Dogs and Cats for Adoption!!

Aşağıdaki listede, şu anda sahip aramakta olan kedi ve köpeklerimizi görebilirsiniz. Lütfen öncelikle ‘Sahip Çıkalım Hakkında’ sayfasını ziyaret ederek sahiplendirmek koşullarımız hakkında bilgi edinin. Ardından, bu harika hayvanlardan birisini sahiplenmek için hemen bize yazın:

Below is a list of cats and dogs currently looking for new homes with Let’s Adopt. Please visit the ‘About Let’s Adopt’ page to learn our conditions for adoption, and then get in touch with us immediately to adopt one of the wonderful animals:

Buster and Patches / Canada






Three siblings

14 comments on “Dogs and Cats for Adoption!!Add yours →

  1. Bless you for helping these animals .

  2. Anne Wiseman says:

    Im so sad at the story of grace and the puppies, but I have found on the whole people are like that, here in south africa, people will take a pet for their children and after a week the pet is forgotton. People also like to listen , but when asked to do something they run away. I have a big problem as far as helping with fostering, as my Najinski a siamese male has no immune system, 2 yrs ago he caught a virus although innoculated. He was 11 days on life support, and on many occasions we thought we lost him, but to the grace of the Lord he pulled through. My vet has said never have a alley cat in your house again or any other cat, except his brother Jasper.They live in a beautiful garden with their own stoep, high walls, and they never come in contact with any other animal. They what I call house cats. God bless you in your wonderful work I wish I lived near to help you. Good luck with placing you precious pets, and I will constantly pray for you. All my love to you, Anne.xxxxxxx

  3. Ayşe Nilay Duysak says:

    Bence sayın vekilimizin yapmadığı bir eylemden dolayı günah keçisi ilan edilmesi kendisine yapılan çok büyük haksızlık, sonuçta yapılan hareket suç teşkil eder vekilimiz zaten bir şey yapmamışki,düşünsenize gecenin bir yarısı uykunuzun en tatlı yerinde münasebetsizin biri sizi işe yaramaz bir kaç itin canını kurtarmak için uyandırıyor [ki hemde hayvanların yaşamasının gereksiz olduğunu düşünen bu zihniyet onları itlaf etmek için fırsat kolluyorken]iki ayaklı İNSANLARIN haricindeki canlıların doğanın,ağaçların denizlerin uçan,koşan,otlayan yarışan,sürünen,yüzen daha sayamadığım bir çok canlının yaşamaları onlar için gereksiz dünyada boşuna yer kaplıyorlar ama düşünmüyorlarki hepimiz tek bir tanrıdan yaratılmışız diğer canlıları yok sayıp yetmezmiş gibi birde onları itlaf etmek çok büyük günah dilerim günahları içinde kavrulurlar bu yola gidenler

  4. I am an exchange student from New York studying at Bogazici University for the Fall semester. I have been heartbroken seeing the stray animals in Istanbul…and I have only been here for less than 2 weeks! I am a true animal lover and it’s hard to see without being profoundly moved. I volunteered at a cat shelter and dog kennel back in America and am very curious as to whether I could donate some time while here in Istanbul. Is that possible?

  5. Hi Viktor, I know how to bypass the 3 months waiting period (lawfully) in Italy. If you wish to bring a puppy over 4 months, I can help you with that.

  6. Hi Viktor/Fulya… I am back in Australia now for 3 days… what can I do from here to help?

  7. No sure if you got that communique. I am back in Australia now…What can i do to help from here?

  8. Sandi Akyuz says:

    I’d like more information about Pufy please.
    I am the owner of a formerly feral cat and looking for a small dog to complete our household. We have a house with a yard and live in a quiet complex away from the hustle and bustle of Adana. As a child we always had a ‘mixed’ household of a dog and a cat. My cat is now 6 1/2 year old spayed calico who I believe would bond better with a younger dog she can foster rather than an older one.

  9. Hi,
    Is Leonid still available for adoption??


    1. The Let's Adopt Global Team says:

      Hi, Erin, yes, he is, we have sent you an email about Leonid.
      Thank you!

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