He lost his home, his family and friends, his youth and even his droll puggy-face looks. Now, Bandit is sick, he is sick and the light has gone out of his eyes. Bandit has given up on a life not worth living.
When Bandit’s family saw the lumps and bumps develop on his skin, they took him to see the local vet. A fungal infection was diagnosed, in addition to tumorous growths which were gradually spreading over his small body. This was in May. Since that day, Bandit’s family never showed themselves again, they could not be contacted, they did not care about their pet dog anymore – for them Bandit was already dead. The vet continued to treat Bandit’s fungal infection out of compassion for the dog, but Bandit needed more. And so, over the following weeks, Bandit became a resident inpatient at this busy animal hospital.
On most days, all Bandit wants to do is sit in a corner by himself and stare into space. If he does move around, it is to try to relieve the infernal itching of his skin by rubbing himself on the cool tiles of the floor. He moans softly to himself as he flops his body from one side to the other, always seeking a cooler spot. Afterwards, Bandit retreats again, far away to an imaginary world where he cannot be reached. A kinder world, perhaps, one where he would be someone’s much loved companion in a happy home.
When Let’s Adopt Global heard about Bandit’s plight, we immediately decided to help this elderly little fellow back to health and high spirits. We are convinced that with the best medical care we can provide, plus some much needed human love and contact, fresh air and exercise, Bandit will improve right before our eyes.
We think Bandit’s about nine years old. Luckily, his heart, liver and kidneys are working great, although he does suffer from anemia. The tumorous growths are what’s worrying us, so a biopsy has been performed and we expect to have the results within a few weeks. Unfortunately, that’s as fast it can be done in Jakarta. In the meantime, Bandit needs a lot of personalized clinical care and human touch, because we have to treat the mind and the body, to ensure that his entire puggy-self is restored to well-being. Bandit is sad, terribly sad. We want to change that.
Can you find it in your heart to help us make Bandit the center of attention for the first time ever? With your support, we can heal Bandit in every way and then lead him to a life that he would consider worth living. Please help.***
UPDATE, November 23, 2015
Bandit has successfully arrived in the US. Unfortunately, he cannot continue on to France where his new family is waiting for him. Our little Bandit’s skin condition has had a relapse.

Upon arrival Bandit was swiftly taken for a vet checkup. Swab tests clearly showed the yeast and bacteria were back. Skin scraping results were negative for mange. The condition of Bandit’s skin seems to be a protracted and unsuccessfully treated fungal infection and may have become resistant to the medications klonopin used in Indonesia.

The good news is that Bandit is responding to the new medications – strong oral anti-fungal and medicated baths. According to the doctors his skin is typical of a chronic fungal infection, which over time can be very damaging. Severe fungal infections require months of treatment. Some medication can take a toll on the liver, so he is going to need periodic monitoring and blood tests to ensure the treatment is not affecting him in that way.
Another serious aspect of Bandit’s problems, which we can pay proper attention to now, is his teeth. They are in such a terrible state that almost every single one of them will have to be extracted. Serious teeth problems always cause and aggravate other health issues.
We are so relieved that we can provide Bandit with more advanced care. Veterinary doctors in Indonesia are battling tremendous challenges and having to work miracles in order to treat common conditions, as there is often no access to critical resources such as medication, or even medical and laboratory equipment, but that doesn’t deter us from trying to save as many as we can there.
Despite the sad state he continues to be in, Bandit can have a full recovery, so we are not giving up on him. Please don’t give up on him — donate to his treatment and hospitalization fund.
Donated for Bandit’s care.
How cruel to just leave him behind. Pets are family, and they’re meant to be kept forever. I hope Bandit gets better soon. I donated a bit, not much but I hope it helps.
So sad . please take care of him and give him love..
I just donated. Thank you for taking him in I’m so glad he is in good hands. I wish I could donate more. Please keep us updated on his progress. Good luck little guy!
I so hope his spirits are elevated, he is being loved after all…even from afar.
I really wish that he was in Florida because if he were my husband and I would take him in a heartbeat.
I would love to make Bandit part of me & my 7year old pug, Dolce’s life. I would love to give him all the love he deserves. If looking for a perminate home I would welcome him with open arms & pug love kisses.
Where is this dog??
He’s in Indonesia, but we can transport to anywhere for the right home at no cost to the adopter.
Where is he
He’s in Indonesia, but we can transport to anywhere for the right home at no cost to the adopter.
Has this dog been adopted yet?
We are speaking to a good candidate, yes. If you want please write to us on adoptions@myletsadopt.com so we can give you an update how that goes.
Thank you!
Any updates on Bandit?
Hi, Bandit is getting better, please find a recent update on him here: http://on.fb.me/1EDfemh
Thank you!
Hi, Bandit is adopted, we will be updating everyone with details soon.
Thank you for thinking of him!
I live in the USA is it possible to adopt him?
Hello Theresa, we are already speaking to a great candidate for Bandit. We have replied to your email as well, and would love to talk to you about adopting another furbaby.