Evren Erdogan, animal rescue and xenophobia

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In the last two days social media networks are burning hot with the story of Badem, a dog that miraculously survived a horrific accident in a turkish road.
The dog was rescued and then taken to a vet who stabilized his injuries. For weeks afterwards, the rescuer, a young woman, Evren Erdogan and her friends tried to find a final or foster home for Badem to recover. Sadly, nobody stepped forward.
At that point, and as so often happens in this country neither the rescuer nor any of his friends found it in them to take the dog home and they opted for the easy way out… they took Badem to a shelter where, without proper medical assistance he is struggling to recover.
Badem’s life at the shelter is a sad and miserable one, and because of his handicap he is developing fear agression. His chances of ever finding a home in this condition is next to zero.
Yesterday morning Let’s Adopt! was contacted… please help us find a home for Badem they said…
And so we did... a message was sent to our network and sure enough, barely a couple of hours later Badem had been adopted by one of our members in Europe. Lina offered a warm home, a loving family and the company of Benny, their rescued dog. They offered real family life, not cold winter and scorching summer days abandoned in a garden. Badem was going to have the life every dog was born to enjoy.
Sadly this beautiful fairytale doesn’t have a happy ending.
Evren Erdogan, in a surprise move that has shocked everyone, announced that Badem will never leave Turkey. A Turkish dog must live and die in Turkish soil, not far away from her, so that the animal can be under her control. In the words of her friend Sinem Saraçoğlu: I would rather kill the dog with my own hands that allow him to be rehomed outside Turkey.

And so it is that Badem will remain at the shelter where he was dumped. This poor dog that miraculously survived death will in all likelihood die of distemper or parvo, two of the most common diseases in turkish shelters because of the embarrassingly misguided sense of ultra nationalistic pride and xenophobic feelings of a young woman and her friends playing god and jail masters with the life of a poor injured dog.
Remember Jonah? Sadly this event is not a first… we are sure it won’t be the last…
I’ve truly run out of words and things to say… you can, however, leave a note to Evren Erdogan here, she will surely read it…
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  1. Sonja Razenberger-Papez says:

    Eine FRECHHEIT von dieser Frau….das gehört verboten!!!

  2. Evren Hanım inadı bırakın ve izin verin Badem özgürlüğe ve mutluluğa kavuşsun

  3. Evren,it is a joke?
    i can not believe it.does this poor dog deserve the shelter?or instaed ,a loving home,wherever tihis will be?think global!!!
    give him this chance,you are not god!!!

  4. You should feel shame, this dog has a loving home to go to outside of Turkey, Not far outside and still in Europe. But you prefer to keep him in a shelter, what a disaster. He would have been better off dying than what you are doing, a living hell is what he will be in. Please reconsider, this attitude is not helping the dog, and it is him who we all care for. Your sense of injustice at him going out of Turkey is not realistic. A good home is hard to find, and he has a good home and a companion dog waiting for him. WHY DO YOU DO THIS, for every hour you delay your apologies and retract your comments you should feel shame. Every hour extra he remains in that shelter you should feel shame. SHAME ON YOU

  5. Mrs. Evren Erdogan, consider please yourself in Badem’s shoes for a while and tell me: would you prefer someone to home you in a faraway wonderful place for the rest of your life or to be left in a cage for the rest of your days!? If you prefer the second choice, then put yourself in that cage and let Badem fly to his new home. Thank you!

  6. Maureen Cook says:

    Evren Hanim what is the matter with you? You are an international disgrace! The dog has a chance for a happy and good life- and you are denying this? Give the dog a chance with someone who can provide a good life for him. You cannot.
    Maureen Cook

  7. Sheila White says:

    Evren, PLEASE, before it is too late for Badem, let LA send him home to Lina.. You are young and haven’t lived as long as I have. Don’t look back in later years knowing that you could have saved this beautiful dog physical and emotional agony. Be a true hero, in the eyes of the world. Please let LA help Badem.

  8. Evren Hanım, Badem mutlu bir yuvayı hakediyor. Barınak şartlarından illa ki haberiniz vardır, lütfen ya Badem’i siz sahiplenin ya da izin verin onu bekleyen ailesine gitsin.

  9. I really hope you change your mind! If you love animals, like you say you do, then you would let Badem get that home in Europe like he deserve. They way you have been acting now dosen’t make you an animal lover, it makes you to an animal killer. I say like Jane do, shame on you!!!!!

  10. elisabeth says:

    Dear Evren,
    we know, it’s hard to trust foreign people. But please believe me, we are not so bad as you might think. Badem needs care, please let him got. We will bless you for that.
    Best regards

  11. Patricia Isidro says:


    What was the mercy you showed in the beginning good for, if now when your mercy is most needed you do not give it?

  12. colette clarke says:

    People like her not only make me sick, they make me not want to visit Turkey anymore.

  13. Evren Hanım,
    Bu köpek için en iyi yaşam Let’s Adopt grubunun evde onu bekliyor. Köpeklerin ülkeleri veya ulusları yoktur. Badem’i özgürlüğüne ve mutluluğuna kavuşturun. Eğer o kadar çok değer veriyorsanız da alın evinizde misler gibi bakın. Bakamıyorsanız hastalık dolu barınaklara terk etmeyin. Yalvarıyoruz.

  14. Why if the dog is in a shelter can it not be adopted, if you can’t provide a home give the dog a chance. Why do you feel a need to control his fate ? Your want to see him but you don’t want him in your home, It makes no sense

  15. Türkiye sokakları cennetten bir parça. Barınaklarsa, bakmayın adının barınak olduğuna, resmen 6 yıldızlı otel! İnsanlar hayvan sevgisiyle dolup taşıyor, yardım edecek hayvan arıyoruz bulamıyoruz, çok nadir Badem gibilere rastladığımızda da haklı olarak göndermek istemiyoruz yaban ellere. İnsanların açlık sınırında olduğu, işsizliğin kol gezdiği, bırak hayvana insana saygının, bırak hayvan insan haklarının olmadığı ne bileyim bir Avrupa’ya bir Amerika’ya hayvan göndermek de iş mi allah aşkına? Bir de Badem yabani, sinirli bir hayvan. Orada anlayışsız insanlar onu dövebilir, başından savmak isteyebilir, hevesini almaya fırsat kalmadan – hevesleri kursağında kalacağından kapı dışarı edebilir; ama Türkiye’de en özverili, en sevgi dolu, en anlayışlı sahipleri; en güzel en rahat evi bulabilirler. Zaten talipler sıraya girmiştir burada, hepsi ben alıcam ben alıcam diyordur. Siz de tutup Avrupa’ya gönderecekmişsiniz, ölsün daha iyi. Hayret bişey!

