Last weekend was a specially wet and miserable one in Istanbul (most winter days are like this here). Wind was blowing in all directions, some of our friends were heading to Bolluca to feed the strays but before that we had agreed to meet to have a coffee and share impressions on the tasks ahead.
As I was leaving I noticed something rushing through my feet and entering the elevator. It was a tiny, small and scrawny kitten looking for somewhere to hide from the rain. I grabbed him and asked the security team. The kitten had been wondering around the compound for a few days trying to find something to eat.
Did anyone see his mother? No.
Did anyone feed him? No.
Did anyone consider adopting him? What a stupid question.. of course not, it’s just a stray kitten.
As I stood up under the rain with the small live on my hands one of my neighbors stopped and said: Nice kitty, I would adopt him but we have two kids and it could be dangerous for them.
I looked at him and couldn’t avoid feeling pity for those kids, for being born inside THAT kind of family.
So, I put the kitten inside my jacked and took him with me. He immediately started purring.

I believe in names that describe not only the appearance but also the character of the animal, thus I named him Darwin, to reflect his courage, his strength, his resistance and will to survive whatever it takes.
As I write this text Darwin is sleeping INSIDE my pullover, warm and protected. Darwin is a incredible social and courageous kitten. He has no fear, and loves humans and animals. In the pictures you can see how tiny he is, but at the same time how large is his character.
Darwin is a guest at my home for now but I need to find him the perfect family.
Conditions for adoption:
1. The family needs to have AT LEAST one cat or dog. Animals are social and I will not allow Darwin to spend the rest of his life alone waiting for someone to show up at feeding times.
2. Darwin will be fed a species appropriate diet, that is, he will eat RAW. For more information www.rawfedcats.org
I will send him anywhere in the world where that perfect family lives. So if you are in the US, Canada or Europe and you have what it takes to adopt Darwin dont hesitate to contact me.
Contact me: v.larkhill@googlemail.com
Hi Darwin! Welcome to Let's Adopt Family! We'll find you a home, don't worry. :)))
He must have been a sight when you first glimpsed him running between your feet. I do believe God put you here for the purpose of our animals and their well-being. You have so many events that have happened to you. Yes, I believe you are who you were meant to be. Jac