Kadir Topbaş: death toll

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This is what you see in Kadir Topbaş Hasdal shelter if you arrive there early in the morning before the municipal workers have collected all the bodies, an endless stream of death caused by incorrect medical procedures, neglect and brutality.

And how does the Hasdal shelter disposes the bodies?  very easy… you put them in a garbage bag and thrown them in the trash can, no doubt many of them still alive.

As if this wasn’t brutal enough here is the insulting twist given by Ahmet Bulukbasi, the shelter manager.
Bolukbasi stated that in the last four months of operations only 10 dogs died. That is, 2.5 dogs per month.

That is a ridiculous lie that  only an idiot would believe now.

Volunteers working inside the shelter report to us that the average number of deaths is between 15 and 20 A WEEK!… that would make 80 dogs a month and an incredible 960 dead dogs directly as a result of Ismail Ay’s veterinary negligence in the last year. Wow!…

To this we must add that the vast totality of dogs Kadir Topbas Hasdal releases in the forest die shortly of hunger and disease contracted at the shelter. None of those thousands of deaths are reported…

We are going to slightly change strategy… Call Muhsin Dogan, the First secretary of Kadir Topbaş and tell him the world is looking at this in disgust.
Muhsin Dogan: +90 (0212) 455 14 00
Email: muhsin.dogan@ibb.gov.tr

Join us here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=15520956297


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53 comments on “Kadir Topbaş: death tollAdd yours →

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  1. this MUST end very very very soon!!!!!!!

  2. I’m sending this one to the president too. I picked about ten crucial pictures.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thanks bb

  3. What a disgrace, this can’t continue, I am amazed how they have got away with it,



  5. Linda Reitman says:

    Victor: This is absolutely appalling. I just don’t understand how people could be so truly abhorrent … I live in the United States. in Southern California. How can I help to prevent such blatant animal abuse from continuing any further at Kadir Topbas Hasdal?

  6. Beatrice Mollo says:

    How can you, even if scoundrels, get to so much wickedness, indifference, hatred, superficiality, ignorance, rudeness, meanness, contempt for life, contempt for the weak and helpless … is a horror that cries out for vengeance before God and men … How horrible, what disgust, disgusting deep! SHAME!!! SHAME!!! SHAME ON THOSE PEOPLE!!! :(((((((((

  7. Victor-This is about the lowest form I have seen so far of abuse yet! And the scum is still getting away with it. I am receiving all of your posts and will post/network far and wide. PLEASE keep us up to date as to what else can be done. Thanks again for all of your hard work.

  8. Duygu İpek Yılmaz says:

    A human cant do this. They must stop it. I dont know what are this selfish things – maybe a monster, but monsters arent selfish that much- I dont want to be a human if they’re human !

  9. dawn dixon says:

    that has made me physically sick.

  10. Stéphanie LE MOIGNE says:

    Oh Jesus Christ!! I hadn’t been able to watch on the FB site.. Just saw that dog thrown alive in the garbage truck?!! Where the f*ck do these people come from? Just what kind of devils are they?! Most importantly, what can we do to stop all of this suffering? Poor baby.. What happened to him? Did you get to see that dog again? Or is that last image the end of it?

  11. Maureen Kent says:

    Animal activists and welfare campaigners need to be able to start and run their own shelters in Istanbul. Government run shelters need to be shut down. It is clear there is a lack of money to run them (you only have to look at the broken flooring and rusty cages), there is a lack of expertise and a total lack of goodwill and care. Hasdal needs to be handed over lock, stock and barrel to an independent body immediately.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Maureen.. not at all.. private shelters is not the solution in a city like Istanbul.
      The only solution viable is the correct implementation of the Neuter and Return program as stated by law.
      Money is not a problem for the Istanbul Municipality. .. they are already wasting it at Hasdal… doing things correctly would cost them a fraction of what they are already spending and they would be solving the problem once and for all..

  12. Regina Bennett says:

    Simply sickening. It makes my skin crawl to deem myself as human.

  13. Gabi Sabau says:

    Könnte jemand mal die “Rescue Ink” aus NY in diesen “shelter” holen??? Die würden hier aufräumen und ein bisschen zum Umdenken beitragen!!! Wenn scheinbar nichts anderes mehr hilft…

  14. Maureen Kent says:

    Thanks for your reply Viktor. I know it is easy for people like me sitting at computers hundreds of miles away making suggestions. You obviously understand the situation better, but I just cannot see how Hasdal is ever going to work with the current staff they have their and their whole ethos.

    I am curious to know, do they have any private shelters in Istanbul and how well do they work.