  16. You are a disgrace to the whole mankind.

  17. Joanne Gorucu says:

    Oh for goodness sake. Will you both grow up. Swallow your pride and do what is best for Badem. This is becoming a slanging match.

  18. Evren, Please let Badem go to a nice home. That would be the most kind thing for you to do for him and for being in the name of helping animals. Please do what is best for him to live his life the best way possible. Shelters are jail and worse. Help him go to that beautiful home that was offered. Please do the right thing. thank you

  19. I cannot believe your stubborn and stupid attitude towards a dog who has done NOTHING to you – yet you want to sentence him to the worst possible life in that God forsaken country you call home!!! What if there were a war and your own children (or family) had a chance to escape – but were killed because YOU kept them back??? YOU would be responsible for their deaths! Think of poor Badem as your family – he may be voiceless, but he has a heart and a soul and can feel PAIN. I am disgusted by your attitude – rather make friends of your critics, by letting Baden go, than enemies, because you don’t need MORE enemies than what you already have according to this blog ….. And furthermore – WHERE was he smashed with a car and just left to die??? In bloody TURKEY!!! The same place that you insist he now dies in??? …. you have issues girl – and they need to be addressed …. come to South Africa – we can easily change your mind manually over here, and that’s a promise, NOT a threat!

  20. That’s just stupid . If she doesen’t CLAIM the dog and not declare herself as the owner of it….well let her stupid conceptions eat her alive. U can do anything u want with that dog since she hasn’t claimed him as hers. What’s wrong with u ppl ? Fkin religion bullshit. I hope u’re Allah gives u what u deserve….u mindless woman !!! U are a big stain on the map of u’re own country. I am a young woman myself and I love animals…..but u make me feel sick about all the young women as u’reself right now! Shame on u for giving such a bad note to Turkey !!! Ans Let’s Adopt……DON’T MIND HER! She is and will remain a big NOBODY as long as she feels this way. I hope she NEVER leaves Turkey…not even for a vacation…since she hates us so much for not being Turks……I hope she never has the chance to leave from the country she loves so much and to which she brings such a huge amount of SHAME !!! Give the dog a chance. It’s NOT HER DOG. Saving an animals doesn’t make u a better person. This mindless creature proved it to us ! It’s not her dog. Do as u please with it !!!

  21. friederike says:

    who wants to be rescued by the devil and end up in hell. i hope this person will give up working with animals, they deserve better.

  22. Evren.
    You are No animal lover?!…..Your mentality stinks!

  23. lily of the valley says:

    Lady…. you should be ashamed of yourself and hang up your so called “rescuer” keys.

    A dog knows NO boundaries. They only know love and caring and you DENY Badem this because of Turkish boundaries! Your a disgrace to the rescue world. go directly to hell.

  24. Evren, please reconsider your decision on Badem. Viktor at Let’s Adopt vets people and makes sure that the animals will go where they will be treated very well, loved and cared for until their dying day. Your views, although what you think of as altruistic are not actually looking out for the best interests of Badem … he is a dog who needs love, care and a good home, not a shelter in Turkey where he will either die from disease, malnutrition or worse. Please, before it’s too late for this amazing dog, quietly get a hold of Viktor and let him help you help Badem get home to Lina. If you care for this dog as much as you say, you would or should be happy with a great home for him in whatever country can supply it. Please, contact Viktor before it’s too late.

  25. Your actions are absolutely despicable….what a disgrace you are. This beautiful animal, who already went through a world of hurt, deserves a loving home. Shame on you for taking that away from him!

  26. Swallow your pride woman and do what is right for this animal.

  27. Evren Hanım, Badem’i kurtardınız, buraya kadar çok güzel. Tartışmaları birkaç gündür takip ediyorum, söylediklerinizi de okudum Let’s Adopt’un sayfasından. ‘Ben ona 1 ay emek vermişsem, önümüzdeki 1 yıl da onu görmek isterim, bu benim en doğal hakkım değil mi? Badem için ilan açalı 3 gün oldu. Türkiye’den de isteyen var. Türkiye’de ev mi bahçe mi bitti ?’ diyorsunuz. Türkiye’de çoğunluk konuşur ama harekete geçmez farkında değil misiniz? Geçici ev bile bulunamıyor hayvanlara. Ayrıca Türkiye ya da başka bir ülke ne fark eder, Badem’in elinden iyi yaşama fırsatını neden alıyorsunuz? Nasıl bir hayvanseversiniz siz? Yoksa ben yaptım, ben kurtardım, ben sahiplendirdim diyebilmek için mi inadınızı devam ettiriyorsunuz? Eğer öyleyse, yazık. 1 ay emeği neden verdiniz Evren Hanım? Önümüzdeki 1 yıl da görmek istemek, bu hakkınız değil. Ya da yanınızda kalacaksa bunu söylemek hakkınızdı belki, o zaman barınağa dönmesine de gerek kalmazdı zaten. O kadar düşünüyorsanız Badem’i neden sahiplendirilmesine karşı çıkıyorsunuz? Sevildiği ve iyi bakıldığı evde daha çabuk iyileşeceğini düşünemiyor musunuz?

  28. Susan Shram says:

    How on earth can you call yourself ‘an animal lover’ when you have stated that you would rather kill the poor animal than let it live outside Turkey????!!! Let him be adopted outside of your country. If you do not you are an absolute disgrace and a complete hypocrite!

  29. Susan Shram says:

    How on earth can you call yourself ‘an animal lover’ when you have stated that you would rather kill the poor animal than let it live outside Turkey????!!! Let him be adopted outside of your country. If you do not you are a complete hypocrite and a liar!

