Lucky: Two weeks living in a broken body

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I first heard about Lucky precisely a week ago.

A victim of a hit and run he had been rescued in a village nearby Cadiz, in south Spain.

His condition was atrocious, but although he was suffering from multiple untreated fractures this was obviously a dog with a massive spirit.

At first, and due to the distance involved I thought I would trust the capabilities of the rescuers, but as the hours, days passed by, it was clear that this wouldn’t end up well for Lucky. And so… in a moment of desperation they announced the decision to euthanize him unless someone stepped in. It was a final call for Lucky. They had reached the end of the line.

At that point we stepped in.

We drove Lucky overnight to our clinic in Valencia and immediately put him on painkillers. Finally, after a long week of pain and discomfort Lucky had a good night sleep.

We need to perform this operation as soon as possible, possibly as early as tomorrow. The longer it passes the more complicated it becomes to re-position the bones precisely in place. Muscles and joints contract, and in general the prognosis is much more complicated.

Please have a look at these pictures, and understand the gravity of the fractures. An operation of this nature will be long and complicated and it can only be performed by a surgeon of the highest caliber. We calculate it will take no less than three hours of surgery time, maybe even more.

We know times are tough and many are struggling right now, if you are not in a position to contribute please, at least help us save Lucky by SHARING this blog on Facebook, Twitter, you name it… anywhere you can…

September 30…


It was a long operation but here he is.. LUCKY!!!
In an couple of days our incredible Lucky will start walking. It will take a while at first but I believe he will be running in no time. Keep an eye here, I think he will surprise us all..


Update October 7….

Here he is.. LUCKY WALKS AGAIN!!!!


Update November 6

A full month has passed since our last update and Lucky is doing amazingly well. Only a slight, nearly imperceptible limp remains of his ordeal, he is a young happy dog that just had a second shot at life..

Please scroll up, see his first picture, and now look at this!!

The surgery is done… it was a success and it was only possible thanks to the help of our incredible network.  Now it´s time to find Lucky a HOME!!!!

Write to me on telling me everything about your dogs and your family. Please open your home to LUCKY!!!

The journey is completed.. Lucky (Lucas) is now in Germany!!!


Please, if you can, help us save other Lucky´s by donating to our rescue fund 


Many thanks


Many many thanks… as usual we will provide personal updates to our donors through this blog as well as through our Facebook Page, Let’s Adopt! Global

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38 comments on “Lucky: Two weeks living in a broken bodyAdd yours →

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  1. Anita Sayers says:

    I have just recently become aware of the wonderful things you do.
    I wish I could do more than share, but on my fixed income it’s not possible.
    May God bless you for all the lives you improve <3

  2. Good luck Lucas/Lucky.
    You are definitely with the right people now.
    Small donation made – as much as I can spare at the moment. I will share and share for him on and off line Viktor.
    Keep up the great work – doubters gonna doubt, believers gonna believe!
    In friendship and support

  3. Thank you so much for saving his life. I’ve shared on Facebook and I hope enough donations come in to fund the surgery he needs. He’s a wonderful dog and to be so calm and trusting after being so terribly injured and left to fend for himself for days and days is amazing.

  4. Heather von der Borch says:

    Couldn’t afford much, but hope it helps you a bit xx


    I know from past experiences you will do a great job.
    Thank You

  6. What a brave and sweet dog. I made a donation just now and hope you will keep us updated on his status. I admire you and the work you do very much. To all of us dog lovers you are a hero!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks Deborah… Thank you for your kind words and your help to Lucky…
      He’ll be running in a few days.. fingers crossed!

