Today I am bringing you one of those stories that will make…
Author: The Let's Adopt! Global Team (page 53)
Let's Adopt! Global is a different kind of animal rescue. One that believes that animals have no nationalities and that there are truly no limits to what one can achieve when working as a community on behalf of an animal in need.
Türk ?irketlerinin kendi mesajlar?n? göndermekte sosyal medyay? nas?l kullanaca??n? bilemedi?i bir dönemde…
The Hero
At a time when Turkish companies and institutions are at a complete…
Let’s Adopt +1
Bugün yeni bir kampanya başlatıyoruz. Çok basit: +1 Evinde BİR hayvan besleyen…
Let’s Adopt + 1
Today we are launching a new campaign. It is very simple… +1.…
Bibi, Istanbul’da kurtarildi
Boynunda kırmızı/siyah tasması şaşkın bir şekilde sokaklarda dolanırken bulduk Bibi’yi. Belli ki…
Bibi was found wandering the streetss of Zekeriyaköy a couple of weeks…
Sahip Çıkalım!: 2010’un İlk 10 Hedefi
Bir efsane der ki: Yeterli kararlılık gösterir ve azimle, Çok çalışırsanız eğer,…
Let’s Adopt: 10 New Year Resolutions
Here is a myth: If you work very hard, With enough determination…