  30. Dear Evren,
    we know, it’s hard to trust foreign people. But please believe me, we are not so bad as you might think. Badem needs care, please let him got. We will bless you for that.
    Best regards

  31. Please let Badem go to the loving home that has been offered, do not let Badem die a living hell in a shelter. You had it in your heart to step in and save this dog, now again i ask you to look into your heart and let him live the rest of his day’s filled with love from a family who want him. As i understand it, with Badem in a shelter he does not have an owner, even you can not claim rights of ownership if you leave him in the shelter to die as he surely will. Think of what is best for Badem, a hell hole shelter with no future or a loving home with companionship, love, comfort and a long life. PLEASE RECONSIDER YOUR VIEW AND GIVE BADEM THE CHANCE OF LIFE.

  32. Joanne Gorucu says:

    Some of the comments above are getting personnal, with regards to Turkey. Have you ever been to Turkey. Well i have lived here for the last 20yrs. Please do not tie all Turks with the same brush. Your comments are offensive to any Turkish people who are reading this. There are animal lovers in Turkey. Please remember when you are passing comment that thre is good and bad in all the world. Even in your own country !!! This is about Badem not Turkey. Lets not divert from what this is about. BADEM.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Chill… we know there are many animal lovers in Turkey… most of our rescue team is Turkish..
      HOWEVER, this mentality is endemic here.. and we are going to expose it once and for all.
      Feel free to stay or go… but whatever you do.. chill.

  33. sabine nowack says:

    Evren .. you punish the dog with your do- but what has Badem done you ? I myself have 3 dogs .1 dog from Spain and 2 dogs from Turkey . My Pipas jaw was broken and nobody wanted she in turkey .My Nanouk is a great old German shepherd dog ,was for many years trapped on the chain , nobody wanted him in turkey .
    Please let badem go to Europe in his new family .

  34. @ Joanne Gorucu…This is about hatered and disconsideration towards other nations. Do not fear…..we have enough mind of our own to know better then to put you all in the same pot. We have issues in our own contries as well. But this is about a way bigger thing. I am boycotting my own country….if u must know……and it doesen’t even have the amount of issues u’res have. So think before u speak. This has became sooo bigger then the life of poor Badem who has to suffer because of human stupidity ( not Turkish…so chill )

  35. Kate Cassidy says:

    Surely the best thing to do for this beautiful dog who suffered so much is to allow him to go the adoptive home offered to him. If you have the interest of the dog at heart, you should allow him to go where he will get the care he needs. Please don’t let him live the rest of his life in a shelter; he needs medical supervision and the love of a family to make him happy. Please rethink your decision and find it in you heart to let him be adopted…for his sake, not yours. I pray rhat you will change your mind..thank you xxx

  36. Lina Herzig says:

    Evren, what’s the problem? is that your notion of dignitiy? and what’s your notion of compasion? Don’t you think that there are already too many doggies in the streets in your country? Why don’t you let this lovely dog live a happy life abroad with a loving and caring family? Do you think the shelter is better? Do you think the dog will miss Turkey? Unfortunately Turkey is hell for the stray animals! Why don’t you do something to have things change? Why don’t you recognise that in your country, like in all the countries there are problems that can be and should be solved but it’s not a poor dog that has to pay the consequences?

  37. Barbara Bacci says:

    I don’t quite understand what the problem is with the dog leaving Turkey, what is wrong with going abroad? I feel this has to do with you, Evren, not with the dog nor the place. I’d like to understand, because it appears to be an emotional reaction, not a meditated choice

  38. I guess I’m one of these german people who are taking the dogs to the chinese restaurants…so here are my two cents:
    I can’t believe how sad this is. Of course at first for this poor dog. It’s heartbreaking, no need to say more about this.
    But there is more about this what really really makes me sad. Since I’m a member of Let’s Adopt I had the pleasure to make friends with some incredible persons from Turkey. And I proudly tell everyone who likes to hear this or not what wonderful people there are in this country. Turkish people have to deal with a lot of prejudices here in Germany and I really love to have the possibility to show a different picture. Well but then, again and again, I read things like this… I brought a couple of our rescues to their new homes here in Germany and I have the privilige to live together with one of these miracles (you all may remember Monica) myself and both is just great and worth so much effort. And we do put a lot of effort in rescuing…talking on the phone all night organizing stuff, driving hundreds of kilometres to the new families, paying a lot of money… And here you go, telling me you’d rather kill a dog then leave it to my or my friends hands. I just don’t get it. You destroy so much…a dog’s life, trust in a developing change in Turkey and worst of all – our friend’s great work…they show europe a modern, educated version of your country …you just do the opposite. And what I really don’t get – it’s so damn stupid! We show pictures and videos of ALL our rescues…who the fuck has ever seen one of them becoming nasi goreng? Where is your brain girl?

  39. Douglas Lam says:

    Please learn to trust people. By doing so, there will be hope.

    Do not let the minorities (the cruel people) impaired your judgement.

    By trusting, more can be achieved rather than a single person’s ability.

  40. irene barry says:

    can not understand the thinking of the human mind and heart ……..
    if this beautifull dog has been offered a loving home
    then for gods sake let him go and be cared for
    he needs love and caring .
    why in gods name does he have to spend his life in a shelter
    were is your brains ?
    get some humanity
    let this dog
    live a good life
    u must also know the rest of the world is watching

  41. Nina Davies says:

    I am somewhat disturbed by the amount of effort that is being expended on what is literally a hate campaign …. we only hear one side of the story …….. surely the matter of Badem’s
    adoption could have been resolved more diplomatically ….

  42. Please let Badem go to a home where he can be loved and taken care of. Love has no nationality. If no one wants him in Turkey, set him free. He has a chance for happiness, please let him go.

  43. sue gibbs says:

    I have a dog from Afghanistan. I live in the UK…I was helped to rescue the dog..not stopped!!
    What difference does it make as to where the home is found..other than to provide love and support to that animal.
    From what I have heard about the barbaric treatment of animals in Turkey. I would be so happy to see the dog homed out of Turkey.
    You ignorant people are not interested in this dog being happy if you condem it to life and death in the shelter!!
    Let the dog go home to be loved….whoever is offering that home will give the dog the love it deserves!!

