No more smoking dogs

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Principles only mean something when you stick to them when its inconvenient.

Laine Hanson.

Smoking kills.

Tobacco use contributes to more than half a million deaths in the United States annually, many of which are from cancer. From lung cancer to cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, and pancreas,, tobacco can play a part in all of them. Cigarette smoking is responsible for 87 percent of all lung cancer cases annually in the United States.
The National Cancer Institute is also clear on Second Hand Smoking:

– Secondhand smoke (also called environmental tobacco smoke, involuntary smoke, and passive smoke) is the smoke given off by a burning tobacco product and the smoke exhaled by a  smoker
More than 50 chemicals in secondhand smoke are known to cause cancer
Secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in nonsmokers.
– Secondhand smoke has also been associated with heart disease in adults and sudden infant death syndrome, ear infections, and asthma attacks in children
There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke

Hold on a second.. this is a dog blog!.. why are we talking Tobacco here?

Here is why… because yesterday I came to realize something… in our adoption requirements we had not mentioned the Tobacco issue. Why? a simple ommission, we never feel it was necessary. We are correcting this omission now.

Every Let’s Adopt! rescue will go to a non-smoking family.

I’m aware this decision will infuriate, but before you start throwing knifes at me please stop, reflect and take a deep breath (if you can :-)).

I’m also aware buy xanax fast delivery that this decision will be deeply impopular in a country, Turkey, with one of the highest populations of smokers in the world. I assure you we don’t enjoy making things more difficult to ourselves, but when it comes to the life of our animals this is a group that doesn’t compromise, and many love us for it.

Each and every single one of our decisions are taken with one goal only, the saveguard of the life of our animals. Much in the same way Child adoption agencies will not give in adoption a human child to smoking families we feel we must not put the health of our animals at risk by agreeing on a lifetime exposure to second hand smoking.

Due to the temporary nature of fostering this condition will not apply to our foster homes (or the ocasional joint smoker). It won’t also apply to our previous adoptions, although we hope this post will make them reconsider their smoking habits, if not for them, for the health of their animals.

Let’s Adopt! is No Kill, none of our rescues is at any kind of risk for not having found a family. If any smoking family wishes to adopt an animal please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will personally direct you to your nearest Municipal Shelter where you will be able to save a life in inmediate danger.

Kind regards

Viktor Larkhill

P.S. Two of my family members have suffered the effects of lung cancer. I loved them both dearly. They are both dead now.

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21 comments on “No more smoking dogsAdd yours →

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  1. Jenny Storaker says:

    I once met a guide dog and the owners where chain smokers and the poor dog sat inside in a permanent haze of smoke. If people have to smoke (and I did a long time ago), they should inflict it on any lungs other than their own. xxx

  2. I just figured that it was standard… but, you do realize the smoke from one joint is equal to three cigarettes! I think you need to address your issue once again!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Amy… I said “occasional joint” 🙂

  3. Julie Elliott says:

    Well Done! I agree with this decision although I’m sure some won’t. I was a smoker although have successfully given up after many years of trying. I never smoked in my own house always outside because of the effects to my fur members of my family inhaling my secondary smoke. In the past all my dogs have lived to a good age but died from cancer. However not lung cancer or other associated illnesses from smoke inhalation.

  4. Well both me and Özgür are smokers, but we smoke in the kitchen only and we never let the animals into the kitchen when we are smoking. I think smokers should be allowed to adopt animals but promise to never smoke in front of the kids. Also, Germany has a sizeable population of smokers as well. Stupid idea.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Well.. someone in your case would desserve an exception.. having said that, I dont really tend to believe anyone’s promises and even less the ones of a smoker. Come on Baris… it’s an adiction.. people hide in airplane toilets to take a puff.

  5. I do agree people and animals should not inhale smoke of any kind. But If someone is doing illegal drugs aren’t you worried the dog owners will be arrested and thrown in jail? What will happen to the dogs then? Smoking anything is a dirty nasty dangerous habit. But it’s not illegal. An animal killed in a shelter is worse. Just speaking my mind. Thank you for the work you do.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Come on Gayle… don’t you see it’s a joke?
      Besides.. noone goes to jail for smoking a joint at home, at least not where we live.

  6. I smoke,BUT I do NOT smoke in the house,or car,ever!For the health of others around me,including my dogs.My dogs live a life most only dream of,they eat the best foods,have so many toys they dont know what to do with them,go on vacations 3 times a year with us,and sleep in our beds!I dont agree.People are allowed to have children if they smoke,and the world hopes they will have the intelligence to not smoke around them.Not every smoker tries to sneak a cigarette in the airplane bathroom,were not phenes.It is an addiction,but Im not crazy,and still know right from wrong.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Never underestimate the stupidity of people Rebecca. Most children in smoking families end up suffering the consequences. I’m one of them. Asthma.
      In any case you are obviously a good owner. Let me know which one of our animals would you like to adopt.

    2. Viktor Larkhill says:

      One last thing.. what do you feed your dogs? if you are feeding commercial please consider switching to RAW: otherwise you THINK you are feeding the best but in fact you are damaging them.

  7. Terri Cheema says:

    Viktor, Your parents should be very proud of you. Thank you for your continuing thoughts and education for the rest of us. Keep it up!

  8. I rescued a small Sheltie dog years ago. She was found on the road in a pouring rain. She had trouble breathing and coughed when exercised. When she ran her tongue would turn blue! I took her to a vet and the vet said he had never seen a dog with lungs as bad as this little dog’s. She didn’t have heart worms, he said that he believed the dog had been an inside door that was exposed to second hand smoke. The vet said that her lungs had so much damage that he didn’t think she would live for another six months and could die any day. I continued to take her hiking with my other dogs daily — she lived for about another year.

    Please do not smoke inside your house at all! Don’t smoke around other people or animals. My father died of lung cancer and my mother has bad lungs from living with him. Don’t hurt your family — human or not with smoke.

  9. Sheila White says:

    Wow, being all non-smokers for generations, this never even occured to me. None of our friends smoke either. Live and learn!

    I LOVE YOU FOR IT. :):):)

    All of my family say HI :-))))))

  12. Catherine says:


    We smoke. However, we have never–and will never–smoke inside our house. It is nasty, messy, stinky, and we do not subject others (i.e. our children and pets) to our bad habits!

    Maybe your criteria should focus more on COMMON SENSE, COMPASSION, and CONSIDERATION than on broad generalizations. You are on a slippery slope… I hear alcohol and marijuana impair judgment, so perhaps those folks are next on the road to elitism?

  13. Christina D. says:

    You know it’s interesting, we don’t turn somebody down for being a smoker. However our foster homes do take that into consideration. And if one of our volunteers goes into a home that they clearly smoke around their pets and their children we will probably not approve that home. But we don’t have a policy in place. Our process is so thorough that I’m sure we weed out a lot of smokers in the process. I know I personally do not feel comfortable placing one of my fosters in a home of heavy smokers. I can’t stand the smoke, I could only imagine the poor dogs who’s sense of smell is so much better than mine 🙁

  14. theres no excuse for forcing dogs to smoke. not medical, not nothing.

  15. I smoke. and i dont think this is a stupid rule. I have animals of my own and i step outside to smoke… I dont think that there is anything wrong with asking someone to not smoke infront of YOUR dogs! I mean really… you think the dog would light up if he could? I know mine would run away… when i am outside for them to potty and i have a smoke.. they are at the other end of the 20 foot leash i have them on sneezing… They hate it!

    I dont think this is a stupid rule. I would keep my animals from going to a home… More so if someone smokes in the home!!!!

    Also… did you know its illegal here in CA to smoke while in the car with a child in the car? I think they are saying it is child endangerment! I LOVE THE LAWS THEY ARE COMING UP WITH TO PROTECT CHILDREN!!!!