This is what three years of neglect did to Nube… Help us save her!

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Nube was abandoned at a small private rescue three years ago. Nube, the happy-go-lucky girl always ready to play, chase flying birds, play fetch…

Three years of desperation, of loneliness, of constant noise, bad food. Wind. Rain.

Hunters came. They wanted a hunting dog for free. They looked at her. She was a hunting dog but her face… They had standards.. Even Hunters want pretty dogs.


Nube let herself go. She realized she had no chances and stopped eating. Her whole body was falling apart. Thick crusts covered her eyes, infection spread all through her face, body, legs..

Think about it… Empathize. That´s you in that shelter.


For three years the rescue people asked for help but noone paid any attention… People would scream, harass but noone would offer any real help. Last time anyone saw her it was over a year ago. She had fallen through the cracks of rescue.

In the meantime the rescue took her to the vet, many times, they started treatments but in the harsh shelter conditions it was impossible for her to heal… 

Until we saw her…


She is now with us.

This is a solemn promise: We are going to make up for Nube´s lost years. From today Nube is going to receive the absolutely best treatment modern medecine can afford, she will never spend another night outside, she´ll never go hungry again, her skin will soon stop burning, her eyes will clear, and she once again become the dog she was three years ago…

This dog… this was Nube then…… In April 2012 Nube was moved to a foster home, a foster home that soon returned her to the shelter due to family issues. This is how Nube looked them…


If you are reading this you are part of the most extraordinary global community of animal lovers. A network of good uniting forces, day after day, ready to do their bit to right a wrong… and what happened to Nube was wrong. Very wrong.


Update 1st July.. 


Upon arrival, Nube was hospitalized and placed under constant supervision and care. We started treatment for her rampant and debilitating Leishmania.


Today, 11 days after Nube arrived to us this is the face that greeted me upon arrival at the clinic..






Update 12 July…

We received a broken dog, she was, literally falling apart…
Her recovery  is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of DOG...
NUBE remains at our clinic for treatment and we are not going to discharge her until she is 100% recovered. We don´t want to risk a relapse…


Update 19 July… 

Here she is… NUBE, about to be discharged. 


LOTS of good things have happened to Nube since she moved to her beautiful foster home. Meeting new friends, being part of a pack,  sleeping in a sofa, forgetting about the feeling of deprivation and hunger. Food will come, there is no need to live in angst. She will never be abandoned again.. 

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Today Nube came to the clinic for her regular check up… and here is she… Look at that face and now go up and see how she looked the day she came to us!!! Amazing right?

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Update 14 of October… 

lt´s hard to believe that the obese and chronically ill dog we rescued at the end of June has become this beautiful princess. 

Please have a look at these pictures and remember how she was when she arrived to us… amazing right?

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It´s time for beautiful and loving Nube to have a wonderful home… are you that wonderful family that will take care of her forever?

Please write to me at
If you are reading this now you understand the value of Life… We can´t do this without you…  Please help us continue rescuing other dogs in as complicated situation as Nube was… 



Many thanks!


P.S. After her treatment Nube is going to need to find an extraordinary home. Are you that home? Please write to me:

P.S.2. We will be updating news on Nube both in this blog and our FB Page: Let´s Adopt Global. Please join us. 



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91 comments on “This is what three years of neglect did to Nube… Help us save her!Add yours →

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  1. Lisa James says:

    You asked us to empathize and I have been crying for the last five minutes. I will never be able to forget her smiling face looking at us. She was so beautiful. Please make sure she gets back to that. Please.
    We are donating.
    Lisa and Judy

  2. Peter Leddy says:

    Viktor — You always amaze me with all that you do for these poor animals…please continue doing what you do…and please help this little girl the way you have with all the other amazing cases you’ve helped! I just donated $30 to Nube…I am praying for her! Thanks again for all your work my friend.

  3. Beppie Sueters-Wijsbeek says:

    Thank you for saving Nube’s life, and making her life so much better! Great what you did, you are stars! Keep up the good work! X

  4. Sometimes I think: “This is the worst I’ve ever seen!” And then you show us something that is more worse….. I’m scared. Scared that maybe the worst is still to come….. Thank you that you that you found her! What if you didn’t……

  5. anna DUDKOWSKA says:

    are this dog is safe or ???????????/ are the horrible pix are new or ???????????????//

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      the horrible pictures are new, I took them just yesterday…

  6. Sharath Rao says:

    You are a God send for these abused beings. Brings tears to see what we do to animals that count on us for rehabilitation. As always, much as the past was damaging to poor Nube, the future’s STILL there for her, thanks to you. Its never too late to save a life – once she’s in a new home, Nube will get what she deserves…what EVERY dog deserves. Thanks again for being Nube’s savior

  7. Viktor, small donation sent. Thank you, thank you, for all that you do.

  8. Roxiene Adams-Shada says:

    I will help. email me to tell me where.

