Tidus Legacy

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The death of Pongo

This post is the story of the last day in the life of a dog. He had been crushed by a car. We named him Pongo.
Pongo died. But he didn’t die alone, he died having two amazing surgeons fighting for his life.
This post shows a few hours in the life of Let’s Adopt! Global; few hours that happened away from everyone’s eyes, there was no mention in our FB wall, nothing. There was no time for awareness or ChipIns or what have you, we had to rush to try to save a life.
Please keep reading, and if the message resonates in you, please share it in the end..

Pongo arrived to us after having been run over by a car. He was in shock, we proceeded to quickly stabilize him and we took some X-rays to see the extent of his injuries. The Xrays showed this, a multiple fracture of the hip.

We scheduled him to be operated the following morning.

A few hours later Pongo was substantially bloated. We feared the worst, sedated him again and run a catheter up his ureter to visualize the route taken by his bodily fluids. What we discover left us frozen…

When the hip got broken, the fragments of snapping bone acted like a blade, literally shredding his bladder to pieces. Pongo’s urine was not being discharged normally, instead it was being released all inside his body.

We opened immediately,  quickly searched the location where his bladder should have been, and our fears were confirmed. The bladder was destroyed.

It was a desperate situation. First we had to drain all the fluid stored in Pongo’s cavities.


There was not much time to think… the only alternative was to proceed a salvage procedure consisting in surgically implant the two ureters, coming from the kidneys onto the colon, and have the liquids discharged that way. It was a daring move, but the only one that could save Pongo’s life.

This is just a detail of how that procedure happened and the final result.


The procedure was a success, Pongo had a viable evacuation system, now we could only hope for the best.

Sadly, it couldn’t be… As we reorganized Pongo’s organs we could finally contemplate the state of his intestines… They were the intense red that showed widespread coagulation.

We had some hope his intestines would heal with time, but alas, it didn’t happen. Pongo made good progress through the night but died with the sunrise.

The life of a young dog — a dog that had a full journey ahead of him — terminated because of a tragic traffic accident.

Now, the question… why did I tell you this story with such level of detail? Two reasons:

1. To show you that medecine is not a exact science. Sometimes you deal with a condition only to have that life taken away by another related problem. There are thousands of factors to consider, small details and nuances that can mean the difference buy ambien online between life and death, and in the end, whether the animal survives or not doesn’t really depend on us. We can only do our best work, to fight with all our resources, but in the end, the battle is won, or lost, by the animal.

2. Anyone involved in animal rescue or that has had the misfortune of having his own animal operated in an emergency procedure such as this one knows the costs involved. Many times private families are not willing or able to meet those costs. Let’s Adopt! has a very simple policy, to save the life, at whatever the cost, if there’s hope. Each and every one of our rescues are given full chances from a medical point of view. And for those medical treatments, we pay dearly. And we do so, because we we treat our rescues exactly in the same way we would treat a family member. Life is priceless, for us there is no economical consideration whilst we are fighting for the life of an animal. Our protocols are designed to reduce waste and to maximize life saving but we will never compromise a life because of lack of funds.

We can only do this thanks to the contributions of our members to our Simba Fund. We usually run individual fund raisers to cover the treatments of a number of animals that we manage to feature through our page. Whatever is left from those treatments goes back to the fund, and those reserves are what allow us to treat animals like Pongo.

Pongo’s medical bill was covered with funds that were left from the incredible outpour of support of our members that rallied to support Tidus. Those reserves have saved many lives in the last few weeks.

Pongo’s is not the only one that received a chance thanks to Tidus legacy. A surprising number of animals that didn’t have the chance to be profiled publicly received and are currently receiving treatment thanks to those funds. Animals like Flea, Luck (Suerte), Aigua (Water), Mickey Mouse, Pipo, Arnie, Narco, Gipsy, Paquita, Adele, Donnie, Jack and many others received this type of medical attention because of it.

Let’s Adopt! Global is an amazing community, capable of achieving miracles, and this is only possible thanks to the constant and sustained contributions of our members. I dare in saying there is NOTHING like it in the world, an incredible network of good acting on behalf of the animals. Like it or not, we are building something amazing, day after day, a group performing daring feats, assisting other organizations and individual rescuers in cases that they find impossible to handle. Turning around the lives of the animals, forever.

This is who we are, this is what we do… and this is Tidus Legacy….







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5 comments on “Tidus LegacyAdd yours →

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  1. Thanks for all you do. Please check into osteopathy cranial sacral that techniques can induce a still point reboot the underlying organ of the body, the nervous system. That tool added to what you are doing can give the critical an added boost to make it. Also look into homeopathics, bach rescue remedy, fes flower and gem essences, austealuan essences used in Australian hospitals, Alaska essences, etc. These are added tools that stimulate the nervous system, release traymas, enhance immune. Check out http://www.upledger.com. Also colloidal silver, hemp oil, acidophilus, bragm amino acids, hemp oil, fish oil, homeopathic nosodes. For example, with Tidus, a stillpt osteopathic induction every few hrs, with nuage combo formula biosalt homeos, tomato vibration to shatter disease, colloidal silver, bach rescue, tidal wave essence by ak, etc, and can be in water, put on lips, pulse pts, dabbed on side of lips. All enhance electrical circuits of body that bridge ns to soul.

  2. Keep going! It is always worth the effort to try to save a life. says:

    Keep going! It is always worth the effort to try to save a life.

  3. When you do all that you can to save animal, but the animal dies anyway, you have not failed. That animal knew love and compassion in those last minutes, and that makes it a success. For an animal to die alone and miserable is the failure.

  4. Pam Thompson says:

    sometimes it is crueller to put an animal through the stress and pain of lengthy operations, rather than offer euthanasia. Animals have no concept of death. They do not know that they are about to die, they only know that they are terrified and in agony and that they are now being given blessed peace. Operating on severely traumatic injuries seems nothing more than sentimentality and using the animal as training for vets. Trying to save one severely starved dog when every vet knows it is unlikely to survive as it’s body has already started to eat muscle (the heart) and shutting down vital organs. WHY on earth would you prolong the inevitable? COMPASSION NOT SENTIMENT!!! I’d have more respect and be happy to give a donation if this was the case. And of course, in the name of all those too far gone to save, education. Take this site with all the photos into schools and teach Spanish brats that their cruel parents are wrong and that ALL living things belong to God and deserve respect and kindness! And I speak as a devoted animal lover who has devoted my life to animals.

  5. For all those people who are touched by the story of Tidus, please upload a video on youtube and give an update.