  7. Isabelle Bernhardt says:

    I donate a small amount and sharing also!
    Hopping that you can save this beautiful soul❤❤❤❤

  8. I am constantly amazed by the miracles you perform! I am so grateful you are there to save those beautiful animals! I try to help out as much as I can.
    ps. I still miss Biscuit a lot.. and Phoenix… and others who left us…

  9. And why not use some of the money you have collected for other animals that was far in excess of the amount needed. From what I have seen, Your organization collects thousands of dollars over what is necessary. where does that money go? I also have grave doubts as to the authenticity of any of the animals you have allegedly helped. Until all of the questions about this organization are answered I would not donate.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      All our funds are constantly used for animal rescue Jacquie. We cover all expenses, from boarding, feeding, supporting our foster homes, continuous medical checks, vaccinations, spay and neuter, chipping, sky kennels, trips for flight volunteers and animals, etc.. etc… You couldn’t possibly understand what it takes to run an operation like this one. But again, that’s ok.
      In any case I understand your concern, there is always a possibility that our dogs are not dogs, that they are muppets, and that would be very convincing if done properly. Please watch this video: .
      Please don’t donate. Instead head to the nearest lake, swim a bit and cool down.

  10. keeptrustalways wooddryad says:

    Hi Viktor and team.

    I have made a small donation and Tweeted a few times, shared on Facebook. I wish all the best for Lucky and know he is in the best place and hands he could be in.

    Thanks as always for all you do,,,,for them….

    Suse, XX

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Many thanks Suse… operation happening this morning! 🙂

  11. Poor Lucky , his suffering must have been truly terrible , but now with these dedicated people he has every possible chance .
    I will try to donate in the next day or two if I possibly can …….
    In the meantime best of the best good luck with the op. Lucky . Hope i will see you looking better very soon xxxxxx

  12. Viktor, TY for all what you`re doing for these helpless souls!Small donation made.God luck,Lucky!!!!

  13. Jean Stewart, Scotland says:

    Poor Lucas/Lucky. Such a sad wee face, and no wonder, what a lot he’s been through. Can’t wait to see him when he’s further down the road to recovery. I find it astonishing that people come on this site to leave negative comments and cast doubt on the authenticity of these animals and your work. If you don’t believe it then just leave the site. You’re not helping these animals….you’re making it worse. x

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Jean, I have just uploaded an update.. youll love it 🙂

  14. Jean Stewart, Scotland says:

    Poor Lucas/Lucky. Such a sad wee face, and no wonder, what a lot he’s been through. Can’t wait to see him when he’s further down the road to recovery. I find it astonishing that people come on this site to leave negative comments and cast doubt on the authenticity of these animals and your work. If you don’t believe it then just leave the site. You’re not helping these animals….you’re making it worse. Small donation sent. x

  15. Erica Martell says:

    This is how I feel about donating to Viktor’s work…. Animal rescue is a complete luxury in the part of the world Viktor works in. The animals he rescues are the few that are giving the great luxury of an optimal outcome, of a complete opportunity to express their lives fully. This is a luxury even for a person. I donate knowing this. I do not give so that I can not eat, but I give so that someone will stand up for the highest level of altruism as an example to demonstrate the value of each life. If you feel concerned about where your money is going yet you care about animal welfare than the best thing is for you to volunteer locally where you can personally see the results of your labor and commitment! 🙂

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thank you Erica… thank you.

  16. Lorna lake says:

    I’m as confident as ever that you will do a wonderful job with Lucky … he is truly blessed to have found himself in your care. You are always gracious with people who can’t donate, or who, like me, can only afford small donations … I thank you with all my heart. I’m sorry that you still get cynics – but it is a testament to your honesty that you keep their comments for all to see. A cool swim is such good advice! I’m so glad that Lucky is already adopted – he is assured of a great future. Love to all you guys. L x

  17. Wanda Robinson says:

    Viktor and all other Angels on your team: YOU GUYS AND LADIES ROCK!! Helping all these wonderful babies, giving them all the LOVE!!
    As soon as I get back on my feet financially, I will be sending $$ help, although it’s not much but every little adds to big 🙂
    I Love reading your emails..
    Thank you for all that you do for our 4 pawz around the world..

  18. Jean Stewart, Scotland says:

    I do love it Viktor. Can’t believe it but you seem to have performed a miracle. Lucky is walking already. This really is amazing. So glad I was a small part of his recovery but the real thanks are due to you and your team and the wonderfully skilled vets you have. 🙂 x

  19. Charlie bear says:

    Come on everybody let’s give a littler, it will make all the difference :))

  20. Eva Ferret Mehlum says:

    On the video I could hardly see the dog, just the pavement..
    How come..?