  44. I seriously doubt Evren Hanim will read any of these comments but here it goes…. Whatever her reasons behind her actions she’s wrong and hopefully she’ll come to understand that the best thing for Badem would be to let her go to her new home, wherever that home may be… But if she doesn’t realize her mistake, I have only one thing I’d like to say to her…

    Evren Hanim, EGER hatanizi farkedip Badem’in sevgi dolu ve sicak yuvasina gitmesine engel olmaya devam ederseniz, dilerim siz de onun gibi bakima muhtac oldugunuz bir doneminiz oldugunda Turkiye’deki en kotu sartlardaki hayvan barinaklarinin sartlarinda bir bakim veya huzur evine terkedilirsiniz ve bu hayvana cektirdiklerinizin fitil fitil burnunuzdan getirildigini de anlayabilecek kadar acizliginizin farkinda olursunuz….

  45. dhyta ang says:

    would it be another sad story?? oh no..please let the poor dog have a wonderful life…

  46. EQUALMIST says:


  47. ghislaine says:

    I’m so upset that th happy ending from a few days ago won’t happen any more just because somthing I really don’t understand since dogs and cats from all over the world travel to Germany, Switzerland, Holland, England, France, Austria….to get a lovely home where lovely loving people are waiting for them……..that’s bullshit to act like that condeming a dog’s life after he got rescued, that’s nonsense……please Evren reconsider your decision and give Bardem a chance of a lovely life abroad.My Romanian doggie loves living in France would never go back to Romania.

  48. OHA Evren Erdoğan. Kabayım evet, ama sizin kadar düşüncesiz değilim. Türk köpeği Türkiye’de ölür ne demek. Ya benim olacaksın ya toprağın, diyorsunuz. Ki “sizin” olmak burda size ait olmaya değil korkunç bir hayat yaşamaya tekabül ediyor. Yazık.

    Köpekler, kadınlar ve çocukları sizin gördüğünüz gibi gören insanların ülkesinde yaşamaktan bu kaçıncı utanışım, bilmiyorum.

  49. Christine Dierckx says:

    Dear Evren,

    I will not blame you because I don’t know your reasons for putting Badem in a shelter but I will ask to consider again. I’m sure when you give Badem to Victor, he can find a nice and loving home for this poor dog.
    I’m sure you have a good heart so I will ask please give Badem a second chance. Also animals have feelings. I myself adopt 2 strays from Turkey and I have to admit they are the sweetest dogs you can imagine It’s like they thank me every day again I saved their lives.
    Evren, look into your heart, when ever you need a second chance in life you will be also very very grateful when somebody gives you that.
    Thanks in advance.
    Christine – Belgium

  50. Henny Kiourt says:

    Please Evren Hanim,you said you love animals,show it,let Badem go,give him
    this change.

  51. I will never understand this kind of people.

  52. Dear Evran,

    You must allow Badem’s rescue to come to completion. You did your part by getting him treatment and making sure that he stayed alive. PLEASE, PLEASE, allow this poor soul to live his days in a wonderful, loving home. After everything he has been through and you or your friends can’t find him a home in your country, allow him to be loved and cared for by someone who is willing to do this. Animals don’t really do well in your country, especially shelter animals. Find it in your heart to give Badem a fighting chance at a wonderful, deserving life!!! Put yourself in his place, would you want to live in a shelter if you had the chance at a loving home??

  53. My offer to you is an invitation to stay at no cost at a vacation house on the beach in Sarasota Florida USA for 1 week if you will please release this dog to the offered home in Europe. I am a landlord, home owner, and animal advocate.
    This is my outreach, my effort to bridge culture, work together.
    Lets do the right thing, please.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Wonderful offer!!!! 🙂

  54. Chaminda Fernando says:

    Evren I still respect you for rescuing him when he was hit and left for dead. But, just because you saved him, you can’t play god with his life. Please let him go to a any country in this world and live a better life. I am sure he wouldn’t see the difference. For animals every human is a human. They don’t see the difference of English, Turkish or Asian owner as long as we love them and cared for them. They are far ahead of us in that matter. So please let him go and live the happy life he deserve!

  55. Dear Evren, I can understand you not wanting to let Badem go as I don,t believe anyone can care for my dogs like I can. However if my situation were different and I couldn,t care for them and give them the best of life I would let them go. I have friends in England who have adopted dogs from Greece, dogs who have also suffered. If you saw these dogs now, running free over the beach and in the countryside and loved beyond belief, you would consider letting Badem go to someone who would let him live his life just like these dogs. Please consider letting go and leaving a space for another dog such as he in your home.

  56. LeeAnne Harre says:

    Evren…you put this dog back together only to suffer again.
    Please let him go…
    let him live a life outside your world.
    Stop wasting precious time here…. free him and save another animal.
    You obviously are a kind person. He needs just a little more of your heart…

  57. Evren, Please let Badem go to a good, warm home. Help him go to that beautiful home that was offered. Please do the right thing. thank you

  58. Conny Gottinger says:

    Evren, i am shocked !!! I wished this dog a wonderful life, and now ??? im so sad about this situation. Two months ago i got my third Dog, from Turkey, the others from spain. It doesnt matter were sombody is from and going through. POOR BADEM, GOD BLESS YOU.

  59. Madam it goes without saying that you are a sad, uncompassionate person. You MUST remember that what you sow, so must you reap! You are reaping the rewards of Karma! Karma will find you in a dark alley with no protection and at its mercy. For surely if you show no mercy to Badem, Karma will show you no mercy. Let Badem go to a new home where he will be shown the love that you so desperately are seeking and cannot find. YOU ARE A FIEND IN HUMAN FORM!

  60. Come on, let this dog go to this new home and PROVE that you care about him, that you love him. He has a home waiting, you do not have a home for him, he is a dog, he is distressed in kennels, let him go now, prove your love for him.

