URGENT: Atlas needs a Heaven

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I really dont know how to begin describing the story of this kitty. We found him left out in a garden in Cihangir (Istanbul),he seemed different from others. He was not able to reach his food easily and when he ate he could just not stop which showed us that he should have been subject to malnutrition. We realized he was also BLIND and DEAF.

He was having convulsions so he was taken to the vet where he was treated intravenously,yet his problem is still unclear and he is on medications . We are not planning to give up on that little guy.

We have named him ATLAS (he who endures) as in the Greek myth. We will seek a family for Atlas as soon as his treatment finishes. And this family should be a very special one.  I will PLEASE ask you to SHARE the story of our Atlas as we NEED to reach to as many as possible to find him the FAMILY he needs.

He lives in a world he can not see or hear,only touch and feel. He can not see people loving him,or calling him,just feels their caress.

I know I am lucky to have vision and my 5 senses,but what he is living in is much more real. Whomever will love that guy… It will be out of REAL LOVE.

He is luckier than most of us in that regard.  Please SHARE.

Thank you

Usual conditions for adoption apply:

1. Family MUST have another animal

2. Atlas will be an indoor car (blind and deaf, no need to explain that)

3. Atlas will be fed a RAW diet (www.rawfedcats.org)

4. Non-smoking families

5. NO DECLAWING. Noone will torture Atlas in that way. If you don’t like cats with claws get a rock.

Contact: viktor@myletsadopt.com

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