Let’s Adopt! is Looking For Flight Volunteers for Angels Without Wings
We need you. Many of you are professionals, many of you take trips outside the country for business and for leisure, many of you study in foreign countries or visit friends and family who live abroad. Be our flight volunteers!!! Fly with one of our animals, provided that there is the perfect family waiting for them on the other end and take part in the joy of knowing you have placed a life in need in the safest of hands.
Get in touch with me a couple of weeks before you are due to fly and hopefully we will have a dog or a cat for you as your flight companion.
At the moment we are in need of volunteers traveling to Germany, France, Canada and the USA.
Go on, give us wings…
Viktor Larkhill
Viktor, this is wonderful that you are now planning on re-homing these poor animals in other countries where they can be adopted in Forever Homes with “parents” who will take care of them for the rest of their lives.
However, please keep in mind what the guidelines, rules, regulations are for the importation of domesticated animals for each of the different countries which you are planning to re-home them.
I am the Sponsorship and Adoption Manager for EMRO (Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization) and have received inquiries where well-meaning people plan on arriving in Cairo and adopting a cat or kitten. However, there have been occasions where the pet is not allowed in the country because they do not have their vaccinations records (for rabies), microchipping, and other documentation. The animals are confiscated at the Customs office, taken away from the person who flew them in and killed because the person did not take the time to obtain proper documentation, vaccines, or even research the rules of the country. This was traumatic for everyone involved and a kitten lost its life.
Viktor, I realize the need for homes and for caring, responsible Pet Parents are urgently needed for your animals, PLEASE just make sure that everyone does their homework and get the answers BEFORE this happens to another innocent animal.
Please contact me if you require any details, such as costs for vaccines, pet carriers, plane tickets, etc.
One more thing, EMRO has discovered that two airlines make it a Hell for both Pet Escorts and animals – Air France and Egypt Air. If you can avoid using these airlines, please do so.
Aida Marina
Sponsorship Manager / Adoption Manager
EMRO – Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization
Tamam o zaman Viktor,
Ben ne işimle ilgili ne de şu zamanlarda arkadaş ziyareti için uçmayı düşünen bir “Sahip Çıkalım”lı değilim,hem de Türk’üm…
ama iyiki benim şöyle bir şansım var Avrupa ülkelerine girebilmek için günlerce endişe,umut ve sabırsızlıkla dolu günler geçirmem gerekmiyor,
çünkü daha 3 yıl daha tüm Shengen ülkelerine vizesiz girebilme hakkım var…
Yani anlayacağınız gerçekten çözümsüz kalındığı bir durumda uçak biletimi kendim alarak bu gönüllülüğü üstleniyorum,
İşyerimde de benim bu konularda ne kadar hassas olduğumu bilen patronum ve iş arkadaşlarım varken bu konuda günler sürmemesi ümidiyle sorun yaşayacağımı zannetmiyorum,
Karam’a olan düşkünlüğüm tartışılmaz,
fotoğraflarına bakıp bizimle olmadığı için ağladığım bile oluyor,ama insanoğlu kendini bilmeli,
beni bu konuda uyardığınız için teşekkür ederim
ama en azından “kanatlarınız” olmam konusunda bana şans verirseniz kendimi çok daha iyi hissedeceğim,
Böyle aciz hissetmek çok daha kötü…
Sevgili “Sahip Çıkalım” ailesi,
Bizlere Viktor böyle bir yazı göndererek belkide aldığı kararlarda ne kadar yanında olduğumuzu anladığını göstermek istiyor,
Ne olur sizlerde bu güzellik ve iyiliklerini kaybetmememiz için biraz daha efor sarfedin…
Hep beraber sarfedelim,
Herşey sonuçta Hayvan Dostlarımız için…
Ve Viktor yumuşak uslubun ve Yüreğinin taaa içinden gelen güzelliklerin için teşekkür ederim,
Yine beni ağlattın:'(
Tüm “Sahip Çıkalım” ailesine sevgi ve selamlarımla,
Hepinize çok güveniyoruz:)
A rescue organization I used to volunteer with here in the U.S. also accepted the volunteer services of private pilots. I don’t know that such an arrangement would work internationally, but it was successful for some time, here.
Best wishes for your “flight plan!”
Hey there Victor, selamlar everybody,
Ne muhtesem bir fikir bu fligth gonulluleri… Benim pasaportum Ingiliz. Her yere rahatlikla ucabilirim. Ama, eminimki kopekleri Avrupa’da rahatlikla sokamayacagim tek ulke Ingiltere. Karantina durumu var aylarca. Almanya,Hollanda cok daha easy bu konuda.