  61. Evren, je n’ose pas croire que tu as sauvé ce chien pour le laisser pourrir dans une refuge ! ET puis d’ailleurs, qu’en pense le chien ? il ne se sent sûrement pas plus turc que belge, chinois ou brésilien. Je connais un peu la Turquie et les Turcs et ai toujours apprécié leur patriotisme et leur fierté d’être Turcs. Mais ici, il ne s’agit plus de patriotisme, à moins que je sois mal informé sur les raisons de ton choix.
    Une des choses qui m’a le plus plu dans les années 80 quand j’ai pour la 1ere fois visité la Turquie était aussi la générosité et la gentillesse de la plupart des Turcs . Ton geste incompréhensible est de nature à faire naître ou entretenir le mépris que d’autres peuvent avoir pour ton pays et je peux t’affirmer que, en ce qui me concerne, je ne verrais aucun inconvénient à ce qu’un animal en détresse trouve une bonne famille en Turquie.
    Alors s’il te plaît, fait honneur à ton pays en faisant preuve d’humanisme et de grandeur à l’égard de ce chien dont j’ose croire que le sort ne t’es pas indifférent, sinon tu ne l’aurais pas sauvé.
    Je me plais d’ailleurs à croire que cette communauté, Let’s adopt, est liée par l’amour des animaux et par rien d’autre, mais si on ne peut toujours être d’accord sur tout entre nous.
    L’important c’est le bien-être du chien non ?
    Bien à toi, Bob le Belge désolé de s’adresser à toi en français, mon turc est trop mauvais que pour pouvoir t’écrire ceci.

  62. Better selfiš and dead than alive and loved. This woman is extreme selfish. Dog deserve a second chance no mather where he will live.
    I hope someone will magae a petitton for this dog….

  63. Is there a way that this person can be contacted or shown how many people want a happy story for this poor dog? Can she be shown what a jackass she is being and try to change her mind? I don’t understand how she still has a hold on a dog that she took to the shelter. I’m from the US and I don’t know what the other policies are in other countries but when you take an animal to the shelter all of your rights for the animal are relinquished. I don’t get why she still has a say in the dog’s future. She is ignorant and simple minded.

  64. Why does she have the say over what happens to Badem anyway? She was never the owner and she obviously doesn’t care or have Badem’s best interests at heart. She has dumped him in a shelter and therefore doesn’t own him. I don’t understand why the adoption can’t go ahead without her, she is not helping the matter and those shelters are a sentence worse than death in many cases. I will not be as polite as some of the others by referring to her as Evren HANIM because she doesn’t deserve our respect, the kind of attitude and behaviour that she is displaying is disgusting.

  65. Stephen Lee says:

    Evren, where is your compassion… your heart… your sense of propriety and priority???

    You, yourself, are unwilling to provide a loving forever home for this precious companion, and yet – when one IS found – you refuse to allow him to go there?

    What gives you the right to determine whether or not he goes ANYWHERE?

    He is NOT your “property”, nor are you willing to adopt him legally from the shelter you’ve dumped him in…

    You won’t even cover the cost of his medical necessities!

    Call yourself an animal “rescuer”???

    You should be ashamed….

    I would LOVE to adopt each and every abused and abandoned canine I come to know about, but have committed a “forever home” to the eight that are presently here (5 canine, 3 feline) and must consider their needs first and foremost: Consequently, when I learn of such dire circumstance as those THIS precious dog faces, I gratefully seek out and accept the assistance of others who have the resources and the space to accommodate… and do everything I can to help get them to the safety and security of such loving adoptive homes!

    My companions have come to me from thousands of miles away… “love knows no boundaries”… so please find it in your heart to encourage his relocation to those who have offered him a loving adoptive home… do what is in HIS best interests, not yours!?

  66. Please do not limit this precious angel who God spared, to anyone who will give him the love he so deserves. Do not think in terms of limitation! There are no lilmits! God spared this angel for a reson, not to be sent to a shelter who will kill him. Please broaden your thinking to open the possibilities. Do not let all the efforts of so many be for nought. This boy should have the BEST!

  67. Why are you punishing poor Badem. Why can’t he find a home outside Turkey????? Other dogs have been adopted out of Turkey!!! Please, he needs to see a vet and get fixed up so he can live a somewhat normal life and pain free!!!! If you are unhappy with your life, don’t take it out on the dogs!!!!! Doing that shows signs of being a SOCIOPATH. You have all the classic symptoms!!!! You are hateful without just cause!!!! Please, for once, make a humane decision in your life and let turkish dogs find homes outside Turkey, starting with Badem!!!! Please, Turkish animal lovers help Badem and other dogs doomed to a life of despair, loneliness, probably starvation and ultimately painful death!!! PLEASE, LET BADEM GO HOME!!!!!

  68. Barb Jackson says:

    Simply…selfish to not let this dog be treated and loved in a home instead of a cramped cage!

  69. NUR AYKURT says:

    Animals have NO borders.Badem should either go to new home or Miss. Erdogan should adopt her. Very unfortunate case, some people arent the best decision makers.How can she sleep in peace leaving Badem in a shelter?

  70. Please give the poor dog a chance! Or maybe you should adopt him and give him a perfect home, perfect life… you rather see him dying in a shelter, lying on a cold concrete floor or what even worst, one of the shelter worker biting him to death or raping poor dog (I knos this is a common practice in Turkey!) Please let BADEM go to a beautiful, secure forever home. Why you are making such a big fuss over this simple case?! Wasn’t this poor dog through enough?! didn’t people in Turkey poof that they don’t care about him? Poor street dog, hit by a car, left on the side of the road to die?! Have a heart, heave a mercy!

  71. Wendy Frei says:


  72. Jeanette Ulbl says:

    Evren Hanim what is the matter with you? You are an international disgrace! The dog has a chance for a happy and good life- and you are denying this? Give the dog a chance with someone who can provide a good life for him. You cannot.

    You should be ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!
    i will share this information with every soul that I know on National and Internationa!!

  73. I don’t understand how this person can have jurisdiction over a dog she has given up to a sanctuary. She has had her opportunity for ownership and refused it. Don’t the authorities have the final say in what happens to Badem? I just hope she will consider the dog and not selfishly deny him a loving home. Could I suggest if she loves dogs that much she could volunteer at one of the sanctuaries and help a whole lot more. She made a good start helping Badem in his hour of need, why offer him hope then tear it away from him.
    I care for any number of sick, injured or elderly dogs and would gladly give him a free, country home where he can regain his health if there is anyone who could stand up for him , take him out of this miserable place and finance his journey to Wales, UK. http://www.patscatsetc.org.uk. We are entirely voluntary but our animals want for nothing including love which it appears Badem is being denied.

  74. This is incomprehensible. I cannot find the logic and meaning of this person’s actions.

    She has emotional issues and is using Badem as a whipping post.




