Help us save Rexy from HELL!

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We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?

Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

When we first saw Rexy we were really bothered.


Rexy exists in a small provincial village in Bulgaria and has spent his entire short life in a chicken coop. Just 2 years old, Rexy never leaves his 2 x 2 meter solitary confinement, cleaned only by rain, he dines on bread, and his water dish is empty and caked with dirt. A gentle human touch, a kind word, love and warmth are things he has never encountered.

No, Rexy is not a shelter dog. This life is what his owners believe he deserves.

Since we first laid eyes on Rexy we knew we would not rest until we could get him out of the hell he was living in.

WARNING! The following video will break your heart.

This was the face that saw us off every time we visited and left without him.


Tomorrow we are visiting — and leaving with Rexy. 

After careful preparations and negotiations with his so-called owners we are finally ready to extract Rexy. Please help us pull this innocent furry soul, provide for a full vet checkup, get him vaccinated, microchipped and placed safely in a boarding facility.

UPDATE | October 13, 2016

Rexy has been rescued! After resting for a bit in his rescuer’s home, he visited our buy zithromax clinic and was thoroughly checked by a vet team, vaccinated, neutered and placed in boarding.





We were inundated with requests from kind people, wishing to adopt Rexy, and thank every one of them for reaching out. We are incredibly happy to announce that we have selected an amazing family in the USA, and Rexy has been adopted! Now he needs to get home.

Please give Rexy wings. Donate HERE so he can fly home.

* Let’s Adopt! Global is a 501c3 charity and your donation is tax deductible. All funds will go towards the animal’s care. Any remaining funds will go to support our other rescues and mission.

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4 comments on “Help us save Rexy from HELL!Add yours →

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  1. Lauren shold says:

    Has rexy had many adoption inquiries ?

    1. The Let's Adopt Global Team says:

      Hi, please write to us on so we can tell you more about Rexy, and our other doggies who are looking for a home. Thank you for caring!

  2. Poor Rexy. I just can’t believe how cruel and uncaring some people are. Nobody in their right minds, and who has a heart, would ever treat an animal as badly as this. I hope Rexy gets the great home, and owner(s), he so deserves and I’m sharing his details widely on Facebook.

  3. Faith Collins says:

    Im ecstatic after reading about Roxy I was so grieved the other day after seeing him in that horrible lonely condition and i had to share it with my family to help me deal with the grief Today i read he has found a home and I’m so so happy I cant donate at this time but will remember to help if he still needs help after i get paid on the first Thank you so much so much for all you do for these precious innocent wonderful animals Faith