Let's Adopt: Evolution. Simba's Fund

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We started as a Facebook Experiment, an effort to connect Turkish animal lovers. Today we are moving onto the next level.

Let’s Adopt has applied for full fledged UK Charity status. The process will take its time but it has already begun. Over the following months we will be working on building our UK supporter base and start our lobbying work on behalf of Turkish strays.

There is a staggering number of animals suffering terrible injuries that die in the streets of Turkey due to lack of treatment.. Most animal welfare organizations are (with very few exceptions) too engrossed in internet bickering and slander will do absolutely nothing. At times, they will go as far as stopping any rescue operation or intervention harbouring ridiculous nationalistics reasons.

Last two weeks Let’s Adopt has financed a number of life-saving operations on a number of stray cats and dogs. We intend to continue fulfilling this role, offering a last golden chance to those who, simply, have no hope.

The very first project of Let’s Adopt UK will be the launch of the Simba Fund. The Fund’s exclusive goal will be to finance life-saving surgical procedures on Stray dogs in Turkey and the rehoming of those animals, from the streets to the adoptive family living room..

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you wish to be a part of this new initiative.
Contact: v.larkhill@googlemail.com




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