Hope for Blue and Star is 2600 km Away!

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How Far Would You Go to Save a Life?

Thousands of kilometers from the nearest fully equipped veterinary clinic, Star and Blue were about to lose everything.  

Rescued in a small provincial town in Saudi Arabia, with no access to X-rays, blood tests or other necessary medical resources, limited veterinary assistance nearby and overwhelmed local fosters — their injuries sentenced them to certain suffering and probable death without help…

When we first looked into their mournful eyes, these two babies were as good as dead.




Ginger, requiring urgent assessment and possible surgery


The two cats are in urgent need of evacuation, examination and stabilization. A proper diagnosis must establish the extent of their injuries so treatment can be planned. Blue’s paralysis leads us to suspect a spinal injury and possible spinal nerve damage or compression. If the nerves are simply compressed and not severed, emergency surgical intervention could help prevent Blue from becoming paraplegic and forever losing the use of his hind legs. Star’s injury could be anything from physical to nerve damage, and he may need either recovery treatment or amputation.

Challenging the odds in the name of Life

We have found two incredible people, willing to travel the daunting 2600 km round trip and take the kitties to a veterinary medical facility in Riyadh, where they can receive qualified medical care.

Help us fund their trip, examination, diagnostics, treatment, hospitalization and future care!


These two poor souls fully depend on us. We are all they have. WE depend on our good supporters – YOU – to give to their rescue fund and follow their recovery all the way to loving homes. Let’s get these two lost souls the veterinary care they need. They urgently need your help!

Donate today towards Star and Blue’s rescue fund and stay with us for updates.

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VIDEO UPDATE | February 16, 2016

Watch live moments from the incredible trip of 2600 km that delivered Star and Blue to hope!


PHOTO UPDATE | February 16, 2016

See photos from the trip that got the two kitties to the big city!

Final check-up before the long trip
Final check-up before the long trip

Our volunteers took off with Star and Blue securely tucked away in the back of the car, their cages covered to spare them the stress.

Ready to leave for Riyadh
Ready to leave for Riyadh

The trip took hours and hours of driving, much of it during the night.

Driving through the night
Driving through the night

Just an ordinary rescue day in Saudi Arabia. Amazing moment!


Finally they arrived! Now Star and Blue can get the much needed medical attention at a facility which offers fully qualified veterinary assistance and has the required equipment to perform diagnostic tests and examinations.


Blue can now get help!
Blue can now get help!
Star’s leg can now be examined

Stay with us for results of the examinations, diagnostics and to find out the veterinary team’s prognosis for Star and Blue.

These two poor souls fully depend on us. We are all they have. WE depend on our good supporters – YOU – to give to their rescue fund and follow their recovery all the way to loving homes. Let’s get these two lost souls the veterinary care they need. They urgently need your help!

Donate today towards Star and Blue’s rescue fund and stay with us for updates.

Donate in US dollars:Paypal Donate

 Donate in Euro:Paypal Donate


UPDATE | February 17, 2016


The examination of Star
The examination of Star

The doctor established that baby Star has radial nerve damage, and there is no hope for saving his leg. An amputation — complete shoulder disarticulation — has been suggested as the most appropriate action. Cats can live quite happily on three legs as they are light, agile and can easily compensate for one missing limb.

Star is now getting buy xanax legal safe online some much deserved rest.

Finally some rest
Finally some rest


Blue is scared but brave
Blue is scared but brave
No visible damage to Blue's spine
No visible damage to Blue’s spine

According to the X-rays and examination the doctor has concluded that there Blue indeed has a spinal injury but that there is no visible vertebral bone damage. Blue has hindquarter paresis, and not a complete paralysis. Because we have no history on him before his rescue, it is difficult to guess the origin of the injury or assess when or how it happened. There is possible nerve compression causing the paresis, which may be alleviated to some extent with cage rest, large doses of vitamin B and corticosteroids.

The doctor reports deep pain reflex but no proprioception, and a delay in the patella reflex. This means that Blue does not have a very good sense of the relative position of his legs and the strength or effort he must apply to move them. The delayed patella reflex means that Blue also has trouble maintaining his posture and balance.


Blue’s backside is severely infected due to urine scalding as he must have spent an unknown period of time totally incontinent and dragging himself around. The area has been shaved and thoroughly cleaned.

The good news is bowl movements, and his toilet functions seem to be operational and he attempts to walk on his hind legs, albeit so far with minimal success. Blue is also trying to use the litter box, which is a great sign and give us hope for recovery. He has been stated on a stabilization complex and prednisolone. His appetite is great, CBC, blood chemistry, and other vitals are ok.

These two poor souls fully depend on us. We are all they have. WE depend on our good supporters – YOU – to give to their rescue fund and follow their recovery all the way to loving homes. Let’s get these two lost souls the veterinary care they need. They urgently need your help!

Donate today towards Star and Blue’s rescue fund and stay with us for updates.

Donate in US dollars:Paypal Donate

 Donate in Euro:Paypal Donate

UPDATE | February 18, 2016

Star is now officially a tripod! We could mourn the loss of his leg but we prefer to focus on the positive result of him now being free of a non-functioning limb, which was severely impeding him and would have caused his certain death on the streets.

Star's leg is prepared for surgery
Star’s leg is prepared for surgery
Sedated on the operating table
Sedated on the operating table
Expecting the surgeon
Expecting the surgeon
Surgery is successful
Surgery is successful

Star is recovering well, and we will soon have some post-op photos of his sweet furry face!

Star and Blue fully depend on us. We are all they have. WE depend on our good supporters – YOU – to give to their rescue fund and follow their recovery all the way to loving homes. Let’s get these two lost souls the veterinary care they need. They urgently need your help!

Donate today towards Star and Blue’s rescue fund and stay with us for updates.

Donate in US dollars:Paypal Donate

 Donate in Euro:Paypal Donate

Or become a sustaining member

Please share their story, comment and follow updates at our Facebook page, Let´s Adopt Global. Please write to us on adoptions@myletsadopt.com if you can adopt or foster one of them.

** Let’s Adopt! Global is a 501c3 charity and your donation is tax deductible. All funds will go towards Pamela’s care. Any remaining funds will go to support our other rescues and mission.

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4 comments on “Hope for Blue and Star is 2600 km Away!Add yours →

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  1. Praying for them. Will donate when I can. Thank you for being kind.

  2. So sorry I haven’t been able to donate much but the little I have been able to give is given with much love and hope for them both.

  3. Sharon cuson says:

    I highly commend you on what you do for these precious Angels and all the others. You are truely HEROS with hearts of gold. Bless you all..❤

  4. Wenda Eley says:

    The people who save these poor animals are truly wonderful. God bless you all.