  9. Ally Boules says:

    Your rescue missions have been out of this world recently, the poor baby how are people so cruel, I have 4 dogs of my own and I love them all, my oldest is nearly 16 and I would never ever dump her because she is old, she is still my baby even for the short time I might have left with her. Your rescues of Tara and Rockett have been amazing and I know that it costs thousands to do all that you do, and when I can I will donate a little to help

  10. ewa oscarsdotter says:

    Poor Nube….but now she is in good hands, I know that for sure !!Hope she will get well soon….will donate some – wish I was very, very rich….

  11. Susan Englebry says:

    Setting things right for these animals, one by one. I’m in for Nube and look forward to seeing her gain her health and some hope. Thanks always for your good work!


  12. john knox says:

    She should have been treated. The shelter should have never let her get this way. That is abuse and should be SHUT DOWN!

    I <3 you all for taking her and helping her. LOVE!

  13. john wilkinson says:

    I can only say that I implore you to carry on the most exemplary work you do for these animals, that puts us all to shame,i live in London but I would be most happy to rehouse this dog, ive had huskies for 26 years and do not have a dog now, best regards vicktor , we shall be donating,all at husky studios.

  14. Nube honey…hang in there…you are in good loving hands now! prayers and dotation to her! 🙂

  15. Patricia May says:

    Thanks for all the love you give these animals! Donated.

  16. jeff wendler says:

    Where is this dog located?

  17. God Bless you and your group. I say this every time but each time I receive an email I am once again, overwhelmed at your devotion, compassion and the extraordinary lengths you go to for the life of an animal. I cry every time. I now donate a small sum monthly but hopefully in a few months I will be able to increase that amount. You, and your group, are angeles of Compassion. The world is blessed to have your souls present among us in these times… A Shining Light for others to witness, know and emulate….

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thank you Maica.. Lots of love, thank you for being with us..

  18. Kevin Inkster says:

    Donated. Speedy recovery and please give her a loving hug from me. You and your team are amazing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kind work you do.

  19. Emily Blaha says:

    It might be helpful to people who might consider adopting this dog to know what country she is in. Sorry I cannot; I already have 3 rescued cats. Best of luck and bless you for saving her!

  20. bj Strickland says:

    What about the other’s left? Can you help more?

  21. Theresa Garzon says:

    How do they allow to let these animals get so bad at the shelter? I assume it’s a no kill (or slow kill sounds more like it) if she was there for 3 years? Poor baby girl so happy you found her!

  22. Jeanette Loos says:

    Oh, poor little baby!!! :-((( You are amazing, Viktor!! Thank you so much for saving her. I send prayers and lots of love to Nube. Shared worldwide.

  23. marion crist says:

    This is poor baby i know viktor that you and your team will make her all new again i cant donate at the moment as i dont have any money at the moment i do donate most of the time i have shared this but when i can i will donate please keep us updated Viktor God bless you and all these beautiful animals you help i think you are amamzing x

  24. Lori Ann Cook says:

    Where is Nube?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Right now she is in Valencia, Spain.. she was in Murcia before.

  25. Annette. Astin says:

    I am so sorry that this happened to this beautiful girl. So glad that u found her her. Touched my heart. SHARED.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Wtf kind of shelter fails to provide appropriate veterinary care to an animal in this condition?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      A shelter that is severely short of ideas and money, like most shelters are..

  27. I have heard through the years A LOT of skepticism about what Viktar Larkhill actually does with the donations…in that he posts the most horrifically disturbing photos of severely injured/sick/neglected/abuse dogs…and then does not put the donations towards TRULY helping the dogs. Do a google search to read what the skeptics have had to say. I don’t know either way who or what to believe. Lord God I hope that there is no truth to what the skeptics say.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      This is what Let´s Adopt does with donations. Please read carefully, it could change your life:
      When someone does things differently and it does them well he is going to manifest the light. If he does that he becomes a dartboard for other people’s fears doubts and insecurities… And this is why we have haters. If you manage to handle that you get a Blue Army… And we got that as well…

  28. my tears falling for her,so heartbroken she must be,i will pray for her,thank you for saving her! you are the best!