Kasim sonu, bayram oncesi mesela Italya’ya gitme planim var. Milanomu or Firenzemi???!!? bilemiyorum. Italya, Turkiye’den kopek kabul ediyormu onuda tabiiki bilmiyorum.Bunlari bilenler sizlersiniz. Mesela, gecen gun arkadasla Prag’a gidelim dedik. Hangi havayollari kargosuna pet kabul eder? Ayni sey Italya icinde gecerli. Gerci aktarma olamiyacagina gore, gidenler sadece bilumum Turk Havayollari ve de o gidilen ulkenin prime havayollariyla sinirlilar. Demek istedigim su ki bu cok hassas bir konu.Yukarida okudugum gibi gidilen ulke veya secilen havayollari problem cikarirda pet oldurulurse orada bende olur kalirim arkadaslar.Sizide kimse affetmez.
Ayrica, soylemek istedigim baska birsey varki, o da ben sahsi seyahatlerim disindada biletim karsilandigi taktirde ucabilirim.
But you gotta make sure that, everything goes well.
Sizlerden en yakin zamanda isitmek dilegiyle, iyi calismalar, sevgiler ve de cok tesekkurler uyelerinizle boylesine guzel bir girisimde bulundugunuz icin. Cani gonulden umuyorumki iyi sonuclar alin.
1 Aralikta Ankara – istanbul-Hollanda ya ucacak birini taniyorum, ama sadece 9 gun var yeterli sure mi bilmiyorum. Ayrica da kendisininde boyle birsey yapacagindan henuz haberi yok, irtibata gecerseniz benimle bende kendisi ile irtibata gecerim,
viktor, i wrote you but i think you didn’t see my e-mail. i’ll fly to amsterdam for christmas… fot detail pls contact me… azoorah@hotmail.com
Arkadaslar merak ediyorum,yurtdisinda shelterlarda duzenli olarak 3- 4 haftada sahiplenilmeyen hayvanlar uyutulurken kendi ulkelerindeki bitmeden neden taa buralardan hayvan talep ediyorlar??? Sizce de biraz garip degil mi?? Ayrica burdan giden hayvanlarin oradaki takibi nasil yapiliyor ya da yapiliyor mu???
yapmayin allah askina!!!!hem köpekleri sevdiğinizi söylüyorsunuz hem de onlari uçakla yurtdisina gonullu goturmeye cabaliyosunuz!!!bu iste bir is var arkadaslar uyanalim dikkatli olalım!
The culture of companion animals is much different abroad than it is here in the United States. It’s especially different in those Eastern European countries where I’ve found that their values aren’t exactly aligned with ours (all too many times have Eastern Euro designers thought nothing of plagiarizing other peoples’ works in the field I’m in). Until you drill it into their heads that these companion animals are creatures with actual feelings, thoughts and probably emotions, they’re not going to “get it” that when they take the responsibility of adopting one that they are adding a family member. They’re just going to see them as “animals”. I’m sure we all seem like “silly Americans” with our dog sweaters, pet strollers and special food for our babies, but the fact of the matter is, pet owners in the United States are simply more likely to be knowledgable about who their dogs/cats are, how they behave and how to correct “bad” behavior (well, us and those in Britain who’ve gotten the beatdown from Victoria Stilwell). Someone in Turkey probably would never think that their dog could be trained to behave like a little kid (i.e., politely, alerting us to when they need to go outside, responding to gentle commands). It’s “just an animal”. Well, they wouldn’t think that my boys are “just animals” (except when they are playing with eachother…that’s when they’re most animalistic).
I will volunteer from Madrid any time you need it. It is such a great experience! Great work always <3
I took my service dog and another dog, I was delivering Via Air France and they were wonderful. I went from the USA to Lebanon and I could not asked for anything better. Transfer in France to Middle East airlines (owned by Air France) and the transfer was so smooth. Even though I was so sick on the way to Lebanon that they had to get me a wheel chair on the transfer. Then they showed the dog I put in the animal hold, so I knew he was ok. How nice. I give them 3 cheers.
I think its a wonderful idea if you can get people to actually be a flight volunteer, like Many have said, though not everyone has the same feelings for animals so whilst in flight, the animals may not get great travel, once you have handed them over…..I also feel that many things have to be in order before this happens otherwise if something has been overlooked by some small detail, then the animal is the one to suffer….I think Viktor does a wonderful job to find homes for all the animals he rescues, I really don’t know where we would be without people like this that are so passionate & will do almost anything to get them freed from absolute disasters & then to go on to getting them well again with the help of the LAG team :-)) ….I sometimes wish I was younger, I would for sure offer my services to help with this so sad situation that the world has got into with so much cruelty around….Its heart breaking ..
