Alex… living like a King in Germany!!!

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The rumours spread by those ridiculous Turkish ultra-nationalists maskerading as animal protectors and mad-as-a-hat crazed animal lovers like Adanas Barbie Nesrin Citirik (DOHAYKO) and Gamze Neer (HAYKOD Ankara) go as follows:

Evil animal organizations, namely the Beykoz Volunteers, SHKD and EHDKD are going around the streets of Turkey, catching stray animals and then we send them to Chinese restaurants, fur factories and evil german laboratories where the dog dies being experimented some evil chemical weapon that is being prepared to erase the entire turkish nation from the world….

This is what the rumours say…

Believe it or not there are many.. many .. many people that give credit to this bullshit. It is unbelieveble.. sometimes you are at a dinner and someone tells you.. psss.. did you hear what those evil people are doing to our turkish dogs? there are some evil foreigners that bla, bla, bla, .. then of course the best part is the faces of surprise when you tell them that you have been sending dogs to beautiful homes in Germany for years.. whoa!!!! they cannot believe it.. why do you do that? how much money you sell the dogs for? … are you jewish? how!!! howw!!!!! they are turkish dogs… they are proud to be Turkish!!! they need to stay here… they are happy here protected by us, the True Turks.

Well… I will let Alex do all the talking now.. he is a Turkish dog.. he was born in a turkish family.. raised on a diet of bread and garbage, abused, dropped by the side of the road where he was injured by a passing car… then he meet us.. we healed him from his injuries, tried to find him a family in Turkey but we fail because he is not a pure breed golden retriever… so we asked him.. Alex, do you want to stay here and live a hellish life or maybe you would like to travel to Germany where you will be treated with the dignity and respect you and every dog desserves?

He choose Germany.

Our special thanks to Turkish Airlines, the best airline in the region, without whose help and support we would not be able to offer Alex and dogs like him the life they desserve.

Many thanks

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  1. Alev Gönen Berkan says:

    I am a Turkısh cıtızen and I have a husky,his name is Foks.You and your team are doing great jobs.I want to thank you.Please ignore rumours, in Turkey if you do something good,always some ıdıot people talk lıke this.It’s lıke a tradıtıonal here.So thanks again.