  29. Jane B Baker says:

    Thank you Lets Adopt Global, Viktor Larkhill and all your wonderful team for saving and caring for sweet little Nube. Will look forward to seeing pics of this sweet girl, looking as good as she did in her BEFORE pics!!!!!!! Thank you again!!!!!

  30. I don't know where you got the pictures of these dogs but, my gut tells me your a scam seeing she is in Spain.. says:

    How could you play on peoples emotions like this? There is thousands of people out there who will donate money for abused animals no matter where they are… But, my gut tells me your a scam artist.. I am sure there are animals in Spain that needs the help as there is in the U.S. so there has to be rescues places there also… Let them help the ones there.. As I am not falling for your scam…

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      I wasn´t going to reply or approve to this message but it´s too tempting not to and I will do it short, quick and sweet, simple, very basic so that you understand without the need of assistance… ready? here it goes..
      Nube is in Spain…
      I am in Spain.
      We have rescue teams in 8 countries and volunteers is many more.
      We are an international rescue that helps animals all over the world.
      You should travel more often.

  31. Janine Wright says:

    I send yet another message, thank you Viktor and LAG for Rescuing another sick Lonely soul. You make this world a better place.One thing though , I wish we could adopt these animals in Australia, but I do understand why !!
    God bless,

  32. Viktor, should this place be shut down. How on earth can a poor day be left in this condition. It kind makes me worried about other horrors that we are not aware about. Small donation sent.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Actually, the place is not that bad at all.. is just that this particular case was severely misdiagnosed (by multiple vets) and she didn´t have the great community we have behind us.

  33. Anonymous says:

    I feel so badly in my heart for her. This is so typical of the cruelty of man and that they don’t feel that precious dogs are more than objects. I will spread her story any way I can

  34. Deborah Sinclair says:

    Lol…you crack me up Viktor. Love your answer to that idiot. I mean let’s face it, he/she obviously isn’t real bright, they’ve written the first part of their message where their name is meant to go….derrrrrr. You’re an awesome man and team. There’ll always be morons around that don’t get it! Thank you again for everything you xo

  35. Janice Nolan says:

    Viktor, how did you get the pictures of her before she got into this sorry state, have donated to this poor girl, do your work Viktor that you do so well xx

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Dear Janice… those pictures were taken when she arrived to the rescue. They send them to me themselves..

  36. Alexander Damyanovich says:

    BRAVO, Viktor, both for your caring so very, very much for (paraphrasing Mother Theresa) “the poorest of the poor” of the animals (particularly dogs and cats, though I’m certain you’ve dealt with others too!) you encounter generally AND for taking the time and energy to answer that ignoramus who accused you of being a scam-artist!!!!

    That wretch needs to understand that all too many Spaniards are brutal with their animals, even apparently above the norm. [I apologise here if this offends you, Viktor, as it’s NOT meant either to do so OR to stereotype an entire nation; however, I do happen to know just a little bit of Spanish history and remember how they had to fight for over a full 7 centuries to get rid of Islamic occupation by Arabs and Islamised North-Africans. One of the things that distinguishes Islam is its utter LACK OF LOVE or compassion to both animals (especially dogs, pigs and apes!!!) AND non-Moslems (in addition to ALL WOMEN) – and it seems as if some of those traits found their way into the make-up of the Spanish character in all too many cases, extremely sad to say…] Thus, when people like you, Viktor, work where you are working, you’re truly having that much more of an impact!!! [Heaven Knows, cruelty both to animals AND fellow-humans is well-known throughout the world…]

    Hopefully he’ll now have enough information to ponder – and keep up the outstanding work, Viktor!!!! I know you’re telling the whole truth: the best answer to such nincompoops is to keep at it!!! BRAVISSIMO!!!!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thanks Alexander.. I know you mean well with your comment but there are many thanks I would like to address in it… I will do so in a blogpost.
      I assure you this case has nothing to do with religion or cultural inheritance. Actually, it has more to do with not enough people helping. We have helped that small rescue before, many times. It´s run by a wonderful woman that does amazing things with very little. I think I´m going to write an entire post about that shelter and you will understand… Best.

      1. Viktor Larkhill says:

        And let me tell you… Islam´s influence in my country was nothing but positive.. in many ways it was an era of enlightenment here. Much to explain, I will try to do it in coming days. It may change your views on some things..

