Hope and Pipas, the puppies from Hasdal.

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Dear friends,

Hope and Pipas were rescued three months ago
The injuries they sustained indicated that both of them were thrown out of a car.
Hope had a broken hip and a broken leg.
Pipas had a broken jaw and the skin on her lower jaw had been ripped apart.
It took us two months of operation, treatment and intensive care to get them out of danger.
Today the two puppies are saved, but they are looking for homes.
Let’s Adopt! is an animal rescue organization, the largest in Turkey. We educate leading by example.
This is your change to do something unique, and to change the life of an animal (and yours), forever.
Hope and Pipas are looking for foster or final homes. We cannot keep them at the vet forever.
Hope and Pipas, you helped us save their lives. Help them now providing or finding a forever home for them.

Take action today. Adopt or foster one of this two babies.

Contact: viktor@myletsadopt.com

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4 comments on “Hope and Pipas, the puppies from Hasdal.Add yours →

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  1. Dear Viktor,

    Calling you an “Angel” would be like comparing a kitty sneeze to a hurricane. You are Much More than that, Viktor, you are definitely an “Arch Angel”.

    Just look at those pups – happy, safe, secure in the knowledge that they are not going to be harmed, not going to be starved, abandoned, or to be tortured. And ALL because of you! 🙂

    I am working very hard to find a job, so that when I do, I will be able to donate to you and your cause financially, and not just provide you with words.

    You are a Wonder, Viktor!


  2. Susanné says:

    I can not help but agree with Aida. You are definitely an Arch Angel Victor.

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Is an Arch Angel a superior status of angeldom?
      I’ve always wanted to be the boss.. 🙂