“She was curled up near the rubbish bins and didn’t even move when we picked her up.”
Those were Belka’s rescuers first words when they started telling us her story. We don’t know how long she lay there by the bins. We don’t know what happened to her. We do know that she was rescued at the last possible moment and right now she needs all the help she can get.
Belka was rushed to our clinic where treatment for shock, dehydration and malnutrition was initiated. She is severely emaciated, has a massive infection, one of her ears is missing completely, she cannot open her mouth and requires a oesophagostomy feeding tube, and she is under 24-hr observation.
In order for the vet team to proceed, they must do further investigation. Belka urgently needs a CT scan and a biopsy so the possibility of her troubles being caused by a tumorous growth can be evaluated. If the missing ear was damaged by a tumor, the CT scan will show how deep it goes, has it metastasized into the bone structure or is it shallow and operable. A biopsy would additionally confirm or deny concerns of cancer. If these return a negative result, Belka may have a chance of full recovery.
Our request today is please, if you can, help this sweet cat urgently receive a CT scan and biopsy, and stay with us for updates as we fight for her life.

Belka is a gentle cat, she has already perked up, even started purring and asking for head rubs. She was incredibly lucky to have been rescued at the last moment, please now help us help her.
Please, donate today for Belka’s CT scan and biopsy.
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