  37. “I don’t know where you got the pictures of these dogs but, my gut tells me your a scam seeing she is in Spain”. – really? not very intelligent are you? use your eyes and supposed brain in your head and read the whole thing or you can just bugger off and leave those of us who care and know this is real to get on with it

  38. What kind of shelter allows animals in its care to digress to this level through neglect? Are there no animal cruelty laws in your country? If so, the shelter is guilty of animal neglect and should be charged and prosecuted.

  39. I donated to this poor baby! I pray she does have a healthy life ahead of her. Progress pics will be good to see. Thank you 🙂

  40. Viktor,
    I’m devastated looking at her sweet face, all I can say is I’m so glad you’ve got her!!!
    I’ll keep checking on her!
    Bless you and awesome team!

  41. sarah pratley says:

    Viktor,the vast majority of us believe in what you do. We see the results and we know you’re genuine. Without you these animals have no hope at all. Very fortunate are those poor abused souls who are rescued by Let’s Adopt Global. Keep doing what you’re doing Viktor and we’ll keep supporting you.

  42. It wasn’t nearly as much as I could like to give but please accept my donation. I am so sorry there is nothing more I could give. Please get her back to how she should be and love her unconditionally. Thank you for helping her. God bless her and to all of those who help her. I can’t stop crying for what has been done to this poor innocent baby.

  43. I hope that in the very near future I’ll be able to donate again . In the meantime I’m sharing as widely as I can .
    Lots of love and good wishes to Nube , Rockett .Tara et al XXXXX

  44. Carol Foley says:

    My heart goes out to this poor poor little soul, please make her well so she can enjoy a happy life, she deserves it. God bless her.

  45. gina torella says:

    Hope for a speedy recovery… Donation from the U.S here !!!

  46. Maddie Sager says:

    It is heartbreaking to see such a beautiful soul ,so lonely and internalizing. She it’s beautiful.thank you for reaching out to help Nube’s, no baby deserves this.i pray that she reaches a full recovery,knows love and safety and never feels hunger or the elements of the outside again! I wish I could help financially,but at this point I can’t,but I will share her story,I will ask for help! God less you

  47. Oh this poor dog !!! Shared on my FB wall to help. God Bless Nube.

  48. This baby was in a shelter for 3 years, shame on all dog breeders and so called animal lovers who will let their dogs have “just the one litter” because they love them do much!!!
    If you are passionate about animals, if you live dogs YOU DON’T BREED, whilst millions if them are in shelters begging for a home, all they want to go is give us all the love they have inside.

  49. Merete Verrechia says:

    Thank you for helping her.
    Punishment a must, for the people who neglected her

  50. Thank you for rescuing this poor baby Victor. No dog deserves to be treated like this! Please bring her back. She deserves to live a good life with someone that loves her…….praying that she makes a full recovery<3

  51. I wish I could donate r foster in USA-Texas, but right now I’m just not in a good position. However, I want to say what a wonderful job u & ur team r doing. Thank you all for helping these gorgouse Gods creatures! May ya’ll all be very Blessed & every animal ya’ll help be given help, loving homes & never be abused again!! Thank u!!

  52. Jacqueline Daly says:

    I am sorry that I am unable to donate. I will share.

  53. nigel martin says:

    It’s too late for Rockett and Lady. This isn’t much but it’s all I can give at the mo.
    Thinking of all of you in the clinic with this double tragedy.
    Hope this helps x

  54. I have donated and will donate again. I can do it next week but poor baby:( Where is she located? I would love to save her!

  55. I love and respect what you put your heart and your soul in to helping the animal around the glove.. Vicktor there are some that just have nothing better to say and will do anything to trash your effort .. never never give up on yur mission.. we admire you and your team.. when people can not donate I felt like donate $5 is better than nothing because we are talking about massive kind human to help these poor little sick animals to get well, it does take some $$$ for Medical. I sure hope you happy and tune them negatives people one ear off another ears.. they never know why I rescue cats and dogs because they are to much of self center.

  56. Victor I am so happy you have saved this beautiful baby! I know you and your staff will do your best for her as you have always done. I guess I don’t understand how people question what you do? You have before and after pictures plus pictures of the operations and also pictures of the animals as they get better. What do people want? Maybe they should just travel over to you and see for themselves so they can keep the bad comments to themselves. TY for all you do and keep up the good work. I am donating a small amount as I am low on funds right now. You are an angel.

