We all have heard the statistics. Turkey, third is the largest country in the world in term of Facebook users. First country in the world in terms of social media engagement.
Everyone is talking about it but very few, if nobody, is getting it right.
Kadir Topbas, the Mayor of Istanbul, is one of those who is experiencing first hand the impact of social media onto a politician’s image today.
Early morning, a group of animal activists members of Let’s Adopt, tired of the poisoning campaigns and the atrocities committed all around Istanbul decided to send a clear message to the Mayor.
And what better way to do so that leaving him a note on the Mayor’s Facebook Page and Group?
Mayhem followed.. Hundreds of people, leaving messages onto the Facebook Wall of Istanbul’s Mayor. The messages are not kind, many of them are in Turkish and the wave of indignation is spreading across Europe and America as we speak. Everyone is sharing the campaign on Facebook and Friendfeed.
The Press, specially in-tune with social media nowadays has picked up on the issue. The Istanbul Municipality is busy now preparing a Press Statement.
Total ridicule. A PR disaster.
Times have changed. Social Media is changing the business AND political landscape.
Will old-style politicians manage to understand that the social media revolution is all about?
Time will tell.. personally I doubt it.