  21. Marina Brown says:

    I’ve only been following LAG since the heartbreaking “Tidus” incident, bless him, you all work so hard, your compassion and dedication are truly inspirational, I’ve read so many negative comments but not once have they proved their accusations, I have only to watch and read and watch all the cases of rescues and operations to see the truth, some people would rather be blind purely because they don’t want to donate, they should just keep quite and go away. It doesn’t take a calculator to know exactly how much all the hard work of caring and putting these poor babies back together, finding homes etc the list is endless this is what LAG do and it’s money well spent. I’m always donating, not just to LAG but many others because I know what it means to these poor unfortunate animals to have a second chance. Bless you Viktor and all at LAG xxx (“”) (“”) xxx (UK)

  22. Marina Brown says:

    Oh and Viktor I love your sense of humour, you tell them how it is and have the utmost respect, you do make me laugh sometimes… bless you xxx (“”) (“”) xxx

  23. Patricia Gonçalves says:

    Marina Brown, you and I seem to have had the same experiences with LAG… it was so easy for me to realize about all the hard work under any rescue… as you say, for me it is shown all in the videos, xrays, etc. I got lucky cause I could became a volunteer and help, and I am very proud that I had the chance to see all the hard work from inside, the beautiful people of LAG that fights sleepless for the health of every animal they rescue, and of course the inspiring work that Viktor makes himself. Thank you very much for supporting this wonderful work 🙂

  24. Thank you for doing all you did to help Lucky!! He most definately is Lucky that you found him!! I’m praying he recovers and gets a forever home very soon. I will try to donate as soon as I can!! You’ve done your part and now we all should do our part!! Thank you again…..

  25. In the name of all dogs u have save-rescue or help, Thank U very very much!!
    Keep doing that amazing work u do, u are a inspirational role model!
    Best Regards! (y)

  26. Amazing… the costs are high, I totally understand. But there is no price on the incredible things you’ve done for this dog, so appropriately named, Lucky. .. Gods speed…

  27. Just wanted to Thank You for how Amazing you all are

  28. Madelon Michel says:

    I’m so sorry I cannot donate at the moment; I had a terrible expensive repair on my 17yr old Volvo which I use daily. But next month there will be a possibility again and then I most certain will donate. And all those unbelieving Thomases should read all your stories and see all those pictures. I also started following you during poor Tidus’ heartbreaking story and donated a few times. But I’m a retiree and cannot donate much especially not with a € 775.– bill lying there to be paid……

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thank you Madelon… please take care of yourself, good luck with that repair.. ouch! I feel for you, believe me..

  29. susana carrasco guerrero says:

    Mi nombre es Susana y yo lleve personalmente a Lucas a Valencia para su operación, y lo q se esta contando aquí no es cierto!!! quien te ha dicho a ti q se iba a eutanasiar a lucas?????? nosotros somos una protectora pequeña con muy pocos recursos y no teníamos el dinero q costaba la operación de lucas pero se estaba recaudando, y aunque es cierto q no se le pudo operar en cuanto lo atropellaron lucas estuvo atendido con todo el amor del mundo por las chicas de la clínica, chicas q lloraron mucho el dia q se fue. Y yo me hice 1400 kilómetros en 24 horas para llevarle a Valencia, asi q que quede bien claritoooooo q aquí se lucho mucho por el

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      En efecto.. Y os lo agradecemos, pero intervenimos porwue nos dijisteis que no teñíais ninguna solución y estabais desesperadas. Sino de que íbamos a traerlo desde allí abajo a. Valencia? Enfin.. Como ves esta muy bien y a punto de irse a su casa. Todo ha terminado bien. Un saludo

  30. just one question viktor
    can you please help me with the name of the bag you travel with the cat?? the blue back pack.
    I really need something like it.
    thank you and good work

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hi Mishelle.. ummmm…. Ill look into it.. I got it at our vets, it´s a local brand.