  57. Im confused if she was at a rescue 3 years ago how did they manage to get hold of her and treat her like this ??? dont they check who they are adopting the dogs out to ??

  58. Shut up Alexander. If you think scam fair enough. But know this. LAG is one of the most incredible organisations. Why not try some compassion yourself?

  59. Nadine cruz says:

    Who ever did this should be punished

  60. Kim Mendryk says:

    Have just recently been watching your site. Can you tell me where your “headquarters/hospital” is? I live in Canada. Where is Nube from and is he being treated by you…. Where? I’m aware you bring in animals from all over the world. Gob bless you for all you do for the doggies. I volunteer at a dog/cat/small animal rescue in Alberta, Canada. Thank you

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Hi Kim.. .we are registered in Massachusetts but most of our animals are rescued internationally. Nube is in Valencia, Spain… she is looking for the perfect home and well send her there at no cost to the adoptant… They´ll have to be perfect though 🙂

  61. Wow. What a sweet girl.

  62. Icant belive a rescue could let a dog sufferin this way I would close that place down or at least fire everyone working in it, this is abuse fallen through the cracks RUBBISH this dog had to be seen every day to be fed and watered ,,its abuse by the RESCUE, ,,, END OF

  63. Thank you, she looks much better than the first day 🙁 Anyway a long way in front of her, but with your massive help, she will do it. Thank you for your action!

  64. Wow Nube looks amazing!!! Such a difference….Thank God for Victor and this organisation who go a long way to right the many wrongs….thanks so much. The world is a far far better place with you in it xx

  65. Michelle Blackman says:

    Hi Viktor
    I read all of your rescues and am just amazed with the transformation of the animals, you and your team work so hard to help these poor unfortunate animals and then find them loving homes, i have just one question and i have often wondered how the animals cope with the different languages when rehomed, i know alot is in the tone of voice but what about understanding the words like sit, down ect…. as they are pronounced differently in different languages, sorry but am pretty new to all this, i have two mature dogs already so unfortunately i can’t take any more(finances won’t allow) but i would like to go for a rescue when i am next in the position to do so and am very much interested in these animals you provide help for as they always seem to have such a rough life, many thanks for your time when answering my question i know you are a busy man.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Michelle, it´s the tone.. you can tell a dog SIT, or PIT, or TIK.. as long as it has the same tone and he has learned to associate the tone to that particular action then it will be fine..
      Unless the dog is from Scotland, in which case it all gets very confusing :-))))

  66. Theresa Garzon says:

    Oh gosh. Tears. She was and now is again so beautiful. Poor baby and all she has endured and still so full of life. Lil precious one!!!

  67. Karen Jones says:

    What a difference 11 days makes, she sill soon be back to her old self. Then she just needs an exceptional home.

  68. She looks so much better…..what a sweet face…. Viktor,I have a question did her eye infection cause her to go blind? Keep up the awesome work LAG

  69. Victor TY for saving this beautiful girl. It won’t be long and she will be healed and out of pain thanks to your help and your staff.


    dr you and your collegues are wonderful people and miracle workers….I’ve seen pictures and videos of other animals that yall have saved and it’s wonderful what you can do for them…even though they’re animals doesn’t mean that can’t be loved and cared for like we are…..that’s why god put them on this earth…..thanks again

  71. Viktor there is a person John who has had huskeys. He is offering to take the gorgoius Nube. Just in case you missed his post. It was one of the older posts.
    Also take no notice of skeptics in this instance. They are just out to get a reaction. As I have said b 4 when I get myself straighter with finance, I will be able to donate. Mean while all I can Sonia share your posts 🙂

  72. marion crist says:

    Yes carolyn johnson i agree to that viktor and his team are wonderful people and they certainly are miracle workers thats for sure Nube is looking so much better this gerogeous girl she is so beatiuful she looks really happy now to thank you for what you have done for her viktor and your team xx

  73. she is a beauty inside & out, she looks all fat & happy, congrats girl, your forever home will come

  74. No one has adopted her yet? I want her but I’m in a condo with two dogs and I can’t have three 🙁
    We go to dog park everyday I know Nube would love it. Maybe if I get a house soon I can have her. She looks like my JRT same spots! 🙂

  75. marion crist says:

    she looks beautiful so happy im so pleased for her Viktor i hope she finds her forever home soon she so deserves it xxx

  76. Hey! I have missed some of the last pictures of Nube. I love to see her with friends 😀 I am sure she is being really happy. Thank you so much Viktor for this. You are amazing!!! Never change!