Viktor, I am an International Flight Attendant based in Newark New Jersey. I have the ability to fly and transport animals. If you would contact me with your needs, I will see what I can do to accommodate them. I can easily fly to Madrid, or anywhere else that my airline flies, and assure that the animal is accompanied to its new forever home. Please let me know if I can help, and I will do my best.
I am also a registered animal technician, and as such am familiar with many of the difficulties possibly encountered.
Dear Patricia… I will be in touch by email during today.. bear with me.
Good job. Posted for you – I hope it helps x
Hi Viktor
I am currently in the UK. I will be flying back home to Toronto Cananda via Heathrow. If you need an animal escorted to Toronto, I would be more than happy to assist.
Many thanks Jackie… it was too short of a call, nothing could be organised..
Merry christmas!
I travel to and from Turkey and the UK quite a lot, also work for Paws and Claws (street animal charity), that you posted this message to. My current flight is booked for 12th January, back to the UK. If I can help in anyway, I will try my very best!
Hi Viktor. I don’t have any flights scheduled, but I would be more than happy to accompany an animal on a flight anywhere in the world, as long as the ticket was paid for by the person adopting the animal. I don’t know if this is something that would be possible, but I thought I’d let you know. I want to help somehow.
God bless you for all that you do.
Leslie Isaacs
Hi Ivan,Unfortunately i just discovered your blog/site-congrats on all the work you do for the innocent souls of this earth..
Writing to you from Greece,where we too have a major problem with not only strays but disgusting barbaric behaviors towards the animals,& no consequences. Although the government is supposed to fund the shelters-they do not. So my priority besides finding homes for strays,i too try to educate…anyway my whole point of contact is because i work at athens airport ,i dont know if i can help in the Flight volunteering in some way.I too will be travelling this year i just cant confirm with at the moment-destinations will be :Barcelona, Prague & possibly Chiang Mai too see my adopted elephants (i volunteer at the elephant park) once i get confirmation i can let you know.
just for your info ,i am sure you are well aware(as i read) but abt 2 weeks ago ,2 big busts of a local shelter working in co-operation with a shelter in Frankfurt-apparently back ground checks were made: but all these pups were not going to families but to animal brothels!!!!!!!an anomaly all on its own & of course its a disgrace of the shelters who pretend to care.
Please if i can help in anyway please do not hesitate!!!!
I would like to help you. Donations, pet carriers, flying or driving with pet to new home, fundraising, food, treats, blankets, leashes, bowls, supplies–let me know. What you are doing is incredibly kind and selfless.
Please let me know what I can do to help you and your organization.
Jenn, than you!! Yes, yes, yes, and yes. We need lots of volunteers. We’ll be needing flight volunteers in the coming months to fly a few cats and dogs to their final homes. Where do you live? Please also sign up here so we have all your information: https://www.facebook.com/letsadoptglobal/app_141428856257 Check off the volunteer questions. Thank you so much!! Big hugs!
Dear Let’s Adopt,
I am working at one of this organizations that are arranging the travels of refugees that are resettled to USA. I am writing to inform you about a new regulation that came into effect as of 1st of April for refugees. Unfortunately, USA no longer accepts refugees to travel with their pets with a silly excuse that they make the entry process longer and more costly. But, they are allowed to send their pets to the USA separately, by cargo companies or with someone else. Most of the refugees in Turkey are not well aware of your organization, they rarely speak fluent Turkish or English. I am just an insider trying to help these people. We have one Iranian lady, travelling to Texas on 18th of May. Her dog is less than 5 kilos, could be taken in the cabin. She is calling our office and crying almost every day, this regulation is very, very cruel, cargo companies charge extreme amounts like 2000 euros. The refugees wait for years in Turkey until they are accepted to US, and when the happy moment comes and they are leaving Turkey, they have to leave their pets behind. A brand new pain! Is there any solution? I can separately send a more detailed e-mail regarding this regulation, but for now please help us with this case. PLEASE HELP US. Thank you.
Eleni, this is so sad. Pets are family and it must be heartbreaking to be forced to choose between your own survival and that of your loved one. Yes, please contact us to see how we can help! And thank you for doing such a noble cause. Please email us at THETEAM@MYLETSADOPT.COM
Big hug!
What about Denmark …