to say, though, that the vast majority of dogs who have amputations, especially of a hind leg, adapt just fine. Recovery times are quicker, and mobility can be pretty close to four-legged. The “OMG! HANDICAPPED!” response is a human one, not a canine one.

  37. Anonymous says:

    You are AMAZING! I always try to donate to you and it’s hearwarming to see the great work you do. Thank you! If only there were more people as kind as you all over the world Continued good luck to you x

  38. Yiannis Argyros says:

    Sad but happy ending.!!!
    I wish there were more people that love and care about animals in this world.!!!

  39. Thank you a million times for the astounding operations upu csrry out on these beauties. One day this practice eill stop and these beautifull dogs will get the care they deserve, meanwhile, this work must go on.
    I want to send monthly donation. Or you just have PayPal account?
    Healing thoughts being sent to gala x

  40. Sorry to see that poor animal like that,I wish we know who did it to her/him.Very glad things works out for the poor angel. But I see that inplants is fantastic,I had a hip replacement 7 months ago.And still battle to walk,now I wonder if you can do such a good job on a human?No jokes please

  41. Lisa Lucid says:

    she’s beautiful!!!

  42. viktor you never gave up on this beautiful dog and look at the end result , she is an amazing dog to have come through so much pain. the people who did this to her want the same doing to them, evil, evil people i hope they rot in hell 🙂 your pictures of Gala are beautiful and she looks so happy with her new friend, i hope now she has the most loving home she so deserves. thank you for all the great work you do with all the animals you rescue <3, pity there aren't more like you. xxxx

  43. Todd Carpenter says:

    It’s people and organizations such as this one that make me feel less jaded.

  44. Hi Viktor. As with everyone else I am quite overcome with the massive care you have given Gala. Do you rehome in the UK? I am moving in a few weeks and may have room for another dog (have two) when I move. I will keep an eye on your page.

    With all good wishes, Maggie.

  45. Yaritza Diaz says:


    He seguido varios de sus casos desde Puerto Rico, les felicito ustedes son de lo mejor.

    Un abrazo y sigan con la buena obra…


  46. linda eden says:


  47. what an absolutely beautiful dog! She reminds me of a Greyhound, I would love to have a dog like her! So happy that she’s getting the care and treatment she deserves!

  48. Charmaine Morgan says:

    Hi Victor

    Bless you for what you do for the animals.

  49. What is wrong with these people. EVIL’ How could they? Beautiful, pretty girl. God will PUNISH YOU’

  50. Jenny Cutforth says:

    I have read all comments here & truly amazed how many people feel like I do about animals, You have done such an amazing job with Gala, it has to be said & without you & your dedicated staff, these poor animals would not stand a chance in life…..I can’t begin to think what poor Gala went through when you found her in the field where she had been left abandoned, it doesn’t bear thinking about….I just adore animals infact like some have said, more than people at times, well apart from all the people here & many more I know….I am a charity worker for the RSPCA in the UK & try to do my bit for them where ever I can ….I also give a small donation monthly to the Blue Cross….I would dearly love to give something for Gala, but now I am retired my money is limited….She & Tula look like they have bonded & it would be so lovely if they could get their forever home together, I hope so….Thank you so much Viktor & all staff for the help you do for all these poor animals, if it wasn’t for people like you where would they be….I will keep looking in to see Gala’s progress

  51. lisa ashby says:

    wonderful..just wonderful

  52. Kim Worthington says:

    Perfect, perfect, perfect. Thank you Ivan and ladies – and all your team.

  53. Oh my god what an incredible organisation you people are! You are absolutely amazing! From heaven sent!
    Thank you for all the things you do for all the beautiful animals! Much love from Sweden ♡

  54. I am so incredibly moved by this girl and by what you did for her. i feel like getting on a plane and coming to meet her. she looks a little like my dog, sally. i would take her in a minute, but i am sure there will be many people wanting her.