  77. Dear, Evren…
    i not know u before, as well u not know me before…
    in my comment, i won’t insult or berate you…
    i just want u understand that, as a human, the most noble from all creation, use ur heart and brain…
    can u imagine, if ur family hate u suddenly (because the fault that not u did) and make them throw u away to the street, and somebody attack ur feet until u can’t move as well as before…
    and then, there is another human help u, and want to love and care about u, but ur family ultimatum that human never ever can love and care u, what do u feel???
    please, use ur heart and ur brain…
    hopefully, u can understand what i mean…
    i’m not insult or berate u as the other…
    thank you so much, God bless you always…

  78. Jayne Matthews says:

    Evren, when I first heard about Baden’s case and how an angel (you) had saved him and got him the medical care he needed, I praised God for people like you. Now however I take it back. You are not an angel, but rather a demon of the worst kind. You offer salvation only to snatch it back when it is within reach. That makes you one of the worst animal abusers in my opinion. With animal abusers they show no compassion and are evil to the core, you however show a compassionate face, but inside you are twisted and evil. You can be nothing else if your idea of a good life for Baden is to be locked in a cage in a hell hole of a shelter for the rest of his life because of your twisted idea of patriotism and your need to play God. It is almost enough to make me wish you had never bothered to save Baden, at least his torment would now be over, instead you have lengthened his torment because of your selfish ideas. Viktor has saved dogs/cats the world over who nobody else would even look at and has vetted and found excellent loving forever homes for these animals. YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO DENY BADEN THE CHANCE OF THIS and still claim to be an animal rescuer!!!!! YOUR MENTALITY IS SICK AND TWISTED and if Baden is not released, I hope you rot in your own hell. You are making global enemies now, you would have been better off not asking Let’s Adopt for help because now we all know you.

  79. Kate Kilpiö says:

    This is unbelieveable! Badem has already suffered enough, let him up for adoption, please

  80. I totally agree with Amy..this Dog is NOT legally hers..unless she has papers or micro chip registration etc..it is now with the Shelter because it is under their care. Furthermore who actually pays for the ongoing medical costs involved? As soon as she surrendered this Dog he ceased to be hers…therefore I implore the people who have found such a wonderful home for this beautiful Dog(and large dog’s are harder to home than small ones) to continue with re homing before his character changes to distrust.I doubt she can take the Shelter to court unless she is paying for his stay there, and furthermore she will only continue to moan because she’s getting attention!! This so called Angel is so typical of some of these people who do it because it makes THEM feel good…THEY get the attention and THEY love it!!Another parasite of low life earning something for themselves by using an innocent Animal.Whilst you could applaud taking the dog off the road, if she really genuinely cared..she would have kept the Dog herself!!

  81. Lisa Munkelt says:

    @ everyone who wishes that Let’s Adopt! should continue to rescue the dog, I understand very well.
    LA! has an open history of one successful rescue after the other…. everyone who wants to, is able to recognise that. So, we don’t have to discuss that.

    But if that won’t happen…. mean wishes directed to Evren Erdogan will not help in any kind of way. It just creates a division. Please watch your mouth if your intentions are to speak up for LA’s rescue efforts.

    ” © 2010 Let’s Adopt! All Right Reserved ” has a different meaning….

    well, what if Evren would think about it and in the end agree with LA’s final home ?
    … well who knows….just a thought..

  82. NUR AYKURT says:

    Evren Hanim,Bademi kurtarmaniz sizin iyi insan oldugunuzun acik kaniti. Onu Turkiye disina gondermek istememe sebepleriniz olabilir.Ben de milliyetci biri olarak ulkemizdeki butun sokak hayvanlarina keske burada en iyi sekilde bakilabilse diyorum.Ama gercek aci.Anneniz yasinda oldugumdan yaziyorum,lutfen incinmeyin.Eger Bademi isteyen aile icin tereddutleriniz varsa her ay video cekimi talep ederek onu barinaktan kurtarin.Bu buyuklugu gostermenizi umuyorum.Onu bir kez daha kurtarmaya ne dersiniz?

  83. Elisabeth Rothfritz says:

    Evren, if you cannot keep Badem, why let him die in a horrible shelter?? I cannot understand this, if you truly love animals, then you will let him go to his new family, so that he can have a good and loved life, which you obviously don’t want or can’t give him. Please reconsider, what is the difference between Turkey and any other country? GIVE HIM A CHANCE, PLEASE!

  84. I think there could be a solution to this problem. Considering that Evren and her friends tried to find Badem a foster/adoptive home and the result was negative, why wouldn’t Evren and/or her friends seriously consider adopting the animal. If this isn’t possible or realstic, then why don’t the ladies in question network with other Turkish animal welfare organizations. If they have already done so, they should look into other creative/resourceful ways to find Badem a loving home. Is it possible that, in spite of Evren’s harsh comments so far, that she may actually be fond of the dog??? Six years ago, a beautiful white stray cat found her way to me. I couldn’t keep her since I already had a possessive senior cat of my own. For an entire summer I did everything I could to find her a loving home. Nobody was interested because of so many different and varied reasons. I finally resigned myself to the fact that perhaps this gorgeous white feline (now called Snowhite) was meant for me no matter what was going on in my life at the time. I made the decision to keep her. She has been and continues to be a happy cat, the way that it should be. There are times in life when human beings tend to overlook the obvious, which leads me to say that if Evren tried her best to find Badem a loving home but was not able, then I think she should at least foster him until she can find a good home or if she’s able to adopt him, this would be even better. Evren, if you are reading this comment, please do the right thing by at least seriously considering the suggestions contained herein. You were very kind to rescue Badem, how about being very kind once again by not allowing the animal to languish in a depressing environment at the shelter. As the photo indicates, Badem’s morale is most certainly affected and it is a known fact that animals die of a broken heart, not just a broken body. Again, do the right thing for Badem.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Sylvia.. they are trying to do just that… the problem is that it’s not going to work.
      Very few people in this country will take an injured or paralyzed dog into his home… in the mind of those “rescuers” a shelter is a better place.
      I can guarantee you noone will want Badem in this country, and if anyone does, it will be for him to live in a dog home outside some garden somewhere… or in what they call here “a farm”….