    Neutering is clearly absolutely essential not least because there seems to be a huge stray dog population in Istanbul, but I cannot see that always returning them would work. Some are in dreadful condition and clearly not doing at all well on the streets, and also clearly they are not being looked after by the general population or they would not have got in that state in the first place. What will happen to those dogs. (Is this where you would step in and try and re-home them)? I think this is why they deliberately let them die, and if the dogs don’t do them a favour and die, then they are dumped in the forest. God almighty what a way of doing things.

    I understand there are shelters in other parts of the country that seem to work ok, and it would be interesting to see how successful their “neuter/return programme” was.

    Sorry Viktor to take up your time, I know you give every waking minute to this cause, and I am not challenging you, just trying to understand.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      I love good questions Maureen.

      Hasdal CANNOT work with the current stuff and ethos. The entire operation must be brought to a halt and reformulated. This won’t happen without political will.
      We are working on that.

      Building shelters, public or private is not a solution.. in Turkey they inmediately turn into concentration camps. Sterilizing the animals, returning them to precisely the place where they were found… those animals that cannot be returned must be rehomed.

      The problem is that this takes work, and to a primitive mind like the responsible people at Hasdal it’s better to kill of neglect and throw the rest in the forest.

      We are talking about really really basic people here Maureen. It’s a completely different level of human understanding.

  15. Dora Ponce Crossposter says:

    Shared and email sent.

  16. No amount of lie’s or excuse’s can escape what i am seeing here. all those poor dogs with so much love to give are now cruely dumped like dirty rags!! this is so sickening.
    When i die, i want to go to the same place as all these dogs.

  17. Maureen Kent says:

    I guess that’s the crux of the matter Viktor, dealing with a really basic level of human understanding. Well actually no level at all. It’s frightening – not something I have ever really dealt with I suppose.

    Thanks for making some things clearer to me. You understand the situation and possibilities better than most, so obviously all your supporters elsewhere can do is keep supporting you in ways that you require – with the occasional question thrown in to lively things up a bit, whilst never forgetting the suffering that is going on at this very moment.

    Not received a reply to my e-mails to the Turkish Embassy in London, so in a week or two’s time, if I hear nothing, I will send them a “proper” letter – not so easily ignored.

  18. dawn dixon says:

    why can’t these men be prosecuted. this has to be illegal even in Turkey.!!!!! Please if there is anything we can do to get these men, then lets do it.

  19. This is a copy of the email I have sent to Muhsin Dogan

    I have seen this story on the news and Facebook and I am disgusted to say that I holiday in Turkey.
    I will be sending this story to the International Press to let the World know how Turkey butchers, dumps and kills the stray dogs who are unfortunate to get caught and sent to this particular shelter.
    There is a Law for the protection of animals in Turkey, so it’s about time this place was shut down and the vet responsible stripped of his responsibility to animals the man ought to be a BUTCHER.
    The staff also need reeducating on the care of animals and if they can’t show compassion, sack them!
    In Fethiye there is an animal shelter that is a great example of how a animal shelter should be run so Turkish people can learn how to help and nurture animals in need and not torture and butcher them.
    Turkey as a country should be ashamed and I hope that this disgusting issue gets into the world news and that people will boycott Turkey and that the Turkish people trying to stop this atrocity show their disgust at voting time.
    Stop telling people trying to stop this that things will change and then do nothing as that will only increase the campaign to close this place and help the dogs.
    From a truly disgusted animal lover.

  20. eileen reddy says:

    They are all sick individuals. every last one of them that could do this..they all need to be removed from this planet..i don’t even know how they look at themselves in the mirror or can sleep at night or call themselves human beings..im disgusted…..utterly disgusted.!

  21. Sheila White says:

    Literally sickening! Cried while I wrote to Mushin Dogan. I just can’t get my head around how people can do this.

  22. This was the most Horrific thing I ever saw. I can’t stop crying. So Angry.It’s a HOLOCAUST.

  23. Oh Gott!!!!!!!
    Ich konnte diesen Film nicht zu Ende sehen.!!!!!
    allein daß ich weiß was da passiert……
    Ich verstehe es einfach,nicht wie grausam diese Leute sind
    Ich kapier es einfach nicht ))))-:

  24. VICTOR-the WHOLE world iz watching-youve been named n shamed
    Help those animals whom dont deserve this treatment

  25. eileen reddy says:

    I will never stop emailing cnn websites until this holocaust is aired global..!! This must come to an end. The world must see this. Maybe then the voters will change.

  26. Have mailed Muhsin Dogan – with regards from DENMARK

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thanks Wendie.. let them feel the heat..






    MY GOD!!

