If Toby could talk… he would ask to to please contribute to the Let’s Adopt! Simba Fund during the coming Holidays…
He would remind you of familiar names like Tippy, Pedro, Oscar, Brave Boy, Marlon, George Clooney, Monica, Hope, Cheeta and so many others and would can u order xanax online tell you:
Hurry Up!… give Let’s Adopt! a hand today…
And then… he would run find his tennis ball and ask you to play some more… Whoof!!! Whoof!!!
Help us continue saving lives. We cannot do this on our own…
Million thanks…
Vikor Larkhill
Lovely adorable :)))))))
Chipped in $10, sorry it can’t be more at the moment, but will try to remember to chip in again when I get paid at the end of the month.
hi viktor. will you provide us a bank account number? for those who have not a creditcard/paypal to pay via chipin? thanks in advance. i will be waiting for your reply.
He might not be able to speak our language, but in his own way, he would CERTAINLY be able to tell you that for Christmas and for the rest of his life, his wish is for a HOME – a forever family to love and share his life with!
Chipped in 100$. Happy New Year to you & your babies, Victor!
@ ilknur: same problem here. any chance of an account number?
Viktor tried to chip in $20, but couldn’t understand a word of it when it directed me to German Paypal, and it seems I couldn’t complete the transaction.. Could you supply me with the Paypal a e-mail address instead