George Clooney looks for a home

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What if I told you that George Clooney is finally settling down and is looking for a loving home?

What would YOU do?

Well…. here he is… George Clooney!!

George Clooney is not very demading.. only comes with three conditions:

1. George needs AT LEAST another dog in the home.

2. George needs to live INSIDE the home. Gardens are nice, but if what you are looking for is something nice to dump in your order tramadol credit card garden then please get a garden gnome, not a dog.

3. George will be fed a raw diet. This is very important. RAW is the only biologically appropriate diet for a carnivore, and poor George has had it pretty tough until now, is time to make his life more pleasant don’t you think?

Take George home.. a once in a lifetime opportunity.

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2 comments on “George Clooney looks for a homeAdd yours →

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  1. banu edizsoy says:

    it’s very dangerous to feed dogs with raw meat,please correct this wrong information

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Banu.. it is not only not dangerous, it is THE ONLY appropriate diet for a carnivore.

      I see you are a vet… Let me know and I will be happy to connect you with a number of vets who feed raw to their animals.