  85. Lisa Munkelt says:

    well, I can not contact Evren Erdogan over FB …. but if I could, I would invite her to my home and give her some space to exhale….because I feel she needs support, not stones !!!

    she was pushed into a corner …. like being ON TRIAL !!!!!

    please note, I am supporting Let’s Adopt too……
    it’s very logical that she is a defense position…. so, how would be react ?

  86. if Badem is currently staying in shelter, that means neither Sinem nor Evren adopted him. So how could they possibly have decision power on a dog that they do not own? Who entitles them this power??

  87. Why??? Miss Erdogan, don’t you see that this is the perfect platform to raise your popularity with your peers? I know that you live and work within a predominantly male political system and sometimes, a woman taking action can be somewhat uncomfortable for people to accept.You have the power to do something that will change people’s oppinions of you forever by stepping up and taking action in a matter that will truly show that you are actually a humanitarian. Wow. Not many of us ever get an opportunity like that. Just imagine Miss Erdogan , that you or someone close to you was at risk. Would you want a warrior to defend and protect you when you wre in danger? I think that you know in your heart of hearts what the answer would be. We ae no different than yourself. We are Badem’s warriors and protectors. He has suffered a bad accident and has an amazing survival spirit. Every single living being on this planet deserves to live their life to the fullest, even Badem. You Miss Erdogan, have the power to ensure that he gets that life. It’s time now to swallow your pride and join us in this situation. You know it is the right thing to do. We will always be supportive of you and commend you for helping us to make this a happy ending. Please let Badem go and have the life that some generous person is willing to give him. I love you Badem. Well done boy! I hope that you get to go and be with Benny.

  88. What is wrong with you??????????? Are you not human????? No one in their right mind would leave a dog in a shelter.!!! If you don’t own this dog, how can you demand to leave him in a shelter. You are a heartless bitch and that’s putting it mildly.!! Viktor and Let’s Adopt only do what is right for any of the dogs they have rescued. What happens to this dog is all on your head. Wake up.!! Turkey isn’t the only place in this world. It shouldm’t matter wheree this dog goes as long as it is given a good home.

  89. I simply do not understand the thought processes of this person.
    After all the time, effort, money, love, compassion of so many people, it has come down to one decision that will ultimately crush the life of this miracle dog.
    Shame on you. Really, WHY?? Just why on earth would you do this????
    If I could move to Turkey to adopt this dog I would….
    My heart is truly heavy after all of this 🙁

  90. Crazy people!

  91. If she leaves the dog to a shelter house how can she claim rights over her? Unless she takes this dog to her home and becomes his owner, how can she decide who can be allowed to give this dog a new home? I am sure that this ignorant woman will not dare reading any of these comments and she will be proud that this poor dog remained in this country at the cost of his life in her pathetic little world. It will not help to try to explain her that animals do not have countries, or nations, or flags and they are species having a right to live on this earth with people who are willing to give them a loving and caring home since their natural habitats are destroyed by humans. So my intention is not to address her. What I’m wondering is does she even have a legal right to prevent this dog from finding a home abroad?
    Can’t someone adopt this dog in Turkey temporarily just to send him abroad to his new permanent home? Is the problem the fact that the let’s adopt members working on this case are non-turkish citizens? If this is the case I would be more than happy to help in anyway i can to help send Badem to his new home.

  92. you have got to be kidding… this again… why hasn’t this woman been institutionalized already?
    who died and made you leader… were you voted in or did you just take over like you did with the animals lives.
    grow a brain sister, and get a life.
    let the animals go where they are wanted and loved not tortured and killed.

  93. Doris Waltinger says:

    Evren, just on March 24, 2011 I read on the sites of Let´s adopt the story about poor “Luna”, she was raped and killed behind the Sincan municipality. This article made me conscious and afraid of the problems and dangers under which stray dogs in Turkey have to live and suffer. I contacted various official addresses in Turkey, asking them to insist on stronger laws and punishments for abuse, torture and killing of animals. In this connection I also had contact with Adile Pannicke from the APG Animal Protection Group in Turkey. She is very active in her struggle for the protection and rights of the animals, and, like you, she also wishes that they first of all can stay in their country with kind people. I do not know how many organizations or animal friends you asked searching a new home for Badem. Perhaps Mrs. Pannicke can help you and Badem to find a new home. You helped Badem so much after his accident, so I please you, to help him once again and take him away from the Shelter. I it not at all possible that he lives with you at your home?

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Doris, Adile Panicke is a monster of the worst kind…
      For years she tried to convince everyone that our rescues were going to laboratories.
      Stay away from those people.. bad bad bad to the bone.. 🙂

  94. i live in thessaloniki greece and tails from greece in canada rescued a dog from my neighbourhood two years ago.when there is a person like candice from canada,who provides care and love for rex,or badem, i dont care if a foster home for a greek dog is in turkey or any country.people who love animals are the same everywhere.the shelters are not a permanent home.they are institutions and dogs die without love a care from an owner.

  95. iIt is beyond my comprehension why somebody would want to keep a dog in a country which tortures and kills dog. It is beyond my comprehension why somebody wouldn’t be happy to see a dog find a loving home out of the country. It is obvious Badem is not going to find a loving home in Turday, so why????? Why are you so cruel as to sign poor Badem’s death warrant by keeping him in Turkey. He also needs vetting, and your country does not believe in vetting strays!!! So madam, what is your purpose besides being a cruel human being who just wants to make animals suffer, what is your point of keeping Badem from having a happy life!!!!!!

  96. Please, have a heart give Bardem the chance for a good Home. He allready found a Home so please let him go.

  97. You know… there is a God. Some people forgot…

    I hope she change her mind.

  98. Rachel Raza says:

    It is just totally outrageous that one person can decide where this poor dog will live when there is no reason why he cannot go out of Turkey. If it is to give him a better chance of survival then he should be allowed to go.

  99. I don’t understand why this woman has any say in the dog’s fate. OK, she rescued him but that does not give her any rights over him. Come on you animal lovers in Turkey. Just take the dog off her and then he can be transferred to a loving home abroad.

