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A tiny dog hopping and trailing searching for shadows under the scorching heat of Sevilla, one of the worlds hottest cities.
Not a drop of water in sight.
The pavement burns like hot coal and all she can do is trying to find a shadow where to rest.
We notice it. The curved position of her back is trying to alleviate the pain caused by some sort of injury. At first we think it must be her back but looking at her legs we see it… It’s her knees.

Both of Tula a knees are dislocated and the legs are growing and bending inwards. Tula tries very hard to walk but her legs give her no stability and it hurts… It really hurts! Tulas life is a scorching hell made up of Brutal heat, trying to hide afraid of abuse while trying hard to step in a way that doesn’t produce searing bolts of pain.
She is so tiny and fragile, slightly bigger than a cat, it hurts just to think the way her life has been until now.
We have rescued her and driven her 7 hours across the country, to the city of Valencia where we have our best trauma clinic.
Tula needs to have an extremely complicated procedure to reinsert both her knees and fix them in place thus stopping the deformity in her extremities and allowing her to walk without feeling that brutal pain that makes he whimper even when she sleeps… Until she does she won’t be able to stand up properly, and even the simplest of tasks, like peeing, will become a source of searing pain.

Like in so many other similar cases we are trying to do this as soon as possible, to reduce the wait whilst at the same time giving ourselves just enough time to raise the necessary funds for the surgery, and for this we need you.
It’s summer, we are all out there trying to enjoy life and this season to the full. Please dont forget about Tula, this tiny sweet dog whose life will be wasted unless we, together, do something…

July 26

Tula has been operated this morning. The operation has been EXTREMELY complicated, we had to make an incredible effort to alineate the rotula and keep it in place. In the end we managed to do so and to fixed it, but time will tell how well it will work out.

We have operated just one of the legs so far, we are going to see how the recovery evolves and then well tackle the second one.. for now, have a look at this.. here are the Xrays after surgery!


Update July 30

Beautiful Tula… a tiny little dog with a hero’s spirit.

During her entire life she has known nothing but rejection and discomfort. Loneliness.

Her life is changing now… day after day… The first operation was a success, she will now go through rehab, gain strength, learn to walk again…

For now, she’s with us, receiving love, care, pampering words, kisses.. love.  A new life. Tula.


UPDATE 7 August

Tula continues her recovery process… it’s slow, it’s hard, but she is very happy with us. Slowly slowly… when dealing with a condition like Tula’s we must take a long term approach…

Here is a video of her taken a few minutes ago:

Update September 5

Tula is doing GREAT… just have a look, here she is, taking an afternoon with her foster mummy, Eva, and with some other friends :-). Look at the way she protects her mummy… too cute for words.. beautiful little Tula..

Update 11 May… 

Tula, our beautiful Tula found the place she had been dreaming for.

Surrounded by forest and nature Tula is now the Ruling Queen in a most beautiful home. Words cannot describe the peace in that place.  Have a look… 



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We made a promise to Tula, and to you. We promised we would change her world forever…

Tula´s rescue could only take place thanks for the combined efforts of a whole lot of amazing people. Linda, her original rescuer in Sevilla, our medical team, Eva, her foster home in Spain, the wonderful people that acted as flight volunteers, to her family and of course, thanks to YOU.

This is a community effort.. please, if you can, help us save more dogs like Tula by donating towards our rescue efforts. We will make you proud. 


Many many thanks


P.S. As usual we will be updating on Tula’s surgery and evolution through our Facebook Page: Let’s Adopt! Global

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51 comments on “HELP US OPERATE TULA’S DEFORMED KNEESAdd yours →

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  1. Poor Tula, so sweet girl! I hope she will recover soon with your and our help!

  2. Hi Viktor. I donated $10USD. I just wish I could give more. I aplaud the efforts of your group! My heart bleeds for all these poor animals. My dog is a member of my family and is treated as such. I don’t understand how anyone could abuse an animal. Thank you for doing what you do. It’s very much appreciated!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      MAny thanks Danielle..

  3. Just donated for Tula. Please do your best to fix this sweet, adorable girl, she absolutely deserves a chance at a pain free life.

  4. Alison Hill says:

    Oh the poor darling my heart bleeds for her. As soon as I am able I will donate. Just have to wait for a week until pay day. God bless her and let her operations be a success.

  5. Alison Hill says:

    Also it would be great if you could post reminders every now and then so I won’t forget to send some money.

  6. Donating and praying for this special girl. Once again, Thank you Viktor and your team!

  7. I donated $20 which is a lot for me. I would love to have the opportunity to adopt this truly loveable dog. If all I can do is help for her surgery then I feel blessed that I am part of a group of people who care. I hope others see this and think maybe their $10 won’t make a difference, but it will. You become part of a team, a group, a movement of people who value animals as more than just property … they are beings.

  8. Beryl Sanders says:

    Tula is such a sweet little dog and it hurts my heart to think of the intense pain this little darling has endured all her life…Is this deformity caused by abuse or would she have been born this way….either way, I am so thankful that she is so fortunate to have you in the world to help her live a normal life. God Bless you little Tula, Viktor and the wonderful Vets that make miracles happen.

  9. Kevin Inkster says:

    Just donated, all the best to Tula in her recovery. Big cheer toVictor and the work he does.