  29. What was really so heartbreaking was that this baby was being such a good puppy. Not aggressive and so sweet. When they threw him in the truck and i saw his innocent trusting face i lost it. He probably thought he was going for a ride!!! If I saw that on the streets in NY i know I would have …. I won’t go there in print.This has rocked me. What happens to the people in Istanbul when they see this on the streets??? No attempt to stop it??? No attempt to save the baby??? Please tell me how ,with something so visable and flagrant , no one witnessing this atrocity steps forward with force to try to save this poor animal. I have family and friends who lived and died in the Holocaust.. The Nazis said they were just doing “our jobs” and the world turned away and did nothing. This is a HOLOCAUST that must be stopped. The people on the street are the only ones who could do it.

  30. linda badham says:


  31. julia klemkerk says:

    Besides the abject cruelty shown by the perpetrators, i.e. shooter & those operating the dumpster, what about the people walking past? They did nothing to stop this appalling cruelty??? Are they all completely heartless and oblivious to the pain and horror of these poor animals??? No, Not “like”…

  32. why after having this horrible proof after proof you still need to go diplomatic about it? I think we all have been diplomatic enough,specially you,but we are dealing with scum,and we can’t afford to be diplomatic with scum,lets start war,go for the kill,wherever it hurts them the most,this horrible cruelty needs to stop Now

  33. I have seen some videos in my life of cruelty to sweet innocent animals but the image of that por puppy being toshed into the garbage truck and the look on hislittle face as it came down over him will haunt me for ever. I really dont know how anyone could do such a thing to a living creature, the poor dog looked so trusting how could they do that and live with them selves, i sat in floods of tears and just cant get thet image out of my head.
    Everyone told me what a great holiday theyve had in tirkey and that ishould go myself, never ever will i set foot in that place, this has to stop, they dont deserve the right to be called human beings>

  34. Tamara Kittrell says:

    I couldn’t watch it! I would be thanking God for the 2nd ammendment every day and be in prison for idiots such as him! I am again going to re remial the governor. and anyone who will listen. Congress is coming up for a vote soon, they are trying to sway us. They want my vote they need to pick up the phone and tell them hey i am us congress man blah blah blah and i got some disturbing news .. embarass the jerks! That is all they care about is themselves..
    1st letter
    To: baskan@ibb.gov.tr
    Subject: Outraged World Time for you to act!

    Dear whomever Governor,

    I have seen more then I care to see of this cruelty to animals from your country! Or this so called person in charge of Hasdal and the Mayor. Yes the whole entire world knows just how abusive you are, and I plan on sending this to the president, all my states congressmen, Senators,and then some. I know they do not have control over your country but I am sure they will think your Government officials are super good people, turning a blind eye on such horrific things. I now for a fact because I personally know my senator and congressmen. They all have and love animals!! This is just one of many pictures of the animals that are abused at Hasdal.. Time for you to act! PLEASE!!! Arrest these people. Do you all not have laws protecting animals? America does not strict enough but at least they have them. It is a known fact anyone who can harm any animal goes on to either abuse children, pedophile,serial killers,the list goes on for crimes that are connected. This is what Profilers tell us to look for on such criminals! Jeffery Dahlmer was a cannibal, serial killer! started with small birds then cats and dogs tortured badly then he would pour gasoline on them to finish them off they were not dead as of yet! He killed them!!! Same difference I am seeing in these pictures!!!

    (article that was associated with this photo of this gorgeous animal that Hasdal shelter WA again allowed to murder!)

    The work of the veterinarian of the Kadir Topbas Hasdal shelter

    This is one of the most heartbreaking stories of Hasdal.

    This German shepherd arrived with small injuries in his legs caused by thorns and grass of the kind you encounter in the fields/forest. They were very painful, the dog couldn’t stand on his own, but they were not life threatening.

    Knowing that Ismail Ay, the veterinarian of Hasdal would NOT bother treating those injuries and that the infection would quickly spread through the body we requested to take the animal to a private clinic immediately. This request was refused. Ismail Ay wanted to deal with the case himself… He then proceeded to drop the dog in an isolation cage and told the volunteers to stay away.

    Days later even Ismail Ay was horrified when he entered the cage. The most disgusting smell inmediately hit him on the face and spread throughout the shelter. It’s was the smell of rotten flesh and death. The dog lied there in a pool of blood ozzing from his legs. He was howling in absolute pain. Massive infection had spread throughout the body. Ismail Ay then finally gave an order: Take that disgusting dog away from here!

    The dog was rushed to a private clinic where he died soon afterwards. There was nothing anyone could do. He died a horrifying death caused by the professional negligence of Ismail Ay, the veterinarian at Hasdal.

    Call Kadir Topbas, the Mayor of Istanbul NOW. Let him know the entire world is looking at this same in their computer screens and DEMAND the immediate stop of all operations at the Hasdal shelter.

    Kadir Topbas direct line: +90 (0212) 455 14 00
    Email: baskan@ibb.gov.tr

    I am supposed to call my congressmen chief of staff this morning. America is dealing with allot of things at the moment. Sovereignty, but this will be mentioned to him. And will be sent to every email at the white house, and posted all over for the world to see! How can you continue to let his happen??? I doubt you will answer me on that.. But I had to ask. I would also like updates on your status on what your doing to do about stop this criminal. And if you are going to press legal charges against him??