  55. hi Viktor x thanks for all you’re doing for these beautiful animal x sorry i couldn’t afford more at this time x but hope Gala and all those u help get through these ordeals x God bless you xxx

  56. Carol Allaire says:

    These animals that you help are the LUCKIEST in the WORLD..They have HOPE and UNDERSTANDING that YOU will HELP THEM..Not too many people are like us, to give the animals all the LOVE and AFFECTION they so call deserve..I Love when GALAGO SMILES, She makes me laugh, but I LOVE IT.. How is KITTY LUNA DOING ?? It’s been 2 days since her surgery I would LOVE TO KNOW..I have been following her case, and I think she was doing REMARKABLE, YOU’S are the REASON..If it weren’t for all your kind people, where would she be ??..I hope to see her on Facebook more often, for I care about her, just like you do..She sticks in my mind everyday, that even I think of her as mine..My cats all make me feel wanted, and sometimes they get into trouble, I just let it slide, but you are HEALERS and do your JOB WELL..KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, VIKTOR..GOD WILL REWARD YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF HIS CHILDREN.. Take care and talk to you later. Bye-Bye, & GOD BLESS..GIVE ALL THE ANIMALS A KISS & HUG FROM ME– WILL YOU ?? Your Friend. Carol xxoo

  57. Norma Jones says:

    Thank you for updating us all & keeping hopes alive, I cannot believe that facebook have removed your page have you thought of using a different name. Will keep donating & sharing how & when I can, papers should pick up on your story especially after facebook was showing actual beheadings which children could access & only after the government stepped in have they removed it, so question how in all honesty could they have removed your wonderful organisation,.lets hope get back soon.

  58. SUE GRIFFITHS says:

    I wish there was a register of all the hunters in Spain, and a law that all their Galgos have to be microchipped and vaccinated. It would need to be policed to make sure that hunters don’t cheat by hiding dogs. Something must be done, it can’t go on as it is. We are from the UK, but my daughter is a singer and lives in Belamadena, Spain. She once found a Galgos when walking her dog on a campo. She took it to her vet, and together they found a home for it in another country. But there is so much cruelty it breaks my heart. Now it is legal to tie a dog to a vehicle to ‘train’ it to run fast. This leaves horrific injuries. See link below. Thank you Viktor for all you and your team do.

  59. Praying for her

  60. Vickie Hollar says:

    Thank you for all you do Viktor. I wish I could help, but I tapped out with my last donation to you about a week ago. I will send more when I can.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks Vickie… thank you for being there

  61. Praying for Gala’s leg , may it heal beautifully and become stronger , so Gala the most beautiful and noble will run with her friends once again . Her image is in my heart , her gentle soul . Every day I send her , and you , wishes for success .
    Hope the day will come soon when I will be able to send a donation again

  62. John Rowan says:

    Re: the ‘super bug’ that’s infected her leg…in a rescue in South Carolina here in the states, they got access to an anaerobic chamber as a last resurt to kill the infection…she had been dragged by a truck on a chain, and the wounds were horrendous…but the anaerobic treatment worked, and the dog, named Freckles, healed up…any chance of you and your people trying the same treatment???

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hi John… the bug was killed with the only antibiotic that was effective against it…. we were very lucky we could solve that.
      Now we´ve had to deal with a bone increasingly frail..

  63. Alison Hill says:

    Donated again. Really disappointed… Thought she would be with me by now. I know you are busy but there is a serious lack of communication…

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Alison, it´s not about being busy its about being completely overwhelmed. You have direct access to me on Facebook and I´m doing my best to keep everyone informed at all times… I have sent you a Facebook mail this morning. Ivan

  64. Beverley Covert says:

    Gala is so beautiful! Have donated.

  65. marion crist says:

    Hi Viktor i will donate on friday when i get paid i do donate when i can as all the things you do for these wonderful animals is incrediable you say if it wasnt for us they wouldnt be here but i think if it wasnt for YOU and your amazing team they wouldnt be here becasue if you wasnt here to do the amazing job you and your team do then they wouldnt be found so thank you for all that you have done for Gala an fantastic job you and your team do for her she is an real beauty she has an real great charactor like all the animlas that you treat and get better i will pray that gala that she recovers totally and god bless you and your team Gala and all the other beautiful animals you all help god bless you and all of you marion xx

  66. Viktor,
    you do wonderful work.
    I was so moved by gala’s story.
    but is there any way to educate these people in the south of Spain to treat their dogs humanely and respect these wonderful animals? I do not understand how anyone could just throw some animal away or kill them once they are no longer needed.

  67. Today is 21th of November. How about Galas legs now?