  100. I am so absolutely disgusted with this “surprising” move of this Evren Erdogan woman.. whoever she is. I can’t find polite words to describe my anger! Just one question – why do those stupid people care so much about another stray dog???!!! He could’ve been dead already! Let him be, let him live a new life if he was granted a chance of one by a nice family! Just let him be.. What pisses me off the most is how often people direct their energy to an absolutely empty and stupid things.. Why even raise a question of this dog staying in Turkey or not?.. Is he a property? is he under arrest?.. Knowing what i know about Turkey at this point, I will never go there with any kind of visit.

  101. Susan McCauley says:

    This makes no sense. She is putting herself in the class of humans who do not have open minds or hearts and who are responsible for much of the suffering in the world due to misguided thinking. Her nationalistic idealism has short circuited her ability to love. There is plenty of cruelty to animals in Turkey just as there is elsewhere on this ‘planet of hell’ for animals. Anyone who prefers to keep an animal in a shelter (meaning jail) anywhere has serious issues. How is it that she has the right to prevent this innocent animal from going to a loving home?

  102. Lisa Munkelt says:

    walking around with a huge hole in my heart, … very difficult to accept that some very hateful comments are still here and accepted…

    I took the time to read Evren’s comments on FB…. didn’t find any hateful statements of herself… she even apologized for not writing English very well.

    and maybe she might not be the No. 1 animal rescuer but I think she at least tried to help the dog. It’s about the dog in the end but I have major difficulties to understand some statements being accepted here….

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Lisa, I really cannot be policing comments all day… every day we receive over 400 comments on different blogposts, thousands on Facebook.. tell me which post you find so offensive and I will erase it..
      By the way… chances are Badem is going to die of distemper in that shelter.. and guess what… it won’t be my fault.. I didn’t put him there.

  103. Evren, it is time you examined your concience and your motives for being involved in rescue. If you believe that leaving an animal in a shelter with no proper veterinary care, no future other than misery, pain and a hideous death are preferable to allowing this dog to go to a loving family where he will receive good care and a good life, then you my dear are one sick minded, ego driven person who should never be involved in animal rescue. Yes you have tried to find the dog a home, but why now, when the dog has an offer of a wonderful home do you allow twisted patriotism to ensure the dog will never be homed?

    Wherever you find humans, you will find cruelty and neglect of animals. Xenophobia is a construct of ignorance and hate. By insisting that the dog won’t be allowed out of Turkey, you are complicating the matter in a seriously distasteful way. What’s more, your attitude will put other people off of rescuing and rehoming animals in need.

    Evren, your ego and pride are causing an animal to suffer. Shame on you. You can change this situation. Please allow this poor dog to go to the adoptive home.

  104. Evren yanındayım.
    Bademi bu tezgaha bırakma.

  105. lynda chabane says:

    I just cannot believe what I am hearing here!!!!!! every day Badem is in the shelter he will be deteriorating!!!!! He needs out now and into a new foster home where he can receive immediate attention to his problems. Why on earth would anybody that wanted to help him, want to keep him there!!!!! This does not make sense at all, and it really is time that Evran comprehends the reality of the situation. He needs out now…..he is a stray that was mercifully helped by Evran…thats all……..she has not rescued him into her home……..then can someone please explain to me what hold she has over him to say that he cannot leave Turkey and be with a loving family, receiving urgent medical care abroad!!!!! Turkish dogs, as we all know dont stand a chance in a shelter, especially one needing so much care!!!! In God’s name Evran, if you do get to read any of this,,,,PLEASE stop standing in the way of honest people that are trying to help him…..he has suffered enough already hasn’t he. I cannot stop thinking of him being in pain and stuck in a shelter with no hope!!! This is so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

  106. Lisa Munkelt says:

    yes, I know you can not be policing comments all day long.
    So, I will try to keep it short in order not to take more of your precious time, for which I have the utmost respect.

    I wish the dog was in your hands of course. Everyone who knows you, automatically knows how dearly you love animals – and that you are doing EVERYTHING within your power to safe their lives. And no, you did not take the dog to the shelter. He should be rescued by you of course. You have the experience, not the shelter workers. And you already did offer a home for him.

    It just seem obvious that many thoughts placed here are everything but supportive.

    Well, I thought there is a chance that Evren would rethink her decision and she would reach out to you again. Don’t know, maybe she never intended. You may know better than me of course. It’s just a thought in the end.

    But by no means would anyone of us rethink any decision and reach out to those who hatefully get all possible words in 1 blog. Wouldn’t we all logically EVEN more say NO !

    So, please don’t take any time to erase anything for me. It seems I am the only one anyway who was shocked.

    I will leave the Let’s Adopt’s blog for good. Morally, I have no ability and intentions to share here anymore.

  107. Is it necessary to weld your power even at the expense of a dog’s happiness. Yes, so many of us know what is going on. So many of us are appalled at the way this dog and so many other are treated in this country. Where is your humanity? Where is your compassion? Where along the way, did you lose your empathy for other living creatures, espesially those you have the power to help. Please release this dog, it has a home waiting where it will be safe, loved and not worry about losing its life. Its fate is in your hands. And we are watching, and we hold you accountable. I am so disheartened at the apathy and cruelty that animals are subjuect to. God is watching. Please do the right thing. Let him go to a safe home. Do not left another life be extinquished because you have the power to make his happiness. Please do the right thing. I beg of you.

  108. Marie St-Clair says:

    Give a small mind a tiny bit of power and they will abuse it. Shame on you Evren. Baden has a chance and you deny it with your little power over him. Maybe you are so jealous of his chance at a good life that you’d rather see him as miserable as you.

  109. Deborah West-Korman says:

    You should be totally ashamed of yourself and your so called friends. How can you believe that any God/Allah would want a living being not to have love and comfort when it is possible and available. Why would you want this dog to remain in a place where it gets neither love or comfort and you do not offer either of these things to him. Does the dog know that he lives in one country or another?? You are not a caring human being if you were you would let that dog go NOW…..what goes around comes around and I know that the Universe will make this good and you will suffer the consequences of your ignorance.

  110. What a SICK TWISTED BITCH you are. I hope you rot in hell for doing this to Badem. I hope nothing but evil bestows the rest of your life!!! Evil Bitch!!

  111. how much do you want for Badam? is he still alive? what is wrong with him living with a turkish family in England?

  112. lovey dovey says:

    Heartless cruel and simply ignorant!