    This was sent last week. I am going for round 2, i suggest we all email the gov. at the same time all around the country while they are at work. Make there server go so slow it might crash!! governors server crashing.. geeeesh.. what a shame!

  35. Tamara Kittrell says:

    Emailed governor again.. wasnt so nice. what is he going to do arrest me for my freedom of speech in america.. does he want to start a war in america?pfff

    To: baskan@ibb.gov.tr
    Subject: You make me sick! Email 2 no response from first!

    It is me again,

    I am going to continue Emailing everyone in America, Britain, France, and of course you.
    I notice you did not have any comments for me on the disgraceful situation that you are allowing. You Promised the EU you would do something. Liars! I do not see anything done here. Get with it. Or I will bug my senators and congressmen forever until they pick up the phone. And if it were not for such a bad snow storm I would of done shown the chief of staff this picture among others. Do you like other countries such as America and other super powers thinking your a disgusting govt. Because you treat animals this way. How do you treat your old? Throw people you dislike in garbage bags and put them in the trash. Not only is that inhumane but very un healthy for anyone to work in those conditions! Your a bunch of liars, and I will keep telling you how much I despise you. America has its problems with animal abuse but we are not as savage and my state put a stop to it very quick! Why isn’t this guy arrested he have something on you or that hasdal creep or the mayor? Get off your fannies and go take care of this now!!!! I expect an email back. Or phase 3 is on the way..
    Oh you watch this enjoy what you do and enjoy how we despise you or anyone who condones it.

    i renemed the youtube video sent it to: strayabuseinhumaneandsickos.mp4
    this picture renamed it to : youmakemesickjerks.jpg

    Freedom of Speech as long as we have it people use it!

  36. This is truly disgusting and to think anyone … A human being that GOD created could be so monterous cruel and inhumane. This leader (bullshit). And his staff could easily be target precise in my mind. What slime bags worthless peice of shit …oh… I am so angry I could blow them all away without a blink of an eye. I am crying over this and to think that this is real and actually happens in enormous numbers. Massacre!!

  37. Beate Brinck says:

    I saw this video yesterday and I cried cried cried! What is happening with human beings. Are they only dull, without any kind of heart, stupid and barbarous??? I wish that these people have to go the same way and have to feel the same pain as all these poor animals!
    I am speechless and I have decided to get never again my feet on the Turkish bottom!

  38. very sad :'(((

  39. I am ashamed to be a Turkısh cıtızen when ı see thıs.I have been seeıng such thıngs before but not lıke thıs.I really want to do somethıng to help but ı don’t know where to start.Belıeve me we are not all same ın Turkey.People wıth no educatıon mostly does that kınd of thıngs.I love anımals and ı can never hurt any of them.Please let me know what else ı can do for anımals as a Turkısh cıtızen

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Dear Hakan… of course not everybody is the same!.. Let’s Adopt! is based in Turkey, and some of its most incredible members are turks. We could do nothing without them.
      Where to start? Get involved… pls join us here…


      You can also ad me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/vlarkhill

      We are in desperate need of foster homes in Istanbul… that would be a great way to start. Best .. Viktor

  40. jerry patrik buhaj says:

    Does anyone know if Cesar Milan – The dog whisperer, knows about this?
    If not. Please help me/us to inform him.
    He’s got an enormous media spread throughout the world.
    To cooperate with him, can really help this cause!!

    Voarff – Jerry P. Buhaj

  41. why can’t these men be prosecuted. this has to be illegal even in Turkey.!!!!! Please if there is anything we can do to get these men, then lets do it.
    Then he got what he deserve BASTERD !!!! Electric chair he must sitting on …i shall turn the button on …then i will happy…..Make a end of him and this!!!

  42. Follow Him…..Then he got what he deserve BASTERD !!!! Electric chair he must sitting on …i shall turn the button on …then i will happy…..Make a end of him and this!!!

  43. Sarah Daly says:

    Very sad – at least he is at peace now. Unfortunately there will always be humans in the world who dont think animals have much worth.

  44. Hey,

    Its odd that no one who commented on this is Turkish (Im just assuming this based on names). This is something that needs to get out more here in Turkey! I have never even heard of this and I live here. Turkish people are so caring and LOVE animals. They take care of street animals like thier own. Where is this Kadir place? Is it in Istanbul? I will get spread this around on facebook and Ill make some phone calls to see whats up. I cant believe someone would do this.

  45. This is the MOST HORRIBLE, Tthing I have ever, ever seen in my whole life…. not even in Mexico City… you see this things…
    Please help them!!! close that place down!!!