We never told you (everything) about Killbird

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First of all, in his defense we must disclose that Killbird never killed a bird.

At least not when anyone was watching.

This sweet and innocent boy got his name during the long journey to us, from a transport volunteer who we though might adopt him. That hope is why we accepted the somewhat eccentric name suggestion — but the adoption didn’t happen.

The name however stuck.

Killbird was captured on a spay and neuter night. Healthy and young, around 2-3 years of age, he is mellow and loves cuddles, although still adjusting to not being a free soul.

You may have missed the Facebook post we first shared Killbird in. Most people did — because he is still not adopted.

Initially, Killbird spent a long time in a kitty hotel as securing a foster home for him turned out to be a mission. Perhaps because he was not injured, not in urgent and immediate need of assistance, nobody offered to foster him for months.

So he racked up quite a large hotel bill, some of which we paid from our small emergency reserve.

Eventually, we managed to place Killbird in a foster home with a great human but far too many other cats.

In the beginning all seemed fine, but there was trouble in paradise.

Killbird on the night of his capture
Kitty was truly terrified

Despite the foster mom’s sincere effort to keep him safe, one unpleasant day Killbird got badly bitten.

Because he is still very cautions, easily spooked and sudden movements make him bolt — we didn’t even realize what happened until the foster felt a large bump at the base of his tail and looked closely to discover a serious abscess had developed.

Killbird had to be hospitalized, and the abscess cut open and drained.

He is now back at the foster home and healing but he needs help with his bill. Because we never asked for assistance since we first rescued him, we have used up our entire emergency reserve and now need your help.

You can also message us to adopt him — for he is the most beautiful soul and we believe he can become a trusting and loving friend. His days are now spent in a bedroom where he is safe from others but has little to no fun all day long until his foster mom comes home and lets him out, carefully monitoring interactions with her own kitties.

Killbird on his way to the clinic
Not a happy kitty

Stay with us for updates or message us to adopt this sweet boy. We will be emailing more information and photos of the bite soon.

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Killbird needs a home. If the right adoptive family is found, transport to almost anywhere in the world can be arranged. Please share the story, comment, message us to adopt and follow updates on our Facebook page: Let´s Adopt! Global.Let’s Adopt! Global is an animal rescue charity based in MA, USA. All funds will go towards the animal’s care. Any remaining funds will go to support our other rescues and mission


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