  10. Jean Stewart, Scotland says:

    She looks so scared in that picture, it breaks my heart. I can’t wait to see another of your amazing transformations Viktor. Have donated a little but like the previous comments if everyone can just give a little it will make a huge difference. God bless you for helping these animals. x

  11. thank you for your continued efforts. donated. i hope it is a swift recovery for this little redhead girl!

  12. Christine says:

    Just donated a little. Thanks for giving Tula this chance.

  13. Just donated for this lovely little girl, I hope the surgery is a success and she’s back on her feet quickly.

  14. 1.00, 5.00, 10.00 every dollar makes a huge difference and I am hoping the $ amount will pour in like rain to help this dog be pain free. I know how hard it is to walk on knee’s that cause horrible pain. I am sure she will have even more increased pain if not the same pain after her surgery in her recovery…but her life will improve and become close to pain free. You guys are awesome to give her another chance at life instead of putting her to sleep. God Bless you Victor for giving her a chance to live the rest of her life pain free. In 2009 and 2011 I had total knee replacement in both my knee’s I can relate with Tula pain 100%.

  15. Villa in San Francisco says:

    Hi, Viktor. I’ve just donated $30US to help with her medical care. I very much hope we reach the necessary financial goal. She’s such a pretty girl. Would you please help explain how her knees are deformed? What do normal knees look like? Thanks again to you and your team.
    Villa in San Francisco.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hi… she has a congenital deformation of the rotula. The rotulas are both dislocated and her legs growing inwards.. made walking nearly impossible. She has just been operated, I will upload the Xrays and you will understand.

  16. maureen morse says:

    A small donation for Tula from Oscar <3. Sending love and best wishes.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Love to you and Oscar Maureen… always in my heart.

  17. Christine Dierckx says:

    Donated. Wish you luck sweet Tula

  18. Kim G from NC says:

    God bless you for helping her ! She is so cute hope 20.00 helps please keep the updates coming. When send more when I can. Want to see her happy and pain free.

  19. My thoughts are with Tula, wishing her a speedy recovery! Thank you for continuing to do the amazing work that you do 🙂

  20. Viktor,
    Once again your team has created another miracle with the help
    of many of us around the world and thru lots of love and commiittment…

    now, could you tell me what I would need to do to apply to be Tula’s loving mom??

    many thanks

    518 258 8848 (eastern time)

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Dear Patricia,
      Please send me a quick email on telling me everything about you and your animal family..
      Well take it from there.
      I hope Tula has found a home in you… you can count on us to make it happen.
      Write to me please..

  21. michelle saskas says:

    how is this precious gift doing?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Check the new update.. youll love her

  22. I am full of hope and joy for this darling. I hope my small donation has added to her new life:)

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      There is quick update on the blog, check it out..


  24. Janine Henschel says:

    but doesn’t that surgery put MORE PAIN AND PRESSURE on the other knee that is in pain and needs surgery ? I don’t understand WHY you are NOT wrapping the LEGS to give her more SUPPORT in walking ? KEEPING YOU IN MY PRAYERS AND PRAYING THAT ALL THE MONEY COMES IN THAT YOU NEED GOD BLESS AND SHABBAT SHALOM

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      It’s a step by step process Janine.. don’t worry… nothing is done that increases her level of discomfort. Step by step. Check the last update.

  25. Villa in San Francisco says:

    So happy to see Tula also so happy. What a beauty! Thank you!!

  26. Another lovely dog rescued by a wonderful team! God bless you all!
    How likely is it that we could adopt from yourselves? We like in the UK

  27. I would be very interested to help and to adopt Tula. My family and I fit the criteria you require to adopt. Please contact me. Thank you!

  28. Christina Conte says:

    Bless you Viktor and staff and bless Tula on her recovery

  29. Is Tula able to walk at this point? I’m wondering this because the last videos posted of her, she is always lying down! God bless her for a full recovery — and LAG of course for taking on her situation.

  30. So wondeful to see her happy face!!! <3

  31. What a beautiful family 🙂

  32. Sharon Phillips says:

    Please keep me informed. I’ll donate when I can. I honestly love you guys for what you do. Thank God for you.

  33. God bless all the people who helped Tula, and God bless you Tula.

  34. Viktor de verdad eres un angel.. Que dios siempre te bendiga

  35. Daniele Halle says:

    I tweeted it shared, I hope someone will help, all my love

  36. Alison Hill says:

    She looks amazing and so happy – this has made my day for me xx

  37. Thanks for all you do. I just donated $20.00. She’s precious!

  38. Anonymous says:

    Que bueno! Que bueno! Incredible! You people are wonderful in every sense of that word. Tula is like a brand new dog – she is happy and RUNNING! I truly think you do AMAZING work! Don’t ever stop ~ the fur-babies around the globe need you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  39. Tami Leek says:

    Que bueno! Que bueno! Incredible! You people are fantastic! Tula is like a brand new girl – happy and RUNNING! What you do for the fur-babies around the globe is AMAZING! Don’t ever stop – they need you – people like me need YOU in helping us keep faith that a loving compassionate mankind does still exist. You are extraordinary people, doing extraordinary things ~ and your actions are recognized worldwide. Thank God for all of you. And please, give Tula and bear hug and kiss between the eyes for me. Te amo Tula!

  40. Theresa Borrego says:

    The person who did that should really be in alot of trouble that’s just plan mean


  42. Martina Quinlan says:

    Beautiful story