Ripley needs a miracle

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Dear friends,
The adoption case of today is, most probably, the most difficult case we have ever worked on. I’m going to need all your help in sharing this post. Also I will request your help in thinking and possibly actively looking for a solution for Ripley. Please read carefully, watch the video and you’ll understand…
Ripley was brought to our clinic in Istanbul in a critical state.
The sweet black cat had been hit by a car and her face was wide open. Her jaw was shattered and the entire face was split open like a book.
The operation was one of the most complicated we have performed lately but Ripley was saved.
Unfortunately the accident left her with a very complicated set of problems. Let me explain.
Ripley is now blind, deaf and has no sense of smell and taste. This mean that the she only has the sense of touch to communicate and receive information with the outside world.
Her mobility is great, which means she can walk around perfectly, she navigates using her whiskers and the sense of feel in her entire body. She is very active.
Unfortunately her condition means that:
a) Ripley cannot eat normally (no smell means no taste either) so she must be fed manually with an injector as she doesn’t feel the need or wish to eat. We don’t know for how long this will be necessary. Could buy xanax 2mg very well be forever.
b) Because of no sense of smell Ripley cannot use a litter… whenever she feels like going potty she just goes as she has no way of finding the toilet.
This is the only case in all this years when, for a second, euthanasia crossed my mind..
Just for a second though…
Ripley’s health is otherwise perfect. She is a wonderful, loving, purring machine. She is incredible tactile and curious. She just wants to be touched, stroked. She is a love machine.
We understand euthanasia. We have  applied it when the animal is too far gone and when there is no human possibility of alleviate her suffering. But we will NEVER euthanize an animal just because it is hard for us to deal with his condition.
Let’s Adopt! is an amazing community that performs miracles on a daily basis. Let’s perform a miracle for Ripley today.  Let’s, together, today,  find her the perfect home.
Please share this post in your profiles and / or actively help me find a solution for Ripley.
There are no conditions for adoption other that you have to be a totally and absolutely amazing human being and animal lover. You have to be perfect, an angel that provides and cares for Ripley forever. This is not a case that can be handled by normal people which is why we need you.
If you are Ripley’s miracle please contact me:

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35 comments on “Ripley needs a miracleAdd yours →

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  1. EQU EQUALMIST says:

    poor an sweet angel…i hope find a home where can be happy as possible…i had a cat blind for 12 years and she had epilepsy also…she did not go to a litter box either… i love ripley allready so sweet!

  2. sue gibbs says:

    Victor, i once has a cat just like this!!..i had found him on the road and thought he was dead. i picked up the lifeless body to take him home to bury him. When i got home i unwrapped the bundle to find the cat alive.
    I took him to a vet to be put to sleep…but the vet said that we could wait over night to see how the cat was the following day.
    Anyway after a long and patience he did recover. HE would not eat.he had no interest in food at all. Ifed him by liquiizing strong smelling fich..pilchards and sardines. he was a long time but eventually he did eat unaided.
    HIS tioleting…I was taught to help him wee and poo. we got it under control by getting the timing right. we did not have many accidents.
    Nelson..we called him because of his many injuries lived to be 15. Hwas a loving happy cat.
    I am not in a position to adopt a cat now. My dogs are far too boisterous…but I am tyying to tell anyone who has time and patience this can work. I t just needs love!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Yep!.. Im sure well find an amazing place….
      thanks for your help..

  3. This is very sad. However hope is a wonderful thing, and love has been known to cure many ills. I will share this post and hope that someone in my circle will be interested in sharing their life with Ripley.

  4. Janette Hamilton says:

    Normally I would take this animal into my home in a heart beat because I know love can work miracles and patience and kindness go a long way towards recovery. This time I can not be what this animal needs because my home is far too busy a place for this little angel. However I do encourage those of you who have the time and a quiet environment to seriously consider sharing your life with this little guy who has been through so much. You have no idea the joy he could bring. Yes it will be a challenge but the rewards are worth it. If you are unable to take Ripley to be a part of your family then please cross post, there may be someone on your friends list who would jump at the chance to be a part of such a special animals life.

  5. Jodie York says:

    Sue! Blessings and love upon you for what you did for Nelson and for sharing your experience which is VERY relevant at this critical time in Ripley’s future placement.


  6. très touchant, j’espère qu’un ange sera là pour lui….je partage !

  7. :****( I don’t know what to say, but sometimes good idesa cross my mind. I have a cat and 2 dogs. I would not hesitate to take this cat and hug her overnight every night for the rest of my life. I am so saaad!!!! Marjan

  8. My wonderful tribe members of Let’s Adopt!
    If nothing else spread this story far and wide, so that we will have a chance to find that purrr-fect home for Ripley.
    Training might be an option – there are also pet diapers for starters.
    I’ve had animals so sick or old for that matter they couldn’t hold their bowels.
    Used the x-small pet diapers, which worked great.
    Ripley doesn’t need to die. He would have done so after the crash. He wants to live…let’s find him his home.
    There’s got to be one other crazy cat person on this globe besides Fulya and I…lol
    BE The Change

    PS. don’t forget about the Simba Fund. Viktor doesn’t mention it often enough. The money you see accumulated in the Simba Fund, has likely already been distributed and spent. Meaning we’re always broke – especially with so many special needs cases.
    Thank You VERY much.

  9. Dena Edelblute says:

    Hi Viktor,
    I have all special needs dogs, all from abuse/neglect–like Misha suggests, they all wear diapers/belly bands, and it works great. Of course they occasionally fall off, and there are accidents, but so what, right? What’s a little pee and poo when you get so much love in return!!!! She might fit in a newborn diaper, size 0. Two of my dogs that are about 8 pounds wear size 1–I use human diapers.

    Just cut a hole for her tail pretty much around the fold or a little higher, and I make cuts at the sides at the fold and below the tape tabs to make more room for their legs–you can experiment. If they poo, I simply wash them up, and they don’t mind at all.

    I think for most people, that will probably be the biggest obstacle, but if diapers work, that might be solved, and, who knows, she might learn to use the litter box again! But I do think you’ll find someone like us that will be willing to love an animal with challenges!!

    You and your group are wonderful for what you do Viktor–thank you for all your work, and for giving this little beautiful kittie another chance!


  10. Glen Gregus says:

    God bless you Victor, you & your team for what you are doing, and especially for Ripley. I support 3 different shelters in Japan, US & Australia, as well as my parents 30 something rescue cats back home. I guess Ripley is in Istanbul, Turkey with you? As I’m in Japan, I can’t give Ripley a home but I’m happy to help support her upkeep so I put in something on ChipIn. Please let us know any updates on Ripley. Thank you so much, Glen.

  11. There are many angels on this earth. But to me, two animal Angels are the greatest angels. That is Viktor Larkhill in Turkey and Cora Bailey in South Africa. I am not doing a tenth of what you are doing, but I thank you from the depth of my heart. It is so amazing to know people like you. To know that everywhere on earth there are people who care about animals. All the people on these sites. I have often had to hear, why care about animals if there are so many people suffering. OK, I hate that people have to suffer, but to me animals are people too. I just want to thank all of you wonderful people all over the world who are trying to help our animal people too.

  12. I had a special needs cat many years ago, She also wore diapors, and she had a buddy cat that she stayed glued to when he aet she learned to eat. I used to have to give them microwaved caned food, to make the smell stronger. he eventualy taught her to go in the litter box. As we have service dogs she had her service cat. just so you get the idea she was blind, deaf, and had brain damage from being beaten by a baseball bat. at first they wore harnesses and I had them latched together with a small dog teather. Try it ! It might work for him. GOOD LUCK! P.S. Tosha lived to be 22 and her boyfriend died shortly after her. R.i.p my babbies they brought so much love.

  13. Gina Rangel says:

    Thank you so very much what you have done for Ripley. I sincerely hope she finds soon… the home she so much deserve.
    All the Best of Luck to you little one!
    Gina Rangel

  14. DEBZ POWER says:

    does this mean you have found a home for her then

  15. Lindsey Allen says:

    How is Ripley doing now? Is there an update? Do you have more photos and videos of her? I have been praying for Ripley’s new family and new home.

  16. Viktor I will take her no problem I have dealt with special needs animals more the no special needs animals. I can pay her way to me email please or message me on facebook and let me know. Yes diapers work great the pet stor sells them here they are expensive 10 for 35 plus tax but who cares money does not matter when a Angel need a forever home.

  17. annabel leonard-schulz says:

    yet another earthly angel.
    Ripley may be blind, deaf & have no sense of smell & taste but for the love of God he is alive. This little boy is a fighter and he deserves someone who will fight for him and with him, in his quest for a normal life. Whether Ripley becomes part of your family Kalena or goes to be with another, i believe he will thrive.
    Kalena, your an earthly angel and i pray that God may sprinkle his wonderous blessing ova you, and may the generous gift of love you share, open many eyes & hearts to what is possible.
    When an animal is wanted, when an animal is loved
    ……miricles happen & anything is possible.

  18. Pat Goldberg says:

    Aaaaahhh you all . Not many rescues would have attempted this. She is beautiful. Will be watching. Will Share

  19. one of my 3 rescue cats is blind and has brain damage..he also has loads of trouble with his ears…..he has no teeth and is only about 5 yrs old…my sister found him when she worked for the cat protection and she saved his life by feeding him every 3 hours day and night..But he is the happiest fattest cat you could know..he even runs around and plays in the grass in my garden when it is is warm, it is just lovely to watch there is hope for ripley, I just think having somewhere safe and secure and being loved makes them is just sad that it has taken this accident for it to happen..and you do such a wonderful job…I would be proud to be who you are x

  20. Debz Power says:

    No problem I will share this again Ripley sounds an amazing cat that should have the love of a pet human being to her bidding


  22. Ripley you are beautiful,a massive cuddle from me to you.I wished I lived in Turkey so I could have you live with me.
    God bless you and all the Lets Adopt team you all are true Angels.