Let’s Adopt: 10 New Year Resolutions

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Viktor and Ali
Viktor and Ali

Here is a myth:

If you work very hard,
With enough determination and persistence,
You can become anything you want.

Here is another myth:

No matter how hard you work,
No matter how much you persist,
You’ll never become what you want.

At some point, we all choose the myth to believe in.

Ever since I was a kid, I felt there was a special connection between me and animals. This connection went beyond the simple childhood wish of having a dog to play with. I felt the need to protect them.

I spent the next three decades rescuing animals, one at a time.

One day I had a simple idea: creating my own animal rescue network.

A network to find people who shared my passion. So that we, together, could achieve more than I alone could ever do.

Today is the day when most people make their New Year’s resolution. Some people will wish to quit smoking, others will want to loose weight. In most cases those resolutions will stay there as a simple wish because the next day, when face the difficulties and the hard road ahead, those people will do what they always do.

They will give up.

I don’t have a New Year’s resolution. I have a long list. It is my wish to share this list with you so that you can help me turn it into a reality.

1.    Let’s Adopt! will, in time,  become the largest animal rescue/educational network in the world.

2.    I will put all my efforts in building a completely decentralized organization, a group whose success is not attached to one person but where every member is the leader of his/her own community. I will spare no effort in providing you with the tools and skills to lead, to create other movements and to nurture and shape new leaders.

3.    I will strive towards creating new working groups whenever those groups may be needed.

4.    Over the coming year, 2010, Let’s Adopt! will lay the grounds for a new technology platform, spreading through social media, to support a movement of truly compassionate people.

5.    Let’s Adopt! will continue to look for exceptional volunteers and professional organizations to work with. Only through this search for excellence, we will continue achieving miracles.

6.    Let’s Adopt! will never compromise in its vision for the sake of personal comfort or expediency.

7.    We will continue focusing on the cases that seem too difficult, too out of reach or too complicated. We will continue intervening in the cases of blind and otherwise handicapped animals.

8.    Let’s Adopt! will NEVER consider geographical boundaries and will continue flying animals to their adoptant families, no matter where in the world they may be.

9.    Let’s Adopt! will continue offering its support to other networks in order to help them achieve their goals.

10.    Let’s Adopt! will always stand up for truth, fairness, compassion and logic in an animal-welfare community that, at times, seems to forget the meaning of those words.

Finally… Let’s Adopt! will continue its fight against “animal hoarding masquerading” as animal protection. We will work hard to completely eliminate the idea that keeping a dog in chains for years is a much better option than re-homing him in a warm and loving home.

Do you want to help us achieve all this? Then please join us, share this message and start working TODAY!!!

It’s been a pleasure working with you during this exceptional year. I’m glad to have you amongst us.

Viktor Larkhill

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15 comments on “Let’s Adopt: 10 New Year ResolutionsAdd yours →

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  1. Thank you for sharing this list with me! I do admire the strenght of your will and all your efforts to save stray animals worldwide.
    Wish you the best of luck, many re-homed 4 legged friends and a lot more volunteers willing to share your cause.
    Have a blessed New 2010.

    December 31st.

  2. Linda Bergeron says:

    Great plan and the animals will surely be the winners once again – for them I say a big THANKS!!!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Let’s Win!

  3. Dear Viktor I love your New Years Resolutions,you are the greatest Animal Lover I know and my heart goes out to you. I hope all comes as you want it to for 2010 and all your dreams are fulfilled. May you be Blessed with all the energy to do all you desire. Have a great New Year Party and best of wishes to your staff and helpers who are so dedicated to their Job. To the Animals Kiss and hug them for me. Much LOVE Anne.xxxxxxxx

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Dear Anne,
      I’m not the greatest anything … 🙂
      Thanks a lot for your support… Let’s hope the best for this new year.

  4. Sheila White says:

    Dear Viktor,

    Happy New Year. I know you can achieive your resolutions! Something rather strange and wonderful happened for me this last year. I have always worked quietly on my own, saving one animal at a time, but still not being satisfied. Through some unexpected twists of fate or the gods, I met some people who showed me where my future lies in helping animals. It took me 54 years to find my mission in life. I have really enjoyed working hands-on with the ferals this year. Then I found Let’s Adopt on FB and a whole new world was opened up.

    I will help you and the Let’s Adopt family to move ahead. Hugs and kisses to all of you!

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thansk Sheila.. your message means the world to me.
      Great to know you are ther.e

  5. I believe you Victor. I know you can do it, because you truly love animals and you have the determination. I will help you in any way I can.

    Good luck and I wish you every happinessin 2010.

    Send my love to all the wonderful animals of Turkey and all your Lets Adopt members. Deep respect to you all.

  6. Sheila White says:

    Viktor! I just found out we are having a ‘blue moon’ Dec. 31/Jan.1. I am thinking of Blue Moon, the cat. This is a good omen for 2010!

  7. sabine nowack says:

    Dear Viktor !!!

    I stand fully behind your mail!
    The only way we can achieve something!


  8. The key is that we all work together worldwide to make a difference. I think that Viktor is right when he says that we do not want to be the kind of organization that revolves around one person, but rather the type where there are no chiefs just people working together for a common goal. It is not about who is the greatest animal lover, it is not about personal glory for saving animals, it is about the animals themselves, and how we as a close knit yet global group of people who care about animals can band together to save lives! I do think we need to thank you for one thing however Viktor, we have to thank you for bringing us together to make a difference.

  9. You’re a beautiful person, inside & out. I wish all your dreams & passions come to fruition for your self & Let’s Adopt, Worldwide :))

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thanks Mar… thank you for being there.

  10. Teresa Turner says:


    You are awesome!!! You have touched my heart by reaching back when I asked for help and you are doing what you said you would do, help others to become leaders in their own communities. Thank you so much for being there when I needed and need help…you are one who speaks the truth and does what you promised. Bless your heart, Viktor. <3

    1. Viktor Larkhill says:

      Thanks Teresa… this is just the beginning.. let’s see